Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Оценка 4.6

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Оценка 4.6
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английский язык
11 кл
Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Презентация к уроку английского языка "Шаги к пониманию культуры", подготовлена к защите проектов учеником 11 класса на тему "Музыка как вид искусства". Данная презентация может быть использована учителями на уроках английского языка. Презентация содержит много полезной информации как для ученика, так и для учителя

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Music as an art form 11th grade student Ramazanov E.N., Eminkhyur 2018

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Etymology (origin) of the word Music - from the Greek. μουσική, adjective from grech. μούσα - muse - the art of music. Who are the muses? 1) “Myths of the peoples of the world” - take note of the article “Muses” (archaic and classical, for which they are responsible, as depicted), 2) Hesiod "Theogony" - the functions of the Muses: Muses? gods? 2.1. When and why does the narrator address the 2.2. What role do the muses play in the life of the

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Xun-Tzu (316-236 BC) "About music" • “Music is a source of joy, and joy is peculiar to man; a person cannot live without joy, when he rejoices - this finds its expression in his head and manifests itself in his actions. The essence of a person, the timbre of his voice, behavior - all this is manifested in music! Therefore, a person cannot do without music, but music cannot but have an appropriate expression. If not to direct this expression of music, there will be a mess. ”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Xun-Tzu (316-236 BC) "About music" • “Music is related to the relationship of man to man. Therefore, animals and birds know the voices, but do not know the musical sounds. And only noble people can know music. therefore • you need to learn to understand voices in order to understand musical sounds, • you need to understand musical sounds in order to understand music, • need to understand the music to understand the policy. Only in this case there will be enough knowledge for the correct leadership. ”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Cassiodorus (6th century AD) • “Music is a science operating with numbers that are somehow created in its sounds ...”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Francisco Solinas (1519-1550, Spain), "7 Books On Music" • “Music that pleases only the senses is perceived only by the ear and does not require the participation of the mind; such is the singing of the birds ... This music is irrational, like the feeling from which it comes and to which it appeals. And in essence, it cannot even be called music, since we say “The birds are singing” - in the same sense as we say “Meadows and waters laugh” ...

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Francisco Solinas (1519-1550, Spain), "7 Books On Music" • Music, which has only reason in its subject, can be understood, but it is not audible. By such music can be understood the ancient Musica mundana and Musica humana; its harmony is perceived not through the pleasure of hearing, but only through the knowledge of the mind: it does not give a mixture of sounds, but a ratio of numbers. • The middle between the two and the other music is the one that is perceived by the ear, and the mind is discussed. This is what the ancients called musica instrumentalis. ”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
I.T.Korenev, deacon of the Sretensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, Musikiya 1671 • “Music is a harmonious art and the most elegant division of voices, a certain knowledge of differences, a knowledge of proper, melodious and dissonant voices, which are revealed in differences within coherence. • Music is a second philosophy and grammar that measures voices in steps, just as in verbal philosophy or grammar there are rules for using words, syllables and their properties, phrases and reasonings, knowledge and names of elements, all their properties and power. • Also, music that has all degrees of voices, brings to affection or joy a collection of sounds, like eloquence or philosophy, pleasing the ear. ”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) "The most intrusive art form"

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Edgar Warez (1883-1965) “Music is organized sound "

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Victor Zuckerkandl (USA, mid. 20th century.) • “Music is a demonstration of the nature of nature in some of its aspects, and therefore the world without music is unknowable (incomprehensible)” • “Music is an ideal dynamic model of the world”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
What is music? “- a type of art, the main expressive means of which is an organized sound, reflecting at a high artistic level representations of a certain culture about the world and man”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Music in the culture system • Phase 1 - non-isolation of artistic activity from the syncretic integrity of the activity of primitive man, respectively, non-separation of music into a separate art form; • Phase 2 - the gradual differentiation of various activities, the isolation of art, its division into different types. (since the era of ancient civilizations) (from the 17th century). • 3 phase - differentiation of layers, genres, directions within music (cross-cutting line). • Emancipation of music from the synthesis of arts

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Expressive means of music • Sound characteristics - ??? • Height (defined) - is all sound characteristic? • When is determined • Duration • Timbre • What comes first?

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Expressive means of music • The ratio of heights - harmony • The ratio of durations - the rhythm • Melody - the ratio of ... ??? • Instrumentation, arrangement - the ratio of .... ???

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Is the development of music unilinear?

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Types of metrhythmic systems • 1. Free rhythm / • intonation rhythm system • 2. Quantitative (time-measuring) rhythm systems (ancient meters, maqam / mugham) • 3. Qualitative (regular accent) rhythm system (clock)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Many modal systems • Diatonic (major major, Lydian, Phrygian, Dorian, etc., frets) • Pentatonic • Chromatics • 22 htonovye systems of ancient India • Many unreflected narrow band systems

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Timbre systems

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
Charles Ives (USA, 1874- 1954) • “The fabric of existence is interwoven into one. You cannot hope, by pushing art into a corner, that it will be vital, real and significant ... It is born directly from the core of the experience of life, reflections on life and its existence. ”

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)

Презентация "Music as an Art form" (11 класс)
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