Презентация к уроку английского языка "Моя будущая профессия", подготовлена к защите проектов учеником 11 класса на тему "Шаги к карьере". Данная презентация может быть использована учителями на уроках английского языка. Презентация содержит информацию о профессии стоматолога, об истории данной професии ...
My future
profession is a
The presentation is prepared
by the11th grade student
Ramazanov Elman
Dentistry in ancient
Dental treatment involved since the time of Hippocrates. Various
painkillers, forceps for tooth extraction are not an invention of the
modern world. For example, in the Middle East in 500 AD people
used a toothbrush called a miswak. In Russia, dentistry began to
develop thanks to Peter I. The first school that trained dentists
opened in St. Petersburg in 1881.
Modern dentistry
• Nowadays, dentistry is:
• 1) High-tech equipment;
• 2) High-quality drugs;
• 3) Beautiful and comfortable clinics.
Why is being a dentist
• Any doctors in our time are needed by the
world. According to statistics, the most
popular professions now are:
• 1) Teachers;
• 2) Doctors;
• 3) Military.
• Many seek to be beautiful. But even the
most gorgeous dress will not look without
a charming smile. Dentists will fix it easily.
What is the work of the dentist?
• 1) Examination of the oral cavity;
• 2) Treatment and removal of teeth;
• 3) Hygienic cleaning of teeth, whitening;
• 4) The manufacture of prostheses and
What qualities are required for
• First of all, most people are afraid to visit
the dentist. Each patient needs to find
their own approach.
Required qualities:
• patience;
• steady character;
• lack of fastidiousness;
• tact.
Where and how much are
trained at the dentist?
• A dentist is trained at the Medical
University at the Faculty of Dentistry. The
dental profession is prestigious, highly
paid and in demand. The only
disadvantage is that it takes 8 years to
study as a dentist.
What is the training?
• Training includes a general course - 6
years and an internship and residency -
another 2 years. During study, you need to
choose and master one of the specialties:
dentist-therapist (caries treatment,
aesthetic procedures) dentist-surgeon
(pulling teeth, doing operations)
orthopedic ( prosthetics, teeth
restoration), orthodontist (bite correction),
periodontologist (gum treatment),
children's dentist.
What salary do dentists
• The salary of dental specialists is
increasing every year. On average, now
dentists receive about 44 thousand rubles.