Презентация по английскому языку "Present Simple/Present Progressive" (5 класс)
Оценка 5

Презентация по английскому языку "Present Simple/Present Progressive" (5 класс)

Оценка 5
Презентации учебные
английский язык
5 кл
Презентация по английскому языку "Present Simple/Present Progressive" (5 класс)
Данная презентация разработана для 5 класса. В ней указаны случаи употребления данных времен, формы их образования, примеры. А также данным упражнения по данным темам. После того, как дети сделают упражнения, в презентации даются правильные ответы, по которым дети могут легко и быстро себя проверить. Презентация украшена картинками, и детям не будет скучно, просматривая ее.Презентация к уроку
разработка урока 5 класс Кравченко.ppt

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Использование презентаций Power

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УМК В.П. Кузовлева «Английский язык 5 класс»

УМК В.П. Кузовлева
«Английский язык 5 класс»
Unit 5 «Adventures in Travel»

Welcome to Present Simple and Present

Welcome to Present Simple and Present

Welcome to Present Simple and Present PROGRESSIVE

Present Simple

Present Simple

Present Simple

I We They You He She It like likes

I We They You He She It like likes





Always, every day
often, usually, sometimes

Put « s » where it is necessary

Put « s » where it is necessary

Put « s » where it is necessary

She in Omsk.
They at the stadium every week.
Pete at school.
My mother every day.
They cats.
They often in the swimming pool.
I up at 7 o’clock every morning.
He home happy.
My mother exercises in the evening.



















Make interrogative sentences using the following words

Make interrogative sentences using the following words

Make interrogative sentences using the following words.

1. we, to, go, school, Do?
Do we go to school?
2. do, school, Why, go, to, you?
Why do you go to school?
3. live, do, you, Where?
Where do you live?
4. she, watch, does, TV, Why?
Why does she watch TV?
5. she, to, swimming, Does, pool, the, go?
Does she go to the swimming pool?

Make negative sentences using the following words

Make negative sentences using the following words

Make negative sentences using the following words.

coffee, She, drink, doesn’t.
She doesn’t drink coffee.
2. She, in, evening, doesn’t, the, read.
She doesn’t read in the evening.
3. football, he, like, every, doesn’t, day.
He doesn’t play football every day.
4. I, don’t, Italian, speak.
I don’t speak Italian.
5. doesn’t, his, day, every, he, help, mother.
He doesn’t help his mother every day.

Present Progressive

Present Progressive

Present Progressive

The cat is sleeping. The kitten is playing

The cat is sleeping. The kitten is playing

The cat is sleeping.

The kitten is playing.

The dog and the kitten are running.

At the moment

I am drawing.

I am travelling now. They are beginning to read

I am travelling now. They are beginning to read

I am travelling now.

They are beginning to read.

The car is stopping now.

She is getting the flowers.

The cat is humming.

Answer this question. What is he doing now? is fishing

Answer this question. What is he doing now? is fishing


to fish –

Answer this question.
What is he doing now?

is fishing.

to write – to read – is writing is reading

to write – to read – is writing is reading

to write –

to read –

is writing

is reading

to open – to speak – is opening is speaking

to open – to speak – is opening is speaking

to open –

to speak –

is opening

is speaking

to sleep – to jump – to dance – is jumping is dancing is sleeping

to sleep – to jump – to dance – is jumping is dancing is sleeping

to sleep –

to jump –

to dance –

is jumping

is dancing

is sleeping

They are talking They are going by car

They are talking They are going by car

They are talking

They are going by car.

What are they doing now?

Fill the gaps using the right form of the verb 5

Fill the gaps using the right form of the verb 5

Fill the gaps using the right form of the verb

5.They … jump….

3.They … danc….

1.The lion … walk….

4.He … sleep….

2. Winnie …ski…

Choose the right verb for each gap

Choose the right verb for each gap

Choose the right verb for each gap

Look! The girl _____________ her homework.

My parents _________________ TV now.

At the moment I ______________ computer games.

The children _______________ to school.

I _______________ an interesting book now.

They _______________ .

are dancing

is doing

am reading

are watching

am playing

are going

My grandfather…book now. 2. Look!

My grandfather…book now. 2. Look!

1. My grandfather…book now.
2. Look! They…tennis.
3. Child…books every day.
4. They always… TV.
5. My sister…up at eight o'clock.
6. My mother… a salad at this moment.

a. reads
b. is reading
c. are playing
d. watch
e. is cooking
f. works
g. gets

Match the two parts of the sentences




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