The writing on the topic:
"My future profession ..."
Student gr. 417
Nikiforov Denis
Teacher Bolt S.V.
Short description
The modern world is entirely based on the metal. Without it you can not
build highrise buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in the
home, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal expert joining
metal parts in complex structures using electric welding, always
required, which is why I chose the profession WELDER.
Welder a
responsible, almost
virtuoso, the quality
of which it depends
on many things the
durability and
resistance of
constructions, work
and life of various
The history of the profession:
The time of occurrence of the
profession can be regarded as a
welder in 1802, when V. Petrov
discovered the effect of the electric
arc, in the event that the two
carbon electrodes, creates a high
temperature. This temperature is
so high that it allows the metal
melt. Since this discovery and to its
industrial application has passed a
considerable period of time.
But decades later, the metal
compounds by electric way
revolutionized various sectors of
industry, construction and materials
became a mass connection
technology ...
The social significance of
the profession in society:
Welding works are used in
many industries. Welders
working on construction
sites, creating structures
and systems of various
communications, in an
industry where use their
experience and skills in
mechanical engineering,
shipbuilding and other
fields, such as energy, oil
refining industry,
It's hard to call this segment of production, which
would not work welder used.
Тhe uniqueness of the
Welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: Welder
manual arc welding, gas welder, operator of automatic welding machines.
The workers of these professions involved in one thing a compound of
metal structures, complex vehicles, parts, components by fusing metals.
From welders skill depends on the quality of welds. Any errors, negligence,
allowed to work, may lead to catastrophic consequences. One shudders to
think what might cause poor quality welding work on the oil or gas
pipelines. Welder professional should know electronics, metal melting
technology, the properties of gases, used for antioxidation, methods and
principles of used machines and equipment. Of great importance is
compliance with safety and health regulations.
The risks of the profession:
The advantages of the profession include the prestige and the high demand in the
labor market, both in the public sector, and private. Young specialists, has just
graduated from college, the work does not have to look for a long time she finds
them herself. Welders without experience willing to accept in the housing and
utilities sector, in particular the organization of the service sector. With the
acquisition of experience, they are entrusted more responsible business and work
in the industry and on construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases. Cons
profession heavy working conditions, work on public construction sites in any
weather, a large load on the eyes due to the high brightness of the electric arc,
infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Welders refer to professions "hot shop" due to
the high hazard of production due to the high emission of gas and heat for
Where a profession:
Trained profession welder can be
in vocational schools and
colleges. The training is 3 years
and 10 months on the basis of 9
classes and 2 years and 10
months on the basis of 11 classes
on specialties "welder electric
welding and gas welding works."
I for profession welder chose
"Kingisepp college of technology and
service," in which training period is
3 years and 10 months.