Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
Оценка 4.8

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Оценка 4.8
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Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
К празднованию дня Победы обучающийся 11 класса Бойчук Вячеслав подготовил презентацию по английскому языку "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны". В этой презентации говорится об участии Советского Союза во второй мировой войне, о плане "ОСТ", об печальных итогах войны.

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
In the Soviet Union during World War II

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
The Second World War that unfolded over vast areas of Europe, Asia and Africa, was the greatest tragedy of human history. In the orbit of hostilities were drawn 1.7 billion. People (80% of the population), and 61 countries. The war claimed 60 million. Lives (5 times more than in the First World War).

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
prerequisites war prerequisites war The main premise of the outbreak of the Second World War (1939-1941 gg.) Was the outcome of the First World War (1914-1918 gg.). The losing party was Germany and its allies, which the victorious powers put all the responsibility for the war. According to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Germany was severely restricted in the armed forces, forced to pay huge sums of "reparations" in favor of the victorious countries, as well as some deprived areas (Alsace, Lorraine, West Prussia with the city of Danzig).

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
prerequisites war prerequisites war These problems also impose global economic crisis 20-ies., Caused in many countries of the world the consequences of war and expressed in mass unemployment, hyperinflation and a dramatic impoverishment of the middle strata. Response to the crisis in some European countries began to rise in popularity of fascist movements calling for the centralized nature of the state and the country's military buildup.         As a result, in January 1933, in Germany came to power of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
Adolf Hitler

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
Plan "Ost" Plan "Ost" The adopted before the start of the war with the  USSR plan "Ost" in respect of Slavs and Jews  to be annihilated 30 million. Pers. and the  deportation of 50 million. pers. Siberia and  Africa. The remaining population was planned  to turn into labor for the German colonizers.        Thus, the impending war was planned in  relation to the peoples of the Soviet Union as a  war of extermination.

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"

Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
The outcome of the The outcome of the warwar The Second World War was the bloodiest in human history. Its main result was to defeating the aggressive fascist powers, aims to not only re-division of the world, but also the establishment of world domination by the enslavement of entire peoples and even the destruction of a number of ethnic groups (genocide). Disappeared two historical focus militarism - German (Prussian) in Europe and Japan in the Far East.          The greatest losses suffered in this war the Soviet Union. 27 million. Soviet citizens were killed, died of wounds, died in captivity, tortured in concentration camps. Destroyed 1,710 towns, more than 70 thousand. Villages, about 32 thousand. Factories, accounting for 30% of the national wealth of the USSR (not counting the cost of evacuation and recovery of the national economy). Was deformed age, gender, family and marital structure: the men born in 1923 survived only 3%, and hundreds of thousands of women have not been able to create a family.

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Презентация "Советский Союз в годы II мировой войны"
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