Презентация по английскому языку "СССР во II мировой войне" была выполнена обучающимся 11 класса Чубановым Вячеславом к очередной годовщине празднования Дня Победы. Данная презентация рассказывает о начале II мировой войны, о присоединении Прибалтики, о нападении Германии на СССР, об итогах войны.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
The Soviet Union in World War II
Чубанов Вячеслав 11«А»,
Secondary school 41, Kurgan
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland.
Britain and France declared war on Germany,
World War II began.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
In the new international context of the USSR
embarked on a SovietGerman agreements.
September 17, after the defeat of the Germans
the Polish army and the fall of the Polish
government, the Red Army entered Western
Belarus and Western Ukraine.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
September 28, 1939 was signed the Soviet
German treaty of friendship and the border,
which recognized the land as part of the Soviet
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
Simultaneously, the Soviet Union insisted on
agreements with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,
having the right to place their troops on their
territory. In these republics under the presence
of Soviet troops were held legislative elections,
which were victorious communist forces. In
1940, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania became
part of the Soviet Union.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
The Great Patriotic War June 22, 1941, Nazi
Germany invaded without declaring war on the
Soviet Union. In 3 hours 30 minutes in the
morning, when the Nazi troops were
prearranged signal "Dortmund", according to
the Soviet border outposts and fortifications
was suddenly suffered an artillery strike, but
after a few minutes the enemy hordes invaded
the Soviet Union.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
A large force of German aviation brought down
thousands of tons of deadly cargo on Soviet
airfields, bridges, warehouses, railways, naval
bases, lines and communication nodes on the
sleeping city. In the border areas of the country
zabusheval giant firestorm.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
For the Soviet people began a brutal and
incredibly oppressive Great Patriotic War.
Invading army numbered 5.5 million. People,
about 4,300 tanks and assault guns, 4,980
combat aircraft, 47,200 guns and mortars.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War a
great feat of the Soviet people.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
Russia has lost more than 20 million people.
Destroyed hundreds of towns, 70,000 villages.
Fight against fascism demonstrated
convincingly that feat in the name of the
Motherland is the norm for soldiers and home
front workers. On the SovietGerman front was
destroyed or taken prisoner 607 enemy
divisions, while the AngloAmerican forces
defeated the 176 divisions of Germany and her
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
Soviet troops destroyed and most of the
personnel and military equipment of the enemy.
During World War II behind enemy lines operated
6,200 partisans, who fought in over 1.1 million
people, and fought more than 220 thousand
underground. During the war, accomplished a
feat rear workers who supplied the army with
everything necessary. "Everything for the front,
everything for victory" a slogan that guided the
elderly and young people, women, have taken the
place of the departed to the front men.
Презентация "СССР во II мировой войне"
Winners soldiers of the army and the rear
every year is running out, takes its time, and the
inexorable laws of nature. That is why today is
so important to remember the glorious deeds
half a century ago and to the attention of
everyone who helped defeat the Nazis.
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