Презентация студенческой работы на английском языке к открытому мероприятию "Фестиваль профессий и специальностей" для студентов 2-3 курсов содержит 12 информационных слайдов и объясняет значение наиболее часто встречаемых профессиональных терминов и актуальность профессии "Мастер по обработке цифровой информации" для различных областей техники.
A prof.of master of processing digital inf..pptx
Master of processing of
digital information
Prepared by Karpova
Ekaterina group
The Personal Computer (PC) is an universal
technical system, able to perform the sequence of
operations of a specific program.
An operating system (OS) is the most important
program that is installed in the computer first and
provides data exchanging between a computer and a
human (examples of OS Windows, Linux).
RAM (randomaccess memory) – a volatile part of
system memory, which temporarily stores data and
commands necessary for the processor to perform
A virus (computer) is a harmful program that enters the
computer more often from the Internet or from the infected
drive. It performs harmful actions, not allowing to work
normally. It is destroyed by the programsantivirus.
Programming is the process of creating any
computer programs.
A system administrator (he is an IT administrator) is a
specialist that supports the correct operation of computer
hardware and software, and is also responsible for
information security of an organization.
A web designer is a person of the creative
profession, combining the skills of an artist, a
programmer and a creator.
A hacker is a person who makes various kinds of illegal actions
in the field of computer science: an unauthorized entry into other
people's computer network and obtaining information from them;
an illegal release of software products and its copy; creation and
dissemination of computer viruses, etc.
The creation of the car
Creating a phone
Computer creation
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