Презентация по английскому языку "Великобритания" была выполнена обучающимся 11 класса Чубановым Вячеславом в рамках проектной деятельности. Презентацию можно использовать при изучении темы "Страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Страны, столицы, крупные города. Государственные символы. Географическое положение. Климат. Население. Достопримечательности. Культурные особенности: национальные праздники, памятные даты, исторические события, традиции и обычаи."
Secondary school № 41
The United Kingdom of Great
The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
Britain and Northern Ireland
hoobanov Vyacheslav,
CChoobanov Vyacheslav,
9 «A» class, Kurgan
class, Kurgan
9 «A»
Great Britain an island nation in northwest
Great Britain an island nation in northwest
Europe. United Kingdom one of the largest
Europe. United Kingdom one of the largest
countries in Europe, nuclear power, a permanent
countries in Europe, nuclear power, a permanent
member of the UN Security Council. Heir to the
member of the UN Security Council. Heir to the
British empire, the largest in history, and existed
British empire, the largest in history, and existed
in the XIX early XX centuries. Capital the city
in the XIX early XX centuries. Capital the city
of London, one of the largest cities in Europe and
of London, one of the largest cities in Europe and
a major global financial center.
a major global financial center.
The state consists of four "historical provinces":
The state consists of four "historical provinces":
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The form of administrativeterritorial structure
The form of administrativeterritorial structure
aann unitary state, although three of the four
unitary state, although three of the four
historic provinces (except England) have a
historic provinces (except England) have a
significant degree of autonomy.
significant degree of autonomy.
The state is located in the British Isles in the
The state is located in the British Isles in the
Atlantic Ocean. Washed by the North, Irish,
Atlantic Ocean. Washed by the North, Irish,
Celtic and Hebrides seas. Southeast coast is only
Celtic and Hebrides seas. Southeast coast is only
35 km from the northern coast of France, which
35 km from the northern coast of France, which
are separated by the English Channel.
are separated by the English Channel.
The area of the UK is 243,809 square kilometers,
The area of the UK is 243,809 square kilometers,
of which land 240 579 square kilometers, inland
of which land 240 579 square kilometers, inland
waters 3230 km².
waters 3230 km².
Greenwich Observatory in London is a place of
Greenwich Observatory in London is a place of
passage of the prime meridian.
passage of the prime meridian.
The total population of the UK was 63,181,775
The total population of the UK was 63,181,775
person, fifth place in the Commonwealth of
person, fifth place in the Commonwealth of
Nations and 21 th in the world in terms of
Nations and 21 th in the world in terms of
The official language is English UK West
The official language is English UK West
Germanic language, coming from the Old
Germanic language, coming from the Old
English, which had a large number of borrowings
English, which had a large number of borrowings
from Old Norse, Norman, French and Latin. The
from Old Norse, Norman, French and Latin. The
English language has spread throughout the
English language has spread throughout the
world largely due to the British Empire and
world largely due to the British Empire and
became the international language of business,
became the international language of business,
and the most common second language learners.
and the most common second language learners.
In England there is a church with the status of
In England there is a church with the status of
state the Church of England, which is a secular
state the Church of England, which is a secular
head of the the British monarch. Church of
head of the the British monarch. Church of
England one of the local churches belonging to
England one of the local churches belonging to
the Anglican community, which has its spiritual
the Anglican community, which has its spiritual
leader, Archbishop of Canterbury.
leader, Archbishop of Canterbury.