Проект на тему "Canada"
Оценка 4.9

Проект на тему "Canada"

Оценка 4.9
Проект на тему "Canada"


         rhe first people to come ro Car„'da               t:etween S 000 and

30.000years ago across a land bridge that Sortt• America. Around AD 2000. the reached Newfoundland. Canada. He rned estaÞhsh settlement.

but 't didn est.

In the 16th century. French arrá British arrived land disputes between farmers ondfur traders Jed wars 2689 and 1763. Thefinal canes the *reach an:

left the British in control of Canada, bur F,encn   remains eæn

'n :1867, Ontario, Quebec. NOVO Scotia. and pew aruns•vick combined to form its parliament, and mimster t.•'arnrobayogëd soon after In

1932. conadã



Canada a vast anti rugged land. From north to south it spans more than half the Northern Hemisphere. From east to west it stretches almost 4.700 miles (7,560 kilometers) across six time zones. It is the second largest country in the world, but it has only one-half Of one percent Of the world's population. Canada features black-blue lakes, numerous rivers. majestic

western mauntaine& roiling central plains, and forested eastern

The Canadian Shield. hilly region Of lakes and swamps, str'tches across northern Canada On Earth.and has some ot the oidest rock:

Canada's far north liesin the frozen grip Of the Arctic. where ice, snow, and glaciers dominate the landscape. Few trees here, and farming is not Native Canadians, called First Nations people, live in this region hunting and


n some ways Canada is many nations in one. Descendents ofBritish and French immigrants make up about half the• population. They were followed by Other European and

Asian immigrants. First Nations peoples make up about four percent Ofthe population.

Inuit people live mostly in the Northwest Territories and

Nunavut. Many Native Canadians live on theirtradit'oni:

lands, bur many others have moved to cities across

Canada. First Nations artwork is widely recognized and

Canadian culture

HISTORY rhe first people to come ro

HISTORY rhe first people to come ro
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