Промежуточная аттестация 7 класс по английскому языку
Оценка 4.9

Промежуточная аттестация 7 класс по английскому языку

Оценка 4.9
английский язык
7 кл
Промежуточная аттестация 7 класс по английскому языку

Контрольно – измерительные материалы для

промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку

в 7 х классах



Работа включает в себя 2 раздела.

Первый раздел- лексика и грамматика, второй раздел- чтение. На выполнение работы по английскому языку даётся 40 минут.

Лексика и грамматика

В задании № 1 поставить глагол во время the Present Simple or the Present Continuous - 5 баллов

В задании № 2 закончить предложения, поставив  much/many - 5 баллов

В здании № 3 необходимо заполнить пропуски в тексте во времени the Past Simple or the Past Continuous – 5 баллов

В здании № 4 построить предложения в First Conditional – 6 баллов

В здании № 5 из предложенных слов составить предложения в First Conditional – 4 балла

В здании № 6 поставить прилагательное в правильную степень сравнения – 6 баллов



Задание № 7 - на понимание текста- 11 баллов


Система оценивания выполнения отдельных заданий и работы в целом


Каждый верно написанный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.


Максимальный балл за выполнение работы по английскому языку в рамках промежуточной аттестации – 42 балла.


Таблица перевода баллов в отметки по пятибалльной шкале


Отметка по пятибалльной шкале












70- 89


до 50













Task 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous


1 - "Don’t talk so loudly!" — "I ………………................... (not / to talk) loudly".

2 - He.................................. (to know) all about the film.

3 - He ................................. (not / to work) on Sundays.

4- I ......................... (to think) she ...................... (to be) very pretty.

5 - No, I…………………………to my cassettes, I…………………………… a bath. (not listen / have).


Task 2 Use much/many for making questions.


1 How ________ butter?

2 How________ people?

3 How_________ teeth?

4 How________ meat?

5 How________ emails?


Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous


1.      They ______________ (play) with the dog when I _______________ (see) them.

2.      Jill _____________ (work) in the garden when it ________________ (begin) to rain.

3.      The teacher ______________ (correct) tests when the postman _______________(ring) the bell.

4.      Fred ___________ (go) home and ____________ (have) a shower.

5.      ______Mandy _____________ (play) the piano while Jack ______________ (do) his homework?

6.      Where _____you _______ (go) yesterday when I _____________ (see) you?



Task 4  Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets


1 I (to see) John / I (to tell) him your news.


2 He (to be) very pleased  / it (to be) really  true.


3   he (to go) to town on Monday / he (to meet) my brother Tom.


4 I (not / to require) an umbrella / it ( not / to rain).


5 We (to have) a picnic lunch / the day (to be) fine.


6 she (to catch) the bus now / she (to arrive) at half past nine.



Task 5 Complete the sentences. Use Conditional I

1)     Will / people / if / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat.


2)     if / I / cycle to work / is  fine/ will / the weather


3)     my mum / will/ she / if / burn the food / cooks


4)     if / the grass / rains / get wet / it / will



Task 6 Complete these sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets

1 London is _____________________________________ (expensive) city I know.

2 Let’s go to the cinema. It’s ________________________________ (exciting) watching a DVD.

3 I hate this song! It’s _________________________________(bad) one in the charts.

4 The people here are ___________________________________ (friendly) in my old town.

5 Charly is ___________________________(tall) boy in our class.

6 I’m ____________________________________(good) my brother at playing draughts.


Task 7 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).


Boy George usually stays in bed on Saturday, but last week he sold clothes in a shop. Actor Jeremy Irons sold flowers. And who did this man buy his knives and forks from? Uri Geller? It was all right.

       Last Saturday, shoppers in Covent Garden in London had an unusual day. For 12 hours over 300 stars from television, pop music, sport and the cinema worked in shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants in Covent Garden. More than 100,000 customers came to see them.

       Actress Kelly Hunter organized everything. The idea was simple. People came to see the stars, they bought things and and the shop owners gave 5 per cent of the money to charity. But the stars didn’t only sell things. They signed thousands autographs and gave kisses to their fans. In other shops, customers met boxer Frank Bruno, the Bishop of California, TV cook Delia Smith and many others.

        One hundred policemen were there, but there was no trouble. It was a good day for everyone. Fans got autographs and kisses from their favourite stars, the shops got a lot of new customers and the end of the day more than f 100, 000 went for charity.


  1. Covent Garden is in London. ______
  2. Boy George works in a clothes shop every Saturday.______
  3. There are only clothes shops in Covent Garden.______
  4. All the stars were actors and actresses.________
  5. Kelly Hunter organized everything._______
  6. The shop owners gave all their money to charity.______
  7. Frank Bruno is a boxer._______
  8. The police arrested two people.________







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Контрольно – измерительные материалы для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в 7 х классах

Контрольно – измерительные материалы для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в 7 х классах

Task 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the

Task 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the

Task 6 Complete these sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets 1

Task 6 Complete these sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets 1
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