Промежуточная аттестация для 9 класса по учебнику "Enjoy English" М.З.Биболетовой, Денисенко О.А, Трубаневой Н.Н. Проверяет знания учащихся в конце года. Может быть использована в качестве годовой контрольной работы или промежуточной аттестации. Восьмой год обучения. I вариант. IV четверть. Конец года.
9 класс вариант 1.docx
педагогическим советом
«СОШ №1»
Протокол №__________
педагогического совета
Директор МБОУ «СОШ №1»
Сидоренкова И.В.
Тестовое задание
по английскому языку для проведения промежуточной
аттестации в 9 классе (вариант 1)
1. Translate:
support __________________ protect______________________
contrary__________________ prohibit_____________________
equal____________________ confident____________________
2. Fill in the correct preposition.
1) We get __________ with each other very well.
2) I don’t put _________ with a society that supports smokers.
3) My sister put ____________ her red dress.
4) I’ll get ______________ at the next station.
5) She is still trying to get _______________ her cold.
3. Fill in the gaps with to when necessary.
1) We can _________ resolve conflicts peacefully.
2) You should _________ listen to other people.
3) It is possible _________ prevent war.4) We want _______ live in peace.
5) My father let me __________ use his mobile phone.
4. Complete the sentences with the word on the right in its appropriate form.
1) He can communicate ___________________ . (successful)
2) She is a very ___________________ person. (tolerance)
3) The ______________________ was important because it could prevent wars. (declare)
4) Every person has the right to _____________________ . (equal)
5) My ideas ______________ from your ideas. (different)
5. Match the synonyms.
1) to disagree ____ a) to be tolerant
2) freedom ____ b)cruelty
3) to respect ____ c) liberty
4) violence ____ d) to rest
5) to relax ____ e) to have different values
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