Данная поурочная разработка предназначена для активизации грамматических навыков (Present Simple, конструкция There is/are) и так же для повторения и активизации лексического материала раздела 2. Задания даны в доступной форме, различного типа: повторение предлогов, лексики раздела 2, комнат дома и учить составлять вопросы и отвечать на них.
Ц е л и : активизация грамматических навыков (Present Simple, конструкция
There is/are); повторение и активизация лексического материала раздела 2.
S t a g e s
I. Introduction.
II. Practice (Grammar and lexical review).
K e y s :
1. 1)
2) b) I wash my face and hands in the bathroom
c) I watch TV in the living room.
d) I go to bed in the bedroom
e) I do my homework in my room.
2. 2) Billy is under/above the table.
3) Martin is behind/between the chair and the armchair.
4) Rocky is above/under the table.
5) Wendy is under/behind the armchair.
6) Dino is next to/above the clock.
3. 1) There is a kitchen and three bedrooms in the house.
2) There is no picture in the hall.
3) Is there a pantry in the house? – Yes, there is.
4) Are there any books in the bedroom?
4. 1) Is there a bathroom in your flat? – Yes, there is.
2) Is there a bed in your room? – Yes, there is.
3) Are there any chairs in your room? – Yes, there are.
4) Is there a fireplace in your living room? – No, there isn’t.
5) Are there any pictures in the hall? – No, there aren’t.
5. house, bed, chair, desk, clock, window, carpet, pictures.
Д о п о л н и т е л ь н о : Translate the words into Russian.
1) armchair (кресло);
2) fireplace (камин);
3) kitchen (кухня);
4) pantry (кладовка);
5) wardrobe (шкаф);
6) between (между);
7) in the middle of (в середине);
8) shelf (полка);
9) above (над);10) in the right corner (в правом углу).
After this work the teacher can write the keys to the test on the blackboard and
pupils check up their works.
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