В рабочей тетради содержится лексический, тематический и грамматический материал, который может быть использован для самостоятельной работы обучающимися 1 курса колледжей. Тематика заданий соответствует темам рабочей программы. Работа над темой проходит по этапам: перевод, написание транскрипции и заучивание лексического материала; последующее закрепление при чтении и переводе текста и при заучивании диалога.Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса СПО
Activity Book
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для организации самостоятельной
работы по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса групп НПО и СПО.
Она содержит задания на развитие коммуникативной компетенции по
основным темам курса. Речевые клише, тематические тексты с заданиями,
диалоги и грамматические упражнения позволяют закрепить изученный
2Пояснительная записка
В последние годы все больше внимания уделяется самостоятельной
работе учащихся в процессе обучения, в частности в обучении иностранным
языкам. Это связано со многими факторами, в том числе с тем, что в
современном динамичном постоянно изменяющемся мире недостаточно
обладать какимто определенным количеством знаний. Человек должен уметь
самостоятельно пополнять свои знания, заниматься самообразованием.
Способность к самообразованию в области английского языка
приобретает особую актуальность, так как английский язык используется
представителями большинства профессий и именно знание английского языка
способствует успешной социализации выпускников.
В целом,
можно сказать,
что развитие самостоятельности,
формирование навыков самостоятельной работы – являются одной из
приоритетных задач в работе современного преподавателя иностранного
Подобранный материал способствует развитию у студентов всех видов
речевой деятельности и соответствует содержанию рабочей программы.
1. Рекомендации по выполнению упражнений. ……………………. стр. 5
2. Тема №1: Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества,
профессии). ……………………………………………………….. стр. 6
3. Тема №2: Межличностные отношения…………………………..стр. 10
4. Тема: № 3: Моя семья ……………………………………………стр. 14
5. Тема № 4: Человек, здоровье, спорт. ……………………………. стр. 19
6. Тема № 5: Мой рабочий день. ……………………………………стр. 23
7. Тема № 6: Мой выходной день. ………………………………… стр. 26
8. Тема № 7: Мой родной город. ……………………………………. стр. 29
9. Литература ……………………………………………………… стр. 32
4Рекомендации по выполнению упражнений.
1. Работа с лексическим материалом (vocabulary): найдите в словаре
транскрипцию незнакомых слов, выпишите в тетрадь. Прочитайте и
запомните данные слова и выражения.
2. Работа с текстом: прочитайте, подчеркните слова, относящиеся к
активной лексике раздела, переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы.
3. Работа с диалогом: прочитайте диалог, обращая внимание на
произношение и перевод, составьте аналогичный, опираясь на активную
лексику и текст.
4. Работа с грамматическими упражнениями: повторите грамматический
материал по темам: «Употребление артикля», «Неопределённые
местоимения и их производные», «Формыглагола to be», «Степени
сравнения прилагательных», «Формы глагола to have», «Предлоги места
и направления».
5Тема № 1: Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества,
1. 1. Vocabulary
to get acquainted with [ ___________ ]
to introduce oneself [ ___________ ]
Let me introduce myself.
[ ___________ ] ___________
first name [ ___________ ]
for short [ ___________ ]
My name is Edward, Ned for short. ___________
My name is .../ I am called ... [ ___________ ] ___________
I was called after my father. ___________
surname (family name) [ ___________ ] ___________
patronymic (middle name) [ ___________ ] ___________
to be born [ ___________ ] ___________
I was born on the 1st of May, 1975. ___________
age [ ___________ ] ___________
teens [ ___________ ] ___________
to be in late teens___________
How old are you? ___________
I am not 20 yet. / I am under 20. ___________
to look young (old) for one’s age___________
to come from ___________
I come from Belarus.
to reside [ ___________ ] ___________
permanent residence___________
I reside in Belgorod. ___________
to move from ... to ... ___________
6to finish / leave school [ ___________ ] ___________
I have finished school with gold medal this year. ___________
preparatory department [ ___________ ] ___________
Last year I entered the preparatory department of our University. / I became a
student of the preparatory department. ___________
to do well in smth at school ___________
to be good at smth___________
I am good at foreign languages. ___________
to be fond of smth [ ___________ ] ___________
to go in for smth___________
What do you do?/ What is your occupation? I am a student. ___________
Who are you? I am Ann. /I am his sister. ___________
to serve in the army [ ___________ ] ___________
single [ ___________ ] ___________
to be married [ ___________ ] ___________
Have you got a family of your own? [ ___________ ] ___________
to consist of [ ___________ ] ___________
My family consists of three members. ___________
1. 2. Text
About myself
My name is Helen. Let me introduce myself. I’m Helen Galachinskaya. I
was born on the 23 of December 1993 in Aktobe. My sign of the zodiac is
Capricorn. Capricorns are generally serious about whatever they do. Capricorns are
downtoearth. It is wrong for me because I’m usually emotional and active. My
life is very diverse. I think that I have a charitable nature, I always help people. I’m
usually calm, but sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad.
I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humor. I’m sensitive because I can’t
control my emotions, and I can easily be hurt. I’m hardworking and ambitious. I
set high goals for myself and I work hard to reach them. I’m sociable, so I have got
a lot of friends. I appreciate people’s honesty, frankness and politeness. I don’t like
when people are rude and aggressive.
When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with long waved hair
and big beautiful eyes. I like my eyelashes, they are thick. I have a snub nose, a
happy smile and a slim figure.
I have got some hobbies. I’m always very busy but when I’m free I like to
read books. I think books help me to continue my education. In my opinion, books
are a source of romantic feelings and emotions. I enjoy reading books about life or
7modern love stories, but I hate reading detectives. I think it’s just a waste of time. I
also love music. My favorite types of music are dance music, hiphop, rock and
alternative music. I like to draw. I study at art school and take lessons of painting
there. I often buy paper, brushes, paint and watercolours. We make sketches
outdoors and draw landscapes and people, pets and still life. I’m also a
photographer. I like to take photos.
Sometimes I play different sport games. My favorite games are "freeze",
basketball, tennis and volleyball. I don't like to watch TV, but I do it from time to
time. I often go for a walk, to the mall or cinema with my friends or my boyfriend.
As for my future life, I want to be an architect and a designer. I am going to
build the house of my dream!
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is your name? ________________________________________
2. Where and when were you born? ______________________________
3. How old are you? __________________________________________
4. Have you got a family? ______________________________________
5. How many people are there in your family? ______________________
6. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family? _________
7. Where do you live? _________________________________________
8. Did you study well at school? _________________________________
9. What school did you finish? __________________________________
10.Did your teacher of English help you to choose your future profession?
11.What was your favorite subject? _______________________________
12.What do you like to read? ____________________________________
13.What sport do you go in for? _________________________________
14.What are you going to be? ____________________________________
1. 3. Dialogues
Hello, George. Pleased to meet you.
How are you?
Hi, Nick. I'm fine, thanks. And how
are you?
Thanks, not so well.
Здравствуй, Джордж. Рад тебя видеть.
Как жизнь?
Привет, Ник. Я в порядке, спасибо. А
ты как?
Спасибо, не очень.
How do you do, Mr Brown? It's nice
to meet you. I'm Dick Smith, your
new student.
How do you do, Nick. Glad to meet
you too. Where are you from?
I'm from Brighton.
Здравствуйте, мистер Браун. Рад
встрече. Я Дик Смит, ваш новый ученик.
Здравствуйте мистер Смит. Я тоже рад
Вас видеть. Откуда вы приехали.
Я из Брайтона.
Hello, Kate. This is my friend, Fred
Hello, Fred. Glad to meet you. I'm
Hello, Kate. How nice to meet you. Привет Кэт. Рад знакомству.
Привет, Фред. Приятно познакомиться.
Я Кэт.
Привет, Кэт. Это мой друг, Фрэд Блэк.
1. 4. Grammar review
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. My ... friend has to get up early in ... morning because he goes to ... school.
That's why he usually goes to ... bed early in ... evening. 2% ... weather was very
bad in ... morning yesterday. ... sky was grey and it was raining. But in ... middle of
... day ... weather began to change. ... rain stopped and ... sun appeared from behind
... clouds. In ... afternoon it was very warm. I did not want to stay at ... home and
went into ... yard. There were ... boys and ... girls in ... yard. We played in ... yard
till late in ... evening. When I came ... home, I drank ... tea, ate ... sandwich and
went to ... bed at once. I slept very well at ... night.
Вставьте предлоги in или to.
1. We did not want to stay ... town on such a hot day, so we went ... the country. 2.
It is very late: Go ... bed at once. 3. Where is your little sister? She is ... bed.
Mother always puts her ... bed at eight o'clock. 4. In summer my mother does not
go ... work and I don't go ... school. We live ... the country. My father goes ... work
9every day, so he stays ... town. But sometimes he comes ... the country after work
and goes back ... town early in the morning, when I am still ... bed. 5. In winter I
usually go ... bed at ten o'clock because I learn ... school and have to get up early.
Тема № 2: Межличностные отношения
2. 1. Vocabulary
Родство Relations
Члены семьи Members of the Family
brother [ ___________ ] ___________
daughter [ ___________ ] ___________
wife [ ___________ ] ___________
mother (разг. mum, mummy) [ ___________ ] ___________
husband [ ___________ ]
father (разг. dad,daddy) [ ___________ ]
parents [ ___________ ]
sister [ ___________ ]
spouse [ ___________ ]
son [ ___________ ]
Прародители – Ancestors
grandmother (ласк. grannie) [ ___________ ]
grandfather (ласк. granddad) [ ___________ ]
grandparents [ ___________ ]
great grandmother [ ___________ ]
great grandfather [ ___________ ]
Потомки – Descendants
grandson [ ___________ ]
grandchildren [ ___________ ]
10granddaughter [ ___________ ]
Родственники – Relatives [ ___________ ]
close [ ___________ ]
distant [ ___________ ]
cousin [ ___________ ]
uncle [ ___________ ]
soninlaw [ ___________ ]
brotherinlaw [ ___________ ]
stepmother [ ___________ ]
sisterinlaw [ ___________ ]
stepfather [ ___________ ]
stepdaughter [ ___________ ]
stepson [ ___________ ]
nephew [ ___________ ]
niece [ ___________ ]
stepsister [ ___________ ]
stepbrother [ ___________ ]
daughterinlaw [ ___________ ]
fatherinlaw [ ___________ ]
aunt [ ___________ ]
motherinlaw [ ___________ ]
Прочие – Others [ ___________ ]
twins [ ___________ ]
widow [ ___________ ]
widower [ ___________ ]
baby [ ___________ ]
fiancé [ ___________ ]
fiancée [ ___________ ]
bride [ ___________ ]
bridegroom [ ___________ ]
bachelor girl [ __________ ]
by marriage (e.g. to have a child by first marriage)
offspring [ ___________ ]
teenager [ ___________ ]
divorced [ ___________ ]
child (pl. children) [ ___________ ]
orphan [ ___________ ]
11bachelor [ ___________ ]
married couple [ ___________ ]
spinster [ ___________ ]
2. 2. Text
My Best Friend
No doubt, everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend but not all of
us are lucky enough to find one. Frankly speaking, I’m rather sociable, that’s why I
have many friends. As for me I’m happy with my friends. Firstly, I don’t have “fair
weather” friends. Secondly, all my friends are very pleasant people, and I’m never
bored with them.
My best friend is Masha. We study in the same group and though she doesn’t live
next door we manage to spend much time together. In appearance she is very
attractive. She has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and
a pleasant smile. So people and, of course I, find her smart. Besides, Masha is
known for her warm and friendly character. She is usually openminded and
interested in other people. More than that, she is considerate, supportive and
responsible. I can always turn to her whenever I’m in trouble, and she never fails to
I’d like to point out, that Masha is rather brainy, and that’s why she is excellent at
In general Masha is loyal, trustworthy, tactful and great at keeping secrets. For me
it is very important that my best friend is an honest girl. I can fully rely on her and
trust her everything. To tell the truth, we have never let each other down.
In conclusion I’d like to add, that my friend is an interesting person. She is well
read. Her favourite foreign author is Julian Rowling and her creation Harry Potter.
Besides, she is keen on modern music and enthusiastic with sport.
To sum up, “A good friend is like the sun in winter”, it’s about Masha. I’m the
happiest girl in the world, because I have such a wonderful friend.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Who is your best friend? _______________________________________
2. Where does your friend study? __________________________________
3. How does your friend look like? _________________________________
4. What kind of sport does your friend like? _________________________
5. How did you make friends? ____________________________________
6. What do you have much in common? ____________________________
7. Do you like to spend your free time with your friends? ______________
8. Can you call all your friends faithful? ____________________________
9. Is the sense of humour important in friendship? _____________________
10.What are the hobbies of your friends? ____________________________
2.3. Dialogues
Excuse me, Jack, what's your
friend's name?
His name is David.
Where is he from?
He is from Cardiff. Why?
You see, I'm from Cardiff too. Best
regards to him.
Shall I introduce you to him?
Do, please.
Извини Джек, как зовут твоего друга?
Его зовут Дэвид.
Откуда он родом.
Он из Кардифа. А что?
Видишь ли, я тоже из Кардифа. Мои
лучшие пожелания ему.
Представить вас друг другу.
Да, пожалуйста.
Good bye, Helen. Hope to see you
again soon.
Good bye, John. Best regards to
your sister.
До свидания, Элен. Надеюсь мы скоро
увидимся вновь.
Пока, Джон. Мои наилучшие пожелания
твоей сестре.
2.4. Grammar review
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
It was... hot day. ... sun was shining brightly in ...blue sky. ... wolf and ... lamb met
at ... stream. ... water in ... stream was cool and clear. ... wolf saw that ... lamb was
fat and wanted to eat it. He began to shout: "You, ... fool, you are making ... water
dirty!" ... lamb was afraid. It looked at ... wolf and said in ... thin voice: "But, ...
Mr. Wolf, I cannot make ... water dirty for you from ... place where I am standing,
because ... stream runs from you to me." "Stop talking!" shouted ... wolf in ...
angry voice. "I know you! I met you six months ago, and you were very rude to
me." "You are wrong, ... Mr. Wolf," cried ... lamb, "you could not meet me six
months ago: I am only four ... months old." "Never mind," said ... wolf, “if it
13wasn't you, it was your brother." And with these ... words he seized ... poor lamb
and carried it into ... wood.
Вставьте предлоги at или on.
1. I get up ... seven o'clock or ... a quarter past seven. 2. ... Sunday I usually get up
... nine o'clock or half past nine. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only
... noon. 3. Lev Tolstoy liked to get up... sunrise. 4. Our lessons are usually over ...
twenty minutes to two. 5. They returned from the wood... sunset. 6. I began writing
my composition ... seven o'clock and finished only ... midnight. 7. My birthday is
... the ninth of July. 8. The school [ year begins ... the first of September. 9. ... the
twentyfifth of December people celebrate Christmas.
10.... Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework.
Тема № 3: My Family
3. 1. Vocabulary
Род занятий – Occupation
attorney, barrister, lawyer, solicitor
[ ___________ ]
actor, actress [ ___________ ]
chemist [ ___________ ]
architect [ ___________ ]
ballet dancer [ ___________ ]
banker [ ___________ ]
unemployed [ ___________ ]
librarian [ ___________ ]
businessman [ ___________ ]
accountant [ ___________ ]
military man [ ___________ ]
guide [ ___________ ]
doctor, physician [ ___________ ]
housewife [ ___________ ]
journalist [ ___________ ]
editor [ ___________ ]
designer [ ___________ ]
painter [ ___________ ]
14medical nurse [ ___________ ]
manager of the joint venture company
mechanic [ ___________ ]
musician [ ___________ ]
researcher [ ___________ ]
children’s nurse, babysitter [ ___________ ]
army officer [ ___________ ]
barber [ ___________ ]
hairdresser [ ___________ ]
singer [ ___________ ]
old age pensioner [ ___________ ]
interpreter/ translator [ ___________ ]
writer [ ___________ ]
cook [ ___________ ]
firefighter [ ___________ ]
policeman [ ___________ ]
dressmaker [ ___________ ]
tailor [ ___________ ]
postman [ ___________ ]
conductor [ ___________ ]
computer programmer [ ___________ ]
shop assistant/ salesman [ ___________ ]
worker [ ___________ ]
shoemaker [ ___________ ]
secretary [ ___________ ]
metalworker [ ___________ ]
plumber [ ___________ ]
toolmaker [ ___________ ]
fitter [ ___________ ]
employee [ ___________ ]
carpenter [ ___________ ]
watchman [ ___________ ]
builder [ ___________ ]
steward(ess), air hostess [ ___________ ]
customs officer [ ___________ ]
printer [ ___________ ]
coach, trainer [ ___________ ]
15charwoman, office cleaner (вучрежд.) [ ___________ ]
scientist [ ___________ ]
teacher [ ___________ ]
farmer [ ___________ ]
photographer [ ___________ ]
surgeon [ ___________ ]
choreographer [ ___________ ]
artist [ ___________ ]
watchmaker [ ___________ ]
schoolboy [ ___________ ]
schoolchildren [ ___________ ]
schoolgirl [ ___________ ]
driver [ ___________ ]
economist [ ___________ ]
electrician [ ___________ ]
3. 2. Text
My Family
I am Zhilin Andrey. Andrey is my name and Zhilin is my surname. I am
seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is
not large. I have got mother, father and grandmother. There are four of us in the
First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology.
She works in a school. She likes her profession. She is a goodlooking woman with
brown hair. She is 44 but she looks much younger.
My father is programmer. He is fortysix. My father often sings and when we are at
home and have some free time I play guitar and we sing together. He is also handy
with many things. When he was small he liked to take everything to pieces. My
grandmother told me a story that once my father tried to repair their kitchen clock
but without success. They had to give it to a repairman. But it happened a long
time ago. Now he can fix almost everything.
My parents have been married for 18 years. They have much in common,
but they have different views on music, books, and films. For example my father
likes horror films and my mother likes soap operas. My father is fond of tennis.
My mother doesn’t go in for sports.
My parents are hard working people. My mother keeps house and takes care
of my father and me. She is very good at cooking. My grandmother is a pensioner.
She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.
16I want to become a student. I’d like to learn foreign languages. I always try to be in
a good mood.
We have got a lot of relatives.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Is your family large or small? _____________________________________
2. How many people are there in your family? __________________________
3. How old is your mother? _________________________________________
4. What does your mother do? ______________________________________
5. How old is your farther? _________________________________________
6. What does your father do? _______________________________________
7. What’s your father like? _________________________________________
8. Have you got any sisters or brothers? _______________________________
9. What is my father fond of? _______________________________________
10.What kind of films do your parents like? ____________________________
11.My mother is very good at cooking, is not she? _______________________
12.Does our grandmother live with us? ________________________________
13.What is my grandmother fond of? __________________________________
3.3. Dialogues
Слушай Джеки, у тебя есть своя семья.
Look Jake, have you got a family of
your own?
Oh, no, I'm not married yet. I live
with my parents.
Is your family large ?
I don't think so. My parents have got
only two daughters.
And which of you is the eldest?
It's me. I'm twenty.
How old is your younger sister? I
wonder what her name is?
Susan. She's a lovely girl. She is ten. Сюзанна. Она прекрасная девочка. Ей
It's a pleasure to have such a young
sister, isn't it?
Certainly. She's the apple of my eye. Конечно. Глядя на нее, я всегда
О нет, я еще не замужем. Я живу с
У вас большая семья?
Не думаю. У родителей только две
И кто старше?
Я. Мне двадцать лет.
Сколько лет твоей младшей сестре? Как
ее имя?
десять лет.
Приятно иметь такую маленкую
Tom, who is this goodlooking,
chestnuthaired young lady?
Oh, it's my sister.
And who is this pretty girl with rosy
plump cheeks and a turned up nose?
It's her elder daughter, my niece.
Well, you have such pleasant
looking relatives.
Thank you.
Том, кто та прелестная молодая леди с
каштановыми волосами?
А, это моя сестра.
А кто эта красивая розовощекая
девушка с вздернутым носиком?
Это ее старшая дочь, моя племянница.
У тебя такие симпатичные
3.4. Grammar review
Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из слов, данных в скобках.
1. We haven't ... black stockings (no, any). 2 They have ... red boots, Kate (any,
no). 3. I don't want... today, thank you (nothing, anything). 4. "I haven't got ...
clean exercisebooks, Mother," said the boy (any, no). 5. "We shall not buy ... in
this shop, children," said the mother (nothing, anything). 6. Didn't you buy ...
potatoes yesterday (any, no)?
17.1 didn't see ... in the street when I went out (anybody, nobody). 8. We did not
play ... games in the yard because it was raining all day long (no, any). 9. There
is ... at home (anybody, nobody). 10. How much did you pay for these boots? I
didn't pay ... (nothing, anything). They are a present from my grandmother. 11.
Have you lost ... (anything, nothing)? No, nobody here has lost .. (nothing,
Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму прилагательного.
1. Which is (large) _________: the United States or Canada? 2. What is the name
of the (big) _________ port in the United States? 3. Moscow is the (large)
_______ city in Russia. 4. The London underground is the (old) ___________ in
the world. 5. There is a (great) _________ number of cars and buses in the streets
of Moscow than in any other city of Russia. 6. St. Petersburg is one of the (beau
tiful) _______ cities in the world. 7. The rivers in America are much (big)
________ than those in England. 8. The island of Great Britain is (small)
18_____________ than Greenland. 9. What is the name of the (high) ___________
mountain in Asia? 10. The English Channel is (wide) _________ than the straits
of Gibraltar. 11. Russia is a very (large) _________ country.
Тема № 4: Человек, здоровье, спорт
4. 1. Vocabulary
• Wembley — стадион Уэмбли в Лондоне
[ ___________ ]
• the Derby — Дерби [ ___________ ]
• Wimbledon — Уимблдон [ ___________ ]
• cricket — крикет [ ___________ ]
fair — нечестный, несправедливый [ ___________ ]
• un
• to attract attention — привлекать внимание [ ___________ ]
• crowd — толпа [ ___________ ]
• to Support — поддерживать, болеть [ ___________ ]
• football ground — футбольное поле [ ___________ ]
• fan — болельщик [ ___________ ]
• amateur — любительский [ ___________ ]
• rugby football — регби [ ___________ ]
• next to football — на следующем месте после футбола
• chief — главный, основной [ ___________ ]
• spectator sport — зрелищный вид спорта [ ___________ ]
• racing — бега (конские, собачьи и пр.) [ ___________ ]
• boatrace — гребные гонки [ ___________ ]
• tournament — турнир [ ___________ ]
• innumerable — бесчисленный [ ___________ ]
• degree — степень, уровень [ ___________ ]
• helpless — беспомощный [ ___________ ]
• extremely — чрезвычайно [ ___________ ]
• able — умелый [ ___________ ]
• to toboggan — кататься на санях, санках [ ___________ ]
4. 2. Text
19The British are known to be great sportslovers, so when they are neither
playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we
play now have come from Britain.
One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools,
colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer
without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of
behaviour. When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say «That isn't
But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the
greatest attention is football, or soccer. Every Saturday from late August till the
beginning of May, large crowds of people support their favourite teams in football
grounds. True fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their
team play. International football matches take place at Wembley.
Rugby is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs. Next to
football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horseracing. A lot of people are
interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The
Derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the whole world.
Britain is also famous for motorcar racing, dogracing, boatracing, and even
races for donkeys. The famous boatrace between the teams of Oxford and
Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.
A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at
Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain
are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of
skill — from practically helpless to the extremely able.
The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grasshockey. Various
forms of athletics, such as running, swimming, boxing are also popular. You can
sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course the English
weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good
season for hunting and fishing.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Are the British fond of watching sport games? _______________________
2. What kind of sport is especially associated with Britain? ______________
3. What is cricket for an Englishman? ________________________________
4. What is the most popular game in the world? ________________________
5. Where do the Cup finals take place? _______________________________
6. Is rugby played by professionals? _________________________________
7. What kinds of racing are popular in Britain? ________________________
4.3. Dialogues
Fay: Jerry, could you show me how to hold the racket?
Jerry: Sure Fay, it's just like shaking hands. Hold your hand out as though you were
going to shake my hand...
Fay: Do you mean like this?
Jerry: Right, like that. Then put the racket in your hand, like this.
Fay: So now I'm ready to hit the ball!
Jerry: Remember what I told you. There are two types of swings, the forehand and
the backhand.
Fay: I remember. You told me hitting a forehand, starting on my right, is like
hitting a ping pong ball.
Jerry: Exactly. Why don't you try one now. Ready? Hit this!
Fay: Oops! I missed it completely!
Jerry: That's okay, try again. This time, keep your eye on the ball.
Fay: Keep my eye where?
Jerry: It's just an expression. "Keep your eye on the ball" means watch the ball
Fay: Oh, I see. Let me try again...
Jerry: Here comes another ball... Wow! You hit it over the fence! You're a very
powerful lady.
Fay: I guess I need to practice more.
Jerry: Sure, but with a bit of practice, you'll be able to keep the ball in the court.
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
4.4. Grammar review
1. What is your height? You are taller than me. ____________________________
2. She felt as strong as her brother. ______________________________________
3. We started earlier than you. __________________________________________
4. He was more careful than I. __________________________________________
5. This student is the most attentive in our group. ___________________________
6. I need a warmer coat. _______________________________________________
217. He is as tired as you. _______________________________________________
8. He was one of the most experienced workers at the factory. ________________
9. Better late than never. ______________________________________________
10. She was not so attractive as her mother. _______________________________
11. His work is not so difficult as mine. __________________________________
12. He was the eldest in the family. ______________________________________
13. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river. __________________________
14. This is the smallest room in our flat. __________________________________
Вставьте somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody.
1. Has ... in this group got a dictionary? 2. ... left a magazine in our classroom
yesterday. 3. The question was so difficult that ... could answer it. 4. I am afraid I
shan't be able to find ... in the office now: it is too late. 5. ... knows that water is
necessary for life. 6. Is there ... here who knows French? 7. You must find ... who
can help you. 8. ... knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it.
9. I saw ... in the train yesterday who looked like you. 10. There is ... in the next
room. I don't know him. 11. Please tell us the story. ... knows it. 12. Is there ... in
my group who lives in the dormitory? 13. Has ... here got a red pencil? 14. ... can
answer this question. It is very easy.
Тема № 5: Мой рабочий день
5. 1. Vocabulary
• to get up – вставать [__________ ]
• to wake up – просыпаться [ ___ ]
• to make one’s bed – заправлять
кровать [ ___________ ]
• to do morning exercises – делать
утреннюю зарядку [ ________ ]
• to wash face and hands – умываться
и мыть руки [ ___________ ]
• to clean teeth – чистить зуб_____ ]
• to take a shower – принимать душ [
___________ ]
• to brush – расчёсываться [ ___________ ]
• do dress oneself – одеваться [ ___________ ]
22• to have breakfast – завтракать [ ___________ ]
• to have dinner – обедать [ ___________ ]
• to have supper – ужинать [ ___________ ]
• to go to college by bus (on foot) – добираться в колледж на автобусе (пешком)
• to have 6 lessons a day – иметь 6 уроков в день
• to miss – скучать [ ___________ ]
• to return home – возвращаться домой [ ___________ ]
• to have a rest – отдыхать [ ___________ ]
• to do home task – выполнять домашнее задание [ ___________ ]
• to go for a walk – ходить на прогулку [ ___________ ]
• to go to bed – ложиться спать [ ___________ ]
5. 2. Text
My working day
I usually start my day with getting up and doing all things that everybody
does in the morning: washing, having breakfast, etc. Also, I got used to gather my
learning tools: pencils, exercise books, and textbooks in the morning. Then I
usually go to the college.
Fortunately, father takes a car every morning and he often picks me up and
drives me to the doors of our college building.
And soon the lessons begin.We have 6 lessons every day. I like studying in
the college more than in the school.
After the lessons I usually return home where I have dinner and start
thinking about my ways of spending the rest of the day. Very often I go to my
friend's places. During the early autumn and summer I often go to the sports
ground or on the beach. I also like visiting different sports events, for example,
soccer matches. So, the world is full of enjoyable things to do.
On returning home I usually start doing my homework (perhaps, it is the
most dull part of the day). Having finished it, I open a book and read it or watch
TV. At last, I go to the bed.
Of course, I would like to tell you more about my working day, and myself
but, unfortunately, my time is rather limited and I have got a lot of homework to
do. Generally, now you know about my working day enough.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When do you usually get up on your working day? ___________________
2. What do you do in the morning when you get up? ___________________
3. What do you have for breakfast? __________________________________
234. How much time does it take you to get to your school? _______________
5. Do you have dinner at home or at school canteen? ____________________
7. Do you often go to the library? __________________________________
8. When does your family have supper? _____________________________
9. Do you go in for sports? ________________________________________
10. When do you usually go to bed? _________________________________
5. 3. Dialogue
A: When do you usually get up?
B: I get up at 7 o’clock every day.
A: It is difficult for you to get up early, isn't it?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Do you make your bed?
B: I try to make my bed.
A: What do you have for breakfast?
B: I usually have bread and butter and a cup of tea or coffee.
A: When do you go to college?
B: I go to college at 8 o’clock.
A: Where is your college?
B: It is situated not far from my house.
A: How long does it take you to get to the college?
B: It takes me half an hour.
A: When do you go to bed?
B: I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.
5.4. Grammar review
Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere.
1. I put my dictionary ___________ yesterday and now I can't find it __________
Of course, that is because you leave your books _____________ . 2. You must go
__________ next summer. 3. Did you go ___________ on Sunday? 4. Let's go
___________ . The weather is fine. I don't want to stay at home in such weather.
5. I cannot find my glasses ___________ . I always put them ____________ and
then look for them for hours. 6. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people.
There are flags, banners and flowers _____________.
24Вставьте глагол to have в Present, Past или Future Simple.
1. They (to have) __________ a big house in the country.
2. My friend (to have) _________many interesting books.
3. She (to have) _________ a good map of London tomorrow.
4. John (to have) ________a good work last year.
5. These pupils (to have) _________four lessons next Tuesday.
6. These students (to have) __________five exams yesterday.
7. We (to have) ___________a beautiful picture.
8. His mother (to have) _________a nice garden.
9. He (to have) __________a large family.
10. You (to have) __________a dictation today.
Тема № 6: Мой выходной день
6. 1. Vocabulary
— до [ ___________ ]
soon as — как только [ ___________ ]
• till
• as
• to buy — покупать [ ___________ ]
• department — отдел [ ___________ ]
• goods — товары [ ___________ ]
• baker's — булочная [ ___________ ]
• also — также [ ___________ ]
• dairy department — молочный отдел [ ___________ ]
• to extend knowledge – расширять знания [ ___________ ]
• to be fond of smth. – любить что либо [ ___________ ]
• leisure time – досуг, свободное время [ ___________ ]
• to be keen on – увлекаться чем либо [ ___________ ]
to air — проветривать [ ___________ ]
Zoo — зоопарк [ ___________ ]
funny — смешной [ ___________ ]
to spend — проводить [ ___________ ]
to do shopping — делать покупки [ ___________
6. 2. Text
My day off
25When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can interest
and amuse us. There are several ways to do this. In big cities it's often difficult to
decide where to go in the evening. If we want to go out there are a lot of theatres,
cinemas and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time. (But in small
towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of
actors from a big town to show plays.)
People who are fond of music join a musical section where they are taught to
play different instruments.
Those who like to dance join a dancing section. People who are interested in sports
can join sport sections such as tennis, basketboll, chess and others.
And, of course, all the people use radio or television. They switch on the radio set
or TV set and choose the program they like best of all. People who are interested in
sports listen to or watch football and basketball matches. Everyone likes to see
skating and dancing on the ice. Some people like music. They listen to concerts of
modern and old music, new and old songs and see dances. Television helps us to
"visit" different lands, see fish and insects, lakes, rivers and seas. We are shown
different countries, cities and people who live there. On TV people could even see
both sides of the Moon. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the
world. All that we can do at home. So I think, that ways in which leisure time can
be spent are different and interesting!
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What days of the week do you like and why? _______________________
2. What time do you get up on Sunday? ______________________________
3. What do you do in the morning? __________________________________
4. How do you usually spend your days off? __________________________
5. Do you often go to the country on your days off? _____________________
6. How did you spend your last Sunday? _____________________________
7. Do you go shopping? ___________________________________________
8. Do you go in for sports on Sunday? _______________________________
9. Do you often go to see your friends? _______________________________
10. Do you like to spend your days off with your friends or with your parents?
12. What is your hobby? __________________________________________
13. What books do you like to read? _________________________________
14. Do your guests often come to you on Sunday? ______________________
6.3. Dialogue
26Now listen to the dialogue and say
1. Where is Paul going to spend Sunday?
2. What does Aunt Flora decide to do?
Aunt Flora Desides to Go with Paul.
Aunt Flora: What are you going to do on Sunday?
Paul: I’m going to see Kate. We’re planning to go to St. James’s Park.
Aunt Flora: Are you going to hire a boat again?
Paul: Yes, we are.
Aunt Flora: That’s very foolish of you. It’s easy to fall into the water.
Paul: That’s very unlikely. Besides, the lake isn’t very deep. In fact it’s shallow.
Aunt Flora: It is deep.
Paul: But we are always very careful.
Aunt Flora: I’m going to join you.
Paul: Are you really? What for?
Aunt Flora: To see that you’re careful.
Paul: That’s very kind of you, Aunt Flora, but…
Aunt Flora: That’s all right.
6.4. Grammar review
Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.
1. My father ... a teacher. 2. He ... a pupil twenty years ago. 3.1... a doctor when I
grow up. 4. My sister ... not ... at home tomorrow. 5. She ... at school tomorrow.
6. ... you ... at home tomorrow? 7,... your father at work yesterday? 8. My sister ...
ill last week. 9. She ... not ill now. 10. Yesterday we... at the theatre. 11. Where ...
your mother now? — She ... in the kitchen. 12. Where ... you yesterday? — I ... at
the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ... at home. 14. ...
your little sister in bed now? — Yes, she ... 15. ... you... at school tomorrow? —
Yes I ... . 16. When my granny... young, she ... an actress. 17. My friend K,,. in
Moscow now. 18. He ... in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 19. Where ... your books
now? They ... in my bag.
Вставьте little, a little, few или a few.
1. I have ......... money, so we can go to the cinema. 2. I have ........... money, so we
cannot go to the cinema. 3. This girl works very ............. , that's why she knows
nothing. 4. Mother gave us ............ apples, and we were glad. 5. He did not like it
at the camp: he had very ............... friends there. 6. This lemon drink is sour; if you
27put .............. sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 7. This lemon drink is sour; if you
put .................. lumps of sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 8. The hall was almost
empty: there were .................. people in it. 9. I can't buy this expensive hat today: I
have too .................. money. 10. She left and returned in .............. minutes. 11. I
think you can spare me ................ time now. 12. I am sorry I have seen
..............plays by this author.
Тема № 7: Мой родной город
7.1. Vocabulary
• to be founded – быть основанным [ _______ ]
to be situated – находиться [ ___________ ]
population – население [ ___________ ]
to occupy – занимать территорию [ ________ ]
to commemorate – увековечивать [ ________ ]
to fire a salute – давать салют [ ___________ ]
region – область [ ___________ ]
museum of Regional Studies – краеведческий музей
[ ___________ ]
• exhibition – выставка [ ___________ ]
• landscape – пейзаж [ ___________ ]
• sugar refinery – сахарный завод [ ___________ ]
• cannery – консервный завод [ ___________ ]
• creamery – молокозавод [ ___________ ]
• to appear – появляться [ ___________ ]
7.2. Text
Belgorod is one of the most beautiful towns of Russia. It was founded in 1593.
It is situated in the South of European Russia. The population of the town is 300
thousand people. It occupies the territory of 270 square kilometers.
Belgorod is known as the town of the first Salute. On the 5th of August,
1943 the first salute was fired in Moscow to commemorate Belgorod and Oryol’s
liberation. Since that day there is a tradition in Belgorod to celebrate the 5th of
August and fire a salute.
Belgorod is the center of cultural and economic life of the region.
28There are 2 museums of Regional Studies where one can see the exhibition of
the historical past and present of the city.
There is also the Belgorod Art Museum in the centre of the town. You can see a
lot of interesting portraits and landscapes there.
In Belgorod you can see many students. They study at Belgorod State
University, at the Technological University, at the University of Cooperative
Trade, at the Agricultural Academy, at the Juridical University.
Belgorod is an industrial town. There are many factories and plants in it. They
are: the Belgorod Power Engineering Plant, a sugar refinery, a cannery, a
creamery, a cement works, a brick field and many others.
Belgorod is a beautiful town. In the centre of it you can see Sobornaya Square
which was laid out in 1956.
Recently there appeared many beautiful fountains in Belgorod. They put
townspeople and guests in a good mood.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When was Belgorod founded? ____________________________________
2. Where is Belgorod situated? ______________________________________
3. What is the population of Belgorod? ________________________________
4. What is the area of Belgorod? _____________________________________
5. Belgorod is known as the town of the first Salute, is not it? ______________
6. How many museums of Regional Studies are there in Belgorod? _________
7. What can you see in the Belgorod Art Museum? ______________________
8. Is Belgorod an industrial town? ___________________________________
9. Are there many factories and plants in Belgorod? _____________________
10.What did recently appear in Belgorod? ______________________________
A: Is Belgorod your native town?
B: Yes, it is.
A: What street do you live in?
7. 3. Dialogue
29B: I live in Sadovaya street. And what about you?
A: I live in Nekrasova street.
B: Oh, we are neighbors.
A: What do you like in Belgorod most all?
B: I like that Belgorod is clean and beautiful.
A: Where do you usually spend your free time?
B: I and my friends often go to the skating rink.
A: I often go to the skating rink, too.
B: So long then.
A: See you later.
7. 4. Grammar review
Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little или a few.
1. He had ............ English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more
books. 2. She gave him ..........…water to wash his hands and face. 3. I'd like to
say .............. words about my journey. 4. After the play everybody felt ...............
tired. 5. Let's stay here ........... longer: it is such a nice place. 6. There
were ............. new words in the text, and Peter spent .......... time learning them. 7.
There was ............. hay in the barn, and the children could not play there. 8. There
was ………... water in the river, and they decided to cross it. 9. My mother knows
German ........... and she can help you with the translation of this letter. 10. When
we walked ................. farther down the road, we met another group of students. 11.
Have you got I........... ink in your pen? 12. At the conference we met I…………..
people whom we knew well. 13. There are very ……….. old houses left in our
street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 14. If you have ……….. spare
time, look through this book. You will find ………... stories there which are rather
interesting. 15. There are …….... things here which I cannot understand. 16. Shall
I bring ………. more chalk? — No, thank you. There is…………. chalk on the
desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson.
Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.
1. I ......... a pupil. 2. My father ......... not a teacher, he ........... a scientist. 3. ...........
your aunt a doctor? Yes, she ........... . 4. ........... they at home? No, they ............
not at borne, they .............. at work. 5. My brother ............ a worker. He ……….....
at work. 6. ............ you an engineer? Yes, I.............. 7. ............. your sister a typist?
No, she ........... not a typist, she ........... a student. 8. ........... your brother at school?
30Yes, he ............ . 9. ............. your sister at school? No, she .............. not at school.
10. My ............. sister ............ at home. 11. ........... this your watch? Yes, it ......... .
12. She ............ an actress. 13. This ........... my bag. 14. My uncle ........... an office
worker. 15. He ............. at work. 16. Helen ............. a painter. She has some fine
pictures. They .............. on the walls. She has much paper. It .............. on the shelf.
The shelf ............... brown. It .............. on the wall. Helen has a brother. He ...........
a student. He has a family. His family ............ not in St. Petersburg, it ....................
in Moscow.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык. – Ростов н/ Д: Феникс, 2015. – 318с.
2. Голицынский Ю. Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2012. – 544с.
3. Концепция модернизации российского образования на период до 2012
года//Настольная книга учителя иностранного языка: Справ.метод.
пособие/Сост. В.В.Копылова. – М.: ООО “Издательство АСТ”:ООО
“Издательство Астрель”, 2012. 446 с.
4. Конышева А.В. Организация самостоятельной работы учащихся по
иностранному языку. СПб.: КАРО. Мн.: Издательство “Четыре
четверти”, 2012. – 208с.
5. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе
образования: Учеб. пособие для студ. пед. вузов и системы повыш.
квалиф. пед. кадров/под ред. Е.С.Полат. – М.: Издательский центр
“Академия”, 2012. – 272 с.
6. Интернетресурсы: