The 15th of November.
Our lesson’s plan:
1. Nature. Repetition/introduction of vocabulary through working with illustrations and performing lexical exercises. Природа. Повтор/ введение лексики через работу с иллюстрациями и выполнение лексических упражнений
2. The disappearance of the Great Barrier Reef. Development of recommendations for tourists on the conservation of the marine reserve. Writing an article for the school newspaper. Исчезновение Большого Барьерного рифа. Разработка рекомендаций для туристов по сохранению морского заповедника. Написание статья для школьной газеты.
3. A student reading a text of his choice about endangered species of animals (Amur tiger, Chinese panda), performing a test, expressing his point of view. Изучающее чтение текста по выбору об исчезающих видах животных (амурский тигр, китайская панда), выполнение теста, высказывание своей точки зрения.
4. Modal verbs. Модальные глаголы
1. Nature.
Exercise 1. Let’s remember the nature vocabulary (Вспомните слова по теме)
Tree (trees) – дерево (деревья)
Tree branches – ветки деревьев
Leaves – листья деревьев
Flower – цветок
Stalk - стебель
Grass – трава
Lawn- лужайка
Bushes - кустарники
River – река
Riverbank –берег реки
Lake – озеро
Pond – пруд
Water basins – водоемы
Waterfall - водопад
Sea – море
Ocean – океан
Shore - берег
Coast – побережье
Stones – камни
Pebble – галька
Sand – песок
Desert - пустыня
Waves /tides – волны
Sky – небо
Clouds – облака
Overcast – тучи
Thunder – гром
Thunderstorm – гроза
Lightning – молния
Fog - туман
Wind - ветер
Sun – солнце
Moon- луна
Field – поле
Forest / wood – лес
Valleys – долины
Mountains – горы
Rocks – скалы
Hills – холмы
Meadow – луг
Berries – ягоды
Herbs – травы
Mushrooms – грибы
Birds – птицы
Animals – животные
Weather – погода
Climate – климат
Seasons – сезоны
Summer – лето
Winter – погода
Spring – весна
Autumn / fall – осень
Natural disasters – природные катаклизмы
Hurricane – ураган
Tornado - торнадо
Typhoon – тайфун
Earthquake – землетрясение
Volcano – вулкан
Volcano eruption – извержение вулкана
Tidal wave (tsunamin) – приливная волна (цунами)
Flood – наводнение
Drought – засуха
Exercise 2. The words are mixed up. What words are these? (В словах перепутаны буквы, поставьте их в правильном порядке, чтобы получились слова).
Caeon, resfto, eeakratutqh, wadeom, lngghiit, ethawre, hbrse, pohoytn, esyvall, eirrv
Exercise 3. Think about what the sentences are about (О каком слове идёт речь?)
1. A sound phenomenon in the atmosphere accompanying a lightning discharge. It is a sound wave.
2. This is a dangerous natural phenomenon, which is sea waves that arise mainly as a result of the upward or downward shift of extended sections of the seabed during underwater and coastal earthquakes.
3. This is the phenomenon of a prolonged shortage of water, whether it is atmospheric, surface or groundwater.
4. A star forming the solar system. Eight planets revolve around it, including the Earth, as well as other objects: dwarf planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, cosmic dust.
5. A small juicy or fleshy fruit, usually shrubby or herbaceous plants.
6. This is a special natural area, which is primarily characterized by extremely low humidity, as well as very scarce flora and fauna.
7. The totality of the values of meteorological elements and atmospheric phenomena observed at a certain point in time at a particular point in space.
8. The process of the volcano's ejection of incandescent debris, ash to the earth's surface, the outpouring of magma, which, having poured out onto the surface, becomes lava.
9. This is a separate kingdom of living spore organisms, which in appearance may be similar to plants, but they do not have the usual components of plants.
10. A stone cliff, a mountain of stone with sharp protrusions.
2. The disappearance of the Great Barrier Reef.
Exercise 1. Read the text “The disappearance of the Great Barrier Reef.”
The Great
Barrier Reef
Australia's Natural Treasure
Welcome to Australia's Great Barrier Reef! The 2,000- kilometers long reef is
the largest coral reef system in the world - it is so big that it can be seen
from space!
Like many other coral reefs in the world, the Great Barrier Reef is in danger.
The numbers of fish and other creatures that live here have fallen drastically
in recent years because of pollution. We need your help to protect this unique
Help us protect the water
The sea around the reefs has been seriously harmed over the years, but you can
help reverse this. Don't throw rubbish into the sea as it may contain chemicals
that will pollute the water. Rubbish might also float to the surface, which
isn't pretty for anyone to look at! Help us to keep the water
crystal clear so that it can be enjoyed by everyone.
Help us protect the coral
Remember that the reef is very much a living
organism! It has been formed over thousands of years by the action of tiny
creatures called coral polyps. We have to protect these creatures if the reef
is to survive. If you are camping on a beach, please be careful what you do
with any waste water. Washing-up liquid and bleach can be fatal to coral. If
anyone offers to sell you a piece of coral, don't buy it. If you see coral for
sale in a shop, tell the authorities immediately.
Help us protect the wildlife
The reef is home to 1,500 species of tropical fish, over 200 types of bird and
20 species of reptile, including the endangered Green Sea Turtle. It is also a
breeding ground for humpback whales from the Antarctic. Remember - all these
creatures depend on the reef for their survival. Please never fish for
anything! Many species of fish are in danger of extinction and therefore
protected by law. The same goes for shellfish and other creatures. They may
look beautiful, but remember the reef is their home. How would you feel if
someone picked you up and took you far away from your home?
Please help us to conserve Australia's natural treasure so that it can be
enjoyed for generations to come!
Exercise 2. Write recommendations to tourists on the conservation of the marine reserve. Напишите рекомендации туристам по сохранению морского заповедника.
The Great Barrier Reef
Recommendations to the tourist:
3. The endangered species of animals (Amur tiger, Chinese panda)
Exercise 1. Look at the picture, say what are the animals? What do you know about them?
Exercise 2. White down the characteristic of the animals.
Name: _______________________
What colors may be they?_______
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