1. The USA is one of … countries in the world.
a) Large
b) The largest
c) The most large
2. Total area of the USA is …
a) Nine and half million sq. km
b) Nine million sq. km
c) Nine sq. km
3. The USA borders on … in The North
a) Canada
b) Mexico
c) Panama
4. The world’s 3rd longest river is … which situated in America.
a) Mississippi
b) Missouri
c) Columbia
5. Mount McKinley’s high is …
a) 6136
b) 6194
c) 6000
6. There’re about … species of the plants on the territory of the Kazakhstan."Rainforests" Open Lesson
The 18th of
Answer the
• What do you know about the rainforest?
• Have you ever seen or been to rainforest?
• Would you like to go to rainforests?
• Would you live in rainforest? Why? Why
Agree or disagree:
• 1. A rainforest is a forest in a tropical region
of the world where it rains a lot.
• 2. Rainforests are important environmental
• 3. Many people want them to be protected by
Illustrating to use the word
True or false. Correct the
Grammar: Some/Any
• Some is used in positive sentences:
I’ve got some nice presents for Christmas this year.
• Any is used in negative sentences and questions:
I didn't get any nice presents for Christmas this year.
• We can use some in questions when offering/requesting:
Would you like some more tea?
Could I have some milk, please?
Some or Any
Some or Any
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