Разработки тестовых заданий по ИКТ

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  • Подготовка к тестированию
  • docx
  • 28.02.2021
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Разработки тестовых заданий по ИКТ
Иконка файла материала Разработки тестовых заданий по ИКТ.docx

1. Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports?
A) Data*
B) Bytes
C) Graphics
D) Pictures

E) Formula

2. Which of the following is not purely output device?
A) Screen*
B) Printer
C) Speaker
D) Plotter

E) Napier

3. The first Macintosh computer was from
A) First generation
B) Second generation
C) Third generation
D) Fourth generation*

B) Second and Third generation

4. Which of the following is internal memory?
A) Disks
B) Pen Drives
D) CDs


5. The magnetic storage chip used to provide non-volatile direct access storage of data and that have no moving parts are known as
A) Magnetic core memory
B) Magnetic tape memory
C) Magnetic disk memory
D) Magnetic bubble memory*

E) Stores data in the memory

6. A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred to as
A) File
B) Database
C) Program*
D) None of above

E) Notebook

7. Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and
A) Buffer size
B) Resolution*
C) Vertical dimensions
D) Intelligence

E) Understanding

8. Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine code is called
A) Mnemonics
B) Symbolic code*
C) Gray codes
D) Opcode

E) None of above

9. Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?
A) Machine language*
B) Assembly language
C) High level language
D) None of above

E) Both C and D

10. Which of the following processors use RISC technology?
A) 486dx
B) Power PC*
C) 486sx
D) 6340

E) 1320

11. How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory
A) 100
B) 20*
C) 80
D) 40

E) 60

12. The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of
A) Genetics
B) Control and communication*
C) Molecular biology
D) Biochemistry

E) Both A and D

13. Binary circuit elements have
A) One stable state
B) Two stable state*
C) Three stable state
D) None of above

E) Both A and D

14. The value of each bead in earth is 
A) 1*
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7

E) 6

15. When did John Napier develop logarithm?
A) 1416
B) 1614*
C) 1641
D) 1804

E) 1408

16. Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?
A) Non volatile
B) Permanent
C) Control unit
D) Temporary*

E) Control bus

17. The word length of a computer is measured in
A) Bytes
B) Millimeters
C) Meters
D) Bits*

A) Cylinders

18. Which unit holds data permanently?
A) Input unit
B) Secondary storage unit*
C) Output Unit
D) Primary Memory Unit

E) Control unit


19. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be_______
A) Formatted*
B) Reformatted
C) Addressed
D) None of the above

E) Extended

20. The first general purpose electronic digital computer in the world was
D) All of above

E) Power PC

21. Human beings are referred to as Homosapinens, which device is called Silico Sapiens?
A) Monitor
B) Hardware
C) Robot
D) Computer*

E) Digital Computer

22. Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry?
A) Motorola
C) Intel*


23. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?
A) 256*
B) 216
C) 232
D) 264

E) 228

24. Number crunchier is the informal name for
A) Mini computer
B) Super computer*
C) Microcomputer
D) Mainframe computer

E) Digital Computer

25. Which technology is used in Compact disks?
A) Mechanical
B) Electrical
C) Electro Magnetic
D) Laser*

E) Magnetic Ink Code Reader

26. Different components of the motherboard of a PC unit are linked together by sets of parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?
A) Conductors
B) Buses*
C) Connectors
D) Consecutive

E) Interpreter

27. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an
A) Interpreter
B) Simulator
C) Compiler*
D) Commander

E) Consecutive

28.  Intel corporation produces chips for which computers?
B) Apple/Macintosh PCs
C) Both of above
D) None of above











MS Word


29. The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called _________

А) document formatting

B) database management

С) mail merge *

D) form letters

E) mail letters

30. A word processor would most likely be used to do
a. keep an account of money spent
b. do a computer search in media center
c. maintain an inventory
d. type a biography *

e.document formatting

31. Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?
a. Status bar
b. Tool bar *
c. Menu bar
d. Title bar

e.Scroll bar

32. Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge operation?
a. Main document
b. Data source
c. Merge fields
d. Word fields *

e.Word source

33. AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you type.
a. short, repetitive
b. grammatically incorrect
c. misspelled *
d. none of the above

e.short misspelled

34. Home Key
a. Moves the cursor beginning of the document
b. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph
c. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen
d. Moves the cursor beginning of the line *

е. Moves the cursor end of the document

35. “Ctrl + Right Arrow” is used to
a. Moves the cursor one word right *
b. Moves the cursor end of the line
c. Moves the cursor end of the document
d. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down

e. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen

36. End Key
a. Moves the cursor end of the line *
b. Moves the cursor end of the document.

c. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
d. Moves the cursor end of the screen

e.Moves the cursor one screen down


37. “Ctrl + PageDown” is used to
a. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down
b. Moves the cursor one Page Down *
c. Moves the cursor one Line Down
d. Moves the cursor one Screen Down

e. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph

38. Page Up Key
a. Moves the cursor one line up
b. Moves the cursor one screen up *
c. Moves the cursor one page up
d. Moves the cursor one paragraph up

e. Moves the cursor one word left

39. Ctrl + N
a. Save Document
b. Open Document
c. New Document *
d. Close Document

e. Word fields

40. click the _____ button in any panel in the Resume Wizard dialog box.
a. Cancel
b. Back
c. Next
d. Finish *

e. Objects

41. What are inserted as cross-reference in Word?
a. Placeholders
b. Bookmarks
c. Objects
d. Word fields *

e. Next Page

42. Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?
a. Office XP
b. Office Vista *
c. Office 2007
d. None of above

e. Word fields

43. Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?
a. On the left of horizontal scroll bar
b. On the right of horizontal scroll bar
c. On the top of vertical scroll bar *
d. On the bottom of vertical scroll bar

e. Open Goto Dialog box

44. Ctrl + G
a. Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab
b. Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab
c. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab *
d. Open Goto Dialog box

e. Open File Save as Dialog box

45. Ctrl + P
a. Open Paragraph Dialog Box
b. Open Page Format Dialog Box
c. Open Save Dialog Box
d. Open Print Dialog box *

e. Open Insert Hyper Link Dialog box

46. When sharing data in Office, the ________ document is the document in which the data was first entered.
a. source *
b. destination
c. original
d. primary

e. left indent

47. With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page?
a. Normal
b. Print Layout *
c. Outline
d. Web Layout

e. All of above

48. Which feature helps you to inserts the contents of the Clipboard as text without any formatting
a. Paste Special *
b. Format Painter
c. Page Setup
d. Styles

e. Standard toolbar

49. switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the:
a. header and footer toolbar *
b. print layout view
c. page setup dialog box
d. none of the above

e. Paragraph dialog box

50. _____ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print.
a. Document *
b. Character
c. Paragraph
d. Object

e. Orientation

51. The Word Count command on the Tools menu displays the number of words as well as the number of _____ in the current document.
a. lines
b. characters *
c. paragraphs
d. all of the above

e. font size

52. Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text?
a. Copy and Paste *
b. Cut and Paste
c. Paste and Delete
d. Paste and Culete

e. Font size

53. The _____, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.
a. font *
b. font size
c. point
d. paragraph formatting

e. all of above

54. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by
a. Press Shift + F7
b. Press Ctrl + F7
c. Press Alt+ F7
d. Press F7 *

e. Press Alt + O + C

55. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes?
a. Standard
b. Formatting *
c. Print Preview
d. None of these

e. Normal view

56. Ctrl + C
a. Copy the selected text *
b. Cut the selected text
c. Print the selected text
d. Paste the selected text

e. Print Layout view


57. In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for …..
a. Scenarios
b. Size
c. Save *
d. Spelling Check

e. Close Document

58. The key F12 opens a
a. Save As dialog box *
b. Open dialog box
c. Save dialog box
d. Close dialog box

e. Close Document

59… Close dialog box Ctrl + S
a. Save Document with different name
b. Save Document with same name *
c. Save Document and Close Word Application
d. Save Document and Print whole Pages

e. Save True Type Fonts

60. Ctrl + J
a. Align Justify *
b. Insert Hyperlink
c. Search
d. Print

e. Close Document

61. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?
a. Page
b. Document
c. Section *
d. Page Setup

e. Search

MS Excel

62. Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell

a. Pressing an arrow key

b. Pressing the Tab key

+c. Pressing the Esc key

d. Clicking on the formula bar

e. Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar

63. Which of the following will not cut information?

+a. Pressing Ctrl + C*

b. Selecting Edit>Cut from the menu

c. Clicking the Cut button on the standard

d. Pressing Ctrl+X

e. Pressing enter

64. Which of the following is not a way to complete a cell entry?

a. Pressing enter

b. Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard

c. Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar

+d. Pressing spacebar*

e. Pressing an arrow key

65. Text formulas:

a. Replace cell references

b. Return ASCII values of characters

+c. Concatenate and manipulate text*

d. Show formula error value

e. Enter text and data

66. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

a. Save workbook

+b. Modifiy the worksheet*

c. Enter text and data

d. Copy the worksheet

e. Show formula error value

67. How do you select an entire column?

a. Select Edit > Select > Column from the menu

+b. Click the column heading letter*

c. Hold down the shift key as you click anywhere in the column.

d. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click anywhere in the column

e. Select Insert > Find from the menu

68. When a label is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must

a. Shorten the label

b. Increase the column width*

c. Decrease the column width

d. Adjust the row height

e. All of above

69. The name box

a. Shows the location of the previously active cell

b. Appears to the left of the formula bar*

c. Appears below the status bar

d. Appears below the menu bar

e. Edit the contents of a cell

70. Comments put in cells are called

a. Smart tip

b. Cell tip*

c. Web tip

d. Soft tip

e. All of above

71. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas

a. Title bar

b. Menu bar

c. Formula bar*

d. Standard toolbar

e. Use the word menu bar and toolbars

72. Status indicators are located on the

a. Vertical scroll bar

b. Horizontal scroll bar

c. Formula bar*

d. Standard toolbar

e. Menu bar

73. An excel workbook is a collection of

a. Workbooks

b. Worksheets

c. Charts

d. Worksheets and charts*

e. Workbooks and charts

74. Excel files have a default extension of

a. Xls*

b. Xlw

c. Wk1

d. 123

e. 456

75. You can use the formula palette to

a. Format cells containing numbers

b. Create and edit formulas containing functions*

c. Enter assumptions data

d. Copy a range of cells

e. Enter data

76. When you insert an excel file into a word document. The data are

a. Hyperlinked placed in a word table

b. Linked*

c. Embedded

d. Use the word menu bar and toolbars

e. All of above

77. Which of the following is not information you can specify using the solver?

a. Input cells*

b. Constraints

c. Target cell

d. Changing cells

e. All of above

78. Excel probably considers the cell entry January 1, 2000 to be a

a. Label

b. Value*

c. Formula

d. Text string

e. All of above

79. You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells?

a. Labels, values, and formulas*

b. Labe3ls and values but not formulas

c. Values and formulas but not labels

d. Formulas only

e. It can be modified

80. All worksheet formula

a. Manipulate values

b. Manipulate labels

c. Return a formula result*

d. Use the addition operator

e. Values and formulas but not labels

81. Excel worksheet cells work very similarly to what common element of the windows graphical user interface

a. Option buttons

b. List boxes

c. Text boxes*

d. Combo boxes

e. Margins

82. Without using the mouse or the arrow keys, what is the fastest way of getting to cell A1 in a spreadsheet?

a. Press Ctrl +Home*

b. Press Home

c. Press Shift + Home

d. Press Alt + Home

e. Press Shift+ Home+ Press Alt

83. Which of the following methods can not be used to edit the contents of a cell?

a. Press the Alt key*

b. Clicking the formula bar

c. Pressing the F2 key

d. Double clicking the cell

e. Click the Currency Style button on the formatting toolbar*

84. If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you don’t want your entry placed into a cell, you:

a. Press the Erase key

b. Press Esc*

c. Press the Enter button

d. Press the Edit Formula button

e. The Formula button

MS PPoint

85. What’s the easy way to apply varied animations to test on slides

a. apply effects in the custom animation text pane

b. apply an animation scheme*

c. customize bullets with animated clipart

d. all of above

e. Apply the animation scheme fade in one by one.

86. You can create a new presentation by completing all of the following except:

a. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar

b. Clicking file, new

c. Clicking file open*

d. Pressing Ctrl + N

e. Click the document close button


87. Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts?

a. Six slides per page

b. Five slides per page*

c. Three slides per page

d. Two slides per page

e. B and C


88. Which of the following toolbars provides different options in various master views?

a. Common tasks toolbar*

b. Drawing toolbar

с, Formatting toolbar

d. Standard toolbar

e. Slides toolbar



89. You can tell when an object is active because

A) The object is highlighted*

B) Eight small sizing handles appear surrounding the text

C) A box frame appears surrounding the text

D) b and c

E) None of above


90. Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts?

a. Six slides per page

b. Five slides per page*

c. Three slides per page

d. Two slides per page

e. B and C

91. Any and every command can be found on the

a. Drawing toolbar

b. Formatting toolbar

c. Standard toolbar

d. Menu bar*

e. Common tasks toolbar

92. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the

a. Table slide

b. Graph slide

c. Bullet slide

d. Title slide*

e. File, add a new slide

93. Which of the following features should you use when typing in the notes text box?

a. Slide shows

b. Insert

c. Slide master

d. Zoom*

e. B and C

94. Which of the following should e used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?

a. File, add a new slide

b. Insert, new slide*

c. File, open

d. File, new

e. Graph slide

95. How can you get your photo album slide show to play continuously?

a. Use random slide transition

b. Launch an online broadcast

c. Loop continuously*

d. All of above

e. C and D

96. What are symbols used to identify items in a list?

a. Icons

b. Markers

c. Bullets*

d. Graphics

e. C and D

97. The power point view that displays only text (title and bullets) is:

a. Slide show

b. Slide sorter view

c. Notes page view

d. Outline view*

e. All of the above

98. which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same look?

a. The slid layout option

b. The add a slide option

c. Outline view

d. A presentation design template*

e. Templates

99. Line spacing refers to

a. The space between the lines of text*

b. The height of the line

c. The length of the line

d. a and c

e. All of above

100. Which of the following bypasses the print dialog box when printing individual slides or an entire presentation?

a. File, Print Preview

b. The print button*

c. File, print

d. Ctrl + P

e. Ctrl + end


102. The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except

a. Slide number

b. Title*

c. Footer

d. Header

e. Print Preview

103.   Material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as

a. A table slide*

b. A bullet slide

c. A title slide

d. All of abovе 

e. Add clip art only if it relates to your topic

104.   The Microsoft clip gallery allows you to

a. Add word art images to a slide

b. Spell check your presentation

c. Add clip art images to a slide or slides*

d. Add slides to a presentation

e. Add clip art only if it relates to your topic

105.   After moving a clip art image to a particular location on the slide, you can immediately reverse the action using the

a. Click the not do move object command on the edit menu

b. Click on the undo button*

c. Click on redo button

d. All of above

e. Click edit, select all

106.   What is the name of the form used to input chart values?

a. Datasheet*

b. Microsoft Excel

c. Microsoft graph

d. Auto form

e. Embedding

107.   Which of the following you must first complete in order to delete an object?

a. Double click the image

b. Select the image*

c. Resize the image

d. Move the image to a new location

e. Double click

108.   The auto shapes tool provides you with

a. Fancy text to place on your slide

b. Commonly found shapes*

c. Any shape you want to add on a slide

d. Clip art that is related to your presentation

e. Insert, new slide

109. Which of the following should e used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?

a. File, add a new slide

b. Insert, new slide*

c. File, open

d. File, new

e. Any shape you want to add on a slide


MS Dbase Access

110. This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols.

a. text*
b. memo
c. auto number
d. None of the above

е. record

111. Query design window has two parts. The upper part shows

a. Name of fields, field type and size
b. Tables with fields and relationships between tables
c. Criteria
d. Sorting check boxes

е. Edit relationship dialog box appears

112. In a database table, the category of information is called ____________

a. tuple
b. field
c. record
d. All of above

е. memo

113. To create a new table, in which method you don’t need to specify the field type and size?

a. Create table in Design View
b. Create Table using wizard
c. Create Table by Entering data
d. All of above

e. Create table in Entering data

114. Which of the following is not a database object?

a. Tables
b. Queries
c. Relationships
d. Reports

е. All of above

115. The third stage in designing a database is when we analyze our tables more closely and create a ___________ between tables

a. relationship*
b. Join
c. Query
d. None of these

e. Queries

116. Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find Relationship Command?

a. Home Tab
b. Create Tab
c. External Data Tab
d. Database Tab

e. Between Tab

117. This is the stage in database design where one gathers and lists all the necessary fields for the database project.

a. data definition*
b. data refinement
c. establishing relationship
d. none of the above

e. none of above

118. The two form layout types will display multiple records at one time are tabular and___

a. columnar
b. justified
c. date sheet
d. pivot table

e. field name

119. The size of a field with Number data type can not be

a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16

e. 12

120. A small button with three dots usually displayed at the right of field properties box

a. Make button
b. Expression button
c. Build button
d. None of above

e. None the of above

121. The size of Yes No field is always

a. 1 bit*
b. 1 byte
c. 1 character
d. 1 GB

e. 1MB

122. This key uniquely identifies each record

a. primary key*
b. key record
c. unique key
d. field name

e. build button

123. The command center of  access file that appears when you create or open the MS Access database file.

a. Database Window*
b. Query Window
c. Design View Window
d. Switchboard

e. Relationships

124. To duplicate a controls formatting you can use___

a. Manager
b. Wizard
c. Painter
d. Control

e. Currency

125. Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you require to enter long text in that field?

a. Text
b. Memo
c. Currency
d. Hyperlink

e. Manager

126. This option allows you to build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet.

a. datasheet view*
b. design view
c. link table
d. None of the above

e. None of above

127. In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?

a. F3
b. F4
c. F5
d. F6

e. F7

128. Which of the following is NOT a type of Microsoft Access database object?

a. Table
b. Form
c. Worksheets
d. Modules

e. Hyperlink

129. Which of the field has width 8 bytes?

a. Memo
b. Number
c. Date/Time
d. Hyperlink

e. Worksheets

130. Which of the following database object hold data?

a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables

e. Number

131. The__ button on the tool box display data from a related table

a. Sub form sub report*
b. Relationships
c. Select objects
d. More controls

e. Worksheets

132. The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression___ for entering an expression

a. Table
b. Box
c. Cell
d. Palette

e. Memo

133. A __________ enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criterion

a. Form
b. Query
c. Macro
d. Report

e. Table

134. Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?

a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables

e. Macros

135. A __ name must be unique within a database

a. Table*
b. Field
c. Record
d. Character

e. Query

136. It is an association established between common fields of two tables.

a. line
b. relationship
c. primary key
d. records

e. Character

137. When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum?

a. 60
b. 64
c. 68

d. 62
e. Any number of character

138. It is a database object to view, change, and analyze data in different ways

a. query*
b. form
c. report
d. None of the above

e. Hyperlink

139. To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window

a. write criteria values vertically one in a row
b. write criteria values horizontally
c. Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
d. Write criteria values in same field separated with &

e. Huge collection of MCQ questions

140. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?

a. Rows
b. Records
c. Fields
d. Columns

e. Hyperlinks

141. Unlike text data type, this can store up to maximum of 65 535 characters.

a. memo*
b. data/time
c. number
d. All of above

e. Both of above

142. Which field type can store photos?

a. Hyperlink
b. OLE
c. Both of these can be used
d. Access tables can’t store photos

e. Number

143. It is most common type of query. It retrieves records from one or more tables and then displays the

a. Parameter
b. Select
c. Crosstab
d. All of above

e. None of the above

144. It is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as

a. Select
b. Crosstab
c. Parameter
d. Append

e. All of above

145. What is the maximum length a text field can be?

a. 120
b. 255
c. 265
d. 75

e. 155

146. Microsoft Access is a

d. Network database model

e. Pivot Chart View

147. Which of the following store command to retrieve data from database?

a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables

e. Parameter

148. If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean

a. OR conditions*
b. AND conditions
c. NOT condition
d. None of above

e. Both of above

149. The key uniquely identifies each record in a table.

a. primary key*
b. key word
c. filed name
d. All of above

e. Both of above

150. What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table?

a. One student can have many classes*
b. One class may have many student
c. Many classes may have many students
d. Many students may have many classes

e. Create Table using wizard

151. A part of database that stores only one type of data is

a. Report

b. Field*

c. Query

d. Record

e. Table


152. A database can be best described as

a. Organized collection of data*

b. Useful presentation of data

с. Graphical representation of data

d. All of above

е. Both of above


153. Which of the following term is least related to database?

А) Attributes

B) Tuples

С) Relationship

D) Columns*

Е) File


154. Collection of related records in a database is known as

a.       File

b.      Bench

c.       Table*

d.      Relationship

e.       Attributes




155. In HTML, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to

a. To create a frame document .

b. To create a image map in the webpage.

c. To customize the image in the webpage.

d. To identify a name or a resource on the internet. *

e. To the most authentic answers for your subjective

156. CSS is an acronym for

a. Cascading Style Sheet *

b. Costume Style Sheet

c. Cascading System Style

d. None of the Above

e. Costume Sheet Style


157. Who invented World Wide Web (WWW)?

a. Blaise Pascal

b. Charles Babbage

c. Herman Hollerith

d. Tim Berners-Lee *

e. Web Pages


158. What is the use of Forms in HTML?

a. to display contents of email.

b. to display animation effect.

c. to collect user’s input. *

d. None of the Above.

e. All of the Above.


159. What is the use of iframe in HTML?

a. to display a web page within a web page. *

b. to display a web page with animation effect.

c. to display a web page without browser.

d. All of the Above.

e. File Transfer Protocol


160. FTP is an acronym for

a. File Transaction Protocol

b. File Transmission Protocol

c. File Translation Protocol

d. File Transfer Protocol *

e. File  Transes Protocol


161. Which HTML Tag will use to scroll a text in web page?

a. <marquee> … </marquee> *

b. <scroll> … </scroll>

c. <round> … </round>

d. <go> … </go>

e. <round>…</go>


162. Which organization defines the Web Standards?

a. Microsoft Corporation

b. IBM Corporation

c. World Wide Web Consortium *

d. Apple Inc.

e. Web Consortium


163. Which of following HTML Tag will inserting a line break?

a. <p />

b. <lb />

c. <br /> *

d. <break />

e. <s />


164. Which of the following tags are related to Table in HTML ?

a. <table><row><column>

b. <table><tr><td> *

c. <table><head><body>                                                                           

d. <table><header><footer>

e. <table><the><body>


165. Which of the following is correct to align H1 tag to Right Alignment

a. A. <h1 align = “right”> … *

b. B. <h1 alignment = “right”> …

c. C. <h1 tag align = “right”> … </h1>

d. D. H1 cannot make Right Alignment

e. E. <font name = “font name”> … </font>


166. Which tag is used to display Preformatted texts?

a. A. <pre> … </ pre> *

b. B. <prefor> … </ prefor>

c. c. <pre text> … </ pre text>

d. D. <pre format> … </ pre format>

e. E.<pre>…</pre format>

167. Which of the following is used to create web pages?

a. HTML *

b. C

c. JVM

d. DTD

e. H


168. HTML is considered as ___ language

a. Programming Langauge

b. OOP Language

c. High Level Language

d. Markup Language *

e. Attributes


169. HTML language is a set of markup ___

a. Attributes

b. Tags *

c. Sets

d. Groups

e. Content


170. HTML tags are used to describe document ____

a. Definition

b. Language

c. Content *

e. Attributes

d. None of these




171. Page designed in HTML is called a

a. Yellow Page

b. Web Page *

c. Server Page

d. Front Page

e. Read Page


172. HTML document is saved using ____ extension.

a.  a.htl

b. a.html *

c. a.hml

d. a.htnl

e. a.htrl


173. The software that can read and render HTML documents is

a. Server

b. Compiler

c. Interpreter

d. Browser *

e.  Menu


174. HTML was first proposed in year ___.

a. 1980

b. 1990 *

c. 1995

d. 2000



175. HTML tags are surrounded by ___ brackets

a. Angle *

b. Square

c. Round

d. Curly

e. Closed


176. Opening tag of HTML is called

a. Ending tag

b. Starting tag *

c. Closed tag

d. Pair tags

e. Curly tag


177. HTML document contain one root tag called ____


b. Title

c. Body

d. HTML *



178. Basic fundamental block is called as ___

a. HTML tag *

b. HTML body

c. HTML Attribute

d. HTML Element

e. HTML quiz


179. Pick the odd out

a. Table *

b. TR

c. TD

d. Form



180. The first page of a website is called

a. Design

b. Home page *

c. First page

d. Main page

e. Attribute


181. Which is the largest heading tag?

a. H1 *

b. H3

c. H4

d. H6

e. H2




182. The network layer concerns with
a) bits
b) frames
c) packets*
d) none of the mentioned
e) segments

183. The network layer protocol of internet is
a) ethernet
b) internet protocol*
c) hypertext transfer protocol
d) none of the mentioned
e) application

184. Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to
a) network layer*
b) data link layer
c) application layer
d) physical layer
e) data link layer

185. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol used in internet?
a) TCP
b) UDP
c) TCP and UDP*
d) none of the mentioned
e) POP

186. An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called
a) socket*
b) pipe
c) port
d) none of the mentioned
e) frame

187. Which one of the following is a version of UDP with congestion control?
a) datagram congestion control protocol*
b) stream control transmission protocol
c) structured stream transport
d) none of the mentioned
e) application to application communication

188. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.
a) port*
b) pipe
c) node
d) none of the mentioned
e) post

189. Transport layer protocols deals with
a) application to application communication
b) process to process communication*
c) node to node communication
d) none of the mentioned
e) neighbor discovery protocol
190. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol?
a) stream control transmission protocol*
b) internet control message protocol
c) neighbor discovery protocol
d) dynamic host configuration protocol
e) process to process communication

191. The ____ translates internet domain and host names to IP address.
a) domain name system*
b) routing information protocol
c) network time protocol
d) internet relay chat
e) types of messages exchanged

192. Which one of the following allows a user at one site to establish a connection to another site and then pass keystrokes from local host to remote host?
b) FTP
c) telnet*
d) none of the mentioned
e) types of messages exchanged

193. Which one of the following protocol delivers/stores mail to reciever server?
a) simple mail transfer protocol*
b) post office protocol
c) internet mail access protocol
d) hypertext transfer protocol
e) simple newtwork management protocol

194. The ASCII encoding of binary data is called
a) base 64 encoding*
b) base 32 encoding
c) base 16 encoding
d) base 8 encoding
e) base 4 encoding

195. Which one of the following is not an application layer protocol?
a) media gateway protocol
b) dynamic host configuration protocol
c) resource reservation protocol*
d) session initiation protocol
e) session maintenance protocol

196. When displaying a web page, the application layer uses the
a) HTTP protocol*
b) FTP protocol
c) SMTP protocol
d) none of the mentioned
e) TCP protocol

197. This is not a application layer protocol
c) FTP
d) TCP*

198. The packet of information at the application layer is called
a) Packet
b) Message*
c) Segment
d) Frame
e)  Data

199. E-mail is
a) Loss-tolerant application
b) Bandwidth-sensitive application
c) Elastic application*
d) None of the mentioned
e) Application layer

200.  Pick the odd one out
a) File transfer
b) File download
c) E-mail
d) Interactive games*
e) Massage



201.  ICT is…

a)      information on objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state.

b)      organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

c)      information and communication technologies, which include a variety of digital technologies, with which you can create, save, distribute, transmit certain information or provide services.

d)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

e)      the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.


202. Information is …

a)      information and communication technologies, which include a variety of digital technologies, with which you can create, save, distribute, transmit certain information or provide services.

b)     information on objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state.

c)      organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

d)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

e)      the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services.



203.Technology is…

a)      information and communication technologies, which include a variety of digital technologies, with which you can create, save, distribute, transmit certain information or provide services.

b)      information on objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state.

c)      organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

d)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

e)      the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services 





204. First Generation of computer:

a)      integrated circuit

b)     vacuum tube

c)      transistor

d)      Instruction Register

e)      microprocessor


205.Second Generation of computer:

a)      integrated circuit

b)      vacuum tube

c)      transistor

d)      Instruction Register

e)      microprocessor


206.Third Generation of computer:

a)      integrated circuit

b)      vacuum tube

c)      transistor

d)      Instruction Register

e)      microprocessor


207. Fourth Generation of computer:

a)      integrated circuit

b)      vacuum tube

c)      transistor

d)      Instruction Register

e)      microprocessor



208. A computer is...

a)      electronic devices; the parts you can see and touch.

b)      organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

c)      raw facts, which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful to people.

d)     an electronic device used to process data.

e)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.


209.Hardware consists of...

a)      electronic devices; the parts you can see and touch.

b)      organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

c)      raw facts, which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful to people.

d)      an electronic device used to process data.

e)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.


210.         Software consists of...

a)      electronic devices; the parts you can see and touch.

b)     organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

c)      raw facts, which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful to people.

d)      an electronic device used to process data.

e)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.


211.         Data consists of...

a)      electronic devices; the parts you can see and touch.

b)      organized sets of instructions for controlling the computer.

c)      raw facts, which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful to people.

d)      an electronic device used to process data.

e)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.


212.         Printer is a/an

a)      Output device             

b)      Storage device 

c)      Input device

d)      Processing device  

e)      Printing device.


213.         Microphone is a ___

a)      Output device             

b)      Storage device 

c)      Input device

d)      Processing device  

e)      Printing device.


214.                            Which one of the following can be called as a peripheral?

a)      Control unit   

b)      Arithmetic unit 

c)      Speaker        

d)      Logic unit   

e)      Main memory.



215.                            Which one of the following can be called as a peripheral?

a)      Control unit   

b)     Flash drive        

c)       Printer

d)      Plotter

e)      Monitor.


216.         The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is

a)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

b)      performs arithmetic and logical operations.

c)      a sub-unit of CPU that controls and directs the flow of information throughout the computer system.

d)      serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together.

e)      is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.


217.         The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is

a)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

b)     performs arithmetic and logical operations.

c)      a sub-unit of CPU that controls and directs the flow of information throughout the computer system.

d)      serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together.

e)      is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.


218.         Control Unit is

a)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

b)      performs arithmetic and logical operations.

c)      a sub-unit of CPU that controls and directs the flow of information throughout the computer system.

d)      serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together.

e)      is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.


219.         The motherboard is

a)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

b)      performs arithmetic and logical operations.

c)      a sub-unit of CPU that controls and directs the flow of information throughout the computer system.

d)     serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together.

e)      is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.


220.         A hard disk drive (HDD) is

a)      responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software.

b)      performs arithmetic and logical operations.

c)      a sub-unit of CPU that controls and directs the flow of information throughout the computer system.

d)      serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together.

e)      is a data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.


221.         A key that is used to remove a letter/space which is behind the cursor on the screen, is called the 

a)      Backspace Key

b)     Delete Key

c)      Caps Lock Key

d)      Shift Key

e)      Control Key


222.         A key that is used to remove a letter/space which is in front of the cursor on the screen, is called the   

a)      Backspace Key

b)      Delete Key

c)      Caps Lock Key

d)      Shift Key

e)      Control Key


223.         The long key on a keyboard which is used when you want to separate one word from another when writing, is called the   

a)      Backspace Key

b)      Delete Key

c)      Space Bar

d)      Shift Key

e)      Control Key


operating system



224.         An operating system (OS) is

a)      a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer.

b)      a set of methods of interaction of a computer program and the user of this program.

c)      a set of methods for communication between programs.

d)      a way of interaction of physical devices.

e)      a set of instructions, stored digitally within the computer's memory


225.         User interface

a)      a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer.

b)     a set of methods of interaction of a computer program and the user of this program.

c)      a set of methods for communication between programs.

d)      a way of interaction of physical devices.

e)      a set of instructions, stored digitally within the computer's memory


226.         Software interface

a)      a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer.

b)      a set of methods of interaction of a computer program and the user of this program.

c)      a set of methods for communication between programs.

d)      a way of interaction of physical devices.

e)      a set of instructions, stored digitally within the computer's memory


227.         Physical interface

a)      a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer.

b)      a set of methods of interaction of a computer program and the user of this program.

c)      a set of methods for communication between programs.

d)     a way of interaction of physical devices.

e)      a set of instructions, stored digitally within the computer's memory






228.         Database model:

a)      Hierarchical

b)      textual

c)      numeric

d)      indexed

e)      cyclic


229.         Database model:

a)      textual

b)      numeric

c)      Network

d)      indexed

e)      cyclic



230.         Database model:

a)      textual

b)      numeric

c)      indexed

d)     Relational

e)      cyclic


231. Here the focus is on describing the stages in data processing: data collection

A)    gathering raw data to process+

B)    arranging and systematizing data

C)    double-checking and cleaning data

D)    entering data into a system

E)     arranging data into table format for analysis


232.Here the focus is on describing the stages in data processing: data coding

A)    gathering raw data to process,

B)    arranging and systematizing+

C)    double-checking and cleaning data

D)    entering data into a system

E)     creating categories in order to organise data into groups


233.Here the focus is on describing the stages in data processing: data validation

A)    double-checking and cleaning data+

B)    entering data into a system

C)    arranging data into table format for analysis

D)    creating categories in order to organise data into groups

E)     gathering raw data to process


234.Here the focus is on describing the stages in data processing: data entry

A)    gathering raw data to process

B)    arranging and systematizing

C)    double-checking and cleaning data

D)    entering data into a system+

E)     creating categories in order to organise data into groups


235.Here the focus is on describing the stages in data processing: data tabulation  

A)    double-checking and cleaning data

B)    entering data into a system

C)    arranging data into table format for analysis +

D)    creating categories in order to organise data into groups

E)     gathering raw data to process


236.Here the focus is on describing the stages in data processing: data sorting

A)    double-checking and cleaning data

B)    entering data into a system

C)    arranging data into table format for analysis

D)    creating categories in order to organise data into groups+

E)     gathering raw data to process


Cyber security


237. Cyber attacks  is

A)    attacks on acomputer from the internet +

B)    use ativirus softwars

C)    insert firewalls

D)    uninstall  unnecessary software

E)     check secutity settings


238.A network perimeter is

A)    the topologes as a  star,  a bus, a circle

B)    the network boundary between a private user network and the internet+

C)    improving the security of a computer system

D)    a web application protection firewall (WAF)

E)     the measure types of networks


239.Which means encryption

A)    Encoding +

B)    Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

C)    Coding

D)    factor authentication

E)     method of Hackers


240. What is Secure Socket Layer (SSL)?

A)    two-factor authentication

B)    illegal access to a computer system

C)    malicious software

D)    a method of encryption+

E)     antivirus software


241. Two-factor authentication include next independent forms of identification as

A)    your name and  an email  adress

B)    your name and a password or PIN number+

C)    your login and a password

D)    your account and ip adress

E)     your sername and fullname


242. Who is Hackers?

A)    are people who serves your computer system

B)    are people who protects your computer system

C)    are people who is troubleshooing in your computer system

D)    are people who try to gain illegal access to a computer system+

E)     a branch of computer security  specifically related  to the internet

243. Cyber security is

A)    a method of encryption information in computer system

B)    illegal access to a computer system

C)    a branch of computer security  specifically related  to the internet +

D)    method of Hackers, which hack codes in a computer system

E)     the type of  services a computer system


244. Hacking, denial of service attack, virus dissemination, computer vandalism are types of

A)    Cyber Terrorism

B)    Software Piracy

C)    Cyber Crime +

D)    Antivirus softwares

E)     Cyber security


245. A cyber criminal is a

A)    are people who protects your computer system

B)    are people who is troubleshooing in your computer system

C)    are people who try to gain illegal access to a computer system

D)    a branch of computer security  specifically related  to the internet

E)     person who uses computers and the Internet to commit crimes+

246. Cyber Sapiens is

A) A prefix that indicates relevance to, or involvement with, computers, computer systems, and electronic control systems

B) The study of control system theory in terms of the relationship between animal and machine behavior

C) An expression for a computer or robot with artificial intelligence (AI) on the forefront of current technology+

D) The usage of computers and the Internet in conducting warfare in the cyberspace

E)A kind of cyber attack which results in unavailability of service.


247. The usage of computers and the Internet in conducting warfare in the cyberspace is

A)    Cyber vandalism

B)    Cyber war+

C)    Hacktivism

D)    Denial of Service

E)     Cybernetics


248. Cyber vandalism is

A)    Combination of words: “hack(er)” and “activism”

B)    A kind of cyber attack which results in unavailability of service

C)    Cyber attacks that deface web pages+

D)    Denial of Service

E)     Alternative expression for information super highway


249. What is Identity Theft?

A) software  false negative, false positive, rootkit, security software,  capabilities sweep, virus removal software, web page analysis

B) anti-virus software, backup, block, cyber criminal, detect

C) attack, audit log, authenticated, backdoor, bug, firewall,  Checking Measures  intruder, keylogger, popup, protocol, security  certainty

D) card scanning, cyber, fraud, harming, identity theft,  Discussing malware, phishing, pretexting, scanner, spyware,  suspicions Trojan horse, worm+

E) overwriting virus, piggybacking, replicate, resident  possible


250. Preventative  Email is virus which

A) software  false negative, false positive, rootkit, security software,  capabilities sweep, virus removal software, web page analysis

B) anti-virus software, backup, block, cyber criminal, detect

C) attack, audit log, authenticated, backdoor, bug, firewall,  Checking Measures  intruder, keylogger, popup, protocol, security  certainty+

D) card scanning, cyber, fraud, harming, identity theft,  Discussing malware, phishing, pretexting, scanner, spyware,  suspicions Trojan horse, worm

E) overwriting virus, piggybacking, replicate, resident  possible


Cloud computing


251. _________ model consists of the particular types of services that you can access on a cloud computing platform.
a) Service*
b) Deployment
c) Application

d) Depatment

e) None of the mentioned

252. Point out the correct statement :
a) The use of the word “cloud” makes reference to the two essential concepts
b) Cloud computing abstracts systems by pooling and sharing resources*
c) Cloud computing is nothing more than the Internet

d) Model consists of the particular types of services that you can access on a cloud computing platform
e) All of the mentioned

253. ________ refers to the location and management of the cloud’s infrastructure.
a) Service
b) Deployment*
c) Application

d) Depatment

e) None of the mentioned

254. Which of the following is deployment model ?
a) public
b) private
c) hybrid

d) statement
e) a), b), c) *

255. Point out the wrong statement :
a) Cloud Computing has two distinct sets of models
b) Amazon has built a worldwide network of datacenters to service its search engine*
c) Azure enables .NET Framework applications to run over the Internet

d) Cloud computing is nothing more than the Internet

e) None of the mentioned

256. Which of the following is best known service model ?
a) SaaS
b) IaaS
c) PaaS

d) a-c*
e) All of the mentioned

257. The __________ model originally did not require a cloud to use virtualization to pool resources.
b) NIST*
c) NIT

d) NIS

e) All of the mentioned

258. _______ model attempts to categorize a cloud network based on four dimensional factors.
a) Cloud Square
b) Cloud Service
c) Cloud Cube*
d) All of the mentioned
e) Cloud Owner

259. Which of the following dimension is related to organization’s boundaries ?
a) Physical location of data*
b) Ownership
c) Security boundary

d) Topologya
e) All of the mentioned


260. Telecommunication is

A) A form of free software; however, the author of shareware hopes you will make a voluntary

contribution for using the product

B) Software that searches, gathers, and identifies information from a database based on an index,

keywords or titles

C) Provides the tools for working with numbers and allows you to create and edit electronic

spreadsheets in managing and analyzing information

D) The act of sending and receiving information, such as data, text, pictures, voice, and video


E)Protection of a computer, its files, or a computer network from use without permission of the

owner or owners



261. What are presentations?

A. A sequence of slides that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation

B. A speech

C. Information presented using more text than graphics and animation

D. A television interview or news report

E. Set of slides


262. What is multimedia?

A. Moving images and text

B. Images and audio

C. Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer technology

D. Programs that combine text and images on a television screen

E. Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds


263. What does SSL stand for?

A. Saving Sharing and Limits

B. Safe Secured and Locked

C. Secure Socket Limbs

D. Secure Socket Layers

E. Secure Sets for Layers


264. What advances in multimedia were made in the early 1970's

A. Advances in the ability to fit more text in a presentation

B. Advances in making supercomputers

C. Advances in integrating computers with CDs

D. Advances in graphics, movies, and audio

E. Advances in presentations


265. What is computer-based training?

A. A video game

B. A method of training a computer to reject viruses

C. A method of education that allows people to learn at their own pace, using specifically designed interactive software

D. A method of training the computer to perform routine tasks

E. A method of training with computer


266. Every web page has its own

A. Database connection

B. Personal search engine

C. Animation scheme


E. IP-address


267. The website that offers a service that let users search a specific content on the internet is __________.

A. Search Engine

B. Social Network

C. Online Storage


268. Which of the following is an example of search engines?

A. command.com

B. Yahoo.com

C. vk.com

D. Facebook.com

E. gmail.com


269. ______ is a type of website that offers free creation of websites.

A. Prezi.com

B. Wix.com

C. MS Power Point

D. Google.com

E. Powtoon.com


270. What is a forum?

A. A type of website that allows users to create a social network

B. A type of website where users can create, reply and discuss on topics

C. A website that offers free online storage.

D. Open on-line Internet Conference

E. A type of dialogue


271. Which domains are the most reiable?

A. .gov and .edu

B. .net and .gov

C. .com and .net

D. .org and .uk

E. .kz


272. The .com domain web sites are _______?

A. Commercial enterprises and other mixed sites.

B. Government institutions

C. Educational institutions

D. Non-profit organizations

E. Personal web sites


273. The .org domains

A. Are always non-profit organizations that are reputable.

B. Contain reputable non-profit organizations with reliable information always.

C. Contain only advocacy group web sites with political agendas

D. Must be evaluated well because this domain contains both very reputable non-profit organization web sites and advocacy groups with hidden agendas

E. contain databases of world-wide organizations


274. If the web site has an author and looks professional

A. You should expect good research

B. You should research the author only

C. You should look at the domain

D. You should research the author, look at the domain, check the links, check for errors, look for bias, etc.

E. You can be sure that it’s a popular site


275. What is Cloud Computing replacing?

A. Corporate data centers

B. Expensive personal computer hardware

C. Expensive software upgrades

D. All of the above

E. Your personal computer


276. "Cloud" in cloud computing represents what?

A. Wireless

B. Hard drives

C. People

D. Internet

E. Software


277. Cloud Computing has below layers

A. User, Software, Platform, Infrastructure, Server

B. Client, Application, Platform, Infrastructure, Server

C. Software, Application, Platform, Infrastructure, Server

D. Software, Hardware, Operating System, Server

E. Platform, Infrastructure, Server


278. Deployment Models are

A. Public Cloud, Protected Cloud, Default Cloud and Private Cloud

B. Community Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Protected Cloud and Default Cloud

C. Public Cloud, Community Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and Private Cloud

D. Default Cloud, Community Cloud, Protected Cloud

E. All of the above


279. Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing technology?

A. Employee satisfaction

B. Potential cost reduction

C. Information sensitivity

D. All of the above

E. All answers are incorrect


280. What is the number one concern about cloud computing?

A. Too expensive

B. Security concerns

C. Too many platforms

D. Accessability

E. All of the above


281. 1) The term "Cloud" in cloud computing represents what

A. People

B. Computer

C. Wireless Device

D. Internet

E. All of the above


282. What is Cloud Computing replacing?

A. Corporate data centers

B. Expensive personal computer hardware

C. Expensive software upgrades

D. All of the above


283. E-commerce is:

A. Business-to-Business transactions and Business-to-Consumer transactions

B. Getting money from your computer online

C. Selling your home on the Internet

D. A revolution in business practices

E. All of the above


284. What is telemedicine?

A. Something that gives people access to the expertise of specialties in urban hospitals through the use of multimedia and computer networks

B. A computer game that allows people to pretend to be doctors

C. A database that lists and explains all known medicines

D. An advertisement for the local grocery store's pharmacy

E. All of the above


285. What are the benefits of groupware?

A. Member of the group can feel like they can belong

B. Members of the group can share programs, computer files, and other resources

C. Members of the group can read e-mails sent to other group members

D. Members of the group can rely on the other people in the group to do their work

E. All of the above


286. How does multimedia help school-age children?

A. It replaces direct textbook reading

B. It helps students learn in new and stimulating ways and allows them to apply their knowledge creatively

C. It allows students to control all their learning

D. It replaces teacher lectures

E. All of the above


287. What did ARPA do?

A. Developed facsimile equipment

B. Linked several computers into a network called ARPANET

C. Laid the first transatlantic communication cables

D. Created the first server-based email

E. All of the above


288. What are some examples of multimedia?

A. Video games, movies, and television

B. Television series

C. Computer-generated graphics

D. Digital pictures

E. All of the above


289. To protect your privacy online fill out forms only when the website displays

A. Http://

B. Ftps://

C. Ftp://

D. Https:

E. All of the above


290. An individual's ability to restrict or eliminate the collection, use, and sale of his/her confidential personal information

A. Protection

B. Privacy

C. Ethics

D. Anonymity

E. All of the above


291. _______ activities committed using the Internet  that violate state, federal, or international laws.

A. Hacker

B. Spector

C. Computer crime

D. Cybercime

E. Criminal


292. An area of law dedicated to computer crime

A. Cyberlaw

B. Cyberstalking

C. Cybercrime

D. Cyberbulling

E. Cyberdealer


293. Passwords should consist of _______

A. Numbers

B. Lowercase letters

C. Special characters

D. Uppercase letters

E. All of the above


294. Which of the following is FALSE about teachers using email and instant messaging with their students?

A. It is a way to communicate with your students, their families, and professional colleagues.

B. Children and adolescents are the largest users of email and instant messaging technologies.

C. Teachers who use email and instant message to communicate with students and their families are lazy.

D. Fewer teachers use instant messaging because the kind of informal language found in IM can often be misunderstood or misused.

E. All of the above


295. What is a Wiki?

A. Electronic forums where teachers and students discuss educational topics.

B. A publicaly accessible online journal written by an individual for others to read and comment on.

C. A website or blogspace that is collaboratively edited and maintained by a group of people, in our case teachers and students.

D. Learning resource

E. All of the above


296. In schools, wikis allow students and teachers to which of the following?

A. Use technology in meaningful ways in the classroom

B. Collaborate with peers and colleagues

C. Publish their writing and other creative or scientific work

D. Receive feedback about their learning both inside and outside the classroom

E. All of the above


297. Streaming multimedia is a(n) _______ method that facilitates the transmission of audio and video files from computer to computer in a stream.

A. Intranet data transfer

B. Internet data transfer

C. Primer

D. Media server application

E. All of the above


298. _______ and _______ provide an inexpensive way to up-to-the-minute news and information to a classroom.

A. Pull technology and client pull

B. Web feeds and RSS

C. Push technologies and data channels

D. RSS and data channels

E. All of the above


299. _______ differs from ordinary e-mail in the immediacy of the message exchange and also makes a continued exchange simpler than sending e-mail back and forth.

A. Media transfer

B. Web whiteboarding

C. Streaming video

D. Instant messaging

E. All of the above


300. _______ allows users, regardless of location or connection speed, to share practically any kind of file with a limitless population of Internet users (i.e. Napster).  As for educational purposes, this model will work great as an exchange for learning objects or units of learning.

A. Peer-to-peer file sharing

B Push technologies

C. Internet telephony

D. Streaming audio

E. All of the above




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