Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 10 Module 1
Оценка 5

Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 10 Module 1

Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 10 Module 1
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 10 Module 1
тест 1.docx

     10 Grade              TEST ON  MODULE  1


I.Fill in : supportive, moody, selfish, patient, dedicated, loyal, trusting, mean, jealous, respected

1. When all her other ​friends ​ deserted her,  Steve ​remained ………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother's good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very  helpful  and……………. when  I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

 7. She's a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

9. Be …………., your time will come.

10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you're extremely …………..

                       10 Х 2                         /20


II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends  always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her  since we met at primary school.

4. I’am sorry that I haven’t written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. ( arrive) early in the morning.

                        5 Х 4                        /20




III.   Fill in:  out for, down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I ​look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look ………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look …………… us because we're homeless,” she says.

                5 х 4                                        /20


IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion.I am keen …..rock climbing and paragliding.

4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)

5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.

                  5 Х 4                                         /20


V. Translate into English:

Попасть на фильм, следить за модой, оказывать холодный прием, сдаваться, быть сокращенным, высмеивать, ладить с кем-либо, действовать кому-либо на нервы, пустая трата времени, не выносить, разглядывать витрины, тусоваться, сходиться  во взглядах, написать строчку, смеяться над, издеваться, высококвалифицированный, чувство юмора, телефон доверия, дразнить.

                     20 Х 1                                    /20


                  My score  :                             / 100


          KEYS :


1.       Loyal

2.       Jealous

3.       Mean

4.       Dedicated

5.       Supportive

6.       Respected

7.       Moody

8.       Trusting

9.       Patient

10.   Selfish



1.       Help

2.       Are thinking

3.       Have known

4.       Have been studying

5.       Arrives


1.       Forward to

2.       Up

3.       Out for

4.       After

5.       Down on



1.       At

2.       With

3.       On

4.       With

5.       About



     catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one’s nerves, waste of time, can’t stand,  go window shopping, hang out, see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.












KEYS : I. 1. Loyal 2

KEYS : I. 1. Loyal 2
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