Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 5
Оценка 4.9

Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 5

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний
английский язык
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 5
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 5
контрольная 5.docx

Spotlight 8 Module 5

1.      Fill in:  in, off, on, out, for.

1)      The army was called … to help with rescue efforts.

2)      Unfortunately, the match was called … due to bad weather.

3)      Call … and pick up your CD sometime.

4)      Their injuries called … immediate medical attention.

5)      The hurricane survivors called … from beneath the collapsed house for help.

6)      Why don’t you call … my brother while you’re in Kent?



2.      Choose the correct item.

1)      He may come/coming if you invite him.

2)      I can hear the children talk/talking. They must still be awake.

3)      The teacher made him write/writing his essay again.

4)      Will your father let you going/go to the party on Saturday?

5)      He denied breaking/to break the window.

6)      The manager avoided discuss/discussing this problem in front of his secretary.

7)      My brother agreed helping/to help me clean the garage.

8)      I’ll never forget to see/seeing the Royal family in London.

9)      While I was on my way home I stopped buying/to buy some bread.

10)   I forgot turning/to turn off the lights when I left my house today.


3.      Put the verbs in brackets into the correct  infinitive or –ing  form.

1)      A: Let me … (help) you carry the bags.

B: That’s very kind of you. Thanks.

2)      A: Alan suggested … (go) climbing on Sunday. Do you want … (come)?

B: I’d love to.

3)      A: Did you find the test questions difficult?

B: No, they were easy … (answer).

4)      A: Are you thinking of … (visit) London this summer?

B: No, I’m travelling to Paris instead.

5)      A: You’d better … (not/ride) your bicycle without a helmet.

B: Of course, I won’t!


4.      Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1)      Tina wasn’t used to … a computer, but now she likes it a lot. (use)

2)      When we were young, the river near town used to … so much cleaner. (be)

3)      These black bears are getting used to … on the wildlife reserve. (live)

4)      They used to … a lot when they were younger. (travel)

5)      Mary isn’t used to … up late. (stay)

6)      Frank had to get used to … on the left. (drive)



Spotlight 8 Module 5 1.

Spotlight 8 Module 5 1.
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