Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 8
Оценка 4.9

Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 8

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний
английский язык
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 8
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 8 Module 8


Test 8 (Spotlight 8)


A   Underline the correct item.

1. Pam is so funny! She takes up/ takes after her father.         4. Jenny bought a new pair of ice skis/skates, as     

2. I’ve booked a tennis course/court for tomorrow morning.           her old ones had fallen apart.

3. Kitty is very good-looking/ open-minded. She should       5. One of the biggest attractions in our town is

  be a model!                                                                                    the outdoor ice-skating rink/pitch, which is       

                                                                                                        located in a beautiful park setting.  


 B       Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Whizzed, knock, entrants, technical, opposing, spectator, addicted, originated, physical, bizarre, inflatable, enthusiasm, bounce

6. You need lots of … equipment to go scuba diving. 

7. The players weren’t very good, but they were full of   … .

8. Rock climbing is a very … activity.

9.  Football is a very popular … sport.                                                                                                                                                                                     

10.  I think zorbing  is  a  … activity. 

11. Underwater hockey … in Britain where it was invented  by a  diving club.

12.  There were around 50,000 … and I came 100th, so I was proud.

13. The boys spent the afternoon in the pool playing with their … ball.     

14. Ben … down the hill on his snowboard.

15. The … team scored three goals in thirty minutes and won the match.



C         Fill in the correct preposition: for, in.

16. I am totally  … favour of contact sports.

17. These golf clubs are … excellent condition.


18. Are there bikes … hire in this city?

19. Andriy Shevchenko fit to play Manchester Rivals … the title!


D      Fill in:  if, unless.

20. ____  I finish early today, I may go to the cinema.                  


21. ____ Dave studies harder, he won’t pass his driving test.             

22. _____ you stop eating fast food, you won’t lose any weight.     

23.  ____ I see Tim, I’ll give him your phone number.

24. ____ the weather gets cold soon, we won’t be able to go on our skiing trip.


E    Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).   

25.  If I had known it was a secret, I … (not/tell) anyone.

26.  If I were you, I … (stop) smoking.

27. If you put water in the freezer, it … (become) ice.

28. If they play well, they … (win) the match.

29.  If I … (earn) more money, I would buy my parents a really big house! 

30.  Water … (boil) if you heat it to 100 C.

31. We … (go) to the park if it hadn’t rained.

32. If you invite Mike, I … ( not/come) with you.

33. If I had more time, I … ( take) karate lessons.

34. If you … ( not/water) the plants, they die.


  Everyday English

F            Use the sentences ( a-e) to complete the dialogue.

a    I’m not bad.                                        с  How about joining me?                      e I’m afraid I can’t.

b   Are you  any good at it?                     d Sure. Why not?



G      Read the text and answer the following questions.













A 1 takes after                            B      6  technical                                  11 originated

    2 court                                             7 enthusiasm                               12 entrants        

    3 good-looking                                8   physical                                 13 inflatable

    4 skates                                            9  spectator                                 14 whizzed

    5 rink                                               10  bizarre                                   15 opposing


16  in                                    D       20  If

    17  in                                               21  Unless    

    18 for                                               22  Unless   

    19 for                                               23  If

                                                             24 Unless   


E  25  wouldn’t have told                     30  boils

    26  would stop                                  31  would have gone

    27  becomes                                      32  won’t come

    28 will win                                        33  would take

    29  earned                                          34 don’t water


 F 35  c                                       G        40   A                                H              46  C

    36  d                                                  41   B                                                  47  A

    37  b                                                  42   C                                                  48  B 

    38  a                                                  43   C                                                  49  F

    39  e                                                  44   D                                                  50  E

                                                              45   C


Test 8 (Spotlight 8) Vocabulary

Test 8 (Spotlight 8) Vocabulary

Dave studies harder, he won’t pass his driving test

Dave studies harder, he won’t pass his driving test



KEY TO TESTS TEST 8A A 1 takes after

KEY TO TESTS TEST 8A A 1 takes after
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