Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 9 Module 9
Оценка 4.9

Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 9 Module 9

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний
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Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 9 Module 9
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 9 Module 9
тест 9.docx

Test 9-8

1. Match the words

1. total                                                a. damage

2. burn                                                b. bruised

3. face                                                 c. a disaster

4. perfectly                                         d. miracle

5. want to be                                       e. an accident

6. brain                                               f. attitude

7. seriously                                         g. still

8. experience                                      h. her head

9. survive                                           i. film maker

10. positive                                        j. challenges


2. Choose the correct item

1. The teacher told me don’t leave / not to leave before she spoke to me.

2. The performance starts at 8, won’t it / doesn’t it?

3. After the accident, the police asked / told us if we were hurt.

4. I’ve looked for my book everywhere / anywhere, but I still can’t find it.

5. The band told us they will perform / would perform at the park on Saturday.


3. Match the sentences to the correct question tags.

1. He is alright,

2. Hand me that paintbrush,

3. You’re watered the plants,

4. There aren’t enough chairs,

5. He called the doctor,

6. You can do this,

7. Let’s go to the art gallery,

8. The train hasn’t come yet,

a) are there?

b) haven’t you?

c)has it?

d) didn’t he?

e) isn’t he?

f) will you?

g) can’t you?

h) shall we?


4. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1.             “Ann has got a bad headache”, Sue said.

2.             “Go to the doctor today”, he said.

3.             “Nick is working today”, Brian said to Bill.

4.             “I can’t believe you did a parachute jump!” said Julie.

5.             “Don’t be afraid”, said he.

6.             What is the time?” (he asked).

7.             “When will we meet again?” (she asked me).

8.             “Can you meet me at the bus station?” (mom asked me).

9.             “Did you see my bike?” (he asked).

10.         “Have you ever been in serious danger?” (he asked).

5. Translate into English.

1. серьезно раненый, 2. справиться со сложной задачей, 3. настоящее чудо, 4. соглашаться 5. антисептическая мазь, 6. жаловаться, 7. аптечка, 8. предупреждать, 9. выжить, 10.объяснять, 11. спасать, 12. взять 6ыка за рога (идиома), 13. идти по ложному следу (идиома), 14. раскрыть секрет (идиома)

Keys 9-8

1. Match the words

1. d) total                                 a. damage

2. h) burn                                b. bruised

3.  j) face                                 c. a disaster

4. g) perfectly                          d. miracle

5. i) want to be                        e. an accident

6. a) brain                               f. attitude

7. b) seriously                         g. still

8. c) experience                       h. her head

9. e) survive                            i. film maker

10. f) positive                          j. challenges


2. Choose the correct item

1. not to leave

2. doesn’t it

3. asked

4. everywhere

5. would perform


3. Match the sentences to the correct question tags.

1. e) isn’t he?

2. f) will you?

3. b) haven’t you?

4. a) are there?

5 d) didn’t he?

6. g) can’t you?

7 h) shall we?

8. c) has it?

4. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1.     Sue said that Ann had got a bad headache.

2.     He said to go to the doctor yesterday.

3.     Brian said to Bill that Nick was working yesterday.

4.     Julie said that she couldn’t believe I have done a parachute jump!”.

5.     He said not to be afraid.

6.     He asked what the time was.

7.     She asked me when we would meet again.

8.     Mom asked me if I could meet her at the bus station.

9.     He asked if I saw his bike.

10. He asked if I had ever been in serious danger.

5. Translate into English.

1. seriously bruised, 2. Face a challenge, 3. Total miracle, 4. agree 5. Antiseptic ointment, 6. complain, 7. First aid kit, 8. warn, 9. survive, 10.explain, 11. rescue, 12. Take the bull by the horn, 13. Bark up the wrong tree, 14. Let the cat out of the bag


Test 9-8 1. Match the words 1

Test 9-8 1. Match the words 1

Keys 9-8 1. Match the words 1

Keys 9-8 1. Match the words 1
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