Сценарий сказки «Репка»
Действующие лица :
Вишни, виноград, лимон, слива, клубника.
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Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman.They lived in the village of Redkino. Everybody knew them because the Grandfather was the most famous gardener all over the region. He grew the best fruit in the village. His plums were very juicy in his orchard. His grapes were very ripe. His strawberries were the most beautiful and sweet as sugar. His cherries were always sweet too. The Grandfather was the only man in the village who had lemons in his orchard. The Grandfather was very proud of his orchard. (В это время, когда рассказчик читает свой текст, фрукты на сцене демонстрируют свои фруктовые достоинства.)
But one day he decided to start growing vegetables. And he goes to the kitchen-garden and plants a turnip.
(После того, как дед посадил репку, он ложится на лавку – спит. Фрукты вокруг репки и она появляется на сцене. Фрукты зовут деда.)
Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it out.
N.: Pulls the turnip.
Grandfather: One, two, three! It is too big for me.
N.: Calls the Grandmother.
Grandfather: Granny, come here! Help me, please!
N.: The Grandmother is very bright spark. She likes to sing and dance. She never looks sad.
Grandmother: What’s the matter?
Grandfather: Help me, please!
Grandmother: All right, Grandfather.
N.: Grandmother by Grandfather, Grandfather by the turnip.Pull the turnip.
Grf. And Grm.: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
N.: No result.
Grf. Grm.: Oh, it’s too big for us!
N.: Grandmother calls the Granddaughter.
They have aGranddaughter,Kate by name. She is a very kind girl, she always helps her Grandparents.
Granddaughter: (with skipping-rope):
Over my head and under my toes,
That’s the way my skipping-rope goes,
I can skip slowly, I can skip fast,
Look, my rope is whirling past.
I can count and you? Let’s count with me! I skip one. (зрители считают вместе с ней). I skip two…I skip three…I skip four…I skip five…I skip six…I skip seven…I skip eight…I skip nine…I skip ten. All right.
Grandmother: Granddaughter,Granddaughter, come here, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I’m coming.
N.: Granddaughter by Grandmother, Grandmother by Grandfather,Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the turnip.
Grf. Grm. Grd.: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
N.: No result.
Grf. Grm. Grd.: Oh, it’s too big for us!
N.: Granddaughter calls the dog.
Grd.: Dog, Dog, come here, help us, please!
N.: They also have a dog. He is a very clever dog. He guards the house and his master.
DOG: I am a dog, my name is Jack.
My nose is nice, my coat is black.
What’s the matter?
Granddaughter: Jack, Jack, help us, please!
Dog: All right, Granddaughter.
N.: Dog by Granddaughter, Granddaughter by Grandmother, Grandmother by Grandfather, Grandfather by the Turnip.Pull the turnip.
Together: One, two, three!... One, two, three!
N.: No result.
Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!
N.: And they have a cat, Murka by name. She is a very good mother for her kittens. She takes care of them and plays with them.
Cat: Kittens,come here! (считает котят. Одного не хватает. Собака находит и приводит его. Танец котят. Затем все котята встают в ряд. Кошка играет с ними.)
Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy,
I say stand up!
Thanks, sit down!
Nick and Andy,
Sugar and candy,
I say run around!
Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!
Cat: Sorry,kittens, I’m busy. Run away.
All right, Dog. I’m coming.
N.: The cat by the dog, the dog by the granddaughter, the granddaughter by the grandmother, the grandmother by the grandfather, the grandfather by the turnip. Pull the turnip.
Together: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
N: No result.
Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!
Hickory, dickory, dock!
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock!
Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!
I am a mouse,
You are a cat;
One, two, three,
You catch me!
Cat: No, I don’t. Help us, please!
Mouse: What’s the matter?
Cat: This turnip is very big for us, we can’t pull it out!
Mouse: OK.
Together: One, two, three!.. One, two, three!
Turnip: Here I am!
All together: Oh! What a big turnip we have!
All together sing:
Gaily dancing round the ring,
Round the ring, round the ring,
While we all together sing,
And clap our hands in time.
(Куплет повторяется 2 раза)
Бибалетова М.З.,Добрынина Н.В. Английский язык для малышей.-М.-1994
Верещагина И.Н. Английский для детей, М: “Просвещение”– 1993
Никитенко З.Н.,Негневицкая Е.И. Книга для учителя английского языка для 2 класса-М– 2004
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