Спектакль " Принцесса и свинопас" внеурочная деятельность 5-7кл
Оценка 4.9

Спектакль " Принцесса и свинопас" внеурочная деятельность 5-7кл

Оценка 4.9
английский язык
5 кл—7 кл
Спектакль " Принцесса и свинопас" внеурочная деятельность 5-7кл
спектакль на английском языке
The Princess and The swineherd.docx

The Princess and The swineherd




The swineherd.

The imperator.

Decorations: the palace hall,  the Castle, the park, nightingale in the cage, the pot.

Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a poor prince. He has a little kingdom and two big value- the rose and the nightingale. The  sweet smell of rose full the prince’s heart by happiness and love. But nightingale sang so dreamy. It was time to merry and he decided to get married the imperator’s daughter. He sent a gift to her the rose and the nightingale.

When the imperator came to tell about marriage proposal she was playing with ladies-in-waiting

The Imperator : Daughter, a splendid prince wanted to marry her and he has sent to you a gift.

Princess : Oh! How I like presents! I think it’s a kitten.

Narrator: Instead of the kitten the courties have brought the rose and the nightingale’s cage into the hall.

Ladies-in-waiting: (all together) Oh! What’s a wonderful rose!

Princess ; it’s a real rose!

Ladies-in-waiting:  (all together) it’s real!!!

Narrator: In this time the nightingale has sung. It sang so lovely that all ladies clapped her hands.

Ladies-in-waiting:  (all together) it’s fantastic!!!

Princess: I hope this bird is not real?

 The Imperator: Real!

Princess: ick! I don’t want it! Take it away in the garden and let it go…and tell the prince that I don’t want to see him!

Narrator : In spite of  the refusal, the prince decided to see the princess. He covered his face with the soot and changed the clothes and went to them.

Prince: Good morning, imperator! Can you find any job  for me  in the palace?

The Imperator: I need the swineherd because I have a lot of pigs.

Prince : thank you!

Narrator: In the morning the swineherd went to herd the swine. While the swine relaxed under the sun the swineherd was making a magic pot. The bells on the pot sang a nice song : ‘ah, my pretty Augustin!’

Suddenly the princess with her ladies-in-waiting heard the sounds of bells from another side.

Princess: Oh, I play this music, too! It seems to me the swineherd is well-educated. Ladies go and ask him how much is his instrument?

Ladies-in-waiting: Excuse me, what instrument have you got?

The swineherd: I’ve got a pot.

Ladies-in-waiting: How much is it?

The swineherd: I would like to get one hundred kisses of the princess.

Ladies-in-waiting: How can you do it?

The swineherd: well I can’t sell it!

Narrator: Ladies-in-waiting came and told her everything. The princess was horrified but the sounds of bells attracted her and she came back to him.

Princess: swineherd, would you like to kiss my ladies?

The swineherd: No, thank you! I want your kisses or the pot will be here.

Princess: Okey! Ladies-in-waiting stand around me, I don’t want that somebody could see me here.

Narrator: The swineherd started to kiss her.

The Imperator: what are ladies doing there? Go and see!

Narrator: the imperator went quietly behind their backs. Ladies didn’t notice him and continued to count kisses.

Ladies-in-waiting: (all together) ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine…

The Imperator: What is it? The princess and the swineherd?! Go away from my palace!

Princess: oh, I am unhappy! Why I didn’t marry the prince?

Narrator: The swineherd hid behind the tree, washed his face and put on his costume. Then he came to her. The princess recognized him and was so amazing and made a cutsy in front of him.

Princess: I’m so sorry, prince!

Prince: You didn’t want to marry the poor prince. You didn’t appreciate the beauty of my rose and singing of my nightingale. However you kissed the swineherd because of silly toy. Well now we’re even!

Narrator: And the prince went away.


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The Princess and The swineherd

The Princess and The swineherd

The Imperator : I need the swineherd because

The Imperator : I need the swineherd because

Princess: I’m so sorry, prince!

Princess: I’m so sorry, prince!
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