A picture paints a thousand words, it's true, and pictures are a great way of improving your English, especially if you are a visual learner. So, use pictures to learn vocabulary, and grammar. Don't just look at pictures, think about them. Discuss them. See if you can discribe what's happening in them, and name everything in them.
Visit photo blogs and read the descriptions you will find there. You can join a photo sharing site and share your own pictures and access thousands of photographs. The Learn English Network is on Flickr, with Flickr you can leave notes on other people's pictures and enter into discussions with people all round the world about their photographs. It's a great social experience, and a nice way of getting to know people. You can apply to join the Learn English Flickr group too (forum rules apply), where you can share your own pictures or just look at ours.
There are other photo sharing sites, like Picassa, Photobucket, Shutterfly and Snapfish, and you can share pictures on the forum or on Facebook. Just make sure they are pictures you would be proud to show your grandmother.
I use lots of illustrations and pictures on the Network, and by popular request here are the Picture It and Vocabulary pages in alphabetical order.
- See more at: http://www.learnenglish.de/pictures.html#sthash.E1VbwTmC.dpuf
What photos have you got on your mobile? Do you keep pictures in your purse or
wallet? Have you got a photograph on your identity card? This lesson gives students the
chance to talk about their photos and then write a description of a favourite picture.
Talking about photographs
Low intermediate A2
60-90 mins
To help students ask and answer questions about photographs
To develop students’ listening skills
To develop students’ writing skills
To develop students’ communication skills
Lesson plan: guide for teacher on procedure.
Download lesson plan
Worksheets: can be printed out for use in class.
worksheet - three tasks
Download worksheet
By Sally Trowbridge
The plans and worksheets are downloadable and in pdf format - right click on the
attachment below and save it on your computer.
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