Сценарий для сказки на английском: "Волк и 7 козлят", 2-3 класс
Оценка 4.9

Сценарий для сказки на английском: "Волк и 7 козлят", 2-3 класс

Оценка 4.9
английский язык
2 кл—3 кл
Сценарий для сказки на английском: "Волк и 7 козлят", 2-3 класс
Сценарий для сказки на английском: "Волк и 7 козлят", 2-3 класс. Количество участвующих детей: 10-11
волк и 7 козлят.docx

Сценарий спектакля: «Волк и семеро козлят»

2 класс

Язык: английский

Учитель: Смирнова Элина Владимировна




                                    THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN LITTLE KIDS


GOATLING 1,                                                                                                                GOATLING 2,                                                                                                               GOATLING 3,                                                                                                                GOATLING 4,                                                                                                           GOATLING 5,                                                                                                                GOATLING 6,                                                                                                          GOATLING 7

NARRATOR 1: There was once a goat who had seven little kids. One day she wanted to go into the woods to get food for her kids, so she told them.

MOTHER GOAT: Dear children, I am going into the woods. Do not open the door! If the wolf comes, he will eat you! You can easily recognize him by his rough voice.

GOAT 1: Dear mother, we will be very careful!

GOAT 2: Don`t worry about us.

GOAT 3: We will be quite safe.

NARRATOR 2: So the old goat went on her way into the dark woods. Suddenly, the wolf came to the goat’s house.

WOLF: Open the door, my dear children. I have something for you.

GOAT 4: We will not open the door.

GOAT 5: Our mother’s voice is soft and gentle.

GOAT 6: Your voice is rough. You are a wolf.

NARRATOR 1: The old wolf ran away to a shop, where he ate a piece of white chalk to make his voice soft. Then he went back to the goat’s house and knocked at the door.

WOLF: Open the door to me, my dear children. I am your mother.

GOAT 7: If you are our mother, sing us a song.

Все поют песенку my dear, dear mummy

GOAT 6: Come in, mother.
GOAT 7: You`re home finally!

NARRATOR 1: The ugly old wolf entered and all the little kids ran to hide themselves.

GOAT 1: I will hide under the table!.

GOAT 2: I will hide under the bed!.

GOAT 3: I will hide inside the oven!.

GOAT 4: I will hide in the kitchen!.

GOAT 5: I will hide in the cupboard!.

GOAT 6: I will hide under the chair!.

GOAT 7: I will hide in the tall clock!.

NARRATOR 2: The wolf quickly found and ate them all, except for the smallest. Then the wolf went back to the woods. Then the mother goat came home from the woods.

MOTHER GOAT: Oh my, the door is open!. What happened here?

MOTHER GOAT: Where are my dear children?.

GOAT 7: Dear mother, I´m here, in the tall clock.

NARRATOR 1: The mother goat helped the little goat. Soon she found out how the wolf had eaten her dear children.                                                                                                         NARRATOR 2: Then she went into the woods and found the sleeping wolf.             NARRATOR 1: The goat hit him in the stomach with her horns.                                    NARRATOR 2:And the little goats jumped out, alive and safe.

GOAT 1: Mother!.

GOAT 2: Mother!.

GOAT 3: We are fine.

GOAT 4: We are here!

GOAT 5: We are back!

GOAT 6 and GOAT 7: We are together!
MOTHER GOAT: My dear loving kids!

GOAT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7: We love you, mother!


Сценарий спектакля: «Волк и семеро козлят» 2 класс

Сценарий спектакля: «Волк и семеро козлят» 2 класс

GOAT 5: Our mother’s voice is soft and gentle

GOAT 5: Our mother’s voice is soft and gentle

GOAT 1: Mother!. GOAT 2: Mother!

GOAT 1: Mother!. GOAT 2: Mother!
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