Сценарий общешкольного концерта для недели английского языка "Spring in London"
Оценка 4.6

Сценарий общешкольного концерта для недели английского языка "Spring in London"

Оценка 4.6
английский язык
3 кл—11 кл
Сценарий общешкольного концерта для недели английского языка "Spring in  London"
Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке, которое объединит педагогов и детей, поможет раскрыть творческий потенциал учащихся и повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.
Spring in London.docx


-       Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

-       We’re happy to see you here on this warm and sunny spring day!

-       As you know, we’ve got a perfect reason to come to school today. It is the first event at our school in English which unites the pupils of all ages, and its name is “Spring in London”

-       You know, to be honest, the first idea that comes to my mind when I hear the word “London” is “London is the capital of Great Britain”

-       The same with me. But let’s try and find some basic things.

-       Spring…  Spring means the beginning of new life. And many people associate spring with love.

-       You are right, it is believed that not only people, but cats and dogs as well fall in live in spring.

-       Love inspires people to write poems, compose music, paint pictures and so on. And it happens all over the world.

-       And what about dancing? When I’m happy I want to dance and it’s difficult for me to stand still.

-       Me to, and I think it’ll be a good idea to begin our program with dancing.

-       Welcome Алина Филанович and her dance “Lash Life”



-       Have you ever heard about William Shakespeare?

-       Of cause. He is famous for his play “Romeo and Juliet”. Did he live in London?

-       Yes, and he wrote not only plays, but he is the author of 154 sonnets as well. Today we are going to listen to some of them. The first one is sonnet 14.

-       Welcome Дарья Стрельникова and Степан Гривенёв.



-       “Safe and sound” is one of my favorite songs, I think it’s one of the best songs of our century.

-       Welcome Антон Перко and Илья Короткевич and their version of this masterpiece.



-       Do you like studying in spring?

-       Definitely not, especially when the weather is warm and sunny and the birds sing their beautiful songs.

-       The same with me. But our next performers will remind us about the importance of school and knowledge in any season of the year.

-       Welcome Иван Мазак and Мария Шарко and their poems about school.



-       Children like spending time with their friends, and they are going to sing about it.

-       The pupils from the 4th form are on the stage.



-       What style of music do you prefer?

-       It’s easier to say what music I don’t like. I mean there are good and bad songs in every style, so I’d better say that I like good music

-       In this case you’ll like our next dancer. Welcome Алина Лешукович



-       The youngest members of our concert are tired of waiting. Welcome Полина Баешко. She’ll read poems about spring months.




-       What is your favourite season?

-       Summer. It’s hot and sunny in summer and students have 3 months holidays.

-       I can say that our next participants share your opinion. The song “It’s a hot summer day” will be performed by the pupils of the 3rd form.



-       Can you name 3 things a person can’t live without?

-       A person will definitely die without air, water and food. They are fundamental from the point of view of biology.

-       And we’ve got a chant “Where’s the food?” Welcome Елизавета Янушкевич and Ксения Ярмолицкая



-       Young pupils in our school can dance very well, can’t they?

-       Let’s see. София Дризголович is on the stage.



-       There are so many songs about love in the world. Some of them are sad, others are romantic, some are energetic and others are calm. But one song to my mind stands out.

-       Which song do you mean?

-       I mean the song of John Legen “All of me” It’s so touching…

-       And now you’ll enjoy it. Welcome Марина Баранова.




-       Who is your favourite pop star?

-       It’s difficult to say, I like many of them.

-       I like Beyonce, I think she’s cool. I like her songs and the way she moves.

-       I should say you’re not lonely in this. Welcome a group of dancers from class 11a




-       The next song is really positive and inspiring, sunny and optimistic.

-       I guess you mean the song “Shine”

-       You’re absolutely right. Welcome Дарья Талалаева and Агата Романович



-       And now let’s have some fun. One more sonnet by William Shakespeare and this time it’ll have a humorous interpretation. Welcome the pupils from class 10a



-       I think it’s a good idea to continue the topic of beauty.

-       And we’ve got a very good song to do it. The song “Pretty woman” will be performed by the classmates of the previous actors.



-       Have you ever been to London?

-       No, but I’d love to.

-       If you were in London, what places would you like to visit?

-       Many of them, it’s difficult to choose: the Tower, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace… I’d like to see them all.

-       Мария Саротник wants to recite a poem “Only one day in London” She will remind us all the sights of this city.



-       Many songs are as old as time, but still up-to-date. Let’s take “We will rock you” by the Queen. Can you imagine that the song is more than 40 years old?

-       Really? Now I see why my dad likes it.

-       And you?

-       Me too. Андрей Михайловский and Дмитрий Готченя are on the stage.


-       There are songs that are known to everyone, though not everyone knows the title or the name of the singer.

-       And now we’ll listen to such a song. Welcome Валерия Матузик and her song “Zombie”


-       London is reach in museums, and one of them is Madame Tussauds Museum, one of the most famous museums of wax figures in the world.

-       The exhibits of this museum want to tell about themselves. The students of the 9th form will help them.


-       Welcome Екатерина Серченя and her dance “Hola Chiquitita”



-       Our school is reach in talents. Our schoolmates love English and they can sing, perform and recite poems in it.

-       Some of them can dance and even play musical instruments. Welcome Матвей Щербович and Олег Клишевич with the composition “Animals”


-       Last week all the pupils, teachers and parents of our school could see the stand in the hall. All of us voted to choose the best poster.

-       And now it’s time to name the winners. We invite Ольга Александровна Клишевич to award the winners.


-       Do you like Louis Armstrong?

-       Who doesn’t? I think his music is forever.

-       And today we’ll have a chance to enjoy his song “Our wonderful world”.

-       Welcome the pupils from class 10!



-       Nothing can last forever, and our concert isn’t an exception. We hope that you’ve enjoyed the performance and it wasn’t boring.

-       It’s high time to say good-bye to the audience and the actors, singers and dancers who took part in this great event.

-       We want to invite all the staff on the stage and sing a good-bye song together with the pupils of the 4th form



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! -

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! -

Do you like studying in spring? -

Do you like studying in spring? -

Can you name 3 things a person can’t live without? -

Can you name 3 things a person can’t live without? -

And now let’s have some fun. One more sonnet by

And now let’s have some fun. One more sonnet by

London is reach in museums, and one of them is

London is reach in museums, and one of them is
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