Сценарий по английскому языку "День английского языка". Сценарий составила учитель английского языка Шукурова Лайло Шамуратовна. Цель сценария развить интерес учеников к английскому языку. Дети разыграли сказку "Волк и семеро козлят" Ученики пели песню, рассказывали стихи и общались на английском языке. Им этот день очень понравился.Сценарий по английскому языку "День английского языка"
«День Английского языка»
1. Гимн Российской Федерации (на английском языке) –
The Anthem of Russian Federation (in English)
Россия — священная наша держава,
Россия — любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава —
Твоё достоянье на все времена!
Russia – our sacred homeland,
Russia – our beloved country.
A mighty will, great glory –
These are your heritage for all time!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся
Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Ancestor-given wisdom of the people!
Be glorious, our country! We are proud of
От южных морей до полярного края
Раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая —
Хранимая Богом родная земля!
From the southern seas to the polar lands
Spread are our forests and fields.
You are unique in the world, one of a kind
This native land protected by God!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся
Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Ancestor-given wisdom of the people!
Be glorious, our country! We are proud of
Широкий простор для мечты и для
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу даёт наша верность
Так было, так есть и так будет
Wide spaces for dreams and for living
Are opened for us by the coming years
Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us
Thus it was, thus it is and thus it always
will be!
2. Приветствие (на русском и английском языке) –
Greetings (in Russian and in English)(Симаш Кирилл)
Добрый день дамы и господа. Мы
рады вас видеть. Сегодня день
английского языка. Мы старались
подготовить вам представление. Мы
будем рады если оно вам понравиться.
Очень важно изучать этот язык. Все
люди во всем мире говорят на этом
языке. И мы стараемся усердно учить
этот язык. Наилучшие пожелания вам.
Спасибо за внимания.
Good afternoon
ladies and
gentlemen. We are glad to see you.
Today is the day of English language. We
tried to prepare a snow for you. We well
be happy if you like our snow. It’s very
important learn this language. Everyone
speak this language all over the world.
And we try to learn hard this language.
Best wishes for your. Thank you for your
3. Песни Twinkle и You are my sunshine (на английском языке) –
Songs Twinkle and You are my sunshine (in English)
(Пащенко Татьяна)
Селевёрстова Олеся)
Twinkle, Twinkle
Little star how I wonder
What you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
You are my sunshine
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You will never know dear
How much I love you
Please don’t take my
Sunshine away
Стихи (на английском языке) – Poems (in English)
(Лебеденко Диана)
Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning, good morning
I am glad to see you
(Новиков Даниил)
One two what are you
Three four shut the door
Five six pick up sticks
(Завалов Даниил)
I have many leaves
But I am not a tree
I am a nice thing
Come and read me
(Королева Виктория)
One, One, One
Little dog run
Two, Two, Two
Cat see you
Three, Three, Three
Birds on a tree
Four, Four, Four
Cats on the floor
5. Сценка: Сказка «Красная шапочка» (на английском языке) –Scene: Fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” (in English)
(Волк – Казаков Дмитрий, Красная шапочка – Черчева Ангелина, Бабушка –
Смирнова Софья, Мама – Королева Виктория, Охотники – Каньшин Максим,
Сидоренко Иван, Сидоренко Никита)
Little Red Riding Hood : My name is Little Red Riding Hood .
Scene 1
Good morning , children.
Children : Good morning , Little Red Hood .
( Красная шапочка выходит .)
Mother : Little Red Riding Hood , Little Red Riding Hood ! Where are
you ?
Little Red Riding Hood : I am here , Mother . Whats the matter ?
(Красная шапочка входит .)
Mother : little Red Riding Hood ! Today Is your grandmothers birthday.
|Take a cake ,some apples and a jug of honey to her .
Little Red Riding Hood : all right, Mother .
Mother : Dont speak to anybody on the way . Dont stop in the wood .
And dont pick any flowers or mushrooms there .
Little Red Riding Hood : all right , dear Mother . Good – dye !
Mother : Good – bye, darling .
( Красная шапочка уходит)
Сцена 2.
(Красная шапочка в лесу)
Little Red Riding Hood : How nice it is in the wood. There are many trees, flowers
and mushrooms. I'll pick some flowers for my grandmother.
(Появляется волк)
The wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding
Children: Go away, go away, you bad Wolf.The Wolf: Hush, children! (он подходит к красной шапочке.) Good morning, Little
Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood : Good morning, Mr. Wolf.
The Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood ?
Little Red Riding Hood : I am going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I
take a cake, some apples and honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your grandmother?
Little Red Riding Hood : She lives in a little house in the wood near the river?
The Wolf: Is it far from here ?
Little Red Riding Hood : No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood .
Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.
Сцена 3.
( Волк подходит к дому бабушки и стучится в дверь)
Grandmother: Who is there?
The Wolf: It's me,Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandmother: Come in, darling.
(Волк подбегает к бабушке и хочет поймать её, но она убегает. Волк одевает
платье и шляпку бабушки и ложится в кровать. Вскоре Красная Шапочка
появляется возле дома бабушки)
Little Red Riding Hood (поёт):
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, tap, tap.
The Wolf: Who is there?
Little Red Riding Hood : It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Granny.
(Красная шапочка ставит корзинку на стол и подходит к бабушкиной кровати)
Little Red Riding Hood: Many happy returns of the day!The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big ears you have, granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What sharp teeth you have, Granny?
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(Волк выпрыгивает из кровати и хочет поймать красную шапочку которая
кричит:” HELP, HELP”! Бабушка и охотники входят. Охотники стреляют и волк
Grandmother: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh! It's really nothing.
Grandmother, the Hunter, Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Did
you like it, children?
Children: Yes, we did! Thank you!
6. Диалог «Знакомство» (на английском языке) –
Dialogue “Meeting” (in English)
(Пащенко Татьяна и Селеверстова Олеся)
Tатьяна: Good afternoon.
Oлеся: Good afternoon.
T: Nice to meet you.
O: Nice to meet you too.
T: How are you?
O: I am fine thank you. And how are you?
T: I am fine thank you too.
O: What is your name?
T: My name is Tanya. And what is your name?
O: My name is Olesya.
T: How old are you?
O: I am 10 years old. And how old are you?
T: I am 11 years old.
O:Where are you from?
T: I am from Russia. And where are you from?
O: I am from Russia too.
T: See you later.
O: See you later .
T: Good buy.
O: Good buy.7. Песня на английском языке Show Me the Meaning of being lonely
“Backstreet boys” –
Song in English Show Me the Meaning of being lonely “Backstreet boys”
(Казаков Дмитрий, Каньшин Максим, Сидоренко Иван)
So many words for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
Walk with me, and maybe
Nights of light so soon become
Wild and free I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done
Then tell me…
Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling
I need to walk with?
Tell me why I can't be there where you are?
There's something missing in my heart
Life goes on as it never ends
Eyes of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze
Guilty roads to an endless love
There's no control
Are you with me now?
Your every wish will be done
Then tell me…
There's nowhere to run I have no place to go
Surrender my heart and body and soul
How can it be you're asking me to feel theThings you never show
You are missing in my heart
Tell me why I can't be there where you are