Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке
Оценка 4.7

Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке

Оценка 4.7
английский язык
3 кл—7 кл
Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке
Спектакль на английском языке "Little Red Riding-hood" (Красная Шапочка) ориентирован на учащихся как младших классов, так и среднего звена (5 - 7 классы). Его можно использовать как в классной, так и внеклассной работе с учащимися. Даёт возможность отработать с ними как вопросительные предложения, так и утвердительные. Также ученики с лёгкостью запоминают многие устойчивые выражения на английском языке, поют используемую в ходе спектакля песню и т.д.
Спектакль Красная Шапочка Документ Microsoft Word.docx
LITTLE RED RIDING-HOOD - №1) Host 1 (Ведущий 1): Once upon a time there was a little girl. On her birthday her grandmother gave her a little red riding-hood. Grandmother: Happy birthday! It’s for you! Little Red Riding-hood: Thank you! I like it very much! Host 2 (Ведущий 2): She really liked it and always wore it. So everyone called her Little Red Riding-hood. One morning her mother told her to visit her sick grandmother. Mother: Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother does, because I have heard she is very ill; carry this basket with pies and a little pot of butter for her. Little Red Riding-hood: All right, mother! Mother: But remember this – go straight to grandmother’s house. Don’t talk to strangers! Little Red Riding-hood: Don’ worry, mommy! ( Лёгкая бодрая музыка Host 1: On her way, Little Red Riding-hood noticed some lovely flowers in the wood. But unfortunately she didn’t notice a wolf. (Звучит песня «Don’t step a snake») Little Red Riding-hood: Wow! How lovely they are! I like these fresh flowers! Oh! They smell good too! Host 2: Suddenly, a big wolf appeared beside her. (Тревожная музыка Wolf: Good morning, little girl! Where are you going? Little Red Riding-hood: Good morning! I am going to see my grandmother. She is sick and I carry this basket with pies and a little pot of butter for her. Wolf: Where does she live? Little Red Riding-hood: She lives in the forest, near the big apple tree. Wolf: Take some fresh flowers to your grandmother. She will be happy to get them. (Посмеивается). Little Red Riding-hood: Really? Oh, thank you, sir! (Бодрая музыка Host 1: The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut. He arrived at grandma’s house and knocked on the door. Wolf: Knock, knock! Grandmother: Who is there? Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding-hood! - №2) - №3) - №2) Grandmother: Oh! (Смеётся) The door is open! Come in, my dear! Host 2: The wolf went into the room and swallowed the poor grandmother. He changed into her clothes and laid himself down in bed. A few minutes later Little Red Riding-hood knocked on the door. Little Red Riding-hood: Knock, knock! Wolf: Who is it? Little Red Riding-hood: It’s me, Little Red Riding-hood! Wolf: Come in, my dear! Host 1: Little Red Riding-hood went into the room. (тревожная музыка Little Red Riding-hood: Oh! Grandmother, why are your ears so very big? Wolf: To hear your sweet voice, my dear. Little Red Riding-hood: Oh! Grandmother, why are your eyes so very big? Wolf: To see your cute face, my dear. Little Red Riding-hood: Oh! Grandmother, why are your hands so very big? Wolf: To grab you firmly, my dear. Little Red Riding-hood: Oh! Grandmother, why are your mouth so very big? Wolf: It is to gulp you down! (Волк рычит, Красная шапочка кричит) (Звуки рычания и крика - № 4) Host 2: And the wolf swallowed the Little Red Riding-hood. Feeling very full, the wolf fell asleep in bed, snoring loudly. (Раздаётся храп) Just then, a hunter was passing by and heard the snoring. (Слышен храп) Hunter: That sounds strange. It must be a wolf. Host 1: The hunter went into the house. He saw a wolf sleeping in grandmother’s bed. The wolf’s huge stomach was moving. (Храп) Hunter: Oh, no! Host 2: The hunter took a pair of scissors and cut open the wolf’s stomach. There was Little Red Riding-hood and grandmother still alive. (Радостная музыка - №5) Little Red Riding-hood: Oh, Grandma! I was so scared! I will never talk to strangers again! I will always listen to you and my mother. Grandmother: There, there, my dear! Just don’t forget! Host 1: From then on, Little Red Riding-hood was very careful and never spoke to strangers again.

Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке

Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке

Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке

Сценарий спектакля о Красной Шапочке на английском языке
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