Tasks for Formative assessment
Grade- 9
Unit: Science and Technology
Grade: 9
Unit: Science and Technology
Learning objectives:
9.L5 recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
Assessment criteria:
- Identify the meaning and details of the listening texts on familiar topics and draw conclusion
- Use an appropriate layout in writing
Task. Listen the audio and identify the speaker’s opinion by marking the sentences True or False. Go to the link: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/beginner-a1-listening/online-safety-conversation
1. Charlie’s mother is doing something with his computer. True False
2. Charlie isn’t logged in at the moment. True False
3. If you don’t change your privacy settings, everyone can see your information. True False
4. It is easy to delete everything you put online. True False
5. Charlie’s mother knows his password. True False 6. Charlie’s notebook is in a secret place. True False
Charlie: Mum! That’s my computer!
Mum: I know, I know. Don’t worry, I’m changing your privacy settings.
Charlie: Privacy settings?
Mum: Yes. There are privacy settings on your social networking sites. Your account is totally public at the moment, and you’re logged in!
Charlie: Oh. What are the privacy settings for?
Mum: To make you safe online. You want to be safe, don’t you? And for the right people to see your information, not EVERYONE.
Charlie: Everyone?
Mum: Yes. If you don’t change your privacy settings, when you upload a photo, anyone can see it. It’s important to change them so only your friends can see them. You don’t want everyone to see everything, do you?
Charlie: No! But I can delete things, can’t I?
Mum: Well, you can, but it’s very difficult. Some things stay there forever.
Charlie: That’s really scary, Mum.
Mum: Don’t worry, but you must learn how to stay safe. You mustn’t tell anyone your password! Charlie: I won’t!
Mum: Crazy Charlie one two one, isn’t it?
Charlie: Mum! Yes, it is. How …
Mum: It’s on your notebook. Right there. On your desk. It isn’t a very secret place, is it?
Charlie: No, it isn’t.
Descriptor: A learner
- identifies the speaker’s opinion by marking sentences True and False.
Unit: Science and Technology
Learning objectives:
9.S3 explain and justify their own and others’ point of view on a range of general and curricular topics
9.S6 Link comments with growing flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
Assessment criteria:
- give information about the topic, explaining their viewpoint and prove it
Task. In pairs, provide your opinion on following questions, when necessary by supporting arguments and commenting your partner’s answers..
- How has medicine changed in the past hundred years?
- How different would the world be without medicine?
- Do you enjoy using technology? Why?
- What is your favorite gadget? Why?
- How does technology affect our everyday life?
- In your opinion what changes might happen in the future with technology?
- expresses opinion on questions;
- explains his/her point of view and supports with arguments;
- provide comments on partner’s answer.
Unit: Science and Technology
Learning objectives:
9.R5 deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
A. Modern technology is changing the way we live our lives. Clever gadgets make everyday activities easier and enable people to use their time effectively. But what impact will this change have in the future and is it really a positive thing? People are busier than ever before.
B. Technological advances (0) mean that things are often possible with the touch of a button. A hundred years ago, however, things were very different. Everyday jobs, like doing the laundry, would take a whole day, and the telephone was a new invention! Nowadays, almost every household has a washing machine and a dishwasher, and there are more than 70 million mobile phones in use in the United Kingdom alone.
C. Research shows that around 28% of children in the UK are obese. Some people are concerned that this is because young people (1) spend too much time online and not enough time socialising with their friends and playing outside. In the past, nearly all children walked to school because their parents didn’t have a car. They didn’t have all the luxuries that many children have now, so they used their imaginations and played outdoors in the fresh air.
D. Years ago, when people wanted to stay in touch with their friends and family, they wrote letters. These days, however, E-mail communication and social networking sites, such as Facebook, allow (2) instant, free international communication.
E. There are many benefits of using technology but we need to be responsible in the choices we make. Modern equipment is often very expensive and does not (3) last a long time. It is important to consider how much we really need these things and the impact they have on our health, the environment and society.
Task. Match paragraphs A – E to the topic sentences below.
1. Our responsibility when choosing to use modern technology. ________ [1]
2. The impact of modern technology on everyday life over the past century. ________ [1]
3. The effect of modern technology on young people. ________ [1]
Descriptor: A learner
- Compares sentences in accordance with the information in the text
Grade: 9
Unit: Science and Technology
Learning objectives:
9.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with minimal teacher support on a range of general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria:
- Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics
Task. Write a short paragraph about 40-50 words on the topic “. Technologies are changing the way we live. What are the advantages and disadvantages of advanced technologies?”. Pay attention at the grammar accuracy of tenses in your answer.
Descriptor: A learner
-writes an appropriate information;
-uses tense forms correctly.
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