Someopinions about parameters of mnemonics
Nishonova Dilnovoz Jonibekovna. KhasanovaOzodakhon Kurvonali kizi. Burkhonova Guyokhon Gulomovna. TursunovaOdina Salimovna.
Muminova Oftobkhon Karimovna
Department of Teaching languages, FerganaPolytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Department of Teaching languages, FerganaPolytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Department of Teaching languages, FerganaPolytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Department of Teaching languages, FerganaPolytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Department of Teaching languages, FerganaPolytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Corresponding author:
Abstract:Learning andteaching languages as foreign or second language has their own difficulties.New methods of learning and teaching foreign languages can help to solve thesedifficulties. One of effective way for foreign language classroom is usingmnemonics for teaching foreign grammar and vocabulary. There are some parametersneed to be considered in order to integrate mnemonics into a foreign languageclassroom. Thisarticle proposes a theoretical foundation of parameters of mnemonics.
Keywords: language learner, mnemonics,parameter, foreign classroom, information, data, interaction, color, recoding, relating, retrieving
Language learnersexpect their foreign language teacher to “deliver” the target language, totransmit their knowledge and skill to them without them having to raise afinger. This is a result of the classic foreign classrooms “teacher-centered”paradigm of learning and teaching. When the teacher is the main source ofknowledge, the learners will be “orbit” around the teacher in an effort toobtain that knowledge. Mnemonicstrategies are to help language learners recall information that needs to beremembered in a particular order. Thus we use mnemonics to help learnersremember the order of the colors in a rainbow, the order of musical notes onthe stave, the order of the planets.
Materials and methods
In order to integratemnemonics into a foreign language classroom, a number of parameters need to beconsidered. According to H. Sperber [11], N.Schleicher [10] and K.Higbee [7],these parameters of mnemonics are generally six. They are:
- Interaction;
- Familiarity;
- Livelihood;
- Color;
- Antiquity;
- Creation by the learner.
J.Levin (1983) [9] tried to filter these parameters ofmnemonics in the 1980s. He explained that the mnemotechnic had to conform tothe 3R rule and explained what 3R is.3R is an acronym for Recoding, Relating and Retrieving in English. According toLevin, all other parameters depend on it.
3R: According to Levin, Recoding, Relating, Retrievingare the main parameters of mnemonics. The purpose of the coding is to provideabstract and comprehensive information to better understand, simplify learning,and can also be viewed as a process of refinement. This process is shown as animportant parameter in further research. In the process of making concrete, thelearner must have a clear idea of what to learn.
When connecting, two ormore information are combined for one purpose. When you choose to merge information,the most likely information is recalled. This process is treated as aninterview. Retrieving is a clear call-to-action mechanism for accessing to any information.The components of the call depend on the above components.
Bower outlines the componentsthat facilitate the interaction and interconnection process. For example, thewords "Fahrrad: Hund" (a bike / a dog) show that a dog can beimagined or portrayed on a bicycle. The vibrancy is of particular importance,because the picture of a dog riding a bicycle is more interesting for languagelearners than a dog in front of a bicycle. And this situation helps forvisualize the information. From this it can be said that they all have a strongrelationship. This means that Recoding can be coaxed and Relation can bedescribed as interactions.
The following parametersare again completely disabled:
Interaction: Interaction is shouldbe used for connecting logical unrelated information. The effect of learning iseven greater when these data are interconnected. His theoretical foundationshave been studied by Bower. Miller also sought to bettercover this topic with hisresearch. He said that "chunking", like others, would expand thebranches. For example, chunk can be used to link der Affe / monkey and derStraßenbahn / tram. You have to imagine that a monkey drives a tram.
Concreteness:It is easier to remember specific thingsthan abstract concepts. The more specific the information, the easier it is toremember and accept. Specific things are also easy to visualize and describe,and language learners may not have problems coding such things. Therefore, itis best to clarify the abstract word under study. For example, to describe themeaning of der Traue/mourning, one can imagine or portray a woman in mourning.This is most effective when remembering and retrieving specific information.For this you need to use learning tools such as pictures, movies or models.
H. Sperberteaches methods for learning specific things and abstract concepts. It is bestto use images to remember specific information. And abstract concepts can bebetter remembered by verbalization. In his view, it is more effective way tostudy abstract information through verbal context and poetry.Sperber's opinion is of particularimportance: "… the more specific the information, the easier it is toreceive." When you are staying in front of car, its picture or modelbecomes more abstract than it looks. In concreteness is also important to portray as a painting.Higbee notes that the more vibrant the association is, the stronger it will beto remember. In his view, visual learning is more effective than verballearning. The language learner should also be aware of how mnemonics can beused.
Livelihood: Livelihood and interaction are also interrelated. It has apositive effect on data retention and helps language learners learn data thathas more than one semantic dimension. This means that not only the superficialpart of the data is described, the interconnected also semantic meaning. At thesame time, the associated data is remembered as one. Mobility is alsoimportant, and the two hemispheres need to be connected.
Familiarity:Using of familiar rhythm allows languagelearners to remember the data well. As a result, a positive result isguaranteed. For example, the monkey, baby, singer Beyoncé, a drummer, a dancerand a lion recommended by Akkiz Koskun, used to teach articles in German, haveshown how familiarity can give effect for foreign language classrooms. The samemethod can be used to learning a lots number of nouns. Concrete coding ofabstract concepts facilitates learning.
According to Nordkämper-Schleicher [10],using rhythm can provide context for what language learners learn. Kox Francis[6] notes in his research the possibility of using the Frère Jacques song forchildren to teach Dative prepositions.This is whatH.Sperber has said.Dating is not just about rhythm. The drawings relate to this, and He explainsthis based on the logos of the firms.
Colors: Psychologists' research hasshown that colors affect the learning process. According to Buzan [1], workingon learning materials takes a long time to use colors. Colors are analternative to understanding, and the information is well absorbed. Colors areespecially effective when grouping information. Both authors emphasize theimportance of colors, not only in understanding and retaining information, butalso in linking them. For example, it is possible to understand the layout ofthe Dative and Accusative prepositions used in the sentence in two colors. As aresult, the language learner will be informed of the order in which they are tobe used. It also facilitates the learner's recognition and decision-makingprocess and helps them understand which way to remember. Kanner [8] alsoconsiders the amount of color that is another aspect of the use of colors,suggesting that the use of multiple colors undermines its value. You can testthis by either remembering 10 marking words in the text or remembering 8marking words from the text. Which is easier for your language learners?
Creation by the learner: According to H.Sperber,creation of personal memory images will help to achieve the optimum level oflearning. Craik and Lockhart [3] also shared the same view in 1972. Theyinvestigated how well the information is stored in memory and how fast theretrieval rate depends on the image created by the learner. They have conducteda case study to substantiate this, and the first group has been tasked withdrawing the words that need to be learnt, and the second group has been taskedwith drawing those words. Result of second group was higher than the firstgroup. The reason for the high results is that the second group is the one whodrew the paintings themselves. Language learners need more creativity increating their own drawings. When it is creative, both hemispheres of the brainare active, and data storage will be better.
Theauthor of the work “Ad Herenium”, however, has no deep reflection in thepaintings created by the learner himself. Because it relates to the learningprocess, it can be used, for example, in the classroom. This shows that such apicture was created in a limited time. According to Higbee, language learners underthe age of 11 cannot create such drawings. From the age of 11, as a teenagerlanguage learner can create visual mental images. P.Heinrich [12] believes thatthere is no distinction between real emotions and imaginative images. "Researchon the human brain shows that only what is imagined and what is actually doneis almost the same for brain activity."
H. Sperberwrites about the more effective study of verbalization of abstract concepts.Interactive mental images are especially effective. Heitkemper (2005: 6) alsomakes this point, emphasizing the easier and longer retention of visualmaterial or visual imagery.
Accordingto M. Duyar [4], the effectiveness of memory images depends on the followingfeatures:
1. Images must be live and clear.
2. Images must be interactive and portrayed in action.
3. The picture must also be emotional.
4. The learner must feel connected to the mentalimage.
5. To practice mental learning, you must first focuson the eyes and close your eyes.
Theabove guidelines should be taken into consideration when applying mnemonics. Itis important to emphasize the simplicity of mnemotechnology in the classroomprocess. If the learner experiences difficulty in the first attempt, he losessight of using it.
Antiquity: Although many studies have provided comments on the parameters ofmnemotechnics, the advantages and disadvantages of antiquity are notsubstantiated. But it is remarkable that it is more lively and unusual than theusual association. Increasing livelihood enhances data storage. Buzan [2] says,"… funnier, comical, absurd and unreal images are easier toremember." Dwyer and Lemberski [5] study the studies from 1982 to 1983,written since 1945, to prove that color enhances learning success. Colors areremarkable, but their effectiveness depends on the learning material andprocess. Antiquity is a state that is different from the ordinary process. Forexample, a car is usually driven by a man, and being driven by an animal isunusual.
However,some researchers also suggest that language learning should be avoided,minimized, or completely ignored. This is because they are shown to bemisleading language learners. If the above parameters are used in thecreation of mnemonics, it will be more effective.
German scientist Goethe said: “Only knowledgeis not enough, one must also apply knowledge.” Many teachers, not only in thefield of German as a Foreign Language (DaF), know that mnemonics exist and thatthey are easier to memorize than simple rules or mathematical formulas.Unfortunately, there are very fewtextbooks in which mnemonics are used or offered forteaching German. Creating mnemomaterials for the lessons is conducted tocreative meaning of the teachers.
In conclusion we cansay, mnemonics can be as powerful technique for memorizing foreign words – inany language.
Mnemonicdevices often help students during tests and writing assignments in particularand assist in keeping rules straight in their memories.
Mnemonicdevices enable an individual to summarize rules, so that they may be memorizedand used more consistently.
Allparameters of mnemonics must be used for creating mnemomaterials for foreign language.
[1] Buzan, T. (1993), Kopftraining Anleitung zum kreativen Denken. München.
[2] Buzan, T. (2000), Nichts vergessen! Kopftraining fürein Supergedächtnis. München
[3] Craik, F. und Lockhart, R. (1972), Levels of processing: Aframework for memory research. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior,11, 671 -684.
[4] Duyar, M. S. (2001), Fotografik Hafiza Teknikleri 1, Ankara:Basım Matbacılık.
[5] Dwyer, F. und Lamberski, R. (1983), A review of the researchon the effects of the use of color in the teaching-learning process. International Journal of Instructional Media10, 4, 303-330.
[6] Francis K. Über Mnemotechniken im DaF-Unterricht.Diplomarbeit Lochem. 2015
[7] Higbee, K. L. (1996), Your Memory How It Works and How ToImprove It. New York: Marlowe & Company 1996.
[8] Kanner, J. (1968), The instructional effectiveness ofcolor in television: A review of the evidence. Stanford.
[9] Levin, J., Shriberg, L. und Berry, J. (1983), A concretestrategy for remembering abstract prose. American Eduactional Research Journal 20, 2, 277-290
[10] Nordkämper-Schleicher, U. (1998), Besser behalten. Mnemotechniken beimSprachenlernen am Beispiel „Deutsch als Fremdsprache“ für Erwachsene,Dissertation, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Freiburg.
[11] Sperber, H. G. (1989), Mnemotechnik im Fremdsprachenerwerb. München:IuidiumVerlag
Web sites
[12] Heinrich, P. (2015), Deutschlernen mit Mnemotechniken. (21.01.2015).© ООО «Знанио»
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