Текст "Clothes in our lives"
Оценка 4.9

Текст "Clothes in our lives"

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний
английский язык
8 кл—9 кл
Текст "Clothes in our lives"
Текст подготовлен в качестве контрольного(грамотное чтение и полное понимание) как часть изучения большой темы "Clothes" , указания даны в самом файле.
Урок №9(22.04, 12.00 среда).docx


                                                          Clothes in Our Lives

На завтра работаете с текстом, читаем, сверяемся с предыдущим конспектом по лексике “предметы одежды”, подписываем звуки в трудных местах, уметь отвечать на вопросы по содержанию. К ___  я распределю текст на два варианта для контрольного чтения и подпишу вопросы на знание содержания текста. Готовое задание для двух вариантов будут выложены в РИД ___.



What pieces of clothing can we meet in kids’ wardrobes? Of course, very different! If a kid is a schoolboy or a schoolgirl he or she must have a school uniform and every morning they put shoes, shirts, skirts, trousers and blouses on to look in the official style. But studying at school takes not all the day.

Having come home we change clothes to comfortable shorts, pants, T-shirts and slippers.

For doing sports neither official wear nor home wear fit and people must dress up in sportswear. We take on sweat pants, trainers, running shoes, sports jersey or body suits, modern sportswear is made of light and strong materials not limiting your motions.

“Let’s go for a walk” : what clothes do you think about when you hear this suggestion? Most likely you’d like to take on your favourite jeans(perhaps ragged and torn), your sneakers, a T-shirt, a hoodie, a cap or any jacket, of course, having not forgotten to take a bag or a hand bag for the most necessary things.

Casual wear has come into fashion recently, but kids and teenagers prefer it instead of outdated dresses and shirts with trousers. Clothes must be comfortable for a person but depending on a situation. Surely, you don’t dress a top and a mini-skirt for a wedding ceremony or a tuxedo and shoes for going running.

Also, wear you dress up depends on a season. In Russia, where a half a year there’s the cold weather we have to put warm pieces of clothing as snow pants, winter hats, warm gloves, jumpers, down jackets and scarfs not to freeze. By the way, European winter is not so severe like ours, and there people wear clothes looking for Russians rather autumn than winter.

Speaking of spring and autumn I cannot but agree it’s difficult to choose what is worth to put on because the weather is very changeable in these periods, but if you take an umbrella and put rubber boots on, certainly you won’t get wet! In summer when a lot of people suffer from heat you can wear sun glasses. 












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