Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"
Оценка 4.7

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"

Оценка 4.7
Работа в классе
английский язык
6 кл—9 кл
Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"
Тема по английскому языку для работы в 6 классе по углубленной программе. Является основой для работы в рамках темы "Shopping", рекомендуется для разработки презентаций, творческих проектов. Соответствует уровню А2+ владения английским языком. Рекомендуется для подготовки к ОГЭ, поскольку затрагивает разнообразные аспекты данной темы, необходимые как для выполнения заданий диалога-расспроса, так и монолога.
Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything what we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we receive a lot of information about different goods, prices, quality. We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say that it's a waste of money. Today shopping is a combination of necessity and relaxation. Shopping is a great entertainment too. If you want to relax, shopping is for you. Many girls enjoy shopping and spend the whole day visiting shops and buying things. For them the process of shopping is more important than purchasing. While doing the shopping it is possible to talk, discuss new designs, fabric, patters, colour, size, get experience, develop one’s taste and mind. It is a means to develop rational attitude towards money expenditure. If you have a lot of money -you can choose what you want if you don't have — you are to be very economical and buy only the things which are essential. Nowadays there are different ways of shopping. Years ago people went to tiny corner shops and bought everything they needed. With the development of progress shopping began to change and now you can purchase things on the Internet. To attract customers shops provide various services: free home delivery and installation of some gadgets, money-back guarantee, buy and win coupons, repair services. They sell their goods on credit and what not. Advertising is an integral part of selling goods. There are different ways to advertise goods: billboards, leaflets, sponsorship. We have to listen to ads and watch commercials hundred times a day. It is both informative and annoying. As there are many different goods, so there are numerous shops. Department stores have various departments: haberdashery (галантерея), headwear, perfumery, stationеry, leather goods, sports goods, china and glass, fabrics, linen, readymade men's and ladies' departments. In the ladies' clothing department you can choose dresses, cotton skirts, silk blouses, woollen skirts, long and short- sleeved jackets, coats. In the men's clothing department one can buy suits, sweaters, cardigans, pullovers, trousers and woollen jackets. We go to the dairy shop to buy milk, cream, cheese. Tinned fish, caviar, crabs, lobsters, and different sorts of fish — carp, cod, salmon, trout, mackerel — can be found at the fishmonger's. Sugar, semolina, buckwheat, rice, coffee, spaghetti, noodles are sold at the grocer's. At the greengrocer's we can find all sorts of vegetables and fruit. Such shops are very universal and well-stocked. Moreover, we can order goods by telephone and with the help of different catalogues and fashion magazines. Going shopping in my city is a wonderful and instant way of participating in everyday life here. Most shops in my place are open from 9 a. m. to 9 p.m., from Monday to Sunday. Actually, there are a lot of shops in my district. The largest department store is situated near my house and it houses everything from bags to household gadgets. On the ground floor there is a food hall decorated with tiles, which has splendid displays of fish, cheese, meat and other products; other departments include china and glass, electronics and kitchenware. This department store is well-stocked and has a gorgeous selection of different goods. In my city there are also some markets with an amazing range of goods. If you want to visit the biggest market you need a strong pair of legs, comfortable shoes and lots of time to wander around. If you want to do the shopping you should know some rules. First of all, it is important to spend money rationally. If you are queuing up at the cash-desk you need to wait for your turn. You should check your money before and after paying. It is important to think over your choice before purchasing it. You should always keep the receipt. These are the main rules of shopping. Knowing the rules helps to get real bargains. I like shopping. I like to buy different things, especially presents. If I want to buy something special I visit special shops with shop- assistants who will give me a helpful piece of advice. I often do the shopping with my Mum because she has a good taste and knows what will fits and suits me. Shopping can change my mood, especially if it is a bargain. I usually buy foodstuffs, it is my household duty. Shopping is a very interesting way to spend your time. It helps to get everything you want. It can make our dreams come true.

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"

Тема по английскому языку "Shopping"
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