Упражнения для повторения времен в английском языке Present, Past, Future
Оценка 4.9

Упражнения для повторения времен в английском языке Present, Past, Future

Оценка 4.9
Контроль знаний
английский язык
6 кл—9 кл
Упражнения для повторения времен в английском языке Present, Past, Future
грамматические упражнения для закрепления времен
повторение времен английского языка ( Present, Past, Future ).docx

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.

1.      Where _____________ your daughter _____________ (spend) winter holiday this year?

2.      Why _____________ you _____________  (sell) your car last month?

3.      What time _____________ they _____________ (open) ‘Biedronka’ on Sundays?

4.      My sister _____________ (get) married next month.

5.      What _____________ Jim _____________ (watch) at the moment?

6.      _____________ you ever _____________ (drink) tea with milk?

7.      It’s a really fascinating story. I’m sure you _____________ (like) it.

8.      I am so tired. I think I_____________ (go) to bed.

9.      Dogs _____________ (not fly).

10.  I don’t think she _____________ (understand) the native speaker, she _____________ (not speak) English.

11.  My son _____________ (never, try) seafood, so I am sure he _____________ (like) sushi.

12.  While we _____________ (play) hockey last night, my son _____________ (break) his leg.

13.  Can I speak to Mrs White?  No, she _____________ (go) out. She _____________ (call) you back when she comes back.

14.  Jenny _____________ (sleep) badly last night.

15.  I _____________ (buy) the tickets for the match. Would you like to come with me?

16.  _____________ we _____________(have) a lunch at a new bistro tomorrow?

17.  When I arrived home, she _____________ (make) dinner.

18.  The police _____________ (catch) hime while he _____________ (run) out of the bank.

19.  When _____________ they _____________ (move) out of the house?

20.  How many cups of coffee _____________ you _____________ (have) today?

21.  Look! It _____________ (rain) soon.

22.  I _____________ (lie) on the beach when it suddenly _____________(start) to rain.

23.  ‘I can’t move that table’. ‘I _____________ (help) you.

24.  ‘Would you like some tea?’ ‘No, thank you, I _____________ (already, drink) two cups.

25.  _____________ you _____________ (see) a dentist soon?

26.  ‘What time _____________ (play) football tomorrow?’

27.  ‘Do you have any plans for the weekend?’. ‘Yes, we _____________ (celebrate) our wedding anniversary.

28.  _____________ you _____________ (pay) the rent yet? No, not yet, but I _____________ (do) it tomorrow, I promise.

29.  I promise I ___________________ (tell) you everything when she______________________ (leave) the room.

30.  How long _________________________ (she/have) this car?

31.  We _________________________(usually/spend) our holiday in France but this year we___________________ (not/go) anywhere, we ________________________ (stay) home.

32.  She _______________________(lose) her purse when she ______________________ (take) her dog for a walk.

33.  She loves biology and she _________________________ (study) medicine in the future.

34.  What time ________________________ (the film/start)?

35.  When Mary _____________ (get up), it _____________ (snow).

36.  Look. Pierre _____________ (just, upload) some new videos.

37.  I can’t go shopping tomorrow at 5. I _____________ (play) tennis then.

38.  She _____________ (win) X Factor in 2009.

39.  Sorry, I can’t talk now. I _____________ (call) you back later.

40.  Why _____________  (she, always, be) late to the meetings?

41.  ‘I am so tired.’ ‘Don’t worry. I _____________ (drive) you home.’

42.  What language _____________ Brazilians _____________ (speak)?

43.  ‘Ann is in hospital.’ ‘oh really? I didn’t know. I _____________ (go) and visit her tomorrow.’

44.  Where _____________ you _____________ (go)? ‘ I’m meeting my boyfriend.’

45.  ‘I’ve got a headache’. ‘ Wait here, I _____________ (get) you some spirin.’

46.  I_____________ (go) to the party tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?

47.  It’s so cold now. _____________ I _____________ (shut) the window now?

48.  Where _____________ you born? (be)

49.  When _____________ they _____________ (start) learning Japanese?

50.  _____________ your children _____________ (come) back from school yet?

51.  I can’t find my bag. _____________ you _____________ (see) it?

52.  _____________ you _____________ (see) anybody here yesterday?

53.  Today I _____________ (wake up) late and my boss _____________ (be) angry with me.

54.  _____________ you _____________ (go out) last night?

55.  Can you call me later? I _____________ just _____________ (have) dinner.

56.  I _____________ (go) to bed now. Good bye.

57.  My parents _____________ (live) in London. They _____________ (live) there all their lives.

58.  Is Brussels an interesting place? ‘I don’t know. I _____________ (never, be) there.

59.  What’s the most beautiful place you _____________ (ever, see) ?

60.  _____________ you enjoy your holiday? Yes, it’s the best holiday I _____________ (ever, have).

61.   I can’t come to your party tomorrow. I _______________________ (meet) a friend for dinner.

62.  ‘How long _______________________ (you/know) Claude?’     ‘Oh, for ages. We _______________________ (go) for holidays last year!’

63.  What _____________ you _____________ (do) to my dress? It looks awful now.

64.  We _____________ (be) in that restaurant twice. We really like it.

65.  Can you lend me some money? I promise I _______________________ (give) it back soon.

66.  ‘What _______________________ (you/do) after university? Have you got any plans?’   

‘I __________________ (want) to travel around Europe. I____________________ (already/save) enough money.

67.  ‘What’s that noise?’   ‘That’s Tim. He _______________________ (practise) his dance routine for tomorrow’s competition.

68.  ‘_______________________ (you/ever/see) a white tiger?’   ‘Yes. I _______________________ (see) one when I _______________________ (visit) the Berlin Zoo.

69.  The Browns usually ...................................... (spend) their holidays at the seaside but last summer they ............................... (decide) to visit the Himalayas.

70.  A: ............................. you ever ............................ (be) in New York? B: No, I ............................. never ...................... (be) there. I am not sure, but I hope I ................................... (go) there in a few years.

71.  A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I ....................................... (have) pizza with double cheese, ham and mushrooms, and a glass of diet Coke.

72.  A: Look at the cat! It ............................................... (fall) from the tree. B: Don’t worry! I ........................................ (catch) it.

73.  I ..................................... (read) his books when I was at school. I .................................................... (enjoy) them very much.

74.  When Mary ................................................. (run) down the hill she ................................... (break) her left arm.

75.  I usually ................................................. (go) to work by car.

76.  Are you hungry? ................................................. you ................................................. (want) something to eat?

77.  You are late. We ................................................. (already, start).

78.  Mike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (chop) the onions while Lucy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (blend) the eggs and cream.

79.  Last year I  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not/save) any money.

80.  What time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the meeting/end)?


Put the verbs in brackets in the right form

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form

Where _____________ you _____________ (go)? ‘

Where _____________ you _____________ (go)? ‘
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