Тематический контроль по теме "Weather"
Оценка 5

Тематический контроль по теме "Weather"

Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
Тематический контроль по теме "Weather"
Test 9 form.docx


1.     Match the words with their definitions.



a. not smooth;stormy;not perfect


      b. the ice crystals on a cold surface


c. covered or obscured, as with clouds or mist


d. frozen crystals of rain


e. the fine, gentle and quiet rain


2.     Read the definitions of different types of natural disasters and write the names of these disasters.

1.     a type of tropical storm with high winds

2.     the flash of light produced by  a high-tension nature electric discharge into the atmosphere

3.     a heavy storm with thunder

4.     a sudden movement of the ground

5.     a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain


3.     Fill in the right prepositions:

1._______summer the sun shines. There is no wind and there are  no clouds 2.____the sky which is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon 3._night  and people like walks, outdoor games and sports 4.__ the fresh air.

      When autumn comes, the days becomes shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain 5.____them.


4.     Change the sentences from Active to Passive.

1.     He opened the weather stations over 100 years ago.

2.     Water covers the Earth’s surface.

3.     Warm and cold air movement changes air pressure.

4.     How will people predict weather in future?

5.     Between 1400 and 1700 they invented the rain gauge and barometer


5.     Write 6-10 sentences about climate in Belarus.


Test 1. Match the words with their definitions

Test 1. Match the words with their definitions
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