Test 4. Unit 6 «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade
Оценка 5

Test 4. Unit 6 «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade

Оценка 5
Карточки-задания +4
английский язык
8 кл
Test 4. Unit 6 «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade
Test 4. Unit 6 «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade - переработанный тест из https://edu.skysmart.ru с ответами
Test 4. Unit 6 «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade.pdf

Test 4. Unit 6: «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade https://edu.skysmart.ru  

1. Match the elements with the pictures.

1.    Socks         5. Trousers      9. Coat            13. Belt

2.    Tie 6. T-shirt         10. Skirt          14. Jumper/pullover

3.    Shirt           7. Tracksuit bottoms 11. Boots        15. Suit

4.    Jacket         8. Scarf           12. Trainers     


2. Divide the elements into the groups.





1.    Wool

2.    Cotton

3.    Floral

4.    Leather

5.    Plain

6.    Striped



7.        Silk

8.        Patterned

9.        Elegant

10.    Smart

11.    Denim

12.    Baggy


13.    Sporty

14.    Nylon

15.    Scruffy

16.    Checked

17.    Polka-dot

18.    Casual






1.    Ugly           4. Awful          7. Ridiculous 10. Trendy

2.    Old-fashioned        5. Modern       8. Fashionable            11. Messy

3.    Smart         6. Classy         9. Weird         12. Comfortable


3. Put the adjectives into the correct order.

Characteristic (Характеристика)

Examples (Примеры)

Opinion (мнение)

Good, practical, bad (Хороший, практичный, плохой)

Size (размер)

Huge, big, tiny (Огромный, большой, крошечный)

Age (возраст)

Old, modern, new, ancient (Старый, современный, новый, древний)

Shape (форма)

Round, square, oval (Круглый, квадратный, овальный)

Colour (цвет)

Dark pink, red, grey (Темно-розовый, красный, серый)

Pattern (рисунок, узор)

Striped, checked, floral (Полосатый, клетчатый, цветочный)

Origin (происхождение)

Italian, Russian, Greek (Итальянский, Русский, Греческий)

Material (материал)

Leather, silver, wooden (Кожа, серебряный, древесный)


E.g.: I like your new black Italianv leather bag.


1.  cool, leather, black

Yesterday I bought a really … jacket.


2.  brown, Italian, stylish

Wow! I like your … boots.


3.  nylon, leopard, ridiculous 

Have you seen her ridiculous leopard nylon tracksuit bottoms?


4.  round, plastic, huge 

Peter always wears those … glasses. He thinks they're in. 


5.  pink, floral, small 

I will wear my favourite … dress.


6.  smart, plain, dark, modern 

Our Geography teacher wears … suits.


7.  huge, awesome, woolen

My granny made this … hat for me!


8.  ancient, classy, golden

I am dreaming of a … necklace.


9. black or grey, smart, plain

We are not allowed to come to school in anything except … trousers or skirts which always go with a white blouse

on top.


4. Match the verbs to their definitions.

1.  to match      3. to wear        5. to take off 

2.  to fit            4. to trying      6. to go 


7. to suit  8. to put on

1.  … — to be the exact size and/or shape for a person.

2.  — to look nice and pleasant next to another thing, because of the right texture and/or colour.

3.  ...  — to put something on to discover if it is the right size and looks nice on you before buying.

4.  … — to make a person look more attractive in that particular thing.

5.  … — to look good with each other.

6.  … — to have an item of clothing, accessories on your body.

7.  … — to move an item of clothing onto a person's body.

8.  …  — to remove clothes from your body.


5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the given verbs.

1.  take off,      3. suit,             5. march,         7. wear, 

2.  fit,  4. put on,         6. try on,         8. not suit.


1.  I envy you a lot: no matter what you put on, it always … you perfectly.

2.  … clothes before buying them is a very useful habit. I don't want to bother taking them back to the shop.

3.  In the morning I …a scarf because my mom told me to do so. 

4.  Megan's allergic to wool, so she never … all these nice sweaters her granny knits for her.

5.  I think you should definitely buy this skirt because it … you perfectly! You don't need another size.

6.  Green ... you, so I would advise you this blouse in pale yellow.

7.  Yesterday I bought a really beautiful brown leather belt for my dad which ... his favourite brown shoes perfectly.

8.  She came into the room, … the coat and put it on the chair.


6.  . https://edu.skysmart.ru/homework/new/583


7.  Clothing exercises. Write a pair of or a with the following words:

1.      Jeans   4. trousers       7. gloves         10. sweater

2.      dress   5. skirt             8. coat             11. scarf

3.      tights   6. blouse         9. trainers       12. socks

A pair of



8.  Put the sentences in the correct order.

Yes, please. I'd like a blouse.         It's £20.       Here you are. Can I help you?   What colour?            How much is it?


9.  Cross the odd one out.

1.    Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots       4. Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants

2.    Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts           5. Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes

3.    Jeans, trousers, shorts, sweaters    6. Visor, cap, flip flops, hat


10. Circle the correct sentence.

1.    A) These trousers are short.            B) This trousers are short.

2.    A) How much is the jeans?             B) How much are the jeans?

3.    A) He's wearing a blue hat.             B) He's wearing blue hat.

4.    A) I'd like a socks.                           B) I'd like a pair of socks.

5.    A) Take this shoes,                          B) Take these shoes.


11.  Correct the sentences.

1.    He's got big nose.

2.    She's wearing a red skirt?

3.    He's wearing a sweater red.

4.    I like this boots.

5.    It's the most cheapest dress

6.    Jim wear black trousers.



12.  Read and answer the questions.

Hi! My name's Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn't cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.

Hi! My name's Kathy. I'm from Australia. Right now it's hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.

Hello! My name's Sasha. I'm from Belarus. It's very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat. Hello! My name is Tim. I'm from Texas, USA. It's warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.


1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?

a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim


2. Who wears a jacket in winter?

a) Kathy b) Ellie  c)  Tim


3. What's the weather like in Australia now?

a) hot b) very cold c) not cold


4. What's the weather like in Belarus in winter?

a) warm b) very cold  c) not cold


5. What does Tim wear in winter?

a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf


6. What does Sasha wear in winter?

a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat



13.  Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake. Jackettrousersweaterscarfcoattightshortsandalshirt



14.  Complete the sentences.

1.    It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on ___________.

2.    It's autumn. It's rainy and cloudy. Kate is going to put on __________________.

3.    It's summer. It’s warm and sunny. _____________________________ .

15.  Answer the questions.

What clothes would you wear?

§  at a party?

§  on the beach?

§  in the evening at home?

§  at school?

§  on a cold day in winter?


16.  What clothes and boots  do adjectives in the box describe?

Short, cheap, messy,  everyday, old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic, boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight











































1. Clothing exercises.  Read and colour.


1.       Bob’s sweater is green.

2.       Molly’s sweater is pink.

3.       Molly’s jacket is yellow.

4.       Bob’s jacket is grey.

5.       Bob’s scarf is green and blue.

6.       Molly’s scarf is blue and white.

7.       Bob’s boots are grey and blue.

8.       Molly’s boots are black and white.

9.       Molly’s trousers are red.

10.   Bob’s trousers are brown.






1. Clothing exercises.  Read and colour.


1.       Bob’s sweater is green.

2.       Molly’s sweater is pink.

3.       Molly’s jacket is yellow.

4.       Bob’s jacket is grey.

5.       Bob’s scarf is green and blue.

6.       Molly’s scarf is blue and white.

7.       Bob’s boots are grey and blue.

8.       Molly’s boots are black and white.

9.       Molly’s trousers are red.

10.   Bob’s trousers are brown.






1. Clothing exercises.  Read and colour.


1.       Bob’s sweater is green.

2.       Molly’s sweater is pink.

3.       Molly’s jacket is yellow.

4.       Bob’s jacket is grey.

5.       Bob’s scarf is green and blue.

6.       Molly’s scarf is blue and white.

7.       Bob’s boots are grey and blue.

8.       Molly’s boots are black and white.

9.       Molly’s trousers are red.

10.   Bob’s trousers are brown.


Ответы: Test 4. Unit 6: «Changing times, changing styles». 8th grade https://edu.skysmart.ru

  1. Сопоставьте элементы с картинками    https://edu.skysmart.ru/homework/new/509  

1.    Носки        5. Брюки        8. Пальто       12. Кроссовки

2.    Галстук     6. Футболка   9. шарф          13. Пояс

3.    Рубашка    7. Брюки от спортивного    10. Юбка        14. Костюм  

4.    Куртка, пиджак    костюма         11. Ботинки   15. джемпер/пуловер


1-13, 2-14, 3-1, 4-12, 5-3, 6-2, 7-10, 8-9, 9-6, 10-5, 11-15, 12-8, 13-7, 14-4, 15-11


2.  Divide the elements into the groups.

Patterns  Узоры, фасоны

Styles Стили

Materials Материалы

3. Floral (Цветочный) 

5.  Plain (Простой, ровный)

6.  Striped (Полосатый)

8. Patterned (узорчатый)

16.  Checked (клетчатый)

17.  Polka-dot (В горошек)

9.      Elegant (Элегантный)

10.  Smart (нарядный)

12.  Baggy (Мешковатый)

13.  Sporty (Спортивный)

15. Scruffy (Неряшливый)

18. Casual (Повседневный)

1.  Wool (Шерсть)

2.  Cotton (Хлопок)

4. Leather (Кожа)

7. Silk (Шелк)

11. Denim (Джинсовая ткань)

14. Nylon (Нейлон)




3. Smart (нарядный)

5.  Modern (Современный)

6.  Classy (классный)

8. Fashionable (Модный,  стильный)

10. Trendy (Модный,  стильный)

12. Comfortable (Удобный)

1.  Ugly (Уродливый)

2.  Old-fashioned (Старомодный)

4. Awful (Ужасный)

7. Ridiculous (нелепый)

9. Weird  Странный)

11. Messy  (беспорядочный)



3.  Put the adjectives into the correct order.


Examples (Примеры)

Opinion (мнение)

Good, practical, bad (Хороший, практичный, плохой)

Size (размер)

Huge, big, tiny (Огромный, большой, крошечный)

Age (возраст)

Old, modern, new, ancient (Старый, современный, новый, древний)

Shape (форма)

Round, square, oval (Круглый, квадратный, овальный)

Colour (цвет)

Dark pink, red, grey (Темно-розовый, красный, серый)

Pattern (рисунок, узор)

Striped, checked, floral (Полосатый, клетчатый, цветочный)

Origin (происхождение)

Italian, Russian, Greek (Итальянский, Русский, Греческий)

Material (материал)

Leather, silver, wooden (Кожа, серебряный, древесный)


E.g.: I like your new black Italianv leather bag.


1. cool, leather, black

Yesterday I bought a really cool black leather jacket. - Вчера я купил действительно классную черную кожаную куртку.


2. brown, Italian, stylish

Wow! I like your stylish brown Italian boots. - Вау! Мне нравятся твои стильные коричневые итальянские



3. nylon, leopard, ridiculous

Have you seen her ridiculous leopard nylon tracksuit bottoms? - Вы видели ее нелепые леопардовые нейлоновые спортивные штаны?


4. round, plastic, huge

Peter always wears those huge round plastic glasses. He thinks they're in. -  Питер всегда носит эти огромные круглые пластиковые очки. Он думает, что они внутри.


5. pink, floral, small - I will wear my favourite small pink floral dress. - Я надену свое любимое маленькое

розовое цветочное платье. 6. smart, plain, dark, modern Our Geography teacher wears smart modern dark plain suits. - Наш учитель географии носит элегантные современные темные простые костюмы.


7. huge, awesome, woolen

My granny made this awesome huge woolen hat for me! - Моя бабушка сшила для меня эту потрясающую огромную шерстяную шляпу!


8. ancient, classy, golden

I am dreaming of a classy ancient golden necklace. - Я мечтаю о стильном старинном золотом ожерелье.


9. black or grey, smart, plain

We are not allowed to come to school in anything except smart black or grey plain trousers or skirts which always go with a white blouse on top. - Нам не разрешается приходить в школу ни в чем, кроме нарядных черных или серых однотонных брюк или юбок, которые всегда сочетаются с белой блузкой сверху.


4. Сопоставьте глаголы с их значением.

1.    To match    3. To wear 

2.    To fit          4. To try on


5.    To take off           7. To suit 

6.    To go        8. To put on

1.    соответствовать   3. носить        5. снять          7. быть к лицу 

2.    подходить             4. примерить 6. пойти, идти           8. надеть

1-2, 2-1, 3-6, 4-3, 5-8, 6-5, 7-4, 8-7  / 1-2, 2-1, 3-4, 5-6, 6-3, 7-8, 8-5

1.    To fit — to be the exact size and/or shape for a person. – Подходить — быть точного размера и/или формы для человека.

2.    To match — to look nice and pleasant next to another thing, because of the right texture and/or colour. – 

Соответствовать — красиво и приятно смотреться рядом с другой вещью, благодаря правильной фактуре и/или цвету.

3.    To try on  — to put something on to discover if it is the right size and looks nice on you before buying. –

Примеритьнадеть что-то, чтобы проверить, подходит ли оно по размеру и хорошо ли вам идет, перед покупкой.

4.    To suit — to make a person look more attractive in that particular thing. – Быть к лицу — сделать человека более привлекательным в этой конкретной вещи.

5.    To go — to look good with each other. – Идти — хорошо смотреться друг с другом.

6.    To wear — to have an item of clothing, accessories on your body. – Носить — иметь на теле предмет одежды, аксессуары.


8.  To take off — to remove clothes from your body. – Снять — снять одежду с тела.


5. Завершите предложения правильной формой данных глаголов.


1.  take off,      3. suit,             5. match, 

2.  fit,  4. put on,         6. try on, 

7.  wear, 

8.  not suit.

7.    To put on — to move an item of clothing onto a person's body. – Надеть — надеть предмет одежды на тело


1.  снимать      3. подходить 5. соответствовать    7. носить 

2.  подходит, сидит    4. надеть        6. примерить 8. не подходит


1.                  I envy you a lot: no matter what you put on, it always suits you perfectly. – Я вам очень завидую: что бы вы ни надели, вам всегда идет идеально.

2.                  Trying on clothes before buying them is a very useful habit. I don't want to bother taking them back to the shop. – Примерять одежду перед покупкой — очень полезная привычка. Не хочу заморачиваться с тем, чтобы отнести их обратно в магазин.

3.                  In the morning I put on a scarf because my mom told me to do so. – Утром я надел шарф, потому что так сказала мама.

4.                  Megan's allergic to wool, so she never wears all these nice sweaters her granny knits for her. - У Меган аллергия на шерсть, поэтому она никогда не носит все эти милые свитера, которые ей вяжет бабушка.

5.                  I think you should definitely buy this skirt because it fits you perfectly! You don't need another size. – Я думаю, вам обязательно стоит купить эту юбку, потому что она идеально на вас сидит (вам подходит)! Вам не нужен другой размер.

6.                  Green does not suit you, so I would advise you this blouse in pale yellow. – Зеленый вам не идет, поэтому я бы посоветовала вам эту блузку бледно-желтого цвета.

7.                  Yesterday I bought a really beautiful brown leather belt for my dad which  matches his favourite brown shoes perfectly. – Вчера я купил папе действительно красивый коричневый кожаный ремень, который идеально сочетается с его любимыми коричневыми туфлями.

8.                  She came into the room, took off the coat and put it on the chair. – Она вошла в комнату, сняла пальто и положила его на стул.


6.  https://edu.skysmart.ru/homework/new/583


7.  Clothing exercises. Write a pair of or a with the following words:

1.    Jeans          4. trousers       7. gloves         10. sweater

2.    dress           5. skirt             8. coat             11. scarf

3.    tights          6. blouse         9. trainers       12. socks


A pair of



1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12


2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11



8.      Put the sentences in the correct order.

Yes, please. I'd like a blouse.  

Can I help you?

It's £20.

What colour? Here you are.

How much is it?

-                     Can I help you?

-                     Yes, please. I'd like a blouse.

-                     What colour? - Here you are.

-                     How much is it?

-                     It's £20.


9.      Cross the odd one out. Вычеркните лишнее.

1.    Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots

2.    Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts

3.    Jeans, trousers, shorts, sweaters

4.    Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants

5.    Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes

6.    Visor, cap, flip flops, hat

1.    Кроссовки, перчатки, обувь, ботинки  

2.    Шарф, перчатки, носки, шорты  

3.    Джинсы, брюки, шорты, свитера  

4.    Куртка, жилет, кардиган, брюки  

5.    Резиновые сапоги, походные ботинки, трусы, обувь

6.    Козырек, кепка, шлепанцы, шапка


10.  Circle the correct sentence. Обведите правильное предложение.

1.    A) These trousers are short.    

2.    A) How much is the jeans?        

3.    A) He's wearing a blue hat.     

4.    A) I'd like a socks.                      

5.    A) Take this shoes.                     


B) This trousers are short. 

B) How much are the jeans? 

 B) He's wearing blue hat. 

B) I'd like a pair of socks. 

B) Take these shoes.

1. А) Эти брюки короткие.      Б) Эти брюки короткие. 2. А) Сколько стоят джинсы?      Б) Сколько стоят джинсы? 3. А) На нем синяя шляпа.  

    Б) Он носит синюю шляпу.

4.              А) Я бы хотел носки.  

    Б) Я бы хотел пару носков.

5.              А) Возьми эти туфли,      Б) Возьми эти туфли.


11.  Correct the sentences.

1.    He's got big nose.

2.    She's wearing a red skirt?

3.    He's wearing a sweater red.

4.    I like this boots.

5.    It's the most cheapest dress.

6.    Jim wear black trousers.

1.      He's got a big nose.

2.      Is she wearing a red skirt? 

3.      He's wearing a red sweater.

4.      I like these boots. 

5.      It's the cheapest dress.

6.      Jim is wearing black trousers.



12.  Read and answer the questions.

Hi! My name's Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn't cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.

Hi! My name's Kathy. I'm from Australia. Right now it's hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.

Hello! My name's Sasha. I'm from Belarus. It's very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat. Hello! My name is Tim. I'm from Texas, USA. It's warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.


1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?

a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim


2. Who wears a jacket in winter?

a) Kathy b) Ellie  c)  Tim


3. What's the weather like in Australia now?

a) hot b) very cold c) not cold


4. What's the weather like in Belarus in winter?

a) warm b) very cold  c) not cold


5. What does Tim wear in winter?

a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf


6. What does Sasha wear in winter?

a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat


13.  Read the words in the word snake. Write your own snake. Jacket-trouser-sweater-scarf-coat-tight-short-sandal-shirt


14.  Complete the sentences.

1.    It’s winter. It’s cold and windy, that’s why I’m going to put on ___ a coat ___.

2.    It's autumn. It's rainy and cloudy. Kate is going to put on  _  jeans and a sweater __.

3.    It's summer. It’s warm and sunny. I’m going to put on shorts and a T-shirt.


15.  Answer the questions.

What clothes would you wear?

§  at a party?

§  on the beach?

§  in the evening at home?

§  at school?

§  on a cold day in winter?


16.  What clothes and boots  do adjectives in the box describe?

Short, cheap, messy,  everyday, old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black and white, formal, fantastic, boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy, tight

16.  Какую одежду и обувь описывают прилагательные в рамке? Короткая, дешевая, неряшливая, повседневная, старомодная, полосатая, опрятная, дорогая, красивая, темная, клетчатая, розовая, чернобелая, формальная, фантастическая, скучная, длинная, яркая, летняя, нарядная, мешковатая, обтягивающая


17.  Clothing exercises. Read and colour.

1.      Bob’s sweater is green.

2.      Molly’s sweater is pink.

3.      Molly’s jacket is yellow.

4.      Bob’s jacket is grey.

5.      Bob’s scarf is green and blue.

6.      Molly’s scarf is blue and white.

7.      Bob’s boots are grey and blue.

8.      Molly’s boots are black and white.

9.      Molly’s trousers are red.

10.  Bob’s trousers are brown  


Test 4. Unit 6: «Changing times, changing styles»

Test 4. Unit 6: «Changing times, changing styles»

Material (материал) Leather, silver, wooden (Кожа, серебряный, древесный)

Material (материал) Leather, silver, wooden (Кожа, серебряный, древесный)

I don't want to bother taking them back to the shop

I don't want to bother taking them back to the shop

What's the weather like in Belarus in winter? a) warm b) very cold c) not cold 5

What's the weather like in Belarus in winter? a) warm b) very cold c) not cold 5

Clothing exercises. Read and colour

Clothing exercises. Read and colour

Clothing exercises. Read and colour

Clothing exercises. Read and colour

Patterns Узоры, фасоны

Patterns Узоры, фасоны

My granny made this awesome huge woolen hat for me! -

My granny made this awesome huge woolen hat for me! -

I envy you a lot: no matter what you put on, it always suits you perfectly

I envy you a lot: no matter what you put on, it always suits you perfectly

Trainers, gloves , shoes, boots 2

Trainers, gloves , shoes, boots 2

What does Sasha wear in winter? a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat 13

What does Sasha wear in winter? a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat 13
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