Тест по английскому языку
Оценка 4.6

Тест по английскому языку

Оценка 4.6
Тест по английскому языку
Тест по английскому языку языку.docx

                         Тест по английскому языку  6 класс

1.Fill in the gaps with the proper words.

             believe; shout; prepared; striking.

1.    The clock is______________6 o’clock. It’s time to have dinner.

2.    I hate people who _________at children! They are bad people.

3.    My mother _____________ a birthday cake for my sister!

4.    Do you _______in Santa Clause? – I don’t. I’m already grown up.

2. Replace the word that with who or which

1.    Please, put the vase on the table that is standing by the bed.

2.    Did you see the DVD disk that you had gave me for birthday?

3.    Why are you calling the girl that you don’t know?

4.    The film that I saw yesterday is not very good.

5.    The cat that lives under our house gets out at night.

3. Use the prepositions in the right place (at, on, in)

1.    We always have lunch ________12 o`clock in the afternoon.

2.    What do you do _______Easter?

3.    Anna met Jim _______May.

4.    4. I cooked a very delicious dinner ______the New Year’s Eve.

5.    Will you hang your coat … a hook?

 4.Translate the word combinations

1. бояться собак                        2. украсить шарами

3. каждый из них                       4. религиозный праздник

5. ждать кого-либо                    6. маленькое угощение

5. Read and choose: true\ false\ NS

 Thousands of years ago people celebrated special times. New plants and animals in the spring were all important for them and they had special festivals to celebrate the longest day of summer, good from the trees and other things. Later old and new festivals came together as Easter, Christmas and other celebrations as well. Now spring has eggs at Easter and winter- the wonderful traditions of Christmas food and presents. But there are new celebrations too – for example Mother’ s Day. People celebrate it in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand too.

1.    People who lived many centuries ago celebrated the longest day of summer.

2.     People celebrated special days in ancient times.

3.    All festivals appeared in spring.

4.    People do not celebrate festivals in autumn,

5.      People celebrate only old festivals

6.      People in America celebrate Mother’s day on the 8 of March.



Тест по английскому языку 6 класс 1

Тест по английскому языку 6 класс 1
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