Тест по страноведению Великобритании и США
Оценка 4.8

Тест по страноведению Великобритании и США

Оценка 4.8
Тест по страноведению Великобритании и США

The capital of Britain is … (1 point)

a) London b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh

The capital of USA is … (1 point)

a) Washington b) New York c) Los Angeles

In Britain the head of the state is … (1 point)

a) the Queen b) the Prime-Minister c) the Parliament

In the USA the head of the head of the state is … (1 point)

a) the President b) the Congress c) the Senate

The British money is called … (1 point)

a) dollars b) pounds c) coins

The American money is called … (1 point)

a) dollars b) pounds c) coins

The British Queen’s name is … (1 point)

a) Elisabeth I b) Elisabeth II c) Elisabeth III

The American President is … now (1 point)

a) Bill Clinton b) George Bush c) Barack Obama

The United Kingdom consists of … (1 point)

a) 2 countries b) 3 countries c) 4 countries

The USA consists of … (1 point)

a) 50 states b) 50 states and a federal district c) 50 federal districts

On what river does London stand? (1 point)

a) the Thames b) Avon c) Severn

Cricket is a … (1 point)

a) summer sport b) winter sport c) famous garden

The capital of Canada is … (2 points)

a) Ottawa b) Montreal c) Quebec

The capital of Australia is … (2 points)

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourne

The government of the UK consists of … (2 points)

a) the Queen and the Prime Minister b) The Queen, the Prime Minister, the Parliament c) the Prime Minister and the Parliament

The government of the USA consists of … (2 points)

a) the President and the Senate b) the President and the Congress c) The Congress

The biggest British city is … (2 points)

a) London b) Birmingham c) Manchester

The biggest American city is… (2 points)

a) Washington b) New York c) Chicago

Which of this countries had colonies? (2 points)

a) the USA b) the UK c) Canada

Which of this countries were colonies? (2 points)

a) the USA b) the UK c) Australia

The Nelson column is in London, … (2 points)

a) in Tower b) at the Trafalgar Square c) at the Piccadilly square

The Statue of Liberty is in … (2 points)

a) New York b) Los Angeles c) Chicago

The Stone Hedge is  in … (2 points)

a) Great Britain b) America c) Australia

The Niagara is in … (2 points)

a) Great Britain b) America c) Australia

The city of football is … (2 points)

a) London b) Liverpool c) Manchester

The city of casinos is … (2 points)

a) New York b) Miami c) Los Angeles

The largest English speaking country is …

a) Australia b) Canada c) the USA

The capital of New Zealand is … (3 points)

a) Auckland b) Wellington c) Hamilton

In Canada the head of the state is … (3 points)

a) the President b) the Queen c) the Governor General

In Australia the head of the state is … (3 points)

a) the Queen b) the President c) the Governor General

In New Zealand the head of the state is … (3 points)

a) the Queen b) the President c) the Governor General

The Congress of the USA consists of … (3 points)

a) the Senate and the House of Representatives b) the Senate and the House of Commons c) The Senate and the House of Ministers

The  Parliament of Canada consists of … (3 points)

a) the Senate and the House of Representatives b) the Senate and the House of Commons c) The Senate and the House of Ministers

The Canadian money is called … (3 points)

a) Canadian dollar b) Canadian pound c) Canadian sterling

The New Zealand money is called … (3 points)

a) New Zealand dollar b) New Zealand pound c)New Zealand sterling

Which country has no Parliament? (3 points)

a) Canada b) Australia c) New Zealand

Agatha Christie wrote… (4 points)

a) detective stories b) humorous stories c) love stories

Elton John is a… (4 points)

a) famous musician b) famous football player c) famous writer

The national symbols of Canada are … (4 points)

a) beaver and maple leaf b) beaver and grizzly-bear c) maple leaf and grizzly-bear

Guy Fawkes was … (4 points)

a) pop star b) football star c) a terrorist who tried to blow up the Parliament

Isaac Newton was a … (4 points)

a) famous singer b) famous architect c) famous scientist

Sir Christopher Wren was … (4 points)

a) famous singer b) famous architect c) famous scientist

J. K. Rowling writes about… (4 points)

a) Harry Potter b) Alice in Wonderland c) Winnie the Pooh

Neil Armstrong was a … (4 points)

a) famous scientist b) famous actor c) famous astronaut

How do people call New York? (4 points)

a) big apricot b) big apple c) big pear

Michael Owen is a … (4 points)

a) famous musician b) famous football player c) famous writer

The Beatles was a famous … group (4 points)

a) British b) American c) Canadian

How do the British call their policemen? (4 points)

a) copper b) cops c) bobbies

The USA celebrates its Independence on the … (4 points)

a) 4th of July b) 4 of January c) 4th of May

St. Patrick’s Day is on the …

a) 17th of March b) 17th of April c) 17th of May

Canada’s national sport is … (4 points)

a) basketball b) tennis c) hockey

How do the English call their policemen? (4 points)

a) copper b) cops c) bobbies

What American state is 50 miles from Russia? (4 points)

a) Texas b) Alaska c) Georgia

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of … (4 points)

a) Texas b) California c) Atlanta

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated? (4 points)

a) in January b) in March c) in October

Who was the King of rock-n-roll? (4 points)

a) Freddy Mercury b) Elvis Presley c) Michael Jackson

Who was the king of pop? (4 points)

a) Freddy Mercury b) Elvis Presley c) Michael Jackson



The capital of Britain is … (1 point) a)

The capital of Britain is … (1 point) a)

Queen and the Prime Minister b)

Queen and the Prime Minister b)

President b) the Queen c) the Governor

President b) the Queen c) the Governor

J. K. Rowling writes about… (4 points) a)

J. K. Rowling writes about… (4 points) a)

Freddy Mercury b) Elvis Presley c)

Freddy Mercury b) Elvis Presley c)
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