“The end of the Great Depression and Roosevelt’s New Deal”(конец Великой Депрессии и “Новый курс” Рузвельта
Variant I.
1)What did crisis strike the world economics in the 1930s?
The crisis named “the Great Depression ” stroke the world economics in the 1930s.
2)The politics of president Roosevelt in attitude to the crisis got the name “New Course”, is it correct?
No, it’s not correct. His politics got the name “New Deal”
3)What act was passed in 1933 and why was it criticized best of all? Did this act have a success? Prove it.
The Economy Act was passed in 1933, best of all it was criticized because of(due to) balancing of the federal budget by cutting the salaries of administrative employees and cutting of all the pensions and benefits to veterans. It had a success, because the government saved $500ml a year.
4)Imagine a situation: I am a gold owner. I want to convert my gold to dollars, or I want to export my gold supplies out of the state. Could I do these operations living in 1933? What act didn’t allow or allow me to do it? What did this act give the government?
You couldn’t do these operations in 1933 because it was banned(there was a ban) to convert gold to dollars and export it out of the state. If you were a gold owner all your gold had to been delivered to a Federal bank. The Gold Reserve Act banned converting and exporting gold out of the state. It gave the government increasing of the gold reserves – increasing of the money amount for economy needs.
5)In order to increase prices for agriculture products Roosevelt created so-called AAA. What ways were used to stop the crisis in the USA agriculture? How do you suppose, were these measures popular amongst people?
There were used such ways as subsidies for farmers for leaving lands, 40,000 sq km of cotton, wheat, fruit and vegetables were destroyed, 6 ml pigs, cows and sheep were killed, of course these measures were very unpopular because farmers abandoned their farms, they killed their cattle, burned wheat, poured milk out.
Make a final conclusion: Did all these actions save the American economics, indeed?
Variant II.
1) The first acts of Roosevelt were nicknamed “The last 100 weeks” of his presidency, or is it not right?
It is not right, the first acts were nicknamed “the first 100 days”
2) What act was passed for saving the bank system in 1933? What did it declare? For example, I am a depositor in a commercial bank. Could I be sure that my money would be hand over to me and why?
The Emergency Banking Act was passed for saving the bank system in 1933. It declared closing of failed banks (~10,000 out of 24,000) and an introduction of a state deposit insurance. If you were a depositor of a not closed commercial bank, you could be sure that your money would be hand over to you because saved commercial banks were supported by federal loans.
3) In attitude to the Great Depression in the 1930s the word “relief” best of all to translate into Russian as “рельеф,ландшафт”, do you agree with me or don’t? If you don’t agree, offer me another variant.
I don’t agree with you, that variant doesn’t fit(correspond). The best variant is “немедленная, срочная, неотложная помощь”
4) What purposes were $3.5 billion spent on? Why did the administration of the president spend so enormous amount – for the USA industrialization because the USA was not a developed country or just for providing the unemployed people with jobs? What’s your opinion on this question?
$3.5 billion were spent on organizing and providing building such useful constructions as roads, bridges, water mains and dams. Of course, money were spent not on the USA industrialization because the USA was a developed country, but for providing the unemployed people with jobs.
5) What document did a person have to have for free food? What were organized for hungry people?
A person had to have a food stamp to have free food. Public canteens and handing out food to needy were organized for hungry people.
Make a final conclusion: Did all these actions save the American economics, indeed?
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