Тест "The sights of London"
Оценка 4.8

Тест "The sights of London"

Оценка 4.8
Контроль знаний
английский язык
5 кл—9 кл
Тест "The sights of London"
Лингвострановедческий материал о столице Соединенного Королевства. Поверьте, сможете ли вы узнать, о какой достопримечательности Лондона идет речь и узнать ее по фото? Дерзайте!
The Sights Of London.pptx

The Sights Of London

The Sights Of London

The Sights Of London

What is its name? Who started it?

What is its name? Who started it?

1)What is its name?
Who started it?

What river does London stand? What connects the 2 banks of the river?

What river does London stand? What connects the 2 banks of the river?

2)What river does London stand?
What connects the 2 banks of the river?

Who is the queen of the UK? What place is the residence of the queen?

Who is the queen of the UK? What place is the residence of the queen?

3)Who is the queen of the UK?
What place is the residence
of the queen?

What square is in the centre of

What square is in the centre of

4)What square is in the centre of
London? What monument stands
in its centre?What was this man?

What place must I visit if I’m interested in art?

What place must I visit if I’m interested in art?

4)What place must I visit if I’m
interested in art? What is the best
transport to use in London?

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