3) __(to be)you __
Yes, I __(to be). My country __
(to be) __ __ (!look at the flag!).
4) What nationality __(to be)
you? I __ (to be) __ __(!look at the photo!). I __(from/live/in) in __ __(!write the name of the country!)
1)Hi! I __(to be) Jane, my nationality __(to be) __(!look at the flag!). I live __ (on/at/in) __ __.
2)My mum __(to be) __(in/from/of) __(!look at the picture!), she and her sister __(to be) __(!write nationality!).
3) __(to be)you __ (!nationality!)? Yes, I __(to be). My country __ (to be) __ (!look at the flag!).
4) What nationality __(to be) you? I __(to be) __ __(!look at the photo!). I __(from/live/in) in __ __(!write the name of the country!)
5) What country __(to be) you __(in/of/from)? I __(to be) __(in/of/from)__ __(!write the name of the country!).
6) My friend __(to be) __ (!nationality!). He lives __(on/from/in) __(!write the name of the country!)
7) What country __(to be) Dima __(live/from/in)? He __(to be)__(of/live/from) __(!look at the photo!), his nationality __(to be) __.
8) We __(to be) __ (!nationality!). __(!look at the photo) __(to be) a very beautiful country, its capital is Paris.
© ООО «Знанио»
С вами с 2009 года.