Тест(аудирование) "At the macy*s(+скрпит и ответы)"
Оценка 4.7

Тест(аудирование) "At the macy*s(+скрпит и ответы)"

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний
английский язык
5 кл—6 кл
Тест(аудирование) "At the macy*s(+скрпит и ответы)"
Тест к аудированию "At the macy*s"(аудиофайл так же доступен к скачиванию)+ прилагается скрипт аудиозаписи и ответы.
Урок №11 среда 29.04, 11.00.docx


           Listening At the store macy*s Part 2


Вариант I.

Часть А:

Соотнесите начало фразы(букву) и ее окончание(цифру), или предложения идущие последовательно одно за другим Буквы и цифры могут быть использованы лишь один раз, одна цифра из семи лишняя и не может быть использована, например A5; B7 :

A) It is very comfortable – you don’t need to look for different shops around the city,

B) This is the store “macy*s”, 

C) Many years ago it was a small shop

D) The new store “macy*s” that you can see now in New York

E) Don’t you see any food as fruit and vegetables here?

F) This wear costs expensive,

1) where people bought some materials as silk and velvet.

2) That’s right, you can’t find meat, fish, fruit and vegetables to buy, in “macy*s” you can buy only clothes, as Americans say “wear”

3) all the shops are in the shopping centre.

4) but you will look cool in this wear! 

5) Let’s have lunch in one of cafes in “macy*s”, coffee and cakes are very tasty here!

6) the world’s largest store!

7) was built in 1906. It has got 7 floors and it is really large!

Часть В:

Определите “правда” или “ложь”(отметить буквой “T”/”F”)(Ttrue(правда), F false(ложь)

1) We are used to go shopping there because  it is very comfortable.

2) Americans and Canadians name shopping centres as “malls” or “stores”

3) The first store “macy*s” was opened in 1752.

4) To go up from the 1st to the 7th floor people don’t use escalators and elevators, it’s very comfortable.

5) All trendy wear from the best designers in the world is here, trendy wear from Levi’s, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, Chanel, Prada and Versace, clothes from Russia, too!

6) At Christmas “macy*s” is decorated with beautiful illumination of lights.

Часть С:

Заполните пропуск во фразе словом(словосочетанием) из прослушанного текста(каждый пропуск соответствует одному пропущенному слову):

1) It has got __ __ and it is really large!

2) In “macy*s” you can buy many useful things as __, jewelries, __ and souvenirs.

3) Do you want to eat? Let’s __ __ in one of cafes in “macy*s”, coffee and cakes are very tasty here!



Вариант II.

Часть А:

Соотнесите начало фразы(букву) и ее окончание(цифру), или предложения идущие последовательно одно за другим Буквы и цифры могут быть использованы лишь один раз, одна цифра из семи лишняя и не может быть использована например A5; B7 :

A) It is very comfortable – you don’t need to look for different shops around the city,

B) The first store “macy*s” was opened in 1852.

C) You can ask me: “What can I buy in “macy*s”?

D) That’s right, you can’t find meat, fish, fruit and vegetables to buy,

E) All trendy wear from the best designers in the world is here,

F) So, New Yorkers and visitors like

1) ”? Let’s go, I will show you!

2) in “macy*s” you can buy only clothes, as Americans say “wear” and other useful things

3) to buy wear and presents in “macy*s” very much.

4) The new store “macy*s” that you can see now in New York was built in 1906.

5) all the shops are in the shopping centre.

6) trendy wear from Levi’s, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, Chanel, Prada and Versace.

7) At Christmas “macy*s” is decorated with beautiful illumination of lights

Часть В:

Определите “правда” или “ложь”(отметить буквой “T”/”F”)(Ttrue(правда), F false(ложь)

1) Americans and Canadians name shopping centres as “malls” or “stores”

2) The store “macy*s” is not  the world’s largest store!

3) It has got 10 floors and it is really large!

4) You can’t find meat, fish, fruit and vegetables to buy, in “macy*s” you can buy only clothes.

5) On Thanksgiving Day “macy*s” takes part in the parade, it’s very interesting!


Часть С:

Заполните пропуск во фразе словом(словосочетанием) из прослушанного текста(каждый пропуск соответствует одному пропущенному слову):

1) To go up from the 1st to the 7th floor people use __ and __ , it’s very comfortable.

2) Buy dresses, jeans, shoes, T-shirts, __ , blazers, skirts, __ , hats, __ , ties, blouses for a present or wear it yourself

3) At __ “macy*s” is decorated with beautiful illumination of lights













































Today there are a lot of big shopping centres in our cities. We are used to so shopping there. It is very comfortable – you don’t need to look for different shops around the city, all the shops are in the shopping centre. By the way, Americans and Canadians name shopping centres as “malls” or “stores”, don’t forget!

So, let’s take a trip to this shopping centre! This is the store “macy*s”,  the world’s largest store! In other words, it’s the largest shopping centre in the world! It’s in New York, the USA. Many years ago it was a small shop where people bought some materials as silk and velvet. The first store “macy*s” was opened in 1852. The new store “macy*s” that you can see now in New York was built in 1906. It has got 7 floors and it is really large! To go up from the 1st to the 7th floor people use escalators and elevators, it’s very comfortable. You can ask me: “What can I buy in “macy*s”? Let’s go, I will show you! Don’t you see any food as fruit and vegetables here? That’s right, you can’t find meat, fish, fruit and vegetables to buy, in “macy*s” you can buy only clothes, as Americans say “wear” and other useful things, as watches, jewelries, perfume and souvenirs. All trendy wear from the best designers in the world is here, trendy wear from Levi’s, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, Chanel, Prada and Versace. Buy dresses, jeans, shoes, T-shirts, sneakers, blazers, skirts, jumpers, hats, trousers, ties, blouses for a present or wear it yourself, menswear and women’s wear in stock! This wear costs expensive, but you will look cool in this wear! 

Do you want to eat? Let’s have lunch in one of cafes in “macy*s”, coffee and cakes are very tasty here!

At Christmas “macy*s” is decorated with beautiful illumination of lights, on Thanksgiving Day “macy*s” takes part in the parade, it’s very interesting! So, New Yorkers and visitors like to buy wear and presents in “macy*s” very much. Remember: “IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN MACY*S, YOU HAVEN’T SEEN NEW YORK ”


Вариант 1


Часть А: А3; B6; C1; D7; E2; F4

Часть В: 1) Т; 2)T; 3)F; 4)F; 5)F ; 6)T

Часть С: 1) 7 floors; 2) watches, perfume; 3) have lunch


Вариант 2


Часть А: A5; B4; C1; D2; E6; F3;

Ответы: 1) T; 2)F: 3)F; 4)T; 5)T; 6)F    

Ответы: 1) elevators, escalators; 2) sneakers, jumpers, trousers; 3) Christmas


Listening At the store macy*s

Listening At the store macy*s

The new store “macy*s” that you can see now in

The new store “macy*s” that you can see now in

Key: Today there are a lot of big shopping centres in our cities

Key: Today there are a lot of big shopping centres in our cities
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