Тест_Spotlight 10_Module 5
Оценка 4.7

Тест_Spotlight 10_Module 5

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Тест_Spotlight 10_Module 5
Тест по учебнику "Spotlight 10", по модулю 5
Тест. Spotlight 10. Module 5 (A).docx

Modular Test 5A


Ex.1 Choose the odd one out.

1.      selling – trekking – backpacking - climbing

2.      outdoor – handicraft – open-air – outside

3.      parade – beach – contest – festival

4.      peaks – hills – mountains – temples

5.      trails – campsites – hotels – hostels


Ex. 2 Fill in: local, breathtaking, excursion, nasty,  ancient, craftsmen, beggars, candlelit, rude, sickness, crowded. There is one word you don’t need to use.

1.      In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.

2.      The view of this lake was really _________!

3.      A __________ procession was a part of the festival.

4.      I lost sight of him because of the old town square was _______ with people.

5.      I’m never flying with that airline again. The hostesses were so ___________.

6.      In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

7.      _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.

8.      My uncle caught a _____________ virus when he was in Thailand.

9.      Near Bhaktapur we found an _________ Monkey temple.

10.  Travel ___________________ is an illness that comes about result of traveling by different kind of transport such as car, boat, plane, or even camel.



Ex 3. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

1.      Yesterday I _______________ (meet) my friends.

2.      James __________ (paint) the house for two hours before he ___________ (take) a break.

3.      We ____________ (wander - бродить) around the town when we __________ (go) into Mary.

4.      Jane _____________ (watch) TV while I ____________ (water) the plants.

5.      Ian __________ (ask) Tina out yesterday but she __________ (already/make) plans.

6.      What _________ (you/do) at 6 o’clock? I couldn’t get in touch with you.

7.      My little sister ______________ (eat) all the chocolates by the time I got back.

8.      His parents __________ (buy) a lot of souvenirs during their trip last year.


Ex. 4 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1.      I’m finding it hard to manage on the money I earn.

get  |  I’m finding it hard ______ on the money I earn.

2.      When we got to the party there was no food left.

eaten  |  By the time we got to the party they ______________ food.

3.      When he arrived they had finished eating.

time  |  By _________ they had finished eating.

4.      She didn’t start eating until Greg had arrived.

before  |  She waited until Greg _________ eating.




Everyday English

Ex. 5 Choose the correct item.

1.      A: Did you hear Dan was in a car accident?

B: What a shame! / How afwul! Is he all right?

2.      A: How was the excursion?

B: Not that great actually. / I’ve just got back.


3.      A: I hear you’re going away for a while.

B: Yes. Have a great time. / I can’t wait.

4.      A: Did I tell you I failed my driving test again?

B: How disappointing! / What a terrible experience!

5.      A: I just bought a ticket to New York City.

B: Have a great time. / What a terrible experience!



Ex. 6 Match texts 1- 7 with headings A – H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.

A.  Cooking class

B. Walking holiday                    

C. Let chance decide (Пусть решает случай)     

D. Dangerous meeting

E. Home comforts on wheels (на колесах)                       

F. Find yourself

G. Working holiday opportunity  

H. Untouched natural beauty


1. A camper van is a great way to get around and a combination of accommodation and transport. You can spend your holiday at your own way and enjoy time with your family. As you are in charge of the driving, you can choose your own routes (маршруты). But perhaps the best thing of all is having your own conveniences (удобства) on board to make trip easier.


2. If you like the idea of getting away from the crowded and busy city and would like to experience what life used to be like in the past, then come and join us at “River Farm”. We are an organic farm that does more than just grow vegetables! We also educate the population about the environment. We look for gardeners who are available this summer. Benefits (преимущества) include a weekly salary, private housing and a beautiful, relaxing environment.


3. You will be met at Beijing International Airport by one of our representatives (представители) and taken to your accommodation. The following morning we will start our journey to Simatai by luxury coach (bus), where your adventure will begin. Please, make sure you have comfortable shoes as the Great dragon, winds up and down (поднимается и опускается)!

4. It was an unbelievable experience – the scenery so white and yet there were varieties of white I had never seen before. The giant icebergs we sailed past were almost close enough to touch; the penguins and seals ignored our presence (присутствие) and continued their usual business. And in the far distance I caught sight of a whale. Amazing!


5. Inside the diving cage my knees (колени) began to shake. Then, as if out of nowhere, the great white shark appeared. Brought by the smell of the sardines, it circled near me, its razor-sharp (острые как бритва) teeth just centimeters away. Its powerful body shook the boat before it went back down into the depths of the ocean.

6. Can you imagine going on a journey and not knowing where you are going to go? Perhaps you would like to take a risk or leave the decision to someone/something else? Then all you need is dice (игровые кости). Throw it and decide where to turn – odd numbers mean turn left, even turn right. You never know what surprises lie ahead!

7. Yoga is a journey of discovery where we learn to value ourselves and understand who we are. The practice of yoga is said to improve a person’s health and well-being. Its aim is to bring together our material, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels so that we feel at peace with ourselves.



Modular Test 5A VOCABULARY

Modular Test 5A VOCABULARY

Everyday English Ex. 5 Choose the correct item

Everyday English Ex. 5 Choose the correct item
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