Тесты по грамматике английского языка для студентов 1 курса СПо.
Оценка 5

Тесты по грамматике английского языка для студентов 1 курса СПо.

Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
10 кл
Тесты по грамматике английского языка для студентов 1 курса СПо.
Тесты по грамматике I курс..doc



Английский язык


Тесты по проверке грамматических

и лексических навыков

(с ответами)


Test Your Grammar and Vocabulary

(with answers)



Уровень А2














Т.В. Виноградова


Английский язык


Тесты по проверке грамматических

и лексических навыков

(с ответами)


Test Your Grammar and Vocabulary

(with answers)


Учебное пособие

для студентов I курса

факультета МЭО


Уровень А2
















ББК 81.2Англ






























       Виноградова Т.В.

       Английский язык : тесты по проверке грамматических и лекси­ческих навыков (с ответами) = Test Your Grammar and Vocabulary (with answers) : учеб. пособие для студентов I курса ф-та МЭО / Т.В. Виноградова. Моск. гос. ин-т междунар. отношений (ун-т) МИД России, каф. англ. яз. № 2. — М. : МГИМО-Университет, 2009. — 233 с.

        ISBN 978-5-9228-

         Учебное пособие ставит своей целью проверку знаний грамматического и лексического материала, предусмотренного программой по английскому языку для студентов I курса факультета МЭО.

         Пособие состоит из девяти разделов, включающих проверочные тесты.

                                                                                              ББК 81.2Англ


ISBN 978-5-9228-                                         © Московский государственный институт

международных отношений (университет) МИД России, 2009

                                                                       © Виноградова Т.В., 2009





Unit 1

Singular or Plural, Countable or Uncountable Nouns (Ex. 1-5)……6

Much – many, little – few, a little – a few (Ex. 6-10)…………….13

Possessive Case (Ex. 11-12)………………………………………19

Indefinite Pronouns (Ex. 13-16)…………………………………..23

There is – there are (Ex. 17-18)…………………………………...28

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 19-20)………………………………...31

Unit 2

The Indefinite Tense-Forms (Ex. 21-24)………………………….35

Adjectives and Adverbs (Ex. 25-33)……………………………...40

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 34-36)………………………………...50

Unit 3

The Continuous Tense-Forms (Ex. 37-43)……...………………...56

Ways of expressing a future action (Ex. 44-47)…………………..66

Reported Statements. Reported Commands (Ex. 48-49)………….70

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 50-52)………………………………...72

Unit 4

The Perfect Tense-Forms (Ex. 53-63)……………………...……..78

Reported Speech (Ex. 64-65)…………………………………...…92

Tense Revision (Ex. 66-69)…………………………………….....95

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 70-72)……………………………….100

Unit 5

The Perfect Continuous Tense-Forms (Ex. 73-78)……...……….106

Reported Speech (Ex. 79)………………………………………..114

Indirect Questions (Ex. 80-82)…………………………………..115

Tense Revision (Ex. 83-85)……………………………………...119

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 86-87)……………………………….123

Unit 6

Tense Forms in the Passive Voice (Ex. 88-96)…………………..127

Tense Revision (Ex. 97-100)…………………………………….140

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 101-103)…………………………….147

Unit 7

Complex Object (Ex. 104-110)…………………………………..152

Tense Revision (Ex. 111-114)………………………………...…159

Vocabulary Exercises (115-117)………………………………..166

Unit 8

Modal Verbs (Ex. 118-127)…………………………………….172

Tense Revision (Ex. 128-130)………………………………….186

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 131-133)…………………………...190

Unit 9

The Infinitive (Ex. 134-143)……………………………………196

Tense Revision (Ex. 144-146)………………………………….206

Vocabulary Exercises (Ex. 147-148)…………………………...209







Предлагаемое учебное пособие представляет собой сборник те­стов по грамматике и лексике для студентов I курса факультета МЭО МГИМО МИД РФ.

Упражнения представлены в виде тестов “multiple choice”.

Цель пособия – проверка знаний грамматического и лексичес­кого материала, предусмотренного программой по английскому языку для студентов I курса факультета МЭО.

Пособие состоит из девяти разделов. Каждый раздел включает в себя ряд тестов, проверяющих усвоение как грамматического материала, так и активного словаря, предлагаемого для изуче­ния в учебнике Воеводы Е.В., Тимченко М.В. “A Course of English Intermediate”.

Предлагаемые тесты являются итоговой проверкой знаний по общему языку и позволяют преподавателю определить, нас­колько хорошо усвоен программный материал, выявить про­белы в знаниях студентов с целью дальнейшей самостоя­тельной доработки пройденного материала.

В каждом разделе после упражнений “multiple choice” предла­гаются более сложные грамматические упражнения, где сту­денты должны сами (без предлагаемых вариантов) определить правильную грамматическую форму, что является логическим заключением в проверке знаний того или иного граммати­ческого явления.

Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов с последующей проверкой и контролем со стороны преподавателя, а также может быть использовано для аудиторной работы с целью экспресс-проверки усвоенного материала.

Данное пособие может быть рекомендовано для студентов дру­гих факультетов с целью проверки грамматических и лексичес­ких знаний на уровне Intermediate.

Unit 1


Singular or Plural, Countable or Uncountable Nouns


Exercise 1.

Choose the correct word.


1. You can’t wear _______ to a job interview.

a. jeanses                      b. jeans


2. There must be two ______ in the wash.

a. shorts                        b. pairs of shorts


3. I need _______ to cut this article out.

a. a scissor                   b. some scissors


4. The ______ stole a picture by Van Gogh which costs millions of dollars.

a. thieves                      b. thiefes


5. My aunt lives on the farm. She has a lot of ______ .

a. gooses                      b. geese


6. I have two bad ______ . I must have them pulled out.

a. tooths                       b. teeth


7. There are _____ in my country house. I must get rid of them.

a. mouse                       b. mice


8. Different countries have different ______ .

a. weather                     b. weathers


9. We have looked at the menu and we would all like ______ .

a. chicken                     b. chickens


10. Have you got a copy of complete ______ of William Blake?

a. works                       b. work


11. None of the passengers has insured their ______ .

a. baggage                    b. baggages


12. Students must pass their ______ to the front.

a. papers                       b. paper


13. I’d like coffee, ______  and marmalade, please.

a. toasts                        b. toast


14. I’m afraid we can’t find cheap ______ for all of you.

a. accommodation       b. accommodations


15. They caught  several ______ that afternoon.

a. fish                           b. fishes


16. Would you like some of these ______ ?

a. potatoes                    b. potatos


17. They have some ______ on their farm.

a. sheep                        b. sheeps


18. The Smiths have got a lot of _____ at the moment.

a. worries                     b. worrys


19. The wolves chased the ______ for several miles.

a. deers                         b. deer


20. Ann has got two ______ .

a. brothers-in-law        b. brother-in-laws



Exercise 2.

Choose the correct word.


1. Ancient Greeks drank _____ wine with water.

a. –                                b. a


2. I like ______ onion soup.

a. an                              b. –


3. Do you eat ______ fish?

a. a                                b. –


4. Mary likes ______ fruit, she simply can’t live without it.

a. a                                b. –


5. Could you fetch ______ glass of mineral water for me please?

a. –                                b. a


6. In the morning Tom usually drinks ______ coffee.

a. a                                b. –


7. It’s a real disaster! My little daughter does not like ______ milk.

a. –                                b. the


8. My trousers need ironing. Have you got _____ iron?

a. an                              b. –


9. I’d like ______ information about trains to London.

a. an                              b. some


10. Could you give me ______ advice, please?

a. some                         b. an


11. The fire is going to go out. Can you go and get ______ wood?

a. a                                b. some


12. When the play ended, there was ______ lengthy applause.

a. a                                b. –


13. I can’t come out tonight. I have ______ homework to do.

a. some                         b. a


14. There is ______ very beautiful countryside near here.

a. a                                b. –


15. David has just bought ______ new furniture.

a. some                         b. a


16. I’ll have two teas and ______ coffee, please.

a. a                                b. –


17. She has ______ great love for music.

a. a                                b. –


18. I’m so glad I visited this place. It was ______ wonderful experience.

a. a                                b. –


19. The house is built of ______ stone.

a. a                                b. –


20. That’s ______ very unusual fruit. What is it?

a. a                                b. –



Exercise 3.

Choose the correct word.


1. I don’t think that phonetics ______ a dull subject.

a. is                               b. are


2. The stairs leading to the exit ______ steep and dangerous.

a. is                               b. are


3. In my opinion, billiards ______ a very boring game.

a. is                               b. are


4. In summer cattle ______ fed on pasture lands.

a. is                               b. are


5. The information we were given ______ very useful.

a. was                           b. were


6. Look at Rita’s hair! ______ green!

a. It is                           b. They are


7. I have called the police and ______ way.

a. they are on their      b. it’s on its


8. I like your new trousers. Where did you buy ______ ?

a. it                               b. them


9. When the police arrived we were pleased to see ______ .

a. it                               b. them


10. The contents of the case ______ disappeared.

a. have                         b. has


11. Darts______ often played in pubs.

a. are                            b. is


12. The athletics we watched ______ quite exciting.

a. was                           b. were


13. Carol’s earnings ______ as much as she would like.

a. isn’t                          b. aren’t


14. These trousers ______ a bit tight.

a. feels                          b. feel


15. Well, the glasses ______ all right.

a. fits                            b. fit


16. The number of women who smoke ______ increased.

a. has                            b. have


17. People ______ worried about the high rate of unemployment.

a. is                               b. are


18. Fish ______ dying because of polluted water.

a. is                               b. are


19. A number of sheep ______ died from a strange illness.

a. has                            b. have


20. Local news ______ on TV every night at 8:30.

a. is                               b. are



Exercise 4.

Choose the correct word.


1. The press ______ all printing stories about this family.

a. is                               b. are


2. My friend thinks that any press ______ biased.

a. is                               b. are


3. The staff of this company ______ skilful.

a. is                               b. are


4. All staff ______ expected to attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon.

a. is                               b. are


5. The orchestra ______ of forty eight musicians.

a. consists                    b. consist


6. The orchestra ______ rehearsing now.

a. is                               b. are


7. Statistics ______ a difficult course for Nick to understand.

a. is                               b. are

8. Statistics ______that approximately 40 percent of all marriages in the US end in divorce.

a. show                        b. shows


9. Politics ______ an art of compromising.

a. is                               b. are


10. John’s politics ______ changed considerably since he joined this party.

a. have                          b. has


11. The United Nations ______ a very important political organization.

a. is                               b. are


12. The United Nations ______ in disagreement on this issue.

a. is                               b. are


13. The Xiao family ______ large.

a. is                               b. are


14. The family ______ gathering here for Christmas.

a. is                               b. are


15. The police ______ investigating his accusation of fraud.

a. is                               b. are


16. A large number of police officers ______ present at the demonstration last week in case of trouble.

a. was                           b. were


17. A jury usually ______ of twelve people, who are ordinary members of the public.

a. consists                    b. consist


18. The jury ______ still thinking over the verdict.

a. is                               b. are


19. This football team ______ the best in the county this season.

a. has been                   b. have been


20. The team ______ practising hard lately, and ______ confident of victory.

a. has been… it is       b. have been… they are


Review Test 5.

Fill in the spaces in the following text with one appropriate word, or put – if no word is needed.



David had been buying ______(1) paper every day for months though he wasn’t interested in ______ (2) news about the latest disasters around the world. It was ______ (3) work he wanted. David had been out of ______ (4) work for ages and when he got the chance of ______ (5) job in the local youth centre he applied at once. He rang and asked them for ______ (6) information about ______ (7) job and they told him he needed to have ______ (8) experience of working with ______(9) children and if possible ______(10) training in counselling techniques. David had quite a lot of ______(11) knowledge of counselling because he had ______(12) degree in psychology from ______ (13) Edinburgh University and at one time he had seriously considered doing ______ (14) research in educational psychology. Before going to the interview, he asked his mum for ______(15) advice about what he should wear, and she told him to wear a suit and get his hair cut.


Much – many, little – few, a little – a few.


Exercise 6.

Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.


1. How ______ potatoes shall I buy?

a. much                        b. many                        c. few


2. We didn’t take ______ food with us, we hoped to buy some on the way.

a. much                        b. many                        c. few


3. I can’t give you ______ advice, I’m quite ignorant of the situation.

a. much                        b. many                        c. few


4. This car costs ______ .

a. much                        b. a lot of                     c. a lot


5. There were ______ people at the party that I didn’t know.

a. much                        b. little                          c. a few


6. There are ______ apples left. We don’t need any more.

a. a little                       b. a lot of                    c. few


7. We saw ______ people on the beach yesterday.

a. many                        b. a lot of                     c. much


8. Mr. Mannings would like ______ brandy with his coffee.

a. a little                       b. a few                        c. much


9. We have got too ______ petrol, we must have the car filled at the nearest gas station.

a. a little                       b. little                          c. few


10. Is there enough flour for the cake? – No, there is very______ left, I’m afraid.

a. a little                       b. little                          c. few


11. There was so ______ snow last winter.

a. a lot of                     b. much                        c. plenty of


12. How ______ spaghetti have we got?

a. much                        b. many                        c. few


13. I have never seen so ______ money.

a. much                        b. many                        c. few


14. I’m sorry, but we do not have ______ knowledge about the new transit system.

a. much                        b. many                        c. few


15. I’m looking for ______ equipment for my office.

a. a little                       b. a few                        c. many


16. You are taking too ______ luggage on this vacation.

a. much                        b. many                        c. a lot of


17. I don’t hear ______news about Mr. Yates these days.

a. many                        b. a lot                          c. much


18. I hope I didn’t cause you too ______ trouble.

a. much                        b. many                        c. little


19. Henry was not able to give us ______ information.

a. much                        b. many                        c. a lot


20. How ______ fish are there in the bowl?

a. much                        b. many                        c. a little



Exercise 7.

Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.


1. Do you take sugar with your tea? –Yes, just ______ .

a. little                                   b. a few                        c. a little


2. Would you like some more biscuits? – No, thanks, I have eaten so ______ already.

a. a lot                                   b. many                        c. much


3. Nancy, would you like some more cake? –Yes, just ______ , please.

a. a few                                 b. a bit                          c. little


4. We’ve got ______ work to do by the end of the month.

a. many                                  b. a great deal of         c. much


5. The meeting was postponed because ______ people arrived.

a. a large amount of             b. a few                        c. few


6. In conclusion I would like to say ______ words about our plans.

a. a few                                  b. few                           c. large number of


7. We spent such ______time on this work.

a. much                                 b. a few                        c. a little


8. Very ______ people were flying because of terrorist activities.

a. few                                    b. little                          c. a few


9. I’m having ______ trouble fixing the shelf – Peter, can you help me please?

a. a few                                  b. a little                       c. plenty of


10. He was asked such ______ questions at the exam!

a. many                                 b. few                           c. a few


11. Oh, you have bought some milk too! Now we have ______ milk.

a. much                                 b. a lot of                     c. plenty of


12. We spent ______ money on this Bentley car.

a. much               b. a large number of             c. a large amount of


13. Don’t worry, Mrs. Parker, we have ______ room to accommodate 30 people.

a. plenty of                           b. much                        c. many


14. It’s only 10 o’clock. We have ______ time to walk to the station.

a. a large number of             b. plenty of                  c. much


15. There are ______ books on this issue in the Royal Library of Toledo.

a. plenty                       b. a large number of            c. a great deal of


16. Kate started feeling ill only ______ days before the exam.

a. a few                                  b. few                           c. many


17. ______ of Alexander’s friends arrived before the party started.

a. plenty of                           b. a lot of                     c. many


18. – Would you like some milk in your coffee?

– Yes, thank you, only ______ .

a. a few                                 b. little                          c. a little


19. Grimes hasn’t seen ______of his brother lately.

a. many                        b. little                          c. much


20. There was ______ a lot of food left after the party, that we ate it for three days.

a. so                              b. such                          c. too



Review Test 8.

Put in many, few, much or little.


The capital town of this island is very small and does not have many important buildings. The islanders do not have ______ (1) money, and they have ______ (2) contact with the outside world. There is not ______ (3) chance of the place attracting tourists. The roads aren’t very good. There are lots of bicycles but not ______ (4) cars. There are ______ (5) shops, and there is ______ (6) cultural life.



Review Test 9.

Put in a lot of, many or much.


A: There are a lot of athletes taking part in these Students Olympics, aren’t there? And there’s been ______ (1) interest.


B: Our runners haven’t won ______ (2) medals, have they?


A: Well, not as ______ (3) medals as last time. But there are still ______ (4) events to come.


B: Unfortunately I haven’t got ______ (5) time for watching sport at the moment. I’m rather busy.


A: Well, I’m hoping to get a ticket for the weekend. But there aren’t ______ (6) seats left, I hear.


B: I heard the cheapest ticket is £ 25. That’s too ______ (7) in my opinion.



Review Test 10.

Choose the correct form of the noun.




In today’s Cookery Corner I’d like to address a request from Mrs. Parkinson for ______ (1 – an information/information) about which of ______ (2 – chocolate/chocolates) to use in cooking. Well, Mrs. Parkinson, my ______ (3 – advice is/advices are) always to use the best possible chocolate you can find. It is the same principle as with ______ (4 – wines/wine): in cooking always use ______(5 – an equivalent quality/equivalent quality) to what you eat or drink. With ______ (6 – a chocolate/chocolate), the reason for this is that higher quality chocolate will always give your cakes and sweets ______ (7 – better/a better) taste. To judge the quality of chocolate, look at ______ (8 – the amount of/the number of) cocoa in the chocolate. Good quality chocolate has more cocoa solids and ______ (9 – less sugar/fewer sugars). For the best taste choose chocolate with a high cocoa ______ (10 – contents/content) – never ______ (11 – fewer than/less than) 70 ______ (12 – per cent/per cents) if possible. It goes without saying that you should also use other ______ (13 – ingredient/ingredients) of the highest quality, too. If, for example, you are using ______ (14 – a coffee/coffee) in your chocolate recipe, always use ______(15 – a strong/strong) fresh coffee. If you are making ______ (16 – a cake/cake), use the right kind of ______ (17 – flours/flour), and always weigh the ingredients on you kitchen ______ (18 – scale/scales). Believe me, if you follow ______ (19 – these/this) simple rules, the next time you bake a chocolate cake, there won’t be a slice left over!



Possessive Case


Exercise 11.

Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.


1. ______ laptop has been stolen.

a. Ben                                    b. Ben’s                        c. Bens’


2. When the teacher had called out the ______ names, they all stepped forward.

a. girl’s                                  b. girls                          c. girls’


3. They are my ______ favourite books.

a. mother-in-law’s                b. mother’s-in-law      c. mother-in-laws’


4. I went to the ______ to buy a newspaper.

a. newsagent                         b. newsagent’s             c. newsagents’s


5. We studied Charles ______ early novels at school.

a. Dickens’                            b. Dicken’s                  c. Dickens


6. This mobile phone is not mine, it is ______ phone.

a. someone’s else                 b. someone else’s        c.someone’s else’s


7. I was surprised by ______ announcement.

a. yesterday                           b. yesterday’s              c. the yesterday’s


8. ______ playing has improved enormously.

a. Allan’s guitar                   b. Allan guitar             c. Allan guitar’s


9. I was shocked by ______ .

a. Alice opinion          b. Alice’s opinion       c. the opinion of Alice


10. They are ______ children.

a. Ann’s and Tom’s             b. Ann and Tom          c. Ann and Tom’s


11. I must go to ______ this morning.

a. the butcher’s                    b. butcher’s                  c. the butcher


12. We had ______ holiday in Italy.

a. a two weeks’                    b. a two-week              c. two week’s


13. We are going to stay ______ this week-end.

a. at my aunt’s                      b. at my aunt               c. with my aunt’s


14. ______ children don’t go to University yet.

a. Browns                             b. The Browns’           c. The Browns’s


15. Usually I leave my car at ______ .

a. Leagany car park             b. Leagany cars park 

c. Leagany car’s park


16. ______ Library has one of the richest book collections in Russia.

a. the Lenin’s                        b. the Lenin                 c. Lenin


17. Mrs Black is a friend of my ______ .

a. mother’s                            b. mother                      c. mothers’


18. People left their homes because of ______ .

a. the extension of the airport       b. the airport’s extension

c. the airport extension


19. That isn’t much use, it is the ______ .

a. calendar of last year                  b. last year’s calendar

c. last year calendar


20. My sister is ______ girl and she doesn’t go to school yet.

a. a three years old               b. a three year’s old

c. a three-year-old



Exercise 12.

Choose the correct word. In some cases both options are correct.


1. What did you do ______ ?

a. at the course’s end                    b. at the end of the course


2. Have you met ______ ?

a. Sam’s new girlfriend                 b. the new girlfriend of Sam


3. ______ is a constant source of inspiration.

a. Barcelona’s architecture  b. the architecture of Barcelona


4. I need to visit ______ .

a. the doctor’s surgery                   b. the surgery of the doctor


5. Some debris got caught under ______ .

a. the conveyor belt’s wheels       b. the wheels of the conveyor belt


6. Our organization strives towards ______ .

a. poverty’s elimination                b. the elimination of poverty


7. The Ninth Symphony is arguably ______ .

a. Beethoven’s greatest work       b. the greatest work of Beethoven

8. ______ is the search for personal fulfilment in a hostile world.

a. the novel’s theme                      b. the theme of the novel


9. He’s taking ______ from his job at the university.

a. a year’s sabbatical                     b. a sabbatical of a year


10. ______ sometimes drives me up the wall.

a. my husband’s impatience         b. the impatience of my husband


11. Throughout the flight we had to put up with ______ .

a. the children sitting in the back row’s antics

b. the antics of the children sitting in the back row


12. The most senior clergyman in the Church of England is ______ .

a. Canterbury’s Archbishop         b. the Archbishop of Canterbury


13. We’re going to hold the party at ______ .

a. Michael’s place                         b. the place of Michael


14. ______ was an important turning point in French history.

a. 1789’s revolution                      b. The revolution of 1789


15. Researchers have been amazed by the ______ to mutate when attacked.

a. virus’s ability                             b. ability of the virus


16. The vet wasn’t very pleased with ______ .

a. Fido’s progress                          b. the progress of Fido


17. Her doctoral thesis investigates ______ in medieval China.

a. Confucianism’s spread    b. the spread of Confucianism


18. The blessing will take place at the ______ .

a. Twelve Apostle’s Church         b. Church of the Twelve Apostles


19. Why can’t you just hand in your notice, ______ !

a. for heaven’s sake                      b. for the sake of heaven


20. ______ are generating a lot of excitement at the Paris fashion shows.

a. Galliano’s latest designs           b. the latest designs of Galliano



Indefinite Pronouns


Exercise 13.

Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.


1. Shall we have ______ ice-cream for dessert?

a. any                                     b. some                                  c. a few


2. I’d like ______ mineral water. I’m terribly thirsty.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. no


3. Put ______ Cheddar cheese in the omelette. It will add some flavour.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. little


4. I don’t want ______ help! I’ll do everything myself.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. no


5. Do we have ______ food left from yesterday’s party? I’m terribly hungry.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. no


6. Gina has bought ______ rolls for breakfast.

a. some                                  b. many                                  c. no


7. Would you like ______ wine to start with, sir?

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. a few


8. We did not find ______ sour cream in the fridge.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. no


9. There weren’t ______ people in the street when the accident happened.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. no


10. Can I have a beer from your fridge? – Yes, of course. Take ______ you like.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. no


11. Mrs. Ripley is going on holiday with ______ friends in August.

a. some                                  b. any                                     c. a


12. I’m sure he doesn’t have ______ evidence for his accusations.

a. any                                     b. an                                       c. some


13. There is seldom ______ world news in the Daily Star.

a. some                                  b. any                                     `c. no


14. There was never ______ question that Eleanor Rigby will return home.

a. some                                  b. no                                       c. any


15. ______ of the money collected will go to helping children with heart disease.

a. any                                     b. no                                       c. some


16. If you have ______ old books that you don’t want you can bring them into school.

a. any                                     b. many                                  c. some


17. We have bought a lot of things today. There is hardly ______ money left.

a. no                                      b. some                                  c. any


18. If you have ______ questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.

a. some                                  b. few                                     c. any


19. I’m too tired to write ______ letters tonight. Let’s do it tomorrow.

a. any                                     b. some                                  c. no


20. Wasn’t there ______ problem about you work? I remember you telling me about it.

a. any                                     b. some                                  c. many



Exercise 14.

Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.


1. Where is that naughty cat? We can’t find him ______ .

a. somewhere               `        b. nowhere                   c. anywhere


2. Linda has done ______ she could, but all in vain.

a. anything                            b. something                c. nothing


3. I couldn’t see ______ in the dark.

a. nothing                             b. something                c. anything


4. Can I do ______ to improve the situation?

a. everything                         b. something                c. anything


5. ______ who was present at the shareholders’ meeting was questioned by the police.

a. everybody                         b. somebody                c. anybody


6. There was ______ so odd about his behaviour that I was taken aback.

a. something                          b. everything               c. nothing


7. Do you remember putting the keys ______ in the room?

a. somewhere                        b. elsewhere                 c. anywhere


8. She was too exhausted to go ______ .

a. somewhere                        b. everywhere              c. anywhere


9. You look so upset. Has ______ happened?

a. anything                            b. nothing                    c. something


10. Where can I get the money you ask for? – _____ , I don’t care.

a. anywhere                           b. somewhere               c. nowhere


11. Nobody told me ____ about it.

a. anything                            b. nothing                    c. something


12. Hardly ______ knew how to operate the device. It was completely new.

a. anybody                            b. somebody                c. nobody


13. If you want good advice, ask ______ else.

a. anybody                            b. everybody               c. somebody


14. Nobody ______ that Alex has committed this crime.

a. believe                              b. believes                    c. have believed


15. If ______ asks for the reference book, tell ______ I have taken it.

a. somebody… her              b. anybody… them     c. everybody... it


16. After hard work Sarah was too tired to go ______ .

a. somewhere                       b. nowhere                   c. anywhere


17. Everybody saw the missing boy the other day, didn’t ______ ?

a. he                                      b. it                               c. they


18. In Holland you can see beautiful flowers ______ .

a. somewhere                       b. everywhere              c. nowhere


19. Nick felt that something ______ bothering him.

a. was                                     b. were                          c. be


20. ______ can’t understand that it is impossible to work 12 hours a day on end!

a. nobody                              b. anybody                   c. somebody



Review Test 15.

Complete what the radio disc jockey is saying. Put in some or any.


“That beautiful song was “I can’t find any love” by Arlene Black. Now I’ve had ______(1) letters asking for a record by Express. One listener says she hasn’t heard ______(2) records by Express on this programme for months. Well, I’m going to put that right straight away. And this will be our last record because there isn’t ______(3) more time left. We’ve had ______(4) great records tonight, and I’ll be here next week to play ______(5) more. Now here’s ______(6) music from Express, with “I never have ______(7) luck”. And this is Justin Cooper saying goodbye and goodnight.”



Exercise 16.

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word.


1. You can’t have lost the tickets.  They’ve got to be ______ .

a. anywhere                 b. somewhere               c. nowhere


2. I haven’t got a clue where I am! Isn’t there ______ here who could direct me to the Stakis Hotel?

a. anyone                     b. no one                      c. someone


3. ______ everyone here now? We’ll start the tour straight away then.

a. is                               b. are                             c. does


4. There is hardly ______ to be seen on the streets of the centre after dark.

a. anybody                   b. nobody                    c. somebody


5. Peter decided that he needed to do ______ with his life.

a. constructive something             b. something constructive

c. everything constructive


6. The kidnap victims were blindfolded, driven into the country and thrown from the car miles from ______ .

a. somewhere                        b. anywhere                 c. nowhere


7. The mayor is caught in the city traffic. We’ve ______ got to find a way to get her here fast.

a. somehow                           b. anyhow                    c. nohow


8. – What would you like to drink?

– Oh, ______. Whatever you’re having will be fine.

a. something                         b. anything                   c. nothing


9. That new chess champion from Elista is amazing. ______ can beat him!

a. anyone                               b. no one                      c. someone


10. The ball can bounce ______ between the inner tramlines, but if it bounces outside them, you lose the point.

a. anywhere                          b. somewhere               c. nowhere



There is – there are


Exercise 17.

Choose the correct word.


1. ______ time to finish our discussion after classes.

a. there will be            b. it will be


2. Why ______ so many police there?

a. are there                   b. is it


3. ______ going to be a bus strike next week.

a. there is                     b. it is


4. ______ time to go to bed?

a. is it                           b. is there


5. Look! The sky is cloudy. ______ going to rain.

a. it is                            b. there is


6. ______ no point in doing this work.

a. there is                     b. it is


7. You do this work at the expense of your health. ______ not worth it!

a. it is                            b. there is


8. Is ______ the eighteenth today? – No, the seventeenth.

a. it                               b. there


9. Someone is injured. ______ an accident.

a. there has been         b. it has been


10. ______ a picture on the wall. ______ an abstract painting.

a. there is... it is           b. it is... there is


11. Take a taxi. ______ a long way to the station.

a. there is                     b. it is


12. ______ any truth at all in that newspaper article.

a. there wasn’t             b. it wasn’t


13. ______ several accidents this week.

a. there have been       b. it has been


14. ______ raining since Monday.

a. there has been         b. it has been


15. ______ any problem with my ticket?

a. will there be            b. will be there


16. ______ seems to be a traffic jam downtown on Old Hope Road.

a. it                               b. there


17. ______ an honour that Professor Alexander Belov is attending the conference.

a. it is                            b. there is


18. ______ surprising if the two countries don’t reach an agreement soon.

a. it will be                   b. there will be


19. ______ hope of getting money for the research.

a. there is no                b. it is no


20. ______ no good getting annoyed. That won’t help solve the problem.

a. it is                            b. there is


21. ______  no reason to be pessimistic. Everything ended well.

a. there was                  b. it was


22. ______ seems to me that you are right.

a. it                               b. it’s


23. ______ true that Marjorie has passed her exam for the ACCA certificate?

a. is it                           b. is there


24. ______ no use going there so late.

a. it is                            b. there is


25. ______ no chance of finding a cure if we don’t fund more research.

a. it is                            b. there is



Review Test 18.

Fill each space in the paragraph below with it or there.



______(1) has always been a disadvantage for visitors to Britain that the weather is very changeable and that ______(2) is always raining, even in summer. ______(3) are countless jokes about English weather and no doubt ______(4) is a good reason for their popularity. ______(5) is no smoke without fire. ______(6) doesn’t however seem to be the case anymore that Britain does not have a summer. In fact, ______(7) seems to be less and less rainfall nowadays, which is a worldwide phenomenon. What has happened is that ______(8) has been a rise in the temperature of the planet as a whole.______(9) is getting hotter every year to such an extent that ______(10) is no longer necessary to go abroad if you want to get a suntan. ______(11) will be much quicker and cheaper to go to Brighton or Bournemouth. ______(12) is thought that global warming is having both positive and negative effects in different parts of the world. ______(13) have been several conferences to find  a solution to the problem but ______(14) has become obvious that ______(15) is no simple answer to the problem.



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 19.

Choose the correct variant.


1. When was the University of Bologna ______ ?

a. found                                 b. founded                   c. made


2. Julia ______ Yale University and is a well-educated girl.

a. graduated from        b. left from                   c. finished


3. What is the government’s ______ on immigration?

a. politic                      b. politics                     c. policy


4. The students of the Faculty of International Economic Relations  have quite a number of ______ classes a week.

a. economic                 b. economy                  c. economics


5. The ______ of Southeast Asia has been growing rapidly lately.

a. economics                b. economy        c. economical development


6. Who ______ the delegation of the Russian Ministry of Finance to Angola?

a. headed                     b. led                   c. attended


7. The problem of the war in Iraq was discussed at the US State ______ .

a. Office                       b. Department              c. Ministry


8. Students are not supposed to chat ______ .

a. at class                     b. in class                     c. in the class


9. The allowance will ______ the children till the end of the month.

a. last                            b. be enough                c. continue


10. The Guggenheim Museum in New York has a rich collection of ______ art.

a. fashionable              b. new                           c. modern


11. Quite ______ of students of the University of West Indies have part-time jobs.

a. the number              b. a number                  c. a lot of


12. ______ of schoolchildren willing to receive a higher education in the UK is growing every year.

a. the number              b. a number                  c. the amount


13. Many people like to try lots of different ______ of food.

a. kinds                        b. sorts                          c. variations


14. I’m so sorry, Uncle Albert, but I can’t help you as I have no ______ to these confidential documents.

a. approach                  b. access                       c. way


15. You are quite right that you have ______ him a lesson.

a. given                        b. read                          c. taught


16. The workers at Mechel Steel Plant have a good opportunity to have a snack at the plant ______ .

a. café                           b. canteen                     c. restaurant


17. After the examinations at the University my ______ and I went to Finland for the winter vacation.

a. fellow-students        b. classmates                c. fellow-travellers


18. Jane was upset because she ______ the exam in maths, though trigonometry was always her favourite.

a. had failed                 b. had passed               c. had taken


19. The American Lady ______ the canary’s cage with a cloth so that it could sleep.

a. covered                    b. put                            c. laid


20. My mother enjoys ______ to classical music, best of all Verdi.

a. listening                   b. to listen                    c. to be listening



Exercise 20.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Successful job ______ will be notified by telephone.

a. applicants                          b. participants              c. students


2. Being away from home Cecilia ______ it almost every night.

a. dreamt of                          b. dreamt about           c. told about


3. From her childhood Nancy has dreamt ______ to John Hopkins University.

a. to go                                  b. about going             c. of going


4. Let me ______ my new friend to you.

a. acquaint                            b. introduce                 c. get acquainted


5. Many shops nowadays are not closed for ______ .

a. lunch interruption            b. lunch interval          c. lunch break


6. One can find the latest copies of this magazine in the ______ department.

a. reference                           b. information             c. inquiry


7. Very often the students have to study in the reading ______ after classes.

a. hall                                    b. room                         c. auditorium


8. Margaret Thatcher majored ______ chemistry at University.

a. in                                        b. at                               c. about


9. Hercule Poirot was ______ to be a detective.

a. cut out                               b. made out                  c. born out


10. If you don’t work regularly you can feel ______ before the exams.

a. hurried for time                b. pressed for time      c. urgent


11. The students looked forward ______ part in the contest.

 a. to taking                           b. to take                      c. taking


12. At the University students are encouraged ______ sports.

a. to do                                  b. to make                    c. to go


13. The official home of the UK Prime Minister in London is ______ No.10 Downing Street.

a. at                                       b. on                             c. in


14. In London School of Economics students have lectures ______ economics five times a week.

a. at                                        b. of                     c. in


15. Susan is a bright girl. She is already ______ the alphabet.

a. exploring                          b. learning                    c. teaching


16. Alex is going to Egypt and he ______ a camera from his friend.

a. lent                                    b. let                             c. borrowed


17. The narrow land ______ abruptly at the farm yard.

a. was over                           b. finished                    c. ended


18. All the team were there ______ Ben Johnson who was ill.

a. beside                                b. besides                     c. except


19. The book was ______ for Judy to read in the original.

a. easy enough                      b. enough easy             c. too easy


20. Mrs. Parker is ______ to talk to anybody right now. You will have to wait.

a. too busy                            b. busy enough            c. busy at all



Unit 2


The Indefinite Tense-Forms


Exercise 21.

Choose the correct word.


1. I won’t send the parcel until I ______ from him.

a. will hear                            b. hear


2. She will visit her parents before she ______ to Montego Bay.

a. will go                               b. goes

3. I ______ you a postcard when I get to Montserrat.

a. will send                            b. send


4. I will call you as soon as we ______ the contract.

a. will sign                            b. sign


5. The moment he ______ I’ll tell him the truth.

a. comes                                 b. will come


6. I will explain everything to Morgan on condition he ______ to me carefully.

a. listens                                b. will listen


7. My girlfriend ______ 25 next week.

a. is                                        b. will be


8. I expect that you ______ this work in time.

a. do                                      b. will do


9. ______ you lend me this book please?

a. will                                     b. do


10. Margaret does not know when she ______ to the theatre.

a. goes                                    b. will go


11. Whenever his friends ______ , he is glad to see them.

a. call in                                b. will call in


12. My friend Ian  ______ in London for a long time.

a. is                                        b. will be


13. We wonder when we ______ a pay rise.

a. will have                           b. have


14. Whatever place of interest in London you ______ , you will like it.

a. visit                                    b. will visit


15. The train from Mogadishu ______ at 10 o’clock.

a. will arrive                         b. arrives


16. Probably, Jessica ______ on Friday morning.

a. comes                                b. will come


17. Perhaps I ______ recognize Julia Andrews. I haven’t seen her for ages.

a. won’t                                 b. don’t


18. Brenda is not convinced that her friend ______ the exam next Tuesday.

a. passes                                 b. will pass


19. Nancy and David’s wedding ______ place at St. Peter’s Church of San Diego on Sunday.

a. will take                            b. takes


20. The more you ______ , the better your spelling will be.

a. will read                            b. read



Exercise 22.

Choose the correct word.


1. Mr. Brown ______ jog every morning, but now he is too old to do it.

a. used to                              b. didn’t


2. There was an eclipse of the sun yesterday. Unfortunately I didn’t even ______ it.

a. use to see                           b. see


3. He never ______ to “Club 13”.

a. used to go                          b. didn’t go



4. An acquaintance of mine ______ to drink a lot, but now he has given up this vicious habit.

a. used                                   b. would


5. The Berlinghettis ______ to make scenes in public.

a. didn’t used                        b. didn’t use


6. Do you smoke? – I ______ , but I quit.

a. used to do                         b. used to


7. Ben and Vera ______ at the camp for a week.

a. stayed                                b. used to stay


8. The Earth ______ round the Sun.

a. goes                                    b. used to go


9. ______ to play computer games when you were a child?

a. did you used                     b. did you use


10. When they went to the seaside last summer they ______ go for a swim every morning.

a. used to                              b. would



Review Test 23.

Put in the verbs from the list below. Use the Future Simple or the Present Simple.

Get, come, remind, make, know, post, receive


A: What about my money?


B: I’ll send the cheque to you as soon as I have it.


A: Why can’t you write me a cheque now?


B: The manager writes the cheques. He’s away until Tuesday. I can’t do anything until he ______(1) back. When he ______(2) in on Tuesday morning, I ______(3) him about it. I ______(4) sure that he ______(5) you want the money immediately. If I ______(6) the cheque first class, you ______(7) it on Wednesday.



Exercise 24.

Put the verbs in bracket into the Present Simple or Future Simple.


A teacher is giving some students the details of a forthcoming trip.


The coach leaves (1 – leave) here at 9.00 a.m., and we ______ (2 – arrive) at the field study centre before lunch. When we ______ (3 – get) there, you ______ (4 – be shown) to your rooms and ______ (5 – be given) time to unpack. Lunch ______ (6 – be served) in the dining-room at 12.30 precisely so make sure you (7 – not get) there late. When lunch ______ (8 – finish), it ______ (9 – be) time to get ready for our first activity: a walk down to the beach to look at the rock pools. Nets, magnifying glasses and containers ______ (10 – be provided) by the centre. If the weather ______ (11 – be) fine, we ______ (12 – stay) on the beach for the whole of the afternoon. Otherwise, we ______ (13 – go back) to the centre after an hour or two and watch a video on seashore life. You ______ (14 – be expected) to keep a written record of everything that you ______ (15 – find) and we ______ (16 – look) at all the records when we ______ (17 – get back) to school at the end of the week. Mr. McNeill, the field study supervisor, is very knowledgeable and I’m sure that he ______ (18 – help) you to identify anything that you ______ (19 – not recognize). Supper ______ (20 – be served) at 6.00, and at 8.00 there ______ (21 – be) an evening activity. On the first night, Mr. McNeill ______ (22 – plan) to go on a moonlit walk with us to look for bats. It is important that you ______ (23 – stay) together on this walk. Please don’t wander off. It ______ (24 – not be) easy for us to find you if you ______ (25 – get lost) in the dark. Behave sensibly and I’m sure you ______ (26 – all have) a wonderful time.



Adjectives and Adverbs


Exercise 25.

Complete each sentence with the most suitable word.


1. Who is ______ – Jane or Allan?

a. more tall                   b. taller                         c. most tall


2. Joe is ______of the students in the group.

a. the cleverest            b. the most clever        c. more clever


3. Which of these two dogs is ______ ?

a. friendler                   b. friendlier                  c. most friendly


4. A Lexus is ______ than a Honda.

a. more expensive       b. most expensive       c. expensiver


5. The ______ instructions will be given on page 12.

a. further                      b. farther                      c. farthest


6. The children were playing in the ______ corner of the garden.

a. farthest                     b. farther                      c. farest


7. Connie walks ______ because she has just had an operation.

a. more slow                b. more slowly            c. slowlier


8. John’s grades are really bad. – Yes, but Tom’s are even ______ .

a. worst                        b. badder                      c. worse


9. I think we have ______ money than you.

a. least                          b. fewer                        c. less


10. Our new house has ______ space than the old one.

a. a lot more                b. more of                    c. most




11. The northern part of Canada generally receives ______ snow than the southern part.

a. much more              b. much most               c. so much


12. You should get off at the ______ stop.

a. next                          b. nearest                      c. nearer


13. Mrs. Parkinson has got two sons: George and Ronald. The former already works, the ______ is still a student.

a. latter                         b. last                            c. later


14. Have you heard the ______ news? It’s awful.

a. last                            b. latest                         c. late


15. You can find this place ______ if you have a map.

a. more easily              b. easilier                      c. most easily


16. Today you seem ______ than you were yesterday.

a. more happy             b. happier                     c. happiest


17. These tomatoes are ______ than the ones I saw in Sainsbury’s.

a. more red                   b. redder                       c. little red


18. Now we will have to think of a ______ method.

a. better                        b. gooder                      c. best


19. Nowadays people use electric appliances much ______ than thirty years ago.

a. more oftener            b. often                         c. more often


20. People believe they will live better in the ______ future.

a. nearest                      b. nearer                       c. near




Exercise 26.

Choose the correct word.


1. More ______ 80 percent of the students passed the test.

a. than                                   b. that


2. Are you ______ Burney?

a. the same age as                b. so old as


3. The harder we studied ______ we got.

a. the more confused           b. more confused


4. ______ all the cities I have visited, I like London best.

a. of                                       b. from


5. The more it snowed, ______ .

a. the colder it got                b. it got colder


6. Belinda is more thorough ______ her co-workers.

a. than                                   b. as


7. The ______ my friend complains the ______ people listen.

a. more… less                      b. much… little


8. July is the hottest ______ all the months in Zimbabwe.

a. of                                       b. from


9. Please come ______ soon ______ possible.

a. as… as                              b. as… than


10. We have ______ opinion about this film ______ you.

a. the same… as                   b. the same… than


11. The coat you are wearing _____ the one you bought last year at Harrods’.

a. is similar to                      b. is similar with


12. ______ the price ______ reliable the product.

a. the higher… the more      b. a higher… a more

13. We can’t do crosswords ______ as you do.

a. as quickly                         b. quicker


14. Toledo is twice______ your city.

a. as old as                            b. older than


15. Blue Mountain is one hundred feet ______ Machu Picchu.

a. as high as                          b. higher than


16. To my mind Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is ______ thrilling of his books that I have read.

a. the most                            b. a most


17. Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe is ______ fascinating book about life in America. You must read it, Emma.

a. most                                  b. a most


18. The previous grammar test was not ______ difficult ______ this one.

a. so… as                              b. more… as


19. The rescue workers did their ______ to help Chinese people after the earthquake.

a. better                                 b. best


20. What an awful film! It is ______ interesting one by this famous film director.

a. the least                            b. less



Review Test 27.

Put in the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in the list.


Wide, famous, 1. old, 2. big, 3. modern, 4. comfortable, 5. expensive, 6. popular, 7. boring, 8. small, 9. pleasant, 10. helpful, 11. nice, 12. noisy, 13. busy.


There are lots of hotels in the pretty town of Blexham. You get a wider choice in most places. The Crown is the most famous because Charles Dickens once stayed there. It’s also one of the ______(1). The Metropole is a ______(2) and a ______(3) hotel. It’s also ______(4) than the Crown. The Metropole is the ______(5) hotel in town, and so it’s ______(6) with business people than with tourists. Personally I can’t think of anything ______(7) than a big modern hotel. My own favourite is the Down Court Hotel, which is ______(8) and ______(9) than the Metropole. The staff at Down Court are ______(10) than at the other hotels. The Down Court is also in a ______(11) place than the others. The Metropole is the ______(12) hotel in town because it’s on the main road. The Bristol has a good restaurant. But you need to book a table because it’s the ______(13) place in Blexham.



Review Test 28.

Put in the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.


A: I’m going to the Lake District next week. We’re going earlier (early) than usual.


B: I’d love a holiday in June, but it’s ______ (1 – convenient) for the children to go in the school holidays.


A: I know. But May and June are the ______ (2 – dry) and _______ (3 – nice) months. Sometimes we go in September which is the ______ (4 – beautiful) time of the year with the leaves on the trees changing colour.


B: Maybe it would be ______ (5 – sensible) to go in winter than in summer. It would certainly be ______ (6 – cheap). It might be ______ (7 – good) than August. I can’t think of a ______ (8 – bad) time to go than August.



Exercise 29.

Choose the correct word.


1. It is ______ that Frank Lloyd Right’s building will be destroyed.

a. possible                             b. possibly


2. After Freddy hit his head, he wasn’t thinking ______ .

a. clear                                   b. clearly


3. The disappearance of the millionaire seems really ______ .

a. strange                              b. strangely


4. I am impressed that you speak English so ______ .

a. well                                    b. good


5. The Customs agent made a ______ inspection of the suitcase.

a. thorough                           b. thoroughly


6. We are discussing a ______ proved fact.

a. scientific                           b. scientifically


7. It is ______ that the classes will be called off because of the snow.

a. certainly                            b. certain


8. I will ______help you. You can trust me.

a. certainly                            b. certain


9. Henry drives around the city ______ in this old Cadillac of his.

a. carelessly                          b. careless


10. Do you know if Jane did ______ at the exam?

a. good                                  b. well


11. After your treatment I feel quite ______ , thank you.

a. good                                  b. well


12. The story Kim told us sounded ______ .

a. strange                              b. strangely


13. The meat you bought the other day tastes ______ .

a. awful                                 b. awfully


14. I am ______ sorry. I kept you waiting.

a. awful                                  b. awfully


15. The lion moved ______ through the grass.

a. slow                                  b. slowly


16. It is ______ that in 100 years gas will be scarce and expensive.

a. probable                            b. probably


17. Your elder sister is always so ______ dressed.

a. beautifully                        b. beautiful


18. This perfume is very expensive and it smells exceptionally ______ .

a. good                                  b. well


19. Are you ______ aware that you are not qualified for the job?

a. full                                     b. fully


20. Deborah was in low spirits and greeted her guests ______ .

a. cold                                   b. coldly



Exercise 30.

Choose the correct word.


1. I had a hard time taking notes at the lecture as the professor speaks exceedingly ______ .

a. fastly                                 b. fast


2. Do you know if there are any ______ trains to Barcelona?

a. fastly                                 b. fast


3. I have never met a policeman who behaves ______ .

a. friendly                             b. in a friendly way


4. I have never met a ______ policeman.

a. friendy                              b. friendly


5. If this sportsman tries ______ he may succeed in breaking the world record.

a. hard                                   b. hardly


6. She was so shocked that she could ______ speak.

a. hard                                   b. hardly


7. The dentist asked the patient to open his mouth ______ .

a. wide                                   b. widely


8. The scientist’s name is ______ known all over the world.

a. wide                                   b. widely


9. The road to Gandolfo isn’t ______ enough for the lorry to get through.

a. wide                                   b. widely


10. It has not rained much ______ .

a. late                                     b. lately


11. Edna is always arriving ______ . We won’t wait for her.

a. late                                     b. lately


12. The audience was ______ upset by what they saw.

a. right                                  b. rightly


13. The calculations you made last time didn’t come out ______ .

a. right                                  b. rightly


14. They sat very ______ to each other to keep warm.

a. close                                  b. closely


15. These two facts are ______ related to each other.

a. close                                  b. closely


16. If you look at the picture ______ you will see that it is a genuine Monet.

a. close                                  b. closely


17. While getting off the bus Emily ______ fell as it was slippery.

a. near                                    b. nearly


18. My friend lives quite ______ to the station. We can walk there.

a. near                                    b. nearly


19. They say it will be impossible to drive a car in big cities in the ______ future because of the traffic.

a. near                                   b. nearly


20. Everybody wondered why Ben was behaving ______ .

a. so silly                              b. in such a silly way



Review Test 31.

Put in the correct form.


I had a ______ (1 – strange/strangely) dream last night. I was in a garden. It was getting ______ (2 – dark/darkly) and it was ______ (3 – terrible/terribly) cold. My head was aching ______ (4 – bad/badly). I was walking out of the garden when ______ (5 – sudden/suddenly) I saw a girl sitting on a seat. She seemed very ______ (6 – unhappy/unhappily). She looked up and smiled ______ (7 – sad/sadly) at me. I felt ______(8 – anxious/anxiously) for some reason. I wanted to be ______(9 – friend/friendly) so I tried ______ (10 – hard/hardly) to think of something to say. But I couldn’t. I just stood there ______ (11 – foolish/foolishly).



Review Test 32.

Complete this letter with the correct form of the words in brackets.


Dear Jack,


I’m staying in a very (1 – comfortable/comfortably) hotel in the south of France, near Sandy Beach. Unfortunately, it has been very (2 – windy/windily), and the hotel itself is very (3 – expensive/expensively).


Another problem is that the chef can’t cook very (4 – good/well). The food is rather (5 – greasy/greasily) and I have been (6 – hungry/hungrily) most of the time because I have had great difficulty in finding anything (7 – suitable/suitably) on the menu.


However, I have been impressed by the beauty of the surroundings and the kindness of the people. It is (8 – true/truly) that I have suffered a bit from boredom but I always do when I’m not (9 – full/fully) occupied. Sometimes I feel (10 – sleepy/sleeply) in the middle of the day and have a short nap, which I am very (11 – thankful/thankfully) for. Unfortunately, I sleep quite (12 – bad/badly) at night because the people in the room next to me snore (13 – terrible/terribly).


Anyway, I’m leaving this Friday. The drive back will (14 – probable/probably) take me two or three days, as long as the traffic isn’t too (15 – bad/badly). I’ll get in touch (16 – immediate/immediately) I get home and may be we can arrange to meet up for a meal.


See you soon,




Review Test 33.

Fill in each space with the correct adverb based on a word in the list. Some words do not need to be changed. Use one word twice.


Long, late, far, high, wide, most, slow, quick, further, wrong, little.



There have been a number of burglaries in our neighbourhood ______ (1). We are not sure who is to blame but it is ______(2) believed that the burglaries are ______(3) the work of one gang. The police have been very ______(4) to act and they still know very ______(5) for certain. The public, rightly or ______(6), blame the police for not acting more ______(7). Most people do not think very ______(8) of the local police and indeed so ______(9) they have arrested only one suspect. They say they need more evidence before they can take the matter ______(10). Whenever they are called in to investigate a burglary, it takes them so ______(11) to get to the scene of the crime that it is always too ______(12) to catch the culprits.



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 34.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Have you heard that Allen ______ Joe Ann?

a. has married                       b. has got married       c. has married on


2. ______ Edgar Allan Poe was a very famous poet and writer.

a. at the age of 25                b. in the age of 25       c. at 25 age


3. The treaty ______ the immediate withdrawal of troops from the area.

a. provides with                   b. provides                   c. provides for


4. The ride across the Mohave Desert was awful, but in the end we got to the destination ______ and sound.

a. healthy                              b. safe                           c. fit


5. Try ______ the amount of fat in your diet.

a. to rise                                b. to reduce                  c. to reject


6. Ronald was sorry for what had happened but he ______ well.

a. meant                                 b. wanted                     c. intended


7. Students have ______ between learning French or German as a second foreign language.

a. an opportunity                 b. a choice                    c. a difference


8. Make yourself ______ and I will be back in a minute.

a. convenient                        b. comfortable             c. suitable


9. The most ______ time to start the experiment is on Monday.

a. convenient                        b. comfortable             c. good


10. You have to be at least 18 to ______ the club.

a. join                                    b. become                     c. come to


11. Berkeley University has been ______ in popularity and now stands next to Harvard.

a. rising                                 b. expanding              c. increasing


12. There was a reception at the US Embassy ______ Independence Day.

a. on the occasion of            b. on the reason of      c. because


13. The boy’s mother insisted ______ the doctor immediately after the operation.

a. to see                                 b. on seeing                  c. about seeing


14. She doesn’t ______ much money but she enjoys her work.

a. earn                                    b. provide                    c. do

15. At the interview Susanne was asked which University she ______ .

a. went                                   b. attended                   c. learnt


16. Half the world’s rainforests have already been ______ .

a. smashed                            b. crashed                     c. destroyed


17. Three more nuclear power stations were built ______ widespread opposition.

a. despite                               b. in spite                     c. despite of


18. ______ most actresses Julie Andrews is very shy.

a. in difference to                 b. unlike                       c. opposite to


19. The little girl wouldn’t ______ her toys with other children.

a. share                                  b. divide                       c. spread


20. You can ______ your current weight through exercise and healthy eating.

a. maintain                            b. hold                          c. carry



Exercise 35.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Carol and her fellow-workers did ______ on the document.

a. some nice work                b. a nice work              c. nice works


2. The “Sunflowers” by Van Gogh is ______ of art.

a. outstanding work             b. a piece of outstanding work

c. an outstanding work


3. Where did you learn to play ______ so well?

a. a guitar                              b. the guitar                 c. guitar


4. The crew of the ship were playing ______ on the deck.

a. a volleyball              b. volleyball                c. the volleyball


5.      – Shall we dance?

         – I’ll be ______ .

a. nice                           b. impressive               c. delighted


6. I wonder why George and Nancy are still together. They have nothing ______ .

a. in general                 b. in common              c. together


7. The foot and mouth disease killed ______ 120 people in England last year.

a. at least                      b. at last                        c. at all


8. Unfortunately many people take their friends’ help ______ .

a. for granted               b. for sure           c. for goes without saying


9. The old Jesuits monastery is in the ______ of San Miguel.

a. neighbourhood        b. outskirts                   c. suburbs


10. At school children are fond of buying fast food ______ instead of having a proper meal.

a. with pocket money          b. on pocket money

c. with own money


11. Judith has two small children of ______ .

a. her own                    b. herself                      c. her’s


12. We were upset that Mr. Parker had divorced ______ his wife.

a. ---                              b. with                          c. from


13. You can get married when you are independent ______ your parents.

a. of                              b. from                         c. on


14. There is too much ______ on TV nowadays.

a. advertisement          b. advertisements        c. advertising


15. Did you put an ______ in the newspaper about your missing dog?

a. advertisement          b. advertising               c. announcement


16. The manager is responsible ______ the general running of the theatre.

a. for                             b. about                        c. of


17. They say that ______ child in the family is often spoilt.

a. the only                    b. an only                     c. a lonely


18. The region continues to suffer ______ serious pollution.

a. of                              b. out of                       c. from


19. Sudan ______ into existence at the end of the eighteenth century.

a. came                         b. went                         c. arrived


20. On the one ______ Dr. Frankenstein was too tired to continue the work but on the other ______ he was willing to finish it as soon as possible.

a. hand                         b. side                           c. point



Exercise 36.

Choose the correct word.


1. Will you ______ and borrow the book from the library?

a. do me a favour        b. make me a favour   c. owe me a favour


2. You know perfectly well that I can’t ______ this material.

a. make without          b. do from                    c. do without


3. Your guest is sleepy already. Why not ______ for him?

a. make a bed              b. do a bed                   c. set a bed


4. Nancy is always ______ of her son, though he is a grown-up man already.

a. doing fuss                b. making fuss             c. creating fuss


5. If you work in the fresh air it will ______ you a lot of good.

a. do                             b. make                         c. create


6. Professor Higgins doesn’t like ______ people interfering.

a. other                         b. another                     c. others


7. Some NASA systems are better than ______ .

a. other                         b. others                       c. the others


8. One of the twins is Ray. What is ______ one called?

a. another                     b. other                         c. the other


9. We are migrating from one Computerized Banking System (CBS) to ______ .

a. the other                  b. another                     c. other


10. I ______ play cricket, but I don’t do it now.

a. used to                     b. am used to               c. got used to


11. At first it was difficult for Dmitry to drive on the left in Jamaica, but quite soon he ______ to it.

a. got used                   b. was used                  c. used


12. The tired horse could ______ after a very long ride.

a. breathe hardly         b. hardly breathe         c. breathe hard


13. I haven’t seen anything interesting in the cinema ______ .

a. late                           b. lately                        c. last


14. The trees are flowering ______ this year.

a. late                            b. lately                        c. latest



15. A ______ of police officers were standing at the door.

a. pair                           b. couple                      c. few


16. Julian was ______ to panic when he realized that he was trapped in the cave.

a. near                           b. nearly                       c. nearest


17. The name of Harry Potter is _____ to many readers.

a. acquainted               b. acquaintance            c. familiar


18. Suzy Cue must feel desperately ______ with all her family in Scotland.

a. lonely                       b. alone                        c. by herself


19. Delilah had ______ that she had seen the man somewhere.

a. a sense                      b. a feeling                   c. a supposition


20. You must be mistaken. They are two ______ people.

a. different                   b. various                     c. acquainted



Unit 3


The Continuous Tense-Forms


Exercise 37.

Choose the correct word.


1. Peter ______ on a business trip to Havana on Monday 31.

a. is going                             b. goes


2. The plane from Cairo ______ in half an hour.

a. is arriving                          b. arrives


3. Look! Someone ______ to get into your car!

a. is trying                             b. tries


4. What time ______ your friends ______ for dinner tonight?

a. do… come                         b. are… coming


5. Catherine is sure her sister ______ the right choice.

a. is making                           b. makes


6. Dealing with this partner, Apple Computers ______ the risk at the moment.

a. is running                          b. runs


7. What time ______ the play ______ ?

a. does… begin                    b. is… beginning


8. She likes wearing black clothes. But today she ______ a red dress.

a. is wearing                          b. wears


9. The group of tourists ______ in Amsterdam at 8 a.m. They ______ 2 days there and then ______ to Delft.

a. arrives; stay… go            b. is arriving; are staying… are going


10. At present our laboratory ______ on a new project.

a. works                                 b. is working



Exercise 38.

Choose the correct word.


1. Excuse me, but I ______ you. It can’t be true.

a. don’t believe                     b. am not believing


2. ______ you ______ Harry on Sunday? Tell him I’m waiting for his call.

a. are… seeing                      b. do… see


3. ______ you ______ a plane in the sky now?

a. are… seeing                      b. do… see


4. What ______ the lecturer ______ by mentioning this fact?

a. does… mean                              b. is… meaning


5. What ______ you ______ of Oliver Stone’s new film?

a. are… thinking                           b. do… think


6. I ______ of doing a postgraduate degree. ______ you ______ it is a good idea?

a. am thinking; do… think           b. think; are… thinking


7. My mother ______ taking early retirement.

a. is considering                            b. considers


8. Right now I ______ what you are talking about.

a. don’t understand                       b. am not understanding


9. ______ you ______ any noise at the moment?

a. do… hear                                   b. are… hearing


10. Keep silent! The court ______ the case.

a. is hearing                                   b. hears


11. Judith is in the laboratory. She _____ very attentive because the experiment is dangerous.

a. is                                                 b. is being


12. What are you doing? – I ______ the room.

a. measure                                      b. am measuring


13. Why ______ your suitcase? –I don’t want to pay for excess weight.

a. are you weighing                      b. do you weigh


14. How much ______ you baby ______ now?

a. does… weigh                            b. is… weighing


15. This juice ______ good. Fetch me some more, please.

a. is tasting                                    b. tastes


16. Why ______ you ______ this milk? –I want to check whether it is sour.

a. do… taste                                   b. are… tasting


17. The Pattersons ______ a big car now. They sold their old minivan last year.

a. have                                            b. are having


18. Our company ______ some financial problems at the moment.

a. has                                              b. is having


19. This avocado ______ hard. I wouldn’t buy it.

a. feels                                            b. is feeling


20. Please be quiet! The doctor ______ your pulse.

a. is feeling                                    b. feels



Review Test 39.

Complete this letter with the correct form of the  Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Use each verb in the list below once.


Write, stand, seem, be, make, shine, stay, taste, look, cost, feel.


Dear Jill,

I am writing to you from Granada where everything ___________ (1) to be going just fine; we _________ (2) nice and relaxed. We _________ (3) in a gorgeous hotel just down the road from Alhambra, which _________ (4) an old fortress built by the Moors. It _________ (5) at the top of the hill just opposite our hotel and we can see this wonderful building through our window.

It _________ (6) absolutely magnificent! The hotel is lovely, but unfortunately it _________ (7) a lot to stay here! Eating out is great. Have you heard of gazpacho? It’s a cold cucumber and tomato soup, which they _________ (8) with oil, vinegar and garlic and it _________ (9) delicious.

Well, outside the sun _________ (10) so I’m off to get a bit of suntan; I hope everything’s OK back in Birmingham.





Exercise 40.

Choose the correct word.


1. What a naughty girl! She ______  with somebody.

a. always quarrels                          b. is always quarrelling


2. You ______ about the state of the flat.

a. continually moan                       b. are continually moaning


3. He _____ people. It is impolite!

a. never greets                               b. is never greeting


4. This year prices on food ______ all the time.

a. rise                                               b. are rising


5. My neighbours ______ so much noise. I wonder how long they will have their flat repaired.

a. are constantly making               b. constantly make


6. In the first scene we see him getting up, and then he ______ and ______ a strange woman.

a. goes out, meets                          b. is going out, is meeting


7. This man ______ at people. It is disgusting!

a. is always shouting                     b. always shouts


8. He ______ to people in a calm, pleasant manner.

a. always speaks                                     b. is always speaking


9. They ______ parties until the early hours of the morning.

a. are constantly having                b. constantly have


10. I ______ to discuss this topic in front of the children.

a. refuse                                          b. am refusing


11. Banks ______ more and more money these days to encourage small business.

a. lend                                             b. are lending


12. We ______ you that the application should be sent before May.

a. inform                                        b. are informing


13. “Fletcher ______ to Coles who ______ just over the bar.”

a. passes… shoots                         b. is passing… is shooting


14. I ______ that the suspect is telling the truth now.

a. admit                                          b. am admitting


15. Have you seen this article? It ______ that scientists have found the brightest star.

a. says                                             b. is saying


16. How swiftly time ______!

a. flies                                             b. is flying


17. British summers ______ hotter and winters ______ wetter.

a. get, get                                       b. are getting, are getting


18. We ______ a lot of rain during the winter in this part of the Caribbean.

a. get                                               b. are getting


19. On behalf of the company I ______ for any inconvenience caused.

a. apologise                                    b. am apologising


20. The Chief Executive is at the head office now. He ______ for delaying the delivery of the goods.

a. apologises                                  b. is apologising



Exercise 41.

Choose the correct word.


1. We didn’t hear the intruder because we ______ on the top floor.

a. slept                                             b. were sleeping


2. During his training Edgar ______ a lot less than his wife.

a. earned                                         b. was earning


3. We ______ the sky and ______ to the birds singing.

a. watched… listened                   b. were watching… were listening


4. We ______ back to the camp site, ______ out clothes and ______ to dinner.

a. came… changed… sat down  

b. were coming… were changing… were sitting down


5. An old man ______ on the bench thinking about life.

a. sat                                                b. was sitting


6. My family _____ in California then.

a. lived                                            b. were living


7. Manoli looked out of the window. The children ______ in the garden.

a. played                                        b. were playing


8. He wondered if Sandra ______ the next flight to Dublin.

a. took                                             b. was taking


9. When I was a child I ______ the violin.

a. played                                        b. was playing


10. When mother came home the children ______ their homework.

a. did                                               b. were doing


11. Helen ______ to the children while Benjamin ______ .

a. read… washed up                     b. was reading… was washing up


12. Yesterday I _____ the essay for 3 hours!

a. wrote                                          b. was writing


13. She _____ very badly whenever she stayed at her aunt’s.

a. slept                                            b. was sleeping


14. I _____ trouble with that car the whole of the time I owned it.

a. was having                                 b. had


15. The company ______ trouble with that department at the time.

a. had                                              b. was having


16. Maurice had to get up early as he ______ the 6 o’clock train.

a. caught                                         b. was catching


17. As they ______ the mountain it ______ colder.

a. climbed… got                            b. were climbing… was getting


18. It was a typical summer afternoon: the sun ______ , the cars ______ slowly round the corner of the park...

a. beat down… crept           b. was beating down… were creeping


19. When Jim entered the room, he saw a piano. It ______ in the corner.

a. stood                                           b. was standing


20. As I ______ dinner I cut my finger.

a. cooked                                       b. was cooking



Review Test 42.

Write the verbs in this story in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.


He ______ (1 – stop) just before putting his key in the front door. Something ______ (2 – happen) in the back garden… Quietly, he crept around the side of the house and ______ (3 – look) around through the gate. Two men ______ (4 – stand) at the back of the house, holding a ladder. A third man was at the top of the ladder, and a fourth inside the house: he ______ (5 – pass) furniture through the window to his partner, who ______ (6 – give) it to his friends below. All four ______ (7 – work) quietly and efficiently, and the pile of furniture in the garden ______ (8 – get) bigger by the minute. Derek ______ (9 – can not) believe his eyes: the team of strangers ______ (10 – empty) his entire flat, and they ______ (11 – behave) as if this was the most normal thing in the world. He ______ (12 – cough) loudly, and then ______ (13 – say) “Excuse me!” – and the man at the top of the ladder ______ (14 – drop) his portable TV onto the concrete below.



Exercise 43.

Choose the correct word.


1. This time next Monday I ______ on the Monkey Island beach in Port Royal (Jamaica).

a. will lie                      b. will be lying


2. The chairman ______ the proposal at the next meeting.

a. presents                    b. will be presenting


3. I won’t be able to call on you tomorrow, we ______ out.

a. will move                          b. will be moving


4. Constance ______ in Salamanca this time tomorrow.

a. will be                      b. will be being


5. Let’s tell Jordan about it. I’m sure he ______ the idea.

a. will like                    b. will be liking


6. ______ your car tomorrow? Can I borrow it?

a. will you use             b. will you be using


7. ______ me a lift to the station? I would appreciate it very much.

a. will you give           b. will you be giving


8. – ______ to a chemist’s this morning? – Yes, why?

– ______ me some aspirin, please?

a. will you be going, will you get

b. will you go, will you be getting


9. When the man leaves the building, the police ______ for him.

a. wait                           b. will be waiting


10. I ______ your house at half past seven. I will call in and see you.

a. am passing               b. will be passing


11. Barbara ______ the flat tomorrow. She always does it on Saturdays.

a. cleans                       b. will be cleaning


12. In ten years’ time people ______ computers even more than now.

a. are using                  b. will be using


13. Next Saturday the President ______ 8 years in power.

a. celebrates                 b. will be celebrating


14. It’s odd to think that this time tomorrow we ______ to Madrid.

a. will drive                 b. will be driving


15. I won’t have time to meet you next weekend. I ______ arrangements for the wedding.

a. will be making        b. will make


16. Perhaps John _____ the games at the party, he is good at it.

a. will organise            b. will be organising


17. I ______ this dog. It can bite.

a. won’t feed                b. won’t be feeding


18. Dr. Strangelove ______ part in the seminar because he will be away then.

a. won’t take                b. won’t be taking


19. He says he ______ this wine because it is off.

a. won’t drink              b. won’t be drinking


20. We ______ this question at tomorrow’s meeting because the presentation is not ready.

a. won’t discuss           b. won’t be discussing



Ways of expressing a future action


Exercise 44.

Choose the correct word.


1. What newspaper ______ at the agent’s?

a. will you buy            b. are you going to buy


2. There are clouds in the sky. It ______ rain.

a. is going to                b. will


3. I’ll miss the film on TV because I will be busy. – Well, I ______ it on the video then.

a. will record               b. am going to record


4. I expect I ______ back home at some time in the future.

a. will go                      b. am going


5. At the moment I am trying to revise for the exams. But I don’t know enough. I ______ .

a. am going to fail       b. am failing


6. Why have you bought so much paint? ______ paint the whole house?

a. will you                   b. are you going to


7. I have bought a book about China. I ______ there next month.

a. am going                  b. will go


8. The Prime Minister ______ to Brussels tomorrow.

a. will travel                b. travels


9. Don’t worry about the car, Mrs. Parker. I ______ for a taxi.

a. will phone               b. am phoning


10. According to my diary, we ______ at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

a. will meet                  b. are meeting


11. Clear the area! The bomb ______ !

a. is exploding             b. is going to explode


12. The kids are excited. I ______ them to the Zoo this afternoon.

a. am taking                 b. am going to take


13. These dark clouds mean we ______ a storm.

a. are going to have    b. are having


14. You ______ a headache of you don’t turn the volume down.

a. are going to get       b. are getting


15. This week we ______ our weekly meeting tomorrow instead of Tuesday.

a. are having                b. are going to have


16. We ______ our weekly meeting tomorrow so I will present your plan at it.

a. will be having         b. are having


17. I ______ my friend at the office tomorrow. I can break this news to him.

a. will be seeing          b. am seeing


18. We ______ “The Phantom of the Opera” on Broadway next week. We have already booked the tickets.

a. will see                    b. see


19. The tour ______ on May 11th for 15 days.

a. departs                      b. will be departing


20. Have you heard the weather forecast today? – Yes, it ______ tomorrow.

a. will snow                 b. snows



Review Test 45.

Complete the news report. Decide which is the best for the context: be going to or will. Sometimes either is possible.


We have learnt this week that Brimley Town Council has plans for Westside Park. The Council is going to sell the land to a builder, A. Forbes  and Son. “The plans are all ready. We ______ (1 – build)  fifty houses”, said Mr. Forbes. “In two years everything ______ (2 – be) finished. I’m sure people ______ (3 – like) the houses. Some of them ______ (4 – be) for young families.’ But people living near the park are angry. “This is a terrible idea. We’re against it. We ______ (5 – have) a protest march on Saturday,” said Mrs. Alice Marsh. “I expect everyone in Brimley ______ (6 – be) there. We want to make our intentions clear. We ______ (7 – stop) this plan.”




Review Test 46.

Complete the conversation. Look at the context and choose the best form of the verb to express the future.


1. speak, 2. go, 3. leave, 4. visit, 5. be, 6. start, 7. see, 8. tell, 9. get.


A: Hello. Where are you going?


B: To my evening class. I’m learning Swedish. And I ______(1) it for real this time next week. I ______(2) to Sweden for three weeks. I ______(3) on Friday evening. I ______(4) friends there.


A: Oh, that ______(5) very nice.


B: Oh, it’s nearly half past seven. My lesson ______(6) in a minute.


A: Well, have a good time. I ______(7) you next month.


B: Thanks. I ______(8) you all about it when I ______(9) back.



Review Test 47.

Use the most suitable form of the future in the following text.



All Aquarians this month ______ (1 – get off) to a good start with some good news on the home front. The news ______ (2 – help) to relax recent tensions and give you the chance to make a fresh start. There ______ (3 – be) lots of new things on other fronts this month. It really ______ (4 – be) a time of great opportunity. A special person ______ (5 – come) into your life soon – and you mustn’t think this ______ (6 – be) just another friendship. At work, you ______ (7 – need) to rise to new challenges that ______ (8 – test) your character to the utmost. If you ______ (9 – make) a wrong move, you ______ (10 – probably regret) it. In short, this is a month which ______ (11 – bring) many opportunities but there ______ (12 – be) risks, too, so be careful!

Reported Statements. Reported Commands.


Exercise 48.

Choose the correct word.


1. Cecily never imagined that it ______ so difficult to run for the Senate.

a. will be                               b. would be


2. Did he really tell you that he ______ you?

a. loves                                   b. loved


3. The teacher explained to the pupils that the Earth ______ round the Sun.

a. goes                                    b. went


4. James added that he really ______ the problem.

a. doesn’t understand          b. didn’t understand


5. Alex said that he would meet us ______ again ______ at 6:30.

a. here… tomorrow             b. there… the next day


6. Susanna said she ______ on holiday ______ .

a. is going… tomorrow morning

b. was going… the next morning


7. We expected that everybody ______ to support ______ candidate.

a. will come… this              b. would come… that


8. Mother said that the children ______ sleeping ______ and asked us to turn down the music.

a. are… now                         b. were… then


9. We decided that if the weather ______ fine we ______ go to the country for a picnic ______ .

a. is… will… next Saturday

b. was… would… the following Saturday


10. He said that he ______ the same salary as his friends, but I don’t think he tells the truth.

a. had got                              b. had


11. The assistant said that Mr. Saroyan ______ busy ______ .

a. was… at the time             b. is… at the moment


12. We thought that the train from Riga ______ at 10:30.

a. arrives                               b. arrived


13. They announced that the plane ______ in 35 minutes and asked the passengers ______ their seats.

a. will be taking off… took          b. would be taking off… to take


14. The lawyer advised us ______ the judge about our intentions.

a. to inform                           b. should inform


15. The secretary ______ to come later.

a. said to us                          b. told us


16. The doctor warned the patient ______ again.

a. didn’t smoke                     b. not to smoke


17. The trade unions urged the workers ______ peacefully.

a. to demonstrate                  b. demonstrated


18. Valerie encouraged ______ to take ______ job.

a. her brother… that             b. to her brother… this


19. They asked us ______ the window.

a. not to open                        b. to not open


20. The CEO asked the assistant ______ him when the mail ______ .

a. to inform… arrived          b. inform… arrives



Review Test 49.

Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.



Last week I went to George Grant’s outdoor holiday centre in North Wales. George welcomed me himself and told me ______ (1 – leave) my luggage while he showed me around.

After that, he led me to a small chalet and left me (2 – unpack and get) settled in. One thing worried me slightly. I’d only been there half an hour, but he advised me ______ (3 – get) some rest.

The next morning, before we went for our first climb, George gave us a talk. Among other things, he reminded us ______ (4 – stay) with the group and he warned us ______ (5 – not go off) on our own.

That first day on the rocks was exciting, but very tiring. George did everything he could to help everyone. He encouraged me ______ (6 – make) it to the top of my first climb – mainly by shouting.



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 50.

Choose the correct variant.


1. William Herschel ______ Uranus in 1781.

a. discovered                        b. opened                     c. found


2. The performance of the actor was ______ .

a. a great success                  b. a big success            c. in success


3. The musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” by Lloyd Webber is ______ both young and middle-aged people.

a. successful with                 b. popular with            c. popular among


4. Many popular writers ______ their reputations during the war.

a. built up                             b. created                      c. constructed


5. Henry Ford ______ his fortune with the Model T.

a. made                                   b. did                            c. built


6. Economic growth creates both ______ and poverty.

a. wealth                                b. money                      c. rich


7. People are full of ______ for Rembrandt’s talent.

a. excitement                        b. recognition              c. admiration


8. During the Industrial Revolution machines began to be used for producing goods and many new ______ developed.

a. works                                b. agricultures              c. industries


9. The Mansfields bought a car second-hand ______ .

a. for a moderate price         b. at a moderate price

c. at a moderate cost


10. The ______ at the plant get a bonus at the end of the year from their ______ .

a. employers… employees           b. employees… employers

c. unemployed… employed


11. Ann’s friends wonder how she ______ to run the business and look after the children.

a. manages                            b. copes                        c. can


12. The job requires someone with specialized scientific and ______ knowledge.

a. technical                           b. technic                     c. technology


13. The parents asked their children to behave ______ .

a. closely                               b. properly                   c. thoroughly


14. We believe in investing in ______ research.

a. science                              b. scientific                  c. scientifical


15. Nowadays more and more people are ______ for holidays.

a. going aboard                    b. going abroad           c. coming abroad


16. The children were ______ before the beginning of the new school year.

a. exciting                             b. excited                     c. exausting


17. The church tower is under ______ .

a. repair                                 b. repairing                  c. repairs


18. The emergency services ______ to deal with natural disasters of this kind.

a. are equipped                    b. are equipping          c. are provided


19. It’s no use ______ this work so late.

a. doing                                 b. to do                         c. in doing


20. It’s useless ______ this man. He is not a professional auditor.

a. to consult                           b. in consulting           c. consulting



Exercise 51.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Some theatres give ______ for children.

a. matinee performances               b. morning performances

c. matinee plays


2. They could see the airport ______ far below them.

a. burnt                                  b. lit up                         c. switched on


3. I think you shouldn’t take offence. I’m sure your brother did it ______ .

a. because of fun                  b. for fun                      c. for a fun


4. In this company the employees can have a holiday______ .

a. twice a year             b. twice in a year         c. twice in year



5. We are ______ a partner in a new business venture.

a. looking for              b. looking                    c. looking into


6. Before you get employed it is worth inquiring about the ______ conditions in the company.

a. housing                    b. living                        c. working


7. Mrs. Smith has been ______ the marketing department for five years now.

a. in charge of             b. in head of                 c. in responsibility of


8. We were happy to see the musical. We hadn’t ______ so much for a long time.

a. enjoyed                    b. glad                          c. enjoyed ourselves


9. The police asked Fabio ______ his visit to the hotel Alhambra that night.

a. the reason for          b. the cause for            c. the reason of


10. John took the opportunity ______ his boss for a pay rise.

a. to ask                        b. of asking                  c. about asking


11. All ______ from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

a. profits                       b. charges                     c. expenses


12. Is it ______ that Tony has become a student of Oxford University?

a. true                           b. truth                         c. the truth


13. ______ is used by the government to provide public services and pay for government institutions.

a. profit                        b. income tax               c. revenue


14. This region of Catalonia ______ some of the best wines in Spain.

a. produces                  b. develops                  c. does


15. Harrods is a shop with a reputation for excellent customer ______ .

a. aid                             b. service                      c. attention


16. Max ______ a perfect opportunity to get a promotion having failed the qualification exam.

a. missed                      b. took                          c. gave


17. We have taken all ______ precautions to avoid an accident.

a. profitable                 b. clever                       c. reasonable


18. A small donation can help make a child’s wish ______ .

a. come to truth           b. come to the truth    c. come true


19. The ______ of goods for sale in the Far East has decreased lately.

a. produce                    b. producing                c. production


20. Jack was given a gold watch after 25 years of loyal ______ .

a. service                      b. help                          c. duty



Exercise 52.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Read the letter carefully and ______ it in a safe place.

a. hold                          b. keep                          c. carry


2. Most employees will ______ their jobs when the company changes hands.

a. keep                          b. hold                          c. keep with


3. Marion was ______ a catalogue under her arm.

a. holding                    b. keeping                    c. raising


4. If you go along a crowded street you had better ______ the left.

a. hold on to                b. keep to                     c. hold to


5. ______ the seat in front when we go round the corner.

a. keep on to                b. hold on to                c. take on to


6. Are you ______ sure you know what to do?

a. at all                         b. quite                         c. to some degree


7. I can’t ______ decide which dress to wear tonight.

a. quite                         b. at all                         c. fairly


8. The report _____ various ways in which the service could be improved.

a. suggests                   b. offers                        c. claims


9. If there is a mechanical problem with your dishwasher, we ______ contacting the manufacturer directly.

a. offer                          b. suggest                     c. announce


10. Police are ______ a reward to anyone with information about the crime.

a. suggesting                b. offering                    c. letting


11. The newspaper ______ to apologise for the article.

a. suggested                 b. announced               c. offered


12. I ______ that you should phone before you go round there.

a. offer                         b. suggest                     c. tell


13. The street ______ after the famous African leader Chaka Zulu.

a. is named                   b. is called                    c. calls


14. The arrow that appears on the screen of the PC monitor ______ a cursor.

a. is named                   b. is called                    c. calls


15. Mrs. Bennings works in Moscow Narodny Bank (London). Her average ______ is ₤ 56,000 a year.

a. wage                         b. salary                        c. fee


16. My brother is a mechanic at a plant. He earns a good ______ .

a. salary                       b. wage                         c. payment


17. We ______ that greenhouse gases can affect the climate.

a. find out                    b. come to know         c. know


18. He ______ about his appointment yesterday. The secretary had called him.

a. learnt                        b. found out                 c. came to know


19. Did you ______ whether there are any seats left?

a. learn                         b. come to know         c. find out


20. When Nick’s brother came home on leave we didn’t ______ him in his uniform.

a. know                        b. find out                    c. recognise




Unit 4


The Perfect Tense-Forms


Exercise 53.

Choose the correct word.


1. My sister is a paperback writer. So far she ______ five novels.

a. has written                                 b. wrote


2. ______ this programme before?

a. have you seen                             b. did you see


3. Gary ______ to China. He went there two years ago.

a. has been                                      b. was


4. The Greggs ______ about Africa last year.

a. travelled                                      b. have travelled


5. Ivy ______ this sport Mustang for years.

a. has had                                        b. has


6. Our neighbours ______ in 2005. And we ______ from them since then.

a. moved out… haven’t heard      b. have moved out… didn’t hear


7. Kelly buys lots of clothes. I expect she ______ some today.

a. has bought                                 b. buys


8. When ______ the grass? –Oh, I ______ it for ages now.

a. did you last cut… haven’t cut  b. have you cut… didn’t cut


9. I ______ the first edition of this rare manuscript not so long ago.

a. bought                                         b. have bought


10. Robert rings every hour to know how his mother is. He ______ six times already now.

a. has called                                    b. called


11. ______ a nice weekend in Dover?

a. did you have                               b. have you had


12. The questions were easy. I hope you ______ them correctly.

a. have answered                            b. answered


13. When you ______ the oral questions, you may start writing the test.

a. have answered                            b. answer


14. News is coming in of an incident in Belize. A group of armed men ______ the Supreme Court building and is holding hostages.

a. seized                                          b. has seized


15. How long ______ in Trinidad and Tobago last year?

a. have you stayed                         b. did you stay


16. How long ______ for this company now?

a. have you worked                       b. do you work


17. When ______ the Indian Government ______ a ban on tiger hunting?

a. did… impose                              b. has… imposed


18. How long ago ______ in South East Asia?

a. did you travel                             b. have you travelled


19. Suzy Cue ______ with the symphony orchestra three times this season.

a. has played                                  b. played


20. Manchester United perform pretty well. They ______ any match this season and won in the final with Chelsea in Moscow.

a. did not lose                                 b. haven’t lost



Exercise 54.

Choose the correct word.


1. It is the first time I ______ this season.

a. skated                                          b. have skated


2. It’s ages since we ______ the Harrissons.

a. saw                                              b. have seen


3. My friend ______ to Madame Tussaud’s.

a. has never been                          b. was never

4. My grand-grand father ______ to any country. He lived all his life in this town.

a. has never travelled                    b. never travelled


5. Byron ______ a lot of wonderful poems, which are famous all over the world.

a. has written                                 b. wrote


6. John Grisham ______ some of the most successful legal thrillers.

a. has written                                 b. wrote


7. ______ the question with Sally yet? – No, I ______much of her lately.

a. have you discussed… haven’t seen 

b. did you discuss… didn’t see


8. I ______ the question with Sally last time.

a. haven’t discussed                       b. didn’t discuss


9. Who ______ the telephone?

a. invented                                      b. has invented


10. ______ writing the essay? You may hand it in.

a. have you already finished         b. did you finish


11. It is the worst programme I ______ .

a. have ever seen                           b. ever saw


12. You ______ really moody ever since that letter ______ .

a. have been, arrived                     b. are, have arrived


13. The house ______ on this spot for over two hundred years.

a. stands                                          b. has stood


14. A beautiful cathedral ______ on this spot two hundred years ago.

a. stood                                           b. has stood



15. NASA ______ probes to various planets in the solar system.

a. has sent                                       b. sent


16. There ______ a serious decline in the number of people qualifying as teachers in the last decade.

a. has been                                     b. was


17. The prices on petrol ______ considerably the last year.

a. have risen                                   b. rose


18. The prices on food ______ last year.

a. have risen                                   b. rose


19. The film ______ , we’d better hurry.

a. has just started                           b. just started


20. The show ______ just now. Hurry up, take your seat.

a. has started                                  b. started



Review Test 55.

Complete the letter. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple.


I (be) was angry and sad to hear that someone plans to knock down the White Horse Inn in Brickfield. This pub (be) has been the centre of village life for centuries. It ______ (1 – stand) at our crossroads for about 500 years. It ______ (2 – be) famous in the old days, and Shakespeare once ______ (3 – stay) there, they say. I ______ (4 – live) in Brickfield all my life, and I  know all about it. We ______ (5 – know) for some time of the danger to our pub. There ______ (6 – be) some talk a year or two ago about knocking it down. But all the villagers are against the plan. We will stop it, you’ll see.



Review Test 56.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple.


Mel Gibson ______ (1 – be) a major film star now for more than twenty years. In this time he ______ (2 – become) one of the most respected Hollywood actors and he ______ (3 – now start) a successful career in film directing as well.

Gibson ______ (4 – be born) in the United States in 1956 but his family ______ (5 – move) to Australia in 1968. He ______ (6 – complete) his school education in Sydney and ______ (7 – begin) his acting career there, in the National Institute of Dramatic Art. He ______ (8 – appear) in several Australian TV series, but ______ (9 – get) his big break in 1979, in a film called Mad Max. He ______ (10 – since/make) two more “Max” films. He ______ (11 – go on) to make several other successful films in Australia, for example, Gallipoli, before he ______ (12 – move) to Hollywood.

Gibson ______ (13 – make) more than thirty films, many of which ______ (14 – be)  great commercial successes. He ______ (15 – never/be) afraid to take on challenging roles, such as Hamlet and The Man without a Face, which also ______ (16 – mark) his directorial debut. He ______ (17 – direct) films for the last few years. To date he ______ (18 – direct) three successful films.

Unusually for the turbulent world of Hollywood romance, Gibson ______ (19 – live) with the same woman for over twenty years – his wife Robyn, whom he ______ (20 – marry) in 1980. Up to the present time, they have seven children.



Review Test 57.

Put the verbs in brackets into  the Present Perfect or Past Simple.


Craig: (Hear) Have you heard the news about Cathy?


Nicola: No, what (1 – happen) ?


Craig: She (2 – have) an accident. She was running for a bus when she (3 – fall) down and (4 – break) her leg.

Nicola: Oh, how awful! When (5 – this happen)?


Craig: Yesterday afternoon. Sarah (6 – tell) me about it last night.


Nicola: Last night! You (7 – know) last night, and you (8 – not tell)  me!


Craig: Well, I (9 – not see) you last night. And I (10 – not see) you today, until now.


Nicola: I hope she’s all right. She (11 – have) lots of accidents, you know. She (12 – do) the same thing about two years ago.



Exercise 58.

Choose the correct word.


1. By the end of the seventh day the tourists ______ most of their rations.

a. exhausted                                   b. had exhausted


2. By 2 o’clock the students ______ their tasks.

a. have completed                          b. had completed


3. By evening everybody in the company ______ the terrible news.

a. knew                                            b. had known


4. By 2005 I ______ this man for five years.

a. knew                                           b. had known


5. Last year we went to Yosemite Park. It was the second time we ______ this wonderful place.

a. visited                                        b. had visited


6. We missed the first act of the play because when we arrived at the theatre the performance ______ .

a. has already started                     b. had already started


7. Bruce was surprised to find the gas tank empty as he ______ the truck twice that week.

a. had only used                            b. only used


8. The young couple were exhausted because they ______ all night with the baby.

a. had been up                               b. were up


9. By the time the UN force arrived the rebels ______ the province.

a. have taken                                 b. had taken


10. When we got back we found that our parents ______ at home.

a. were already                              b. had already been


11. By the time of her trial last year Tracey ______ in prison for 8 months.

a. had been                                     b. was


12. Mother allowed the children to go for a walk as soon as they ______ their homework.

a. did                                               b. had done


13. They ______ to get first prize but the best goalkeeper ______ with a strange disease and was taken to hospital.

a. had hoped, came down             b. hoped, had come down


14. The company sacked Dorian before he ______ a chance to explain his behaviour.

a. had had                                      b. had


15. When Her Majesty ______ , all the present ______ .

a. came in, stood up                      b. had come in, had stood up


16. Hardly ______ the room when the telephone rang.

a. had he entered                           b. he had entered


17. No sooner had he left the house ______ it started raining.

a. when                                           b. than


18. Scarcely ______ the thieves, when he ______ a warning.

a. had Irving seen… shouted        b. Irving saw… had shouted


19. He ______ warm clothes and ______ a cold.

a. didn’t put on… caught              b. hadn’t put on… caught


20. He ______ a cold because he ______ warm clothes.

a. caught… hadn’t put on             b. had caught… didn’t put on



Review Test 59.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Perfect.


James (1 – sit) sat outside the office for the interview. He ______ (2 – feel) so nervous that he ______ (3 – not know) what to do with himself. The person who ______ (4 – go in) before him ______ (5 – be) in there for nearly an hour. And she ______ (6 – look) so confident when she _______ (7 – go) in. Not like James. He ______ (8 – feel) sure that she ______ (9 – already get) the job. The problem ______ (10 – be) that he ______ (11 – want) this job so much. It ______ (12 – mean)  everything to him. He ______ (13 – think) about it such a lot before the day of the interview. He ______ (14 – imagine) himself performing brilliantly at the interview and being offered the job immediately. But now here he ______ (15 – be) feeling terrible. He ______ (16 – cannot remember) all those things he ______ (17 – plan) to say. At that moment, he ______ (18 – almost decide) to get up and live. But no – he ______ (19 – have to do) this. He ______ (20 – spend) so much time thinking about it that he ______ (21 – cannot give up) like that. His hands ______ (22 – be) hot and sticky and his mouth ______ (23 – feel) dry. Finally the door of the office ______ (24 – open). The woman who ______ (25 – go in) an hour earlier ______ (26 – come out) looking very pleased with herself. She ______ (27 – smile) sympathetically at James. At that moment James ______ (28 – hate) her. The managing director than ______ (29 – appear) at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr. Davis? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. James ______ (30 – suddenly wish) that he had gone home after all. He ______ (31 – get up), legs shaking and forehead sweating and ______ (32 – wonder) whether he ______ (33 – look) as terrified as he ______ (34 – feel).



Review Test 60.

Complete the newspaper report below using a suitable form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.


Maria Campos ______ (1 – become) a rising star in the Progressive Party. She ______ (2 – begin) her political career while she ______ (3 – study) at Woodsville University. When she first ______ (4 – stand) as a candidate for Woodsville, she ______ (5 – not win) many votes – Woodsville is a traditional town, and no woman ______ (6 – ever be) a candidate there before. “They ______ (7 – elect) the same man, year after year,” she told me, “and they ______ (8 – just laugh) at me when I ______ (9 – get up) to speak.” But she was the winning candidate in the next election, and since then she ______ (10 - show) herself to be a hard-hitting speaker who ______ (11 – never be) afraid to say what she thinks.

In recent months she ______ (12 – fight) hard to improve the position of women. She told me the reason. “I began this campaign because women ______ (13 – continually write) to me, complaining of how their husbands ______ (14 – treat) them. Sometimes their husbands ______ (15 – throw them out) of the family home and left them without any possessions. The law ______ (16 – always take) the husband’s side in such cases.”

When I ______ (17 – interview) Maria Campos last week, she ______ (18 – plan) a new campaign on this question. She ______ (19 – already persuade) some of the country’s most important legal experts to support her. “The law must be changed,” she ______ (20 – tell) me.




Exercise 61.

Choose the correct word.


1. Let’s hope the volcano eruption ______ before we arrive there.

a. will finish                          b. will have finished


2. By the time you get home I ______ the house from top to bottom.

a. have cleaned                     b. will have cleaned


3. When the news is broken to him, he ______ both upset and angry.

a. will feel                             b. will have felt


4. When this valuable information reaches the Head Quarters they ______ the whole matter with the State Department.

a. will have discussed          b. will discuss


5. We are hoping that warm weather ______ by May and we’ll be able to set off on a trip.

a. will have arrived              b. has arrived


6. I’m sure that everybody ______ by 6 o’clock and we will start the celebration.

a. will be here                       b. will have been here


7. The film ______ for 2 weeks by next Saturday. Hurry up, or we can miss it.

a. will be on                          b. will have been on


8. Your friends are so noisy! By the time they leave your house all the neighbours ______ .

a. are awakened                   b. will have been awakened                  


9. By 3 o’clock all the staff ______ about the new takeover.

a. will know                         b. will have known


10. Next month I ______ Boris for 20 years.

a. will know                          b. will have known


11. By the time the software goes on sale the company ______ 85 million dollars on developing it.

a. is spending                        b. will have spent


12. Wake me up by 9 o’clock. I ______ long enough by then.

a. will sleep                          b. will have slept


13. I expect she ______ until she gets badly burnt.

a. will sunbathe                    b. will have sunbathed


14. This time tomorrow Pilar ______ on a beach in Majorca.

a. will be sunbathing            b. will have sunbathed


15. We ______ to Australia later this summer. It is a long flight.

a. will be flying                    b. will have flown


16. It’s strange that when we get to Sidney we ______ halfway round the world.

a. will be flying                    b. will have flown


17. The contract will be signed after the parties ______ all the issues in detail.

a. have studied                      b. will have studied


18. When the Government _____ in power for 4 years, the next election will be held.

a. have been                          b. will have been


19. Don’t phone them now. They ______  home yet.

a. won’t get                           b. won’t have got


20. If I come and see the film with you on Sunday, I ______ it six times.

a. will have seen                   b. will be seeing



Review Test 62.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect or the Present Continuous.


Rosa: When shall I (come round) come round? Is Thursday still OK?

Maria: Well, don’t come at six – I ______ (1 – work) then.

Rosa: What time do you think you ______ (2 – be) free?

Maria: Let’s see, I ______ (3 – work) on the manuscript all day as I told you, and I expect I ______ (4 – complete) the second chapter by about seven. OK?

Rosa: Yes, because I ______ (5 – be) quite busy at about six tomorrow as well. I‘ve got an appointment with my dentist and I don’t think she ______ (6 – finish) much before seven.

Maria: Well, we really must be getting on with the book – you know, by the end of this month we _______ (7 – work on) the project for a whole year. It’s taking far too long.

Rosa: Yes, I ______ (8 – jump) for joy when it’s finished.

Maria: Me too. By the way, ______ (9 – you/go) near the post office?

Rosa: Probably. It’s not far from the dentist.

Maria: You see, I’ve been expecting an important parcel and I think it ______ (10 – arrive) by Thursday. If you ______ (11 – go) past there, could you collect it for me?

Rosa: No problem. So, I ______ (12 – see) you later. Bye for now.



Review Test 63.

Open the brackets using suitable forms with future meaning.


PAM: Can we fix a time for the next meeting? How about the 12th? That’s after the sales conference.


ALEX: I thought something was happening on this day.


PAM: Oh yes, you’re right. The people from the Head Office are coming (come).


JOHN: What time ______ (1 – their plane, arrive) at the airport? Can we have the meeting in the morning?


PAM: No, it’s all arranged. I ______ (2 – meet) them at half past ten, so I ______ (3 – not be) available at all that day.


ALEX: Well, let’s have the meeting earlier in June, then. The sales conference ______ (4 – finish) on the third, doesn’t it?


PAM: Yes, but we need John’s annual figures for the meeting. How are they going, John?


JOHN: I’m afraid I haven’t started them yet, but I ______ (5 – work) on them next week, gathering information.


PAM: ______ (6 – they, be) ready early in June?


JOHN: Well, not really. I ______ (7 – finish) them by 10 June, but I don‘t think they ______ (8 – be) ready before then.


PAM: So, we’re looking at the week starting the 17th. How about two o’clock on that day?


ALEX: Difficult. I ______ (9 – have) lunch with the sales manager of Bowman’s. Could we make it three?


PAM: John?


JOHN: Yes, but I ______(10 – pick up) the children after school that week, as usual when the nanny’s away, so I ______(11 – have to) leave here at five thirty. Is that OK?


PAM: I think so. Right, so we ______ (12 – meet) at three o’clock on 17 June, in the boardroom.



Reported Speech


Exercise 64.

Choose the correct word.


1. The students admitted that the exam was much more difficult than they ______ .

a. expected                            b. had expected


2. He told us that his mobile phone ______ out of action all day.

a. was                                     b. had been


3. Martin replied that he ______ the job ______Monday.

a. already started… last       b. had already started… the previous


4. Fernando claimed that he ______ ten essays ______ .

a. had written… the week before          b. wrote… last week


5. Isabella boasted that she ______ a Bentley for years.

a. had                                     b. had had


6. The doctor said that the operation ______ a resounding success.

a. was                                     b. had been


7. My friend claimed that he ______ with the problem in 2002 already.

a. dealt                                   b. had dealt


8. The student answered that Kurt Vonnegut  ______ in 1922.

a. was born                           b. had been born


9. Sophie exclaimed that she ______ Leon since they ______ from University.

a. had known… graduated           b. knew… had graduated


10. The teacher stood up and announced that the party ______ over.

a. was                                             b. had been


11. My friend explained that when they ______ to the theatre, the play ______ .

a. came… had already started               b. had come… started


12. The Principal mentioned that if the pupils ______ , they ______ from the exam.

a. cheated… would be expelled            b. cheat… will be expelled


13. The student said that he ______ a bad mark because he ______ the material.

a. had got… didn’t know              b. got… hadn’t known


14. Little Sam grumbled that he ______ very tired because he ______ five exercises.

a. was… had written                     b. had been… wrote


15. Liza promised that she ______ the report by the time we ______ there.

a. would have finished… got       b. will have finished… get


16. Katie says that her PC ______ a lot of difference to her.

a. has made                                    b. had made


17. The treasurer told the meeting that the “Club 13” ______ a lot of money ______ .

a. had lost… the previous month          b. has lost… last month


18. The statement says that the Conference ______ a considerable time discussing the world debt crisis ______ .

a. spent… the day before yesterday

b. had spent… 2 days before


19. The scientist admitted that when he ______ very young, the Blue Book Project first started.

a. was                                                       b. had been


20. She whispered that they ______ have finished their work by 2 o’clock and ______ free till ______ Monday.

a. will… will be… next

b. would… would be… the following



Review Test 65.

Jim Barnes and Bill Nokes have been interviewed by the police in connection with a robbery last week.

Open the brackets using the most appropriate verb form.



When I mentioned to Nokes that he ______ (1 – be seen) in a local shop the previous Monday, he protested that he ______ (2 – be) at home all day. He swears that he ______ (3 – not own) a blue Ford Escort. He claimed that he ______ (4 – go) to the paint factory two weeks before to look for work. He alleges that he ______ (5 – be) a good friend of Jim Barnes. He insisted that he ______ (6 – not telephone) Barnes the previous Monday morning. When I pointed out to Nokes that a large quantity of paint ______ (7 – be found) in his house, he replied that he ______ (8 – store) it for a friend.



At the beginning of the interview I reminded Barnes that he ______ (1 – be entitled) to have a solicitor present. He denies that he ______ (2 – know) anyone by the name of Bill Nokes. Barnes confirmed that he ______ (3 – be) in the vicinity of the paint factory the previous Monday, but said that he ______ (4 – visit) his mother. He admitted that he ______ (5 – walk) along New Street at around 10.00. He maintains that he ______ (6 – be) innocent.



Tense Revision


Exercise 66.

Choose the correct tense form.


1. – Your son has been with his girlfriend for a long time. Any sign of wedding bells?

– Well, I’m not sure, but I think he ______ her to marry him on their holiday next week.

a. asks                           b. will ask                    c. will have asked


2. – Can I have your report this afternoon?

– This afternoon? Oh, I don’t think I ______ by then.

a. will have finished   b. am finishing            c. will be finishing


3. Look at the waiter. He’s carrying too much. He ______ all those plates.

a. is dropping              b. is going to drop      c. will be dropping


4. – Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?

– No, I’m too tired. I ______ an early night.

a. will have                  b. will have had           c. am going to have


5. Nobody supports my plan to climb Everest. But, believe me, I ______ it!

a. am doing                  b. will do                     c. will have done


6. – I’m really worried about Susan. What do you think has happened?

– Don’t worry, Mrs. Parker. She’s probably just caught in traffic. I’m sure she ______ here soon.

a. will be                      b. is being                    c. will be being


7. Here’s a letter from our holiday representative. They ______ a reception in the bar tonight at eight.

a. are holding              b. will have held         c. hold



8. It ______ all day on Sunday, so the party will be in the house, not in the garden.

a. will be raining                  b. is raining                  c. rains


9. My father is approaching retirement age, so he ______ the business next year.

a. is probably selling           b. will probably sell    c. probably sells


10. I have just been to the Council meeting. It looks like they ______ a new shopping centre in town.

a. build                        b. are going to build            c. will have built



Exercise 67.

Read the letter below. Open the brackets using the most appropriate form expressing the future. Often, more than one answer is possible.




I’m going to open (open) a disco. I’ve been planning this for some months now. But ______ (1 – it take) a lot of money to get it started. ______ (2 – you lend) me £ 50,000? ______ (3 – I pay) it back soon - ______ (4 – you not have to) wait long.

Of course, you could join me as a partner. ______ (5 – we share) the profits. This disco ______ (6 – be) a great success, because there’s nothing for teenagers in this town at the moment. Every businessman in town ______ (7 – wish) he had thought of it. In six months ______ (8 – we recover) all the money we’ve put into it.

Look, Ned. ______ (9 – you not get) another chance like this! The thing is, I can buy it at a really low price! It’s a nightclub at the moment. But the owner has had trouble with the police, and _____ (10 – he not be able) to continue with the club much longer. He wants to get rid of it, so ______ (11 – he sell) it to me cheap. We’ve already agreed matters on the telephone, and ______ (12 – I meet) him tomorrow. The timetable is that ______ 13 – we sign) the agreement tomorrow, and ______ (14 – I pay) him the money within fourteen days. I know that if I don’t pay in time, ______ (15 – he send) some of his friends round to see me. So I must get the money, somehow.



Exercise 68.

Choose the correct tense form.


1. Carina ______ hospital dramas.

a. enjoys                               b. is enjoying               c. has enjoyed.


2. Britney Spears ______ in the Waldorf Astoria on this visit to New York.

a. stays                                   b. is staying                 c. will stay


3. We ______ a two-week winter holiday in Gstaad every year.

a. take                                    b. have taken               c. are taking


4. I ______ the neighbour’s cat this week while she’s in hospital.

a. feed                                    b. am feeding               c. have fed


5. Then you ______ all the ingredients together quickly and ______ the mixture in a hot oven for twenty minutes.

a. mix… put                          b. is mixing… is putting

c. will mix… will put


6. Julie, listen to this. It’s Thursday evening and I ______ home really late from the club, and she ______ to me…

a. get… says                         b. am getting… is saying

c. have got… has said


7. – Sorry, I haven’t phoned. I lost my address book.

– Oh, you ______ your address book! Why don’t you keep everything on the computer?

a. always lose                       b. are always losing    c. has always lost


8. We can’t leave a ten-year-old child on her own. What on earth ______ of?

a. are you thinking               b. do you think            c. have you thought


9. Don’t ask him! He ______ really difficult at the moment.

a. is                                        b. is being                    c. was


10. We ______ that you won’t be disappointed with the performance of our new washing machine.

a. are guaranteeing               b. guaranteed               c. guarantee


11. The thieves ______ out of the bank, ______ into their cars and ______ up the high street.

a. ran… jumped… sped      b. had run… jumped… sped

c. were running… were jumping… were speeding…


12. Rameses II ______ over ancient Egypt for more than fifty years.

a. was ruling                         b. ruled                         c. had ruled


13. Intervention was urgently required – the starving children ______ weaker by the day and there ______ little sign of an end to the drought.

a. grew… was                       b. had grown… was being 

c. were growing… was


14. By the middle of the nineteen sixties many parts of Europe ______ a tremendous economic boom.

a. experienced                      b. were experiencing 

c. had experienced


15. Jim ______ on the early flight the next morning so he made his excuses and left the party before midnight.

a. will be leaving                  b. left                   c. was leaving


16. Many of the survivors ______ in the fields when the earthquake struck.

a. were working                   b. worked           c. had worked



17. The early rains were a disappointment as we ______ to reach the coast before the monsoon set is.

a. expected                            b. had expected           c. were expecting


18. At the time of the take-over the company’s shares ______ in value for several months.

a. had declined                     b. had been declining

c. would have been declined


19. The staff ______ to be paid weekly but now they receive a monthly salary.

a. used                                   b. were used                c. had used


20. Things have certainly changed – there ______ a lot of small shops around here when I was young.

a. used to be                b. were used to be being      c. had used to be



Exercise 69.

Choose the most appropriate tense form from the list below.


Harry went back to the camp the following morning, but it was in some confusion. Soldiers ______ (1) around carrying equipment from one place to another, but there ______ (2) to be any purpose to what they ______ (3). Harry ______ (4) in an army camp before, but it ______ (5) a genius to realize that most of the officers ______ (6) the first opportunity to abandon the men and head for safety. He ______ (7) to phone the newspaper, but something ______ (8) to the telephone lines. He ______ (9) to find out what exactly ______ (10), when the first plane ______ (11) low over the camp. A wooden building a few hundred yards away suddenly ______ (12) in an explosion of flame. Before long bombs ______ (13) all around him, and then everything ______ (14) quiet. The planes ______ (15) as suddenly as they ______ (16). Smoke ______ (17) from burning buildings. A dead man ______ (18) next to Harry, the first dead person he ______ (19). And suddenly it ______ (20).


1. a. wandered             b. were wandering      c. were wandered

2. a. seemed                 b. hadn’t seemed         c. didn’t seem

3. a. were doing          b. did                            c. would have done

4. a. has never been    b. had never been        c. never was

5. a. wouldn’t take      b. hadn’t taken            c. didn’t take

6. a. had taken             b. took                          c. was taking

7. a. tried                      b. was trying                c. had been trying

8. a. happened             b. was happening        c. had happened

9. a. tried                      b. was trying                c. would be trying

10. a. was going on    b. went on                    c. has been going on

11. a. flew                    b. was flying                c. flies

12. a. disappeared       b. was disappearing    c. had disappeared

13. a. exploded            b. were exploding       c. were exploded

14. a. went                   b. would have gone    c. was going

15. a. had vanished     b. were vanishing        c. vanished

16. a. appeared            b. had appeared           c. were appearing

17. a. rose                    b. was raising              c. was rising

18. a. laid                     b. was lying                 c. was laying

19. a. ever seen            b. ever saw                   c. had ever seen

20. a. had begun          b. began                        c. was beginning



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 70.

Choose the correct variant.


1. A museum should aim to ______ as well as educate.

a. enjoy                                 b. entertain                   c. make fun of


2. ______ , men still earn more than women.

a. in medium                        b. on average               c. in the middle


3. He ______ the doctor’s advice and had no further trouble.

a. followed                           b. gave                          c. did


4. The Jury decided that Walker ______ in self-defence.

a. had performed                  b. had behaved            c. had acted


5. Many of our students enjoy outdoor ______ such as hiking or climbing.

a. actions                              b. activity                     c. activities


6. The new equipment in the laboratory gave the chance to the scientist to put his ideas into ______ .

a. action                                b. practice                    c. practise


7. Video classes give students the opportunity ______ their speaking skills.

a. to perform                         b. to act                        c. to practise


8. The Charity Foundation provides financial and ______  help for disabled children.

a. practice                             b. practised                  c. practical


9. My friend Oliver translates books ______ pleasure, not ______ money.

a. in                                       b. because of               c. for


10. Though the Ashers’ house was quite ______ they couldn’t  receive so many guests at a time.

a. spacing                              b. spacious                   c. spaced


11. He spoke with considerable ______ about the importance of art and literature.

a. passionate                         b. passion                     c. fit of passion


12. You can ______ your English by reading and listening to the tapes.

a. improvise                         b. improve                   c. excel



13. There has been a big ______ in the children’s behaviour.

a. improve                            b. improving                c. improvement


14. The chief engineer described the process of producing this new material ______ .

a. detaily                               b. in detail                    c. in details


15. The tickets for the performance are ______ from the box office.

a. found                                b. acceptable                c. available


16. Helen ______ to have a Halloween party at her house this year.

a. suggested                          b. volunteered             c. offered


17. The eruption of this volcano ______ states as far away as Montana with a fine layer of ash.

a. covered                             b. put                            c. protected


18. Was there anything ______ that you wanted to talk about?

a. particularly                       b. in particular             c. of particular


19. The ______ rehearsal of the closing ceremony of World Youth Festival in Moscow attracted a lot of spectators.

a. final                                   b. general                     c. dress


20. The drug is effective against ______ of bacteria.

a. a range                              b. a row                        c. an amount



Exercise 71.

Choose the correct word.


1. The children raised over ₤ 300______ .

a. for fun                               b. for charity                c. in charity


2. His only reason for investing in Apple Computers Company was to ______ .

a. take it in                           b. take it on                  c. take it over


3. Rita’s husband is away for the week, so I thought I would go over and ______ .

a. keep her company            b. hold her company

c. keep her a company


4. On Independence Day there were various concerts and shows ______ the town.

a. over                                   b. up and down           c. round


5. Poor Angela ______ bed with flu.

a. was confined to                b. was attached to       c. was confined in


6. Our amateur theatre ______ a new play not so long ago.

a. put up                               b. put on                       c. laid


7. The captain wasn’t keen ______ having the player in the team.

a. about                                 b. over                          c. on


8. The children didn’t have the courage ______ their mother that they had broken the window.

a. to tell                                 b. in telling                  c. of telling


9. After 21 days at sea the sailors sighted ______ .

a. earth                                  b. soil                           c. land


10. It’s father’s birthday and we are going out for a meal ______ .

a. to organize                        b. to manifest               c. to celebrate


11. The tourists were exhausted ______ of the journey to Kilimanjaro.

a. at the end                          b. in the end                c. on the end


12. Heikki had tried on several suits and bought a black worsted one ______ .

a. at the end                          b. in the end                 c. after all


13. I don’t know why you are so concerned, it is not your problem ______ .

a. at the end                          b. in the end                 c. after all


14. The climbers ______ to God for help. Seemingly it was all they could do.

a. asked                                 b. begged                      c. prayed


15. Kelly, the rear tyres of your Mustang have worn ______ . You must change them as soon as possible.

a. out                                     b. away                         c. off


16. Oliver North didn’t tell ______ what his role was in arms-for-hostages deal with Iran.

a. the truth                            b. true                           c. a truth


17. This delicious cream sauce  is made ______ of milk and flour.

a. most                                  b. mainly                      c. generally


18. The police wanted to ask the young people ______ a few questions.

a. for                                     b. about                        c. ---


19. You can ask ______ this book at the library.

a. of                                       b. for                             c. ---


20. More than one hundred guests were invited to the marriage ______ on the occasion of Peter and Kate’s wedding.

a. festival                              b. feast                          c. lunch



Exercise 72.

Choose the correct word.


1. In summer the children usually ______ at their grandmother’s.

a. remain                               b. stay                           c. leave


2. Japan’s low crime rate ______ the envy of the industrialized world.

a. remains                     b. stays                         c. keeps


3. The previous government ______ the economy in ruins.

a. remained                  b. left                            c. stayed


4. A few cows ______ on the farm to provide milk, cheese and cream.

a. are kept                    b. are remained            c. are held


5. It goes without ______ that London is the best city in the world.

a. speaking                   b. saying                       c. telling


6. Pollution affects the soil, ______ nothing of the impact on wildlife.

a. to say                        b. to speak                    c. to tell


7. Who ______ : “To err is human, to forgive, divine”?

a. told                           b. spoke                        c. said


8. Frankly ______ Fernando’s behaviour at the wedding party was disgusting.

a. speaking                   b. saying                       c. telling


9. Whenever teachers meet they start ______ shop.

a. talking                      b. speaking                   c. telling


10. Lolita’s hair was ______ damp from her walk in the rain.

a. still                           b. yet                            c. else


11. I am amazed that you haven’t told him anything ______ .

a. already                     b. still                           c. yet


12. There is one ______ question that we need to consider.

a. else                           b. still                           c. more


13. You mustn’t tell anyone ______ – let’s keep it a secret between you and me.

a. more                         b. else                           c. still


14. Calvin Klein ______ many of Europe’s most glamorous women.

a. dresses                      b. wears                        c. puts on


15. It was fashionable for men to ______their hair long.

a. put on                       b. wear                          c. carry


16. Melanie was ______ her makeup in front of the mirror.

a. having on                 b. putting on                c. covering


17. The organic food is wonderful, but it is ______ expensive.

a. such                          b. so                              c. enough


18. How can anyone live on ______ small salary?

a. so                              b. most                         c. such a


19. ______ kind of you  to say all these nice things about me!

a. what                          b. which                       c. how


20. ______  thrilling film we saw yesterday!

a. what a                       b. so                              c. how



Unit 5


The Perfect Continuous Tense-Forms


Exercise 73.

Choose the correct word.


1. Nick ______ to find a permanent job for a considerable time.

a. have tried                                   b. have been trying


2. Indeed, he ______ for several companies on a temporary basis.

a. has already worked                   b. has already been working


3. Lewis ______ Spanish a few months ago.

a. started learning                          b. have been learning


4. Susanne ______ for a reply from the company for several weeks, but she ______ any answer yet.

a. has been waiting… hasn’t received

b. waited… didn’t receive


5. Larry ______ the Encyclopaedia Britannica in the reading room since 10 o’clock.

a. has been reading                        b. was reading


6. The carrots ______ for an hour. It’s high time you took them out of the pot.

a. have been boiling                      b. are boiling


7. You look hot. What ______ ?

a. have you been doing                 b. have you done


8. Margaret ______ Russian for a year with a view of introducing the products in Russia.

a. has been learning                      b. is learning


9. Where have you been? – I ______ to Jennifer.

a. was talking                                 b. have been talking


10. I ______ you five times this morning. Where have you been?

a. have called                                 b. have been calling


11. Helen ______ a lot of time at the club lately.

a. has been spending                     b. spends


12. I’m sorry, Mrs. Parker. The room is in such a mess – we ________ .

a. have been decorating                b. have decorated


13. This country ______ several hundreds refugees from Kosovo in the last few weeks.

a. has welcomed                                     b. has been welcoming


14. This country ______ political refugees for many years.

a. has been welcoming                  b. has welcomed


15. Oh, I’m so tired! I ______ my accounts all afternoon.

a. have been doing                        b. was doing


16. Hugh ______ to play chess for three years now.

a. has been learning                      b. was learning


17. The nurses ______ the patient’s heart rate continuously.

a. have been monitoring               b. have monitored


18. This test result is much better. It is clear that you ______ .

a. have been revising                    b. revised


19. Microsoft specialists ______ the new software prior to its release on the open market for several months now.

a. have been trialling                     b. are trialling


20. We ______ the new software trial and are now ready to release it.

a. have completed                         b. have been completing



Review Test 74.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.



A: What’s the problem? You look a bit preoccupied.


B: Yes, I ______ (1 – think) about Helen.



A: Why? Is there something wrong with her?


B: Well, she ______ (2 – act) so strangely lately.


A: In what way?


B: Well, some days when she arrives at work, I know that she ______ (3 – cry). And she ______ (4 – make) private calls when we’re all out at lunch. I just think that something’s going on.

A: ______ (5 – you/talk) to her about it yet?


B: Yes, a few times, and each time she ______ (6 – say) that there’s nothing wrong, but I’m not so sure.



A: Where ______ (7 – you/be), Simon?


B: I _____ (8 - talk) to Mark on the phone. He says he ______ (9 – try) to phone us all day.


A: Well I ______ (10 – be) in most of the day but I _______ (11 – not hear) the phone.


B: That’s strange. But anyway, he ______ (12 – have) a phone call from Jackie’s mother and Jackie (13 – be) in some kind of accident. It’s nothing very serious but she’s got to stay in the hospital overnight.


A: Oh dear! ______ (14 – she/break) any bones?


B: I’m not quite sure how badly she ______ (15 – be hurt) but I think we should go and see her tonight.





Review Test 75.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.


Dear Thomas,


______ (1 – it be) several weeks since we last had a letter from you. ______ (2 – we hope) to hear from you. Why ______ (3 – not you write) to us?

You know how much your letters ______ (4 – always mean) to us.

______ (5 – I send) a parcel to you with some food and warm clothes. Your father ______ 6 – save) the weekly sports magazines you like to read, and ______ (7 – we put) these in the parcel too.

Life ______ (8 – go on) as usual here. Mr. Jones next door, who ______ (9 – not enjoy) good health recently, ______ (10 – have to) go into the hospital. ______ (11 – he have) an operation and will be home again soon. Meanwhile, his cat _______ (12 – come) to us for food and milk. I think ______ (13 – we manage) to look after it quite well.

______ (14 – you see) anything of Mark Andrews? Apparently ______ (15 – he leave) school now and is at the same college as you. ______ (16 – we get) news of him regularly from his mother. But, of course, he’s two years younger than you. ______ (17 – he not say) whether ______ (18 – he meet) you or not.

By now your first exams will be over. We hope ______ (19 – you do) well in them.

Do write soon.

Lots of love,





Exercise 76.

Choose the correct word


1. Steven ______ for over an hour before KPMG auditors turned up.

a. had been working                      b. had worked


2. The eager Chelsea fans _______ in line for over six hours when the football star appeared.

a. had been waiting                        b. were waiting


3. The director ______ to get the film made for more than 5 years before it was released.

a. had been trying                          b. tried


4. Gill ______ TV twice that week.

a. had only watched                      b. had only been watching


5. She found her desk was empty, security ______ everything.

a. had been removing                    b. had removed


6. The family ______ in New York when their farther was made redundant.

a. had been living                          b. were living


7. When we reached the shore our brother ______ for us.

a. was already waiting                   b. had already been waiting


8. Igor ______ sleepy all day, so he went to bed early.

a. had been feeling                         b. felt


9. When the children ______ some fruit they went back to the beach.

a. had picked                                  b. had been picking


10. The climbers ______ to conquer Everest and several had lost their lives in the attempt.

a. had been trying                          b. tried


11. The sportsmen reached the top of Blue Mountain after they ______ for several days.

a. had been climbing                     b. climbed




12. The old man ______ on the bench for 2 hours and then went home.

a. had been sitting                b. sat


13. The roads were wet because it ______ all night.

a. had been raining              b. was raining


14. Ken’s hands were covered in oil because he ______ to fix his Caddy all morning.

 a. had been trying               b. tried


15. Yesterday my friend ______ to fix his car all morning.

a. had been trying                 b. tried


16. Although Mr. Morrison had set off early, he got late to the bank, and everyone ______ for him to start the meeting.

a. had been waiting              b. was waiting


17. The chairperson told him that they ______ for him for a whole hour.

a. had been waiting              b. were waiting


18. It was only much later Bill found out that during all the time he  ______ to his pen-friend, his mother ______ the replies.

a. wrote… read                     b. had been writing… had been reading


19. The whole place was deserted, but it was obvious that someone ______ there. They even hadn’t bothered to clear up the mess.

a. had been living                 b. had lived


20. By 6 o’clock the Executive Board ______ the new credit policy for 4 hours.

a. had been discussing         b. were discussing



Review Test 77.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.



About 70 years ago, a Dutch ship ______ (1 – sail) near the North Pole; it ______ (2 – head) for Blacklead Island. On the ship was a scientists, Edgar Greenhead, who ______ (3 – work) on the island for many years; he ______ (4 – conduct) research into the life of the local inhabitants, who were Eskimos (Inuits). Greenhead ______ (5 – be) away for a long holiday and now he ______ (6 – come) back to the island to continue his work.

At about midnight, Greenhead felt very tired as he ______ (7 – write) his journal all day. After he ______ (8 – say) goodnight to the captain, he ______ (9 – go) down to his cabin. Outside there ______ (10 – be) a strong wind, and the waves ______(11 – crash) onto the side of the ship. Greenhead was just about ready to climb into his bunk when he suddenly ______ (12 – hear) a great crash. He dashed up on deck and although it was dark he could see that the ship ______ (13 – run) onto an iceberg.



Exercise 78.

Choose the correct word.


1. In two years’ time the scientists ______ the experiment.

a. will have finished                      b. will have been finishing


2. By the end of the month Gregory ______ for the firm for a year.

a. has been working                      b. will have been working


3. The children will be hungry when they get in because they ______ all afternoon.

a. will have been running             b. will be running


4. They might be tired when you see them because they ______hard.

a. will have been working            b. will work

5. Frida ______ for ten years soon.

a. will have been teaching            b. will be teaching


6. Little Oscar will be dirty because he ______ football.

a. will have been playing              b. has been playing


7. Richard ______ for seven years when he gets his degree.

a. will have been studying            b. will be studying


8. Another million people ______ unemployed by this time next year.

a. will have become                       b. will have been becoming


9. When the boss have talked to me, the police ______ everybody in the office.

a. will have questioned                 b. will have been questioning


10. They ______ for 24 hours by 12 o’clock tomorrow.

a. won’t have eaten                        b. won’t have been eating



Reported Speech


Exercise 79.

Choose the correct word.


1. My friend said that she ______ until 10 o’clock ______ .

a. was working… last night

b. had been working… the previous night


2. She said that when they arrived mother ______ dinner.

a. had still been cooking               b. was still cooking


3. He explained that they ______ to go out but Jane started feeling sick.

a. had been planning                    b. were planning


4. The spokesman claimed that the police ______ new allegations of fraud.

a. have been investigating            b. had been investigating


5. They told me that when they ______  ______ organization, they ______ very little money.

a. were setting… that… had

b. had been setting… that… had had


6. The Steering Committee claimed that they ______ the question thoroughly lately.

a. have been studying                   b. had been studying


7. Martha admits that they ______ at the painting for about half an hour before they realized who the artist was.

a. had been looking                       b. have been looking


8. The tenants complained that by May they ______ the authorities to repair the roof for a year.

a. will have been asking                b. would have been asking


9. The nurse reassured the parents that the children ______ in the garden all ______ time.

a. were playing… this                   b. had been playing… the


10. The members of the Security Council assure the refugees that by the beginning of the new year they ______ with their problems for six months already, and they ______ to do their best to solve them.

a. will have been dealing… are trying 

b. would have been dealing… were trying



Indirect Questions


Exercise 80.

Choose the correct word


1. I don’t know if my friends ______ to see me off.

a. come                                  b. will come


2. He wonders ______ help him.

a. will his parents                 b. if his parents will


3. The Campbells are not sure ______ they will have moved out by May or by June.

a. if                                         b. whether


4. She doesn’t say ______ she was going to tell him the answer or not.

a. if                                         b. whether


5. The Construction Committee are considering now ____ they will pull down this building.

a. if                                         b. whether


6. We want to find out where ______ this valuable information.

a. did they take                     b. they took


7. Tell me when ______ this important question.

a. we will discuss                 b. we discuss


8. Pamela asked her cousin ______ in Kingston.

a. if she was still living        b. was she still living


9. The interviewer wondered ______ to work in the central branch or in the provinces.

a. would Ingrid like              b. whether Ingrid would like


10. We didn’t remember when the delegation ______ , and tried to find it out.

a. would arrive                      b. arrived


11. My friend wanted to know where ______ such an interesting book.

a. I had bought                     b. had I bought



12. Aunt Mollie wondered when ______ .

a. the train left                      b. did the train leave


13. My mother asked who ______ at the presentation.

a. did I see                             b. I had seen


14. The judge enquired why ______ the crime.

a. the police hadn’t reported                  b. hadn’t the police reported


15. The boy demanded to know why his sister ______ him in.

a. wouldn’t let                      b. won’t let


16. Nelly asked Tim   where he ______ born.

a. was                                    b. had been


17. We didn’t know who ______ the Picasso painting.

a. had bought                        b. did buy


18. The man didn’t tell the police where ______ all the time.

a. had he been                       b. he had been


19. The students wondered what ______ discussing at the next lesson.

a. they would be                   b. would they be


20. We tried to find out how far ______ .

a. was the stadium                b. the stadium was



Review Test 81.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.



I think the interview went well. He wanted to know a number of things about me and what I ______ (1 – do) in the last few years. First he asked me if I ______ (2 – have) a nice trip down from Manchester and how long ______ (3 – take) me to get there. He also wanted to know whether it ______ (4 – snow) in Manchester. The chitchat over, he asked me how old I ______ (5 – be) and where I ______ (6 – be born) although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked how long I ______ (7 – live) in Manchester and I told him. His next question was whether I _______ (8 – be married) and whether I ______ (9 – have) a family or not. I explained to him that I ______ (10 – be separated) and that I ______ (11 – have) one daughter. He asked how long I ______ (12 – work) as an editor and how much I ______ (13 – earn) in my present job. He asked me what I ______ (14 – like) most about my job and who ______ (15 – tell) me about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the qualities of a good manager. Finally he asked how much I ______ (16 – expect) to be paid. I think the interview ______ (17 – go) very well.



Review Test 82.

Read the text and choose the correct word or phrase from the list below which best fits each space.



A recent survey into Internet has thrown up some worrying results. The Stanford University survey asked respondents to answer a number of questions about their Internet use. It asked how much time ______ (1) on the Internet and ______ (2) Internet use had affected the amount of time they spent with family and friends. It also enquired whether their Internet use ______ (3) the time respondents spent working, either at home or in the office. The answers were interesting, but not unexpected. Two-thirds of the people surveyed responded that ______ (4) fewer than five hours a week on the Internet. The survey concludes that the behaviour of these people ______ (5) little. However, a quarter of those people who do use the Internet for more than five hours a week claimed that they spent less time with their family and friends. One in four of the total respondents also said that the time they spent working at home ______ (6) , benefiting their employers.

Professor of Political Science at Stanford, Norman Nie, ______ (7) that we are moving from a world where we know and see the neighbours and friends to one where interaction ______ (8) place at a distance. He asked rhetorically whether ______ (9) a hug or hear a warm voice over the Internet. It seems that the results of the survey prove that the Internet ______ (10) people into solitary beings who can’t bother to call their mother on her birthday.


1. a. did they spend              b. had they spent         c. they spent

2. a. whether                         b. what                         c. if or not

3. a. had increased                b. was increased          c. have increased

4. a. they still spending        b. they still spend        c. they still spent

5. a. changed                         b. had changed            c. has changed

6. a. increased                       b. had increased           c. increases

7. a. tells                                b. says us                     c. tells us

8. a. takes                              b. had taken                 c. take

9. a. or not                            b. could we get            c. we could get

10. a. is turning                    b. was turning             c. had turned



Tense Revision


Exercise 83.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.


1. Only halfway through the football season and Manchester United yet again leads the Premier League. The situation could easily change, however, as most teams ______ only a third of their games so far.

a. played                      b. have played             c. had played


2. – I must remember to call my parents before I go away on Thursday. I haven’t even told them about the trip yet.

– ______ much of them lately, then?

a. didn’t you see          b. haven’t you seen     c. hadn’t you seen


3. We won’t be able to move back into our house for a while. Our tenants ______ there for six months.

a. lived                         b. have been living     c. live


4. Today we’ve previewing the new album by the top Swedish band The Cardigans, who, as I’m sure you all know, are coming to the UK on tour next month. The group ______ three albums so far.

a. released                    b. has released             c. has been releasing


5. Another earthquake has hit the north-west of Turkey, bringing further devastation to the area east of Istanbul, which is still suffering from the August earthquake. The latest tremor ______ 7.2 on the Richter scale.

a. measured                  b. has measured           c. is measuring


6. Pipeworks regrets the current inconvenience to residents of Kelvin Close. We ______ the water pressure to allow essential repairs.

a. have lowered           b. lowered                    c. will have lowered


7. Investigators into the recent air crash have released their findings, which show a fault in the engine cooling system of the aircraft. All major airlines ______ aircraft of the same type for thorough checks.

a. grounded                 b. have grounded        c. had grounded


8. The seventeenth-century writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is often considered the father of the modern novel. Most people only connect the name with Don Quixote, though Cervantes ______ a prolific writer.

a. was                           b. has been                   c. is


9. – With so much money being poured into medical research every year, you’d think that more breakthroughs would be made.

– But breakthroughs are being made. ______ a Colombian scientist ______ a cure for malaria last year?

a. didn’t… discover             b. hasn’t… discovered        

c. wasn’t… discover


10. Most visitors to Sing Sing prison are pleasantly surprised by the environment. It is far more open and greener than they ______ .

a. have imagined                  b. imagined         c. were imagining



Exercise 84.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.



Mark Rawlings and his team ______ (1) still in the Andes filming Penny, a puma. They ______ (2) to get quite close to the big cat and gain her trust over the last summer. In this instalment of Mark’s video diary, he ______ (3) how Penny ______ (4) currently spending a lot of time with a mate, so Mark and his team ______(5) that she ______ (6) cubs in the spring. If that ______ (7) the case, they ______ (8) much of her over the winter. In fact, they are unlikely to see much of her until the winter ______ (9) over anyway, as pumas , like most of the large cats, ______ (10) to hide away when the weather ______ (11) bad. If Penny ______ (12) pregnant, she _______ (13) the cubs by early March and they ______ (14) the den about three months  later. Although Mark doubts whether she ______ (15) out to hunt much in the next few months, he ______ (16) until she ______ (17) . Once the team ______ (18) filming Penny, they ______ (19) to North America to track down the grizzly bear, but Mark ______ (20) such a pleasant assignment.


1. a. is                           b. are                             c. have been

2. a. have managed     b. are managed            c. are managing

3. a. had described      b. describes                  c. will described

4. a. are                         b. will                           c. is

5. a. are sured              b. are sure                    c. were sure

6. a. has                        b. is going to have      c. will have had

7. a. will be                  b. is being                    c. is

8. a. will see                 b. aren’t seeing            c. won’t see

9. a. is                           b. will be                      c. is being

10. a. are tending        b. tend                          c. tended

11. a. will be                b. is being                    c. is

12. a. will be                b. is                               c. has been

13. is having                b. will have had           c. will be having

14. a. are leaving         b. will leave                 c. leave

15. a. will come           b. is coming                 c. will have come

16. a. stays                   b. will have stayed      c. is going to stay

17. a. reappears           b. will reappear            c. is going to reappear

18. a. will finish          b. have finished           c. will have finished

19. a. are going           b. will have gone         c. go

20. a. thinks it is          b. thought it is    c. doesn’t think that will be



Exercise 85.

Choose the most appropriate verb and tense form.



Some friends of mine decided to go on holiday to Scotland. They ______ (1) me if I ______ (2) to go too, but I ______ (3) to go to Italy. I ______ (4) them that I ______ (5) to Scotland before, so they asked me ______ (6) them some ideas. I ______ (7) them ______ (8) warm clothes and raincoats. “If I were you, I would always carry umbrellas!” I ______ (9) them. “I doubt whether you ______ (10) any sunny days.” I ______ (11) them again until after their  holiday. They ______ (12) all very sun-tanned, and they ______ (13) me that they ______ (14) very hot weather.

“If we had taken your advice, we would have made a terrible mistake,” they ______ (15). “Luckily we ______ (16) before we left that it ______ (17) very hot in Scotland”.

It is said to ______ (18) the hottest summer ever.


1. a. asked                                      b. said                 c. questioned

2. a.  want                                       b wanted             c. will want

3. a. have already arranged           b. already            c. had already

    arranged              arranged

4. a. said                                         b. told                 c. asked

5. a. have been                              b. had been         c. was

6. a.  gave                                       b. for give           c. to give

7. a. said                                         b. advised           c. promised

8. a. to take                                     b. taking              c. took

9. a. said                                         b. told                 c. explained

10. a. will have                              b. have                c. would have

11. a. haven’t seen                         b. didn’t see        c. hadn’t seen

12. a. were                                     b. are                   c. have been

13. a. told to                                   b. told                 c. said

14. a. had had                                b. had                  c. have had

15. a. said me                                 b. told                 c. said

16. a. had been told                       b. were told        c. had told

17. a. is                                           b. was                  c. was being

18. a. be                                          b. was                 c. have been



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 86.

Choose the correct variant.


1. I ______ everyone here has an e-mail address.

a. accept                       b. assume                     c. agree with


2. You can ______ a car at the airport.

a. give                           b. let                             c. hire


3. All the crew have come ______ .

a. ashore                      b. on a shore                c. on the shore


4. The famous British resort Brighton is situated on the south ______ of Great Britain.

a. bank                         b. seaside                      c. coast


5. When the children were small the Campbells used to go to the ______ every summer.

a. coast                         b. seaside                      c. seashore


6. The travellers were caught in a tropical ______ and got wet through very soon.

a. fog                            b. drizzle                      c. shower


7. The Campbells have a six-birth luxury ______ which they often travel in on holiday.

a. car                            b. trolley                      c. caravan


8. Now young people don’t ______ as much as before.

a. go camping              b. do the camping        c. go tenting


9. Billy and his friends ______ around the coast of Ireland.

a. hitchhiked                b. swam                        c. ran


10. This time there are many more holidaymakers in the ______ .

a. tent site                    b. campsite                   c. construction site


11. The Labour Dispute Committee of the trade union ______ the possibility of taking legal action against the company.

a. are thinking             b. are exploring           c. are finding


12. Donna’s family needs a bigger house, but they can’t ______ the rent.

a. afford                       b. afford themselves             c. allow


13. Lilly had to move to the South because ______ conditions there were more favourable to her health.

a. climate                     b. climatical                 c. climatic


14. Aspen, a ski ______ in Colorado, is overcrowded in high season.

a. hotel                         b. resort                        c. campsite


15. We are looking forward to going on a two-day ______ to Grand Canyon.

a. tour                           b. excursion                 c. voyage


16. The yacht ______ into the harbour of San Diego early in the morning.

a. swam                        b. flew                          `c. sailed


17. The tours to Escorial are very popular, so it’s best ______ well in advance.

a. to order                    b. to book                    c. to take


18. The town of Gouda is ______ its cheese.

a. famous of                b. famous about          c. famous for


19. The country was ______ the sportsman who broke a new world record in marathon.

a. proud of                   b. proud for                  c. proud about


20. In the morning the group of Japanese tourists ______ .

a. went to sightsee       b. went sightseeing     c. made sightseeing



Exercise 87.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Joe has been tired, ______ and depressed lately because of hard work.

a. badly-tempered       b. bad-tempered          c. well-tempered


2. This ______ is always full because it provides its guests with good service.

a. boarding house        b. boarded house         c. boarding home


3. Mrs. Johnson was ______ diagnosed as suffering from a chronic heart condition.

a. at the end                 b. eventually                c. eventfully


4. My sister likes ______ around the city at night.

a. wondering                b. wandering                c. travelling


5. My secretary is trying ______ a meeting with the sales director of Gazprom.

a. to organize               b. to make                    c. to arrange


6. All the arrangements for the party were ______ . The lawn had been floored and tented, the tables had been laid.

a. made                         b. organized                 c. done


7. The people who ______ to vote should be aware of that fact.

a. are aimed                 b. are entitled              c. are chosen


8. It is not so easy to ______ a tent without experience.

a. put up                      b. put on                       c. lay


9. Most families stay at home ______ Christmas.

a. on                             b. in                              c. at


10. ______ Christmas Day people don’t work because it is celebrated as a public holiday in many countries.

a. on                             b. in                              c. at


11. It is a three-hour ______from Philadelphia to Washington.

a. trip                            b. journey                    c. voyage


12. The boat ______ down the Amazon was great.

a. trip                            b. journey                    c. voyage


13. The ______ across the Atlantic took the traveller two weeks.

a. trip                            b. journey                    c. voyage


14. Helen has got a lovely voice, she is a pretty good dancer ______ .

a. too                            b. either                        c. also


15. My brother speaks English fluently. He can ______ speak French.

a. too                            b. either                        c. also


16. The scientists tried another method, but that didn’t work ______ .

a. too                            b. either                        c. also


17. After five-hour hard work Kim decided to ______ for a walk.

a. go                             b. come                         c. arrive


18. It ______ to my mind that I had seen that man before.

a. went                         b. came                         c. arrived


19. Four police officers suddenly arrived ______ the Parkers’ house.

a. in                              b. at                               c. to


20. Tourists like to visit ______ monuments such as The Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace.

a. historic                     b. historian                   c. history


















Unit 6



Tense Forms in the Passive Voice


Exercise 88.

Choose the correct word.


1. Bertie ______ a ticket by the police.

a. was given                          b. gave


2. The story ______ over and over again.

a. was told                            b. was telling


3. The table ______ at 2 o’clock.

a. is always laid                    b. always lays


4. The minutes of the meeting ______ at 6 o’clock.

a. will be sent                       b. will send


5. The pictures ______ from California to New York by a courier.

a. will be transported           b. will transport


6. The tree ______ by the wind.

a. was blown over                b. was fallen


7. The deer ______ by the hunter.

a. was died                            b. was killed


8. The mail ______ out of the pillar-box twice a day.

a. is taken                              b. is took


9. The chairs ______ from the ballroom before the dance begins.

a. are removed                      b. remove


10. The medicine ______ out of reach of children.

a. must be kept                     b. must kept


11. Be quiet! A very important question ______ now.

a. is being discussed            b. is discussed


12. You should wait a little. The documents ______ at the moment.

a. are being printed              b. are been printed


13. At present the RF Savings Bank ______ .

a. is reorganizing                  b. is being reorganized


14. I can’t give you a lift to the station tomorrow. My car ______ .

a. is being serviced              b. is serviced


15. When Mr. Brown arrived, the contract ______ .

a. was been signed               b. was being signed


16. The new baby-sitter ______ the children closely.

a. was looking at                  b. was being looked at


17. Very few type-writers ______ these days.

a. are being sold                   b. are sold


18. Children ______ not to speak to strangers.

a. should be warned             b. should be being warned


19. Due to the company’s need to increase production, the lunch-break ______ .

a. will be reduced                 b. will being reduced


20. The children are excited. They ______ to the ZOO.

a. are being taken                 b. are taken



Exercise 89.

Choose the correct word.


1. Everybody is pleased. The Annual Development Plan ______ carried out by December.

a. had already been                        b. was already


2. Ernie ______ a very important task to do.

a. has been given                           b. was been given


3. Stanley is in jail. He ______ of an armed robbery.

a. has been convicted           b. had been convicted


4. That fortune-teller ______ around here for a long time.

a. hasn’t been seen                         b. wasn’t been seen


5. It was announced that the 11:30 flight to Berlin ______ .

a. had been delayed                      b. has been delayed


6. Gold ______ in California in the nineteenth century, which caused the golden rush.

a. was found                                  b. has been found


7. All the details of the accident ______ by tomorrow morning.

a. will have been checked            b. will be checked


8. The caves of Altamira ______ in northern Spain.

a. were discovered                         b. have been discovered


9. The telephone ______ by Bell.

a. was invented                              b. has been invented


10. The most important points of the armistice agreement ______ in detail by 2 o’clock.

a. will have been discussed          b. have been discussed


11. The news ______ in the office all morning.

a. has been discussed                    b. has being discussed


12. Foreign languages ______ at the University of West Indies since the nineteenth century.

a. are being taught                        b. have been taught


13. Aubrey ______ for two hours now. She must be exhausted.

a. has been interviewed                b. has been interviewing


14. The burglar ______ and ______ by the police.

a. has been arrested… is being questioned

b. is arrested… has been questioning


15. A new drug ______ in this laboratory since the eighties.

a. has been developed                   b. has been developing


16. The accident ______ before I phoned.

a. had already reported        b. had already been reported


17. The construction of the hotel ______ by the time you arrive.

a. will have been finished   b. will finished


18. An unexploded bomb ______ in Plaza Mayor in Madrid and the area ______ .

a. has been found… is being evacuated

b. is being found… was being evacuated


19. All the marking ______ by tomorrow.

a. will have been completed         b. will be completed


20. I ______ to play chess for three months before I learnt how to do it properly.

a. was being taught                       b. had been taught



Review Test 90.

Put in a passive verb in the correct tense.



The building at the top of the High Street is Barford Hall. It was built in 1827 and today is ______ (1 – regard) as the finest Georgian building in the country.

A number of changes ______ (2 – make) since it was built, but the front of the building ______ (3 – not change). Today the Hall ______ (4 – own) by Bardale Council, and  for the last ten years it ______ (5 – use) as a home for Barford Arts Centre. At the moment a small art gallery ______ (6 – build) behind the Hall.



Exercise 91.

Choose the correct word.


1. The children ______ about the party.

a. have been told                            b. have been said


2. The patient ______ a very effective treatment.

a. was recommended                     b. was promised


3. Our staff ______ useful work skills.

a. are taught                                    b. are explained


4. Company shares ______ to most employees.

a. are offered                                  b. are suggested


5. The passengers ______ that the flight was delayed.

a. were announced                         b. were told


6. At the next lesson the students ______ the new words from Lesson 4.

a. will be asked                             b. will be dictated


7. All employees in the company ______ four weeks’ holiday.

a. are allowed                                b. are declared


8. Doris ______ the address several times before she memorized it.

a. had been repeated                     b. had been told


9. Everybody at the party ______ the instructions how to behave in the mountains.

a. was given                                   b. was reported


10. Most interesting facts ______ to the students in the lecture.

a. were mentioned                         b. were taught


11. The newcomers ______ the timetable of the Club’s work.

a. are introduced                            b. are shown


12. The children were excited because they ______ a new tricycle.

a. had been bought                       b. had been given


13. We ______ some of the old Irish dances at St. Patrick’s Day festival in Dublin.

a. were shown                               b. were presented


14. The tourists ______ the most famous pictures of the Dutch artists in Rijks Museum in Amsterdam.

a. will be described                       b. will be shown


15. All the tenants of the old house ______ letters saying that the house would be repaired soon.

a. were written                              b. were sent


16. The clerks ______ a bonus by the end of the financial year.

a. will have been paid                   b. will have been proposed


17. The tourists ______ to have sea view rooms.

a. were suggested                           b. were promised


18. The patient ______ a new medicine for getting his blood pressure back to normal.

a. was prescribed                           b. was offered


19. Ernest ______ his talent by some of his fellow students.

a. was envied                                 b. was talked


20. After the test the students ______ all their mistakes which were discussed at the lesson in detail.

a. were shown                               b. were pointed out



Exercise 92.

Decide which sentence is correct (sometimes both variants are correct).


1. a. The difficult situation was described to the rescue workers.

b. The rescue workers were described the difficult situation.


2. a. The liquidity problem was mentioned to the Executive Board of the bank by the CBR inspection.

b. The Executive Board of the bank was mentioned the liquidity problem by the CBR inspection.


3. a. The Black Perl slowly disappeared from view.

b. The Black Perl was slowly disappeared from view.


4. a. The police had been reported the theft before the burglars fled the scene.

b. The theft had been reported to the police before the burglars fled the scene.


5. a. The children will be demonstrated the new game at the PT lesson.

b. The new game will be demonstrated to the children at the PT lesson.


6. a. The guests are being offered drinks.

b. Drinks are being offered to the guests.


7. a. Tom was bought a new laptop as a birthday present.

b. A new laptop was bought to Tom as a birthday present.


8. a. The charity has been given EUR 2.000.

b. EUR 2.000 has been given to the charity.


9. a. The tourist was explained how to get to the British Museum.

b. It was explained to the tourist how to get to the British Museum.


10. a. Little Peggy was forgiven her bad behaviour and was allowed to watch TV.

b. Little Peggy’s bad behaviour was forgiven to her and she was allowed to watch TV.


11. a. A report from Kosovo was shown to the local authorities.

b. The local authorities were shown a report from Kosovo.


12. a. The members of the Committee agreed on the main points of the agenda.

b. The members of the Committee were agreed on the main points of the agenda.


13. a. The Government is said to be out of touch with public opinion.

b. The Government says to be out of touch with public opinion.


14. a. Hubert was promised an upgrade to first class.

b. An upgrade to first class was promised to Hubert.


15. a. I was made to open my suitcase.

b. To open my suitcase was made on me.


16. a. We were allowed to park the caravan in a farmer’s cotton field overnight.

b. To park the caravan in a farmer’s cotton field was allowed to us.


17. a. This nylon blouse washes easily.

b. This nylon blouse is washed easily.


18. a. The coat will wear a lifetime.

b. The coat will be worn a lifetime.


19. a. The book reads well. You will swallow it in no time.

b. The book has been read well. You will swallow it in no time.


20. a. All the dictionaries are sold out now. Call on us in a week.

b. All the dictionaries sell out. Call on us in a week.



Exercise 93.

Choose the correct word.


1. Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson) ______ as one of America’s greatest primitive artists.

a. is thought of                              b. is thought


2. The first census ______ during Roman times for the purpose of taxation.

a. was carried out                          b. was carried away


3. Most of what the professor said in his lecture ______ .

a. was put down                            b. was put


4. Peter ______ by his uncle and aunt when he stayed in America.

a. was looked after                        b. was looked at


5. Pamela’s proposed changes in the project ______ by the Steering Committee.

a. were approved after                   b. were approved of


6. The famous composer ______ for nearly twelve hours.

a. was operated on                         b. was being operated


7. I ______ buying a Harley Davidson by my friend.             

a. was talked into                           b. was talked


8. These comfortable loafers are made ______ .

a. by hand                                      b. with hand


9. It was strange the address on the envelope was written ______ .

a. in pencil                                      b. by pencil


10. This material can’t be cut ______ .

a. with scissors                               b. by scissors


11. Our conversation was interrupted ______ in the corridor.

a. by a noise                                  b. with a noise


12. The marshal insisted that all the documents should be written ______ .

a. in ink                                          b. with ink


13. The favourite actress was greeted ______ .

a. with a storm of applause b. by a storm of applause


14. The sky was covered ______ . Obviously, it was going to rain.

a. with clouds                                b. by clouds


15. In the vocational training centre the students were warned to be careful because all the machines were operated ______ electricity.

a. with                                             b. by


16. Such confidential papers mustn’t be sent ______ . One should deliver them personally.

a. by mail                                       b. with mail


17. The police confirmed that the house had been ______ the previous night.

a. broken into                                b. broken


18. The new building of the terminal at Heathrow was opened ______ the Queen.

a. by                                               b. with


19. Several small towns in Jamaica and Haiti were destroyed ______ the hurricane Gilbert.

a. by                                               b. with


20. All these accessories are very expensive as they are ______ snake skin.

a. made of                                      b. made with



Review Test 94.

Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct form of the passive.



This report (produce) has been produced at the request of the Hotel and Catering Association. The survey on which the report ______ (1 – base) was carried out between March 25 and March 30, 1999. Twenty hotel managers ______ (2 – interview) for the purposes of this report. The majority of the hotels which ______ (3 – visit) (all in the Brighton area) ______ (4 – build) in the last twenty years and ______ (5 – design) to meet the needs of the modern tourists. One hotel which ______ (6 – consider) unacceptable by the Association ______ (7 – close) at the end of the tourist season. Some of the older ones ______ (8 – renovate) recently and also meet the highest standards. This ______ (9 – show) by the fact that all the hotels ______ (10 – equip) with modern facilities, from swimming pools to satellite TV. In addition, the usual services ______ (11 – provide) (room service, laundry service) and the restaurant and bar service ______ (12 – consider) satisfactory in most cases. Most of the hotel staff who ______ (13 – interview) were highly qualified or experienced. Seventy five percent of the hotels in this report ______ (14 – award) a three or four star rating by the tourist board.



Review Test 95.

Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct form of the passive.


Acid rain ______ (1 – cause) by burning coal or oil. When either fuel _____ (2 – burn), it releases poisonous gases which _____ (3 – carry) up into the atmosphere and sometimes ______ (4 – transport) long distances.

Over 3,000 research projects ______ (5 – carry) out to look into acid rain, and a decision to tackle the problem ______ (6 – take) in most of the western European countries. Measures ______ (7 – take) in  Scandinavia and in Central Europe to stop the pollution before it ______ (8 – dump) on the environment: and a diplomatic campaign ______ (9 – launch) to convince other countries that the problem has ______ (10 – considered) as a major ecological threat.

“Five years ago this issue ______ (11 – treat) seriously,” says one leading environmental group, “but now that damage ______ (12 – report) in large areas of forest and Lakeland, our politicians ______ (13 – force) to take action. This problem must ______ (14 – solve) quickly: if governments do nothing, they will ______ (15 – face) in two or three years’ time with the accusation that they have allowed our forests to die.” A major international initiative to combat acid rain ______ (16 – expect) in the near future.



Review Test 96.

Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct tense form of the passive or active.



More cars and lorries ______ (1 – drive) on our roads every year and, sadly, as a result of this, more and more wild animals ______ (2 – kill) by vehicles. Roads often _____ (3 – cross) the routes that ______ (4 – take) by animals when they are migrating, breeding or feeding. Every spring, many thousands of toads ______ (5 – kill) as they ______ (6 – make) their way to the traditional breeding ponds. All over the world, animals are victims of the road and their dead remains can ______ (7 – often see) lying on the roadside. Many badgers and hedgehogs ______ (8 – hit) by cars at night as they ______ (9 – move around) in search of food. Rabbits sometimes seem to ______ (10 – hypnotize) by the headlights of cars and ______ (11 – not move) quickly out of the way. Birds ______ (12 – sometimes hit) too as they ______ (13 – fly) low over roads.

______ (14 – can anything do) to protect these animals from the dangers of the road? Well, in 1969 a toad tunnel ______ (15 – build) in Switzerland and was a great success. Since then, other tunnels ______ (16 – construct) elsewhere in Europe, not just for toads but for badgers and salamanders too. In Florida, where the rare Florida panther ______ (17 – live), panther tunnels ______ (18 – build) under the highway and fencing ______ (19 – put up) beside the highway to guide the animals safely into these underpasses. Road signs warning drivers to ______ (20 – look out) for particular animals ______ (21 – often see) in the US and it is to ______ (22 – hope) that they ______ (23 – become) a more common sight on the roads of Europe.



Tense Revision


Exercise 97.

Choose the correct variant.


1. The Marconi family ______ to the United States thirty years ago.

a. has come                           b. come                         c. came


2. I’m sorry. I ______ my homework yet.

a. hadn’t finished                 b. didn’t finish            c. haven’t finished


3. The town _____ two big snowstorms before Christmas last year.

a. has had                             b. had had                    c. was having


4. My father ______ for a long time.

a. was smoking                    b. is smoking               c. has smoked


5. Oh, no! It ______ to rain and my clothes are on this line.

a. is starting                           b. starts                         c. will start


6. Kay and her boyfriend have been dating ______ four years.

a. through                             b. since                         c. for


7. I thought I would get to the restaurant first, but Jim ______ before me.

a. had arrived                        b. has arrived               c. arrived


8. We ______ the rest of the souvenirs by tomorrow.

a. will sell                             b. have sold                 c. will have sold


9. I ______ reading this book.

a. had finally finished          b. have finally finished

c. will have finally finished


10. The swimmers haven’t completed the race ______ .

a. still                                     b. already                     c. yet


11. We haven’t seen each other ______ a long time.

a. since                                  b. for                             c. at


12. You look confused. ______ you understand what I say?

a. did                                      b. are                             c. do


13. Last night I came home, cooked dinner, and ______ TV.

a. watched                             b. was watched            c. had watched


14. ______ for a long time before you got a job?

a. were you looking             b. have you looked     c. had you looked


15. That man ______ money to the hospital for years.

a. has giving                         b. has been giving       c. is giving


16. Does Randy ______ eight brothers and six sisters?

a. have got                            b. has                            c. have


17. We ______ John better now that we have classes with him.

a. are knowing                     b. know                        c. knew


18. Deer ______ salt and are attracted to blocks of salt people leave in their yards.

a. are liking                          b. like                           c liked


19. I ______ the day with a jog around the block.

a. have begun                       b. began                        c. had begun


20. I ______ the movie before, but I decided to see it again.

a. saw                                     b. had seen                   c. have seen



Exercise 98.

Choose the correct variant.


1. – Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?

– No, they ______ to Dallas.

a. had just moved                 b. have just moved      c. will just move


2. – Where is the new stove that you bought yesterday?

– The colour didn’t match, so I ______ to the store.

a. had returned                     b. have returned          c. returned


3. – You and Carl seem to be getting along well.

– Yes, I ______ him better than before.

a. am liking                           b. like                           c. liked


4. – How are you feeling?

– I’ve been feeling better since doctor Robinson ______ .

a. has come                           b. had come                 c. came


5. – Isn’t it hard to drive downtown to work?

– Yes, that’s why I ______ to work by train.

a. have been going               b. have been gone       c. going


6. – How long have you been with the company?

– I ______ there for two years by January.

a. will work                 b. was working            c. will have worked


7. – When are you planning to send the memo to the staff?

– I ______ it already.

a. send                                   b. had sent                    c. have sent


8. – Betty told me that you have a cottage on Lake Superior.

– Yes, we ______ there since we first moved to Michigan.

a. have been going               b. are going                  c. had been going


9. – Can I come by for my check tomorrow?

– Yes, by then I ______ time to go to the bank.

a. will have had                    b. had                           c. have


10. – Where are Ken and Margaret?

– They were hungry, so they ______ to the grocery store.

a. had gone                            b. went                         c. were gone


11. – Did you meet Ann here at the university?

– No, we ______ when I started college.

a. have already met              b. had already met

c. had already been meeting


12. – I took TOEFL. It was really hard.

– ______ a lot before you took it?

a. have you studied              b. did you study          c. had you studied


13. – Would you like to go to the band concert?

– Thanks, but I ______ it already.

a. am seeing                          b. have been seeing              c. have seen


14. – What did you do last night?

– I watched TV, practiced the violin, and ______ my homework.

a. was doing                         b. have done                c. did


15. – Why is Teddy so sad?

– Because his bird ______ away.

a. flew                                    b. will fly                     c. had flown


16. – Did you go to Hawaii for vacation?

– I ______ to go, but I got sick at the last minute.

a. was planning                    b. had been planning            c. planned


17. I ______ to the same barber since 1950.

a. am going                           b. have been going               c. go


18. Did you say that you ______ here only three days ago?

a. came                                  b. have come                         c. had come


19. I haven’t heard from Maria ______ .

a. since many months before                 b. for many months

c. since a long time


20. This book is so long that I ______ .

a. haven’t finished it yet                         b. haven’t finished it already

c. still have finished it.


21. Spain ______ at one time a very powerful country.

a. was                                     b. has been                   c. was being


22. –Who ate all the cookies?

– Mary Ann ______ .

a. has                                     b. did                            c. ate


23. –Is Tony making dinner?

– He ______ to make it.

a. has just begun                   b. was just begun        c. just began


24. –You seem to like this restaurant a lot.

– I ______ here for many years.

a. have been eaten                b. have been eating     c. am eating


25. – Where was Michael Caine born?

– In Britain, but today he ______ in the United States.

a. has lived                            b. lives                          c. living



Exercise 99.

Choose the correct tense form.


1. A fire protection device ______ a mechanism that reacts to smoke and heat.

a. has                            b. is having                  c. has had


2. It was after the Civil War ended that an assassin named John Wilkes Booth ______ Abraham Lincoln.

a. has killed                 b. had killed                 c. killed


3. Millions of people ______ Disney World in Orlando, Florida, since it opened.

a. had been visiting     b. have visited             c. will have visited


4. Gertrude Stein, a well-known American novelist, was born in 1874 and ______ in 1946.

a. had died                   b. died                          c. has died


5. Harry S. Truman assumed the presidency of the United States after F.D. Roosevelt ______ in office.

a. dies                           b. has died                   c. died


6. At summer camp last year children swam, rode horses, and ______ baseball.

a. played                      b. were playing           c. had been playing


7. Students who ______ pencils to the test were not allowed to take it.

a. didn’t bring             b. haven’t brought               c. don’t bring


8. Television ______ very popular in the United States since the fifties.

a. has been                   b. had been                            c. is


9. Elizabeth I ______ as queen of England from 1558 to 1603.

a. has reigned              b. had been reigning             c. reigned


10. When it touches a cold surface, water vapour ______ .

a. has condensed         b. condenses                          c. is condensing



Exercise 100.

Choose the most appropriate tense form from the list below.



Packet sugar from the supermarket ______ (1) from either sugar cane of sugar beet. These products ______ (2) with hot water, which ______ (3) their natural sugar. Sugar ______ (4) in fruit some of which, such as dates and grapes, ______ (5) very high amounts of sugar. To be a little more scientific, sugar should ______ (6) sucrose. Sucrose ______ (7) of two substances, glucose, which  ______ (8) for instant energy, and fructose, which ______ (9) longer as a source of energy. The sugar in fruit is mainly fructose. So when we ______ (10) fruit, we ______ (11) quite large amounts of natural sugar. Some scientists ______ (12) that too much sugar ______ (13) in sweets, cakes and biscuits. It _____ (14) to be generally bad for the health, although nothing definite ______ (15) so far. However, it ______ (16) that sugar ______ (17) tooth decay. As one expert put it: “If other foods damaged our body as much as sugar ______ (18) out teeth, they would be banned immediately.”


1. a. extracts                 b. is being extracted    c. is extracted

2. a. will be mixed      b. are mixed                 c. mix

3. a. dissolves              b. is dissolved             c. will be dissolved

4. a. was also found    b. is also found           c. also finds

5. a. contain                 b. is contained             c. is containing

6. a. call                        b. be called                  c. called

7. a. is made up           b. was made up           c. will be made up

8. a. is used                  b. was used                  c. is being used

9. a. is last                    b. is lasted                    c. lasts

10 a. will eat                b. will be eaten            c. eat

11. a. also eat               b. are also eating         c. eat also

12. a. are believing     b. believe                     c. are believed

13. a. will be eaten      b. eats                           c. is eaten

14. a. is said                 b. says                          c. is saying

15. a. proves                b. has been proved      c. has proved

16. a. knows                b. has been known      c. is known

17. a. has caused         b. is caused                  c. causes

18. a. damages             b. damage                     c. has damaged



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 101.

Choose the correct variant


1. All I had for lunch was ______ of crisps.

a. a package                          b. a packet                    c. a packing


2. Neither Simon nor Sally ______ Spanish yet.

a. speak                                 b. speaks                      c. don’t speak


3. Both Latvia and Lithuania ______ members of the European Union.

a. is                                        b. are                             c. are not


4. I don’t feel ______ for a stroll in such rainy weather.

a. like going                          b. as going                   c. like to go


5. The main ______ on the agenda is the pay-roll dispute.

a. place                                   b. piece                         c. item


6. We are doing ______ on the Queen’s visit to China for the evening news.

a. a point                               b. a piece                      c. an item


7. ______ labour is a job which involves physical work using one’s hands.

a. hand                                   b. manual                     c. arms’


8. Children under 12 must be ______ by an adult.

a. followed                           b. seen off                    c. accompanied


9. Don’t worry, Mrs. Parker, it will all become clear ______ of time.

a. at the course                     b. in the course            c. in a course


10. They do ______ lunch for ₤ 5.

a. two-course                        b. a two-course            c. two-course’s


11. The Hapsburgs’ total ______ income is less than ₤ 120 000 a year.

a. housing                             b. house members       c. household


12. English men go to the pub for a ______ of beer most nights.

a. dozen                                b. pint                           c. course


13. Mr. Ashenden is a businessman. He always travels ______ class.

a. first                                    b. by the first               c. in the first


14.When I ______ started running I could do a mile in nine minutes.

a. at first                               b. firstly                       c. first


15. ______ Bernadette was so shy that she wouldn’t even talk to anybody.

a. at first                               b. firstly                       c. first


16. If I were you I wouldn’t buy this car, because ______ this car looks ugly, and ______ it’s unreliable.

a. at first, then             b. firstly, secondly      c. at first, in the end   


17. When Ned was ______ he did sports.

a. at school                           b. in the school            c. at the school


18. If you go straight ahead you will see a grey building ______ , which is the University library you are looking for.

a. in the front of you            b. in front of you

c. at the front of you


19. The conference is supposed to finish ______ 6 o’clock.

a. at about                             b. at sharp           c. in about


20. The presentation of Grisham’s new novel finished ______ a cocktail party.

a. with                                   b. by                    c. up



Exercise 102.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Mother has ______ a big chocolate cake for Peter’s birthday.

a. boiled                       b. baked                       c. fried


2. Arvid first tried Irish ______ in a pub in London.

a. beef                          b. stew                          c. barbecue


3. ______ pudding is usually served with beef.

a. Yorkshire                b. Essex                        c. Brixton


4. Those who know say that the best fish and ______ are sold on the pier in Brighton.

a. potatoes                    b. chips                         c. crisps


5. Rayon wasn’t hungry because he had eaten a packet of ______ .

a. biscuits                     b. cakes                        c. tarts


6. During the interval such beverages as Coca Cola, Sprite, 7 Up, Ting and other ______ were offered.

a. spirits                       b. soft drinks               c. juices


7. Turkey is absolutely delicious when it is cooked ______ with cinnamon and pepper.

a. in the oven               b. in the cooker           c. in the toaster


8. The glasses are absolutely clean when washed in a ______ .

a. washer                      b. washing machine    c. dishwasher


9. Ann is fond of frying meat and fish in a ______ .

a. saucepan                  b. pot                            c. frying pan


10. Put ______ on the cooker and wait till the water starts boiling.

a. the teapot                 b. the kettle                  c. the coffee mug


11. It looks as if the negotiations with Fabio Vasquez are going ______ .

a. to drop                     b. to fail                        c. to fall


12. After Sophie moved to the South her ______ health had greatly improved.

a. thin                           b. shabby                     c. poor


13. The fellow-students didn’t like Stephen ______ of tact.

a. for the lack              b. for lack           c. because of the lack


14. The lesson continued when order had been ______ .

a. restored                    b. restorated                 c. started


15. Sophia Loren has both a charming ______ and a great talent.

a. looks                        b. appearance               c. behaviour


16. The suspects were last seen heading ______ La Jolla.

a. in the direction of            b. to the direction of

c. in the direction for


17. The house is always full when Vasiliy Lanovoi plays ______ .

a. the leading part       b. the main part           c. the chief part


18. Mother congratulated her daughter warmly ______ her brilliant exam results.

a. on                             b. with                          c. about


19. I can’t help ______ that there has been a mistake and the police have arrested the wrong guy.

a. to feel                       b. feeling                      c. to be feeling


20. After wandering around, we ______ back at the Palm Rosebeach hotel.

a. found                       b. appeared ourselves          c. found ourselves



Exercise 103.

Choose the correct variant.


1. This patient should have five ______ a day.

a. dishes                       b. foods                        c. meals


2. The famous Scottish ______ haggis is delicious and is quite easy to cook.

a. dish                           b. food                          c. meal


3. Small children should avoid eating canned ______ .

a. courses                     b. food                          c. meals


4. For dessert we had some delicious blue Danish cheese with ______ to follow.

a. a fruit’s dish            b. a fruit plate              c. a fruit meal


5. Before reaching the verdict you need to examine every ______ of evidence first.

a. slice                          b. piece                         c. sheet


6. For Spanish salad, you should cut tomatoes and cucumbers into thin ______ and add some olives.

a. slices                         b. pieces                       c. sheets


7. A ______ of ice covered the lake.

a. slice                          b. piece                         c. sheet


8. While sitting at the fireplace we noticed a burning ______ of coal on the floor.

a. slice                          b. sheet                         c. lump


9. This dish won’t taste plain if you add ______ of salt, pepper and cinnamon.

a. a slice                       b. a piece                      c. a bit


10. I’m very hungry. I’ve only had ______ of Snickers for lunch today, that’s all.

a. a slice                       b. a lump                      c. a bar





Unit 7


Complex Object


Exercise 104.

Choose the correct word.


1. We heard the Executive Board ______ in the conference hall.

a. discussing                          b. to discuss


2. Abigail  saw her brother ______ upstairs.

a. go                                       b. to go


3. My mother didn’t notice ______ the door and ______ .

a. me open, go                      b. I opened, went


4. We saw a man ______ the way to the Sloan Square underground station.

a. showing                             b. showed


5. Have you ever heard her ______ a lie?

a. tell                                               b. has told


6. After the sunset the tourists felt the temperature ______ to fall.

a. begin                                           b. began


7. When Grace was getting on the train she felt somebody ______ her by the shoulder.

a. touch                                           b. touched


8. The children watched the road  ______ .

a. being repaired                            b. repairing


9. Suddenly Bella heard a familiar voice ______ her name.

a. call                                               b. had called



10. The stranger stood on the platform and watched the train _____ .

a. going away                                 b. go away


11. I have heard ______ for a week now.

a. him being ill                              b. that he has been ill


12. ______ her knock at the door?

a. did you hear                               b. have you heard


13. ______ Mr. Cox has bought a new house?

a. did you hear                               b. have you heard


14. I noticed ______ to discuss that confusing situation.

a. my friend not to want               b. that my friend didn‘t want


15. She has often seen an old man ______ along the beach with a dog.

a. walking                                       b. walked


16. I hear ______ the meeting of Assets and Liabilities Committee till Monday.

a. they have put off                       b. them put off


17. We watched the children ______ swans in St. James’s Park.

a. feeding                                        b. feed


18. As soon as the squadron approached the forest they smelled something ______ .

a. was burning                               b. burning


19. The teacher saw that the students ______ his explanation.

a. not understand                           b. didn’t understand


20. Mr. Worchester looked at Becky and felt ______ him.

a. that she believed                        b. her believe



Exercise 105.

Choose the correct word.


1. The hijackers made the hostages ______ in the plane all night.

a. to stay                                b. stay


2. The HR manager had his secretary ______ the letters in time.

a. send                                   b. sent


3. The local authorities made the tenants ______ the house because it was dangerous to live in it.

a. leave                                  b. leaving


4. Mother let the children ______ till late.

a. stay out                              b. have stayed out


5. Suddenly the child let her hand ______ and ran away.

a. go                                       b. went


6. Yesterday I couldn’t get my car ______ and had to go by bus.

a. start                                    b. to start


7. Mother wanted her children ______ their homework first.

a. to do                                  b. did


8. The police asked the witnesses of the accident ______ evidence.

a. give                                    b. to give


9. The scientists consider this method ______ very effective.

a. to be                                   b. be


10. The Clarks didn’t expect their son ______ architecture.

a. to study                             b. to have studied


11. The young woman asked the porter ______ her suitcases to the taxi.

a. to take                                b. took

12. Mr. Cutter wanted his daughter ______ to University.

a. to go                                   b. went


13. Everybody in the city knew him ______ the best general practitioner.

a. was                                     b. to be


14. I’m sure your boss would like you ______ now.

a. to be working                   b. to have worked


15. I consider your students ______ this work long ago.

a. to have done                     b. to do


16. Priscilla wanted ______ to break the news to her mother.

a. herself                                b. her


17. He knew ______ to be treated unfairly in the company.

a. himself                               b. him


18. Willie supposes his friends ______ him in any predicament.

a. to help                               b. help


19. My friend advised me ______ that business.

a. not to get into                   b. didn’t get into


20. Anselm hated this question ______ with somebody else.

a. to be discussed                 b. had been discussed



To Have/Get Something Done


Exercise 106.

Choose the correct word.


1. Candy doesn’t like the house she has just bought and she is going ______ .

a. to have it torn down                  b. to tear it down


2. This businessman has lots of suits. He ______ twice a year.

a. has them made                           b. makes them


3. Lucy ______ at the hairdresser’s at the moment.

a. is having her hair cut                 b. is cutting her hair


4. Look at these wonderful snapshots! I ______ at the chemist’s.

a. have just developed them        

b. have just had them developed


5. You can ______ in an hour.

a. have your shoes repaired          b. repair your shoes


6. The old lady ______ . She is too old to go shopping.

a. had the food delivered              b. delivered the food


7. The young couple ______ their house redecorated for two months now. They have to live at their parents’.

a. have been having                      b. are having


8. You ought ______ at the doctor’s.

a. to get your blood pressure checked

b. to check you blood pressure


9. One of these days O’Hara is going ______ onto the Committee.

a. to get himself elected                b. to have himself elected


10. While walking in Amsterdam I _____ my wallet stolen in the crowd.

a. had                                              b. got


Review Test 107.

Read the article and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.



Six-year-old Kandy Watt, the girl kidnapped two days ago, was found safe this morning ______ (1 – play) near her home. The man who found her said: “I saw Kandy ______ (2 – sit) in the park. I recognised her from photos in the paper. I shouted: “Kandy!” As soon as she heard me ______ (3 – call) her name, she came running to me.”

Later in the day, a man was caught ______ (4 – pay) the ransom of £ 50,000 into his bank account. Kandy’s father had agreed to pay the ransom. The police were on the scene, and had watched him ______ (5 – go) into the park and ______ (6 – leave) the bag of money behind a large tree.

But they had not seen anyone ______ (7 – collect) the bag, although they had watched it for hours. Somehow the kidnapper had collected it unseen.

An old woman was seen ______ (8 – approach) the tree, but the detectives swore they saw her ______ (9 – walk) straight past it. Was the “old woman” perhaps the kidnapper in disguise?



Review Test 108.

Read what Ida James said about her childhood and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.


“Did I have a strict upbringing? No, I don’t think so. I remember my parents made me promise ______ (1 – not speak) to strangers, and they forbade me ______ (2 – go) to a friends’ house straight from school. I always had to go home first. But then my mother usually let me ______ (3 – go out) and ______ (4 – see) my friends.

When I was older, they didn’t allow me ______ (5 – go out) with a young man of my own, but they let me ______ (6 – go out) with a group of friends. And they never allowed me ______ (7 – stay out) after midnight. But that was accepted at the time.

I think, if you force children ______ (8 – do) things all the time, eventually they will rebel. One of my friends did.”





Review Test 109.

Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.



Dear Editor,


I would hate you (1 – think) that I don’t enjoy your magazine, but could I ask you (2 – explain) why you have changed the design? The old one was excellent, and I for one would like you (3 – go back) to it!



Mr. Parker



Dear Editor,


You said you wanted readers (4 – write in) with comments about the new design of your magazine. Well, the old design was good, and I didn’t expect you (5 – produce) a better one. But the new design is excellent!

However, I would prefer you (6 – include) more photos of the Royal Family, and I would love you (7 – feature) full-length stories about the Royal princesses.

Now, I don’t want you (8 – think) I’m being critical, but could we have fewer stories about film stars, and divorce?



Review Test 110.

Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.


MIKE: Why are you looking so pleased?


TARA: Well, we’ve got some American visitors today. And the editor has chosen me ______ (1 – give) them a talk.


MIKE: Are you definitely doing it? Has he asked you ______ (2 – do) it?


TARA: Yes. Why? Do you want me (3 – do) it?


MIKE: No, you’re welcome to it. But I hope you are not expecting me ______ (4 – help) you – I’m busy all day.


TARA: But the editor wants us both ______ (5 – welcome) them when they arrive.


MIKE: OK, a can spare an hour.


TARA: Good. I would prefer you ______ (6 – tell) them about the way we work. Then he would like them ______ (7 – have) a tour of the building - I can do that.


MIKE: What about lunch?


TARA: Well, the editor wants ______ (8 – meet) them himself for lunch.


MIKE: But he has got a meeting in Harrow all morning!


TARA: Well, he expects ______ (9 – be back) by 12.30.



Tense Revision


Exercise 111.

Choose the correct word.


1. I ______ at the Palm Beach Hotel till they get my flat ready.

a. am staying               b. stay                           c. have stayed


2. The River Amazon ______ into the Atlantic Ocean.

a. is flowing                 b. flows                        c. flowed


3. Buying a house nowadays ______ more and more expensive all the time.

a. has become              b. becomes                   c. is becoming


4. We haven’t decided yet but we ______ of moving house.

a. had thought             b. thought                    c. are thinking


5. Whether we play cricket on Saturday ______ on the weather.

a. depends                    b. is depending            c. is depended


6. Jazz ______ in the United States around 1900.

a. originated                 b. has originated                   c. was originated


7. Tom Hanks ______ an Oscar several times already.

a. had won                   b. has been winning    c. has won


8. Even when we were children our parents ______ family problems with us.

a. discussed                  b. were discussing       c. had discussed


9. I ______ to fix this pipe since this morning and it’s still leaking.

a. am trying                 b. have been trying     c. have tried


10. Scientists still ______ a cure for cancer.

a. don’t find                 b. aren’t finding          c. haven’t found


11. About one hundred people ______ outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.

a. were queuing          b. queued           c. have queued


12. This time last week we ______ to Tarragona to see our friends Santaella and Manoli.

a. had driven               b. were driving            c. had been driving


13. By the time the teacher arrived the classroom was empty: the students _____ .

a. left                            b. had left                     c. were leaving


14. The witness claimed he ______ the accused before.

a. didn’t see                 b. wasn’t seeing          c. hadn’t seen


15. I ______ a shower when the telephone rang.

a. had                            b. was having              c. had been having


16. I’m writing in connection with the advertisement which ______ on 3 December.

a. had appeared           b. appeared                   c. was appeared


17. Barnes ______ for several posts this year.

a. applied                     b. has applied               c. was applied


18. When Mrs. Morgan came to the class the pupils ______ around.

a. were running           b. ran                            c. had been running


19. Before Columbus discovered America, people ______ that the earth was flat.

a. believed                   b. had believed            c. had been believing


20. Newton made his great discovery while he ______ under an apple tree.

a. was sitting               b. sat                             c. had been sitting



Exercise 112.

Choose the most appropriate tense form from the list below.




In 16 July 1969 Apollo 11 set off for the moon. After four days in space, Neil Armstrong ______ (1) down the ladder to the lunar module and ______ (2) onto the surface of the moon. It ______ (3) a historic moment. 30 years later, the three astronauts who made history ______ (4) any reunion to celebrate the anniversary of man’s first step on the moon. The three spacemen ______ (5) a bit older and, although their attitude to life ______ (6) over the years, they  ______ (7) friends.

Armstrong ______ (8) to give interviews about his private life. After Apollo 11, he ______ (9) at NASA; he ______ (10) in 1971 to become an engineering professor at Cincinnati University. In 1979 he ______ (11) teaching, and since then he ______ (12) as a business consultant.

Andrew Chalkin, a space journalist, ______ (13) the lives of the Apollo astronauts and ______ (14) unique access to them. He ______ (15) a book on the subject. He says that Armstrong is not a very easy man to know, although he is very warm once you do get to know him.


1. a. was walking                  b. walked                     c. had walked

2. a. stepped                          b. was stepping           c. steps

3. a. had been                        b. has been                   c. was

4. a. have never planned      b. had never planned  c. never planned

5. a. got                                  b. have got                   c. were getting

6. a. have changed                b. has changed             c. changes

7. a. are remaining                b. have remained         c. were remained

8. a. has refused                    b. has been refused     c. is refusing

9. a. worked                 b. was working            c. had been working

10. a. had left                        b. has been leaving     c. left

11. a. gave up                       b. was giving up         c. had given up

12. a. has been working       b. worked                     c. had worked

13. a. researched          b. will research            c. has been researching

14. a. has had                        b. has been having      c. is having

15. a. had just written          b. will have just written      

c. has just written



Exercise 113.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.



The official residence of the President of the United States, the White House, ______ (1) by more than one and a half million tourists. It is the only residence of a head of state which is open to the public, free of charge, on a regular basis.

The original building dates from 1792 and ______ (2) by an Irish-born architect, James Hoban. Much of Hoban’s original design ______ (3), although the mansion had to ______ (4) after the British ______ (5) the house and many of its valuable contents in the war of 1814.

The guided tour ______ (6) most of the state  apartments. These ______ (7) the East Room, the Lincoln Bedroom and the State Dining Room. The private apartments and offices ______ (8) not open to the public. The tour ______ (9) in the East Wing Lobby, an extension to the building which ______ (10) in 1942.


1. a. visits                     b. is visited                  c. is being visited

2. a. designed               b. was designed           c. has been designed

3. a. survives               b. is surviving             c. is survived

4. a. rebuild                 b. be rebuilt                 c. rebuilt

5. a. burn                      b. burnt                        c. were burnt

6. a. is included           b. included                   c. includes

7. a. are including       b. include                     c. are included

8. a. is                           b. are                             c. were

9. a. is begun               b. is beginning             c. begins

10. a. added                 b. had added                c. was added



Exercise 114.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.


1. The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long. It ______ by Thelma Rivers.

a. was catching                    b. was caught               c. had been caught


2. – I hear John has decided to take up tennis.

– Yes, he ______ every day.

a. has been playing              b. is playing                 c. plays



3. – Are we about to have dinner?

– Yes, it ______ in the dining room.

a. is serving                          b. is being served                 c. serves


4. The table ______ by the thieves when the watchman arrived.

a. was stolen                         b. was stealing             c. was being stolen


5. My grandmother was upset because her favourite tree ______ over by the wind.

a. had been blown                b. was blown               c. was blowing


6. The missing boy ______ yet.

a. hasn’t been found            b. hasn’t found            c. didn’t find


7. Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer. She ______ since she was four.

a. is dancing                b. has been danced      c. has been dancing


8. – Those Easter eggs of different colours are very artistic.

– Yes, they ______ in Russia.

a. painted                              b. were painting          c. were painted


9. Jack is in jail for using foul language in public. He ______ that it was against the law.

a. told                                    b. was telling               c. was told


10. I wanted ______ by the head of the company, but it was impossible.

a. to see                                  b. to be seen                 c. to being seen


11. Katherine ______ at Bob’s house every night this week.

a. is eating                             b. is being eaten          c. has been eating


12. – What happened to the old postman?

– He ______ to a new neighbourhood to work.

a. was sent                            b. had been sent          c. has sent


13. It ______ that constant stress can cause serious health problems for certain people.

a. recognizes                b. is recognized           c. was being recognized


14. Many of the survivors ______ in the field when the earthquake ______ .

a. were working… struck             b. worked… had struck

c. worked… was struck


15. Denise had to leave school early on Wednesday because she ______ her driving test.

a. was taking                        b. took                          c. had been taken


16. At midnight Mrs. Rochester ______ the stairs and went into her bedchamber.

a. had climbed                      b. was climbing           c. climbed


17. On our next wedding anniversary on the 8th of July we ______ for 32 years.

a. will have been married    b. will marry               c. will be married


18. Sit down and watch TV; I ______ this letter quickly before I join you.

a. will just finish                  b. will have just finished

c. am just finishing


19. I have won the jackpot on the lottery and I ______ it all straight away!

a. am spending            b. will be spending     c. am going to spend


20. Mr. Fellows ______ golf tomorrow afternoon, as usual, so you can catch him on the golf course at Leagany Golf Club.

a. is playing                          b. will be playing                 c. plays




Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 115.

Choose the correct variant.


1. The house ______ two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room with a fireplace.

a. composes                           b. consists                    c. comprises


2. The United Kingdom is situated on the British ______ .

a. Mountains                         b. Islands                      c. Isles


3. Thousands of refugees were fleeing across the ______ .

a. earth                                   b. border                      c. front


4. Research has shown that the weather can ______ people’s behaviour.

a. influence on                      b. influence                  c. affect on


5. Teachers have to be scrupulously ______ in marking examination papers.

a. reasonable                         b. honest                      c. fair


6. Visitors should wait in the reception ______ till somebody comes to meet them.

a. district                               b. area                           c. region


7. Washington, the capital of the USA, is situated in ______ .

a. Columbia                          b. the area of Columbia      

c. the District of Columbia


8. Some northern areas of Russia are thinly ______ .

a. crowded                             b. populated                 c. full


9. Sugar cane ______ is in decline on the Island of Jamaica now.

a. growth                              b. development            c. cultivation


10. There will be tax increases on a range of ______ and services next year.

a. goods                                b. product                    c. good


11. The total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year, except for income received from money invested in other countries, is called ______ .

a. gross national product              b. gross national products  

c. gross domestic product


12. ______ goods produced in Great Britain are of very high quality.

a. industrial                          b. manufactured          c. domestic


13. Many local businesses offered ______ to the school rebuilding fund.

a. to help                               b. to direct                    c. to contribute


14. When David came home he found that there were several messages on the answering ______ for him.

a. engine                               b. machine                   c. machinery


15. We aim to give every student the opportunity ______ .

a. to excel                             b. to excel himself      c. to overcome


16. Many of these countries are rich in ______ resources.

a. nature                                b. natural                      c. useful


17. The government agreed ______ two committees to examine the proposals.

a. to begin                             b. to find out                c. to establish


18. Apple Macintosh  has been trading ______ computers for 20 years and is a great success on the market.

a. in                                       b. with                          c. by


19. In Finland there are tough penalties for drivers who ______ the speed limits.

a. overcome                          b. increase                    c. exceed


20. In the ______ of Queen Elizabeth II Great Britain has had a strong political influence in the world.

a. rule                                    b. ruling                       c. reign



Exercise 116.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Who does ______ power in Russia belong to?

a. execution                          b. executive                 c. executing


2. The ruling Social Democratic Party has been ______ for ten years.

a. at power                            b. in power                   c. in rule


3. An election in which every adult in the country can vote for those who will represent them in parliament is called a ______ election.

a. general                              b. common                   c. total


4. His job is to represent the views of the ______ .

a. many                                 b. much                        c. majority


5. Some other countries will join the European Union ______ future.

a. in the nearest                    b. in the nearly            c. in the near


6. The majority of the population in this area ______ in farming.

a. is engaged                         b. is busy                     c. is occupied


7. The island’s western shore is ______ the warm waters of the Pacific.

a. surrounded by                  b. washed by               c. washed with


8. St. Paul’s Cathedral in London is the second ______ in the world.

a. largest                               b. smallest                    c. oldest


9. The population of Russia has decreased ______ 14 percent for the last 8 years.

a. by                                      b. on                             c. to


10. Local people come to the market every day to sell their ______ .

a. manufactured goods        b. agricultural produce        c. production


11. The railroad enables distribution across ______ North American continent.

a. the all                                b. the total                    c. the entire


12. The peeks of the Pyrenees could be seen ______ .

a. at a distance                     b. in the distance         c. in the far away


13. That  lovely summer in Majorca already felt like a ______ memory.

a. long                                   b. far                             c. distant


14. The company has recently ______ its range of products offered for export.

a. raised                                 b. lengthened               c. extended


15. This license does not ______ beyond the end of May.

a. extend                               b. serve                         c. valid


16. If you add a kitchen ______ to you home it will be much more spacious.

a. continuation                     b. prolongation            c. extension


17. Suzy Cue is in hospital with head injuries after being ______ by a car.

a. struck                                b. beaten                       c. bitten


18. Daniel was panic ______ before the exam because he hadn’t covered all the material before it.

a. shocked                            b. struck                       c. stricken


19. The first thing that ______ me about Theophil North was his amazing self-confidence.

a. struck                                b. beat                           c. hit


20. These ______ lands are able to produce good crops.

a. young                                b. wealthy                    c. fertile



Exercise 117.

Choose the correct variant.


1. The country has ______ supply of fossil fuels.

a. an abundant                     b. a wide                      c. a high


2. The new regulations adopted by the Government recently are aimed at ______ pollution and minimizing waste.

a. heading                             b. leading                     c. controlling


3. She was in the back ______ of the car when the accident happened.

a. sit                                      b. seat                           c. chair


4. The Green Party won four ______ in the new parliament.

a. sits                                     b. seats                          c. places


5. The new stadium will ______ up to 80 000 people.

a. include                              b. comprise                  c. seat


6. Car taxes will now ______ according to the amount of carbon dioxide a particular car emits.

a. differ                                 b. vary                          c. change


7. After the hurricane the Government were seeking financial support from ______ sources.

a. differential                        b. various                     c. changeable


8. In some cases a diet ______ protein is recommended to sportsmen.

a. rich of                               b. rich with                  c. rich in


9. Congress agreed to ______ the National Patriot Act, which limited civil rights and guarantees.

a. enact                                  b. follow                      c. obey


10. Britain spends more ______ on defence than many other European countries.

a. per person                         b. per citizen                c. per capita


11. My father has always ______ good health and he still does sports.

a. tried                                   b. experienced             c. enjoyed


12. A column of thick black smoke could be seen ______ from the town television tower.

a. rising                                 b. raising                      c. arising


13. Bad weather has so far hampered attempts to ______ the vessel.

a. rise                                      b. raise                          c. arise


14. Emma ______ on her back enjoying the sunshine.

a. laid                                    b. lain                           c. lay


15. During the Great Patriotic War many young men ______ about their age to get into the Army.

a. lay                                     b. laid                           c. lied


16. He had taken off his coat and ______ it across the arm of the chair.

a. lay                                      b. laid                           c. lied


17. Bruce is very _____ you in a lot of ways.

a. like                                    b. as                              c. alike


18. Rubens was regarded ______ the greatest artist of his time.

a. like                                    b. as                              c. to be like


19. The airport in Larnaca was full of anxious relatives ______ nervously ______ news of the missing plane.

a. expecting… for                b. waiting… ---           c. waiting… for


20. Investors ______ that the rate of inflation will rise.

a. expect                                b. hope                         c. wait for



Unit 8



Modal Verbs


Exercise 118.

Choose the correct variant.


1. He is very fit for his age. He ______ run really fast.

a. could                                  b. can                  c. was able to


2. He ______ climb up to the top: he was too scared.

a. couldn’t                            b. can’t                c. was able to


3. I love ______ spend.

a. being able to                    b. to can                       c. was able to


4. You ______ buy any tourist equipment in this sport shop.

a. can                                     b. are able to               c. could


5. I would like ______ work with you one day.

a. can                            `        b. to be able to            c. will be able to


6. I think you should go to Mumbai in spring, it ______ crowded there in summer.

 a. could be                            b. is able to be             c. can be


7. Do you know where Nick’s glasses are? He ______ see very much without them.

a. couldn’t                            b. can’t                         c. isn’t able to


8. The sea ______ quite warm in October.

a. is able to be                      b. could be                   c. can be


9. Nelly’s phone got broken, but fortunately we ______ get a message from her.

a. could                                 b. were able to            c. couldn’t


10. I ______ sleep very well for the last four nights. It has been too hot.

a. haven’t been able to         b. can’t                         c. couldn’t


11. My friend said that he ______ work much faster since he got that new computer.

a. was able to                       b. could                        c. had been able to


12. ______ read text books in Dutch when you have finished the course?

a. Will you be able to          b. Could you      c. Are you able to


13. Ian gave me a lift home so I ______ stay at the party till late.

a. was able to                       b. could               c. can


14. I ______ ride this bike soon, I just need more time to practise.

a. am able to                         b. could                        c. will be able to


15. ______ do me a favour and fetch this book from the library?

a. could you                b. will you be able to           c. are you able to


16. ______ I ask you how old you are?

a. may                                    b. can                                     c. could


17. Visitors ______    stay in the hospital after 10 p.m.

a. aren’t able to                    b. may not                   c. are able to


18. She ______ angry if you do it.

a. might be                   b. could be         c. will be able to be


19. The children behaved well and ______ watch TV longer than usual.

a. were allowed to      b. might                        c. can


20. “If you do your homework well you ______ go to the cinema,”  mother said.

a. might                        b. could              c. will be allowed to



Exercise 119.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Little Sam asked if he ______ have one of those sandwiches.

a. might                                 b. can                            c. was able to


2. Guests ______ wear casual dress at this informal reception.

a. may                                    b. can’t                         c. are able to


3. The main actor has fallen ill and the show ______ cancelled.

a. might be                            b. could be                   c. was able to be


4. Exceeding the stated dose of this medicine ______ cause drowsiness.

a. is able to                           b. could                        c. may


5. This butterfly ______     recognized by the orange streaks on its wings.

a. may be                              b. can be                       c. could be


6. With the factory closing next month, quite a number of people ______ lose their jobs.

a. can                                     b. will be able to         c. could


7. It ______ true.

a. can’t be                             b. may not                    c. is not able to be


8. I thought you were on holiday, but I ______ wrong, of course.

a. can be                               b. might be                   c. was able to be


9. She ______ sleeping now. It’s almost noon.

a. can’t be                             b. may not be               c. isn’t able to be


10. There ______ be any milk left. I used the last carton yesterday.

a. can’t                                  b. can’t be able to       c. might not



Exercise 120.

Choose the correct variant.


1. You ______ go and see this film: it’s fantastic!

a. must                          b. can                            c. may


2. Passengers ______ fasten their seat belts.

a. can                            b. may                          c. must


3. In England children ______ wear school uniform at all times when they are in school.

a. must                          b. may                          c. can


4. He is a very cruel man. You really ______ try to forget him.

a. can                            b. must                         c. have to


5. You ______ come and stay with us sometime. We’ll be glad to see you. (Casual invitation)

a. could                        b. will be able to         c. must


6. I ______ get the bus to go to work every day.

a. have to                     b. must                         c. can


7. You ______ smoke at a gas station. It is dangerous!

a. can’t                         b. don’t have to           c. mustn’t


8. We ______ leave at eleven o’clock last night because the last bus went at 11:30.

a. had to                       b. must                         c. might


9. We have been staying at a hotel for the last two weeks, so we ______ cook our own meals.

a. mustn’t                    b. can’t                         c. haven’t had to


10. You ______ tell the boss what happened. He would never forgive us.

a. mustn’t                     b. can’t                         c. don’t have to


11. You ______ go to Ajanta, a new Indian restaurant downtown. It’s the best restaurant I have ever been to.

a. have to                     b. will be able to         c. must


12. Paul ______ get up early in the morning, while everyone in this house does.

a. can’t                         b. mustn’t                     c. doesn’t have to


13. Employees ______ follow the safety regulations.

a. may                           b. can                            c. must


14. If you fail any exam in June you ______ have it in September.

a. could                        b. may                          c. will have to


15. ______ do military service in your country when you were young?

a. did you have to       b. must you                  c. can you


16. The teacher told us that we ______ harder to do well at the exam.

a. may work                b. must work               c. must have worked


17. We ______ come back by boat because the airport was closed by fog.

a. had to                       b. must have                c. must


18. We have received a confirmation that the goods ______ arrive on Monday.

a. must                         b. are to                        c. can


19. Elisa Doolittle was worried what ______ become of her?

a. had to                       b. must                         c. was to


20. The wedding will take place at St. Andrew’s Church on Saturday. And there ______ a reception after the wedding ceremony.

a. must be                    b. is to be                     c. have to be



Exercise 121.

Choose the correct variant.


1. You ______ eat and drink in the lecture halls: it’s against the College regulations.

a. needn’t                     b. mustn’t                     c. don’t have to


2. Please don’t say anything else. I already know the truth   so you ______ lie to me.

a. may not                    b. needn’t                     c. can’t


3. You ______ put anything on the shelves until the glue has set hard.

a. mustn’t                    b. needn’t                     c. are not able to


4. Must we complete this job today? – No, you ______ , you can continue to do it tomorrow.

a. needn’t                     b. mustn’t                     c. can’t


5. You ______ a club member to use this tennis court.

a. mustn’t be              b. don’t have to be      c. can’t be


6. Newspapers ______ mislead the public by distorted information.

a. can’t                         b. needn’t                     c. mustn’t


7. You ______ drink alcohol when you go into a pub.

a. don’t have to           b. mustn’t                     c. needn’t


8. Jenison ______ come with us if she doesn’t want to.

a. needn’t                     b. mustn’t                     c. needs not to


9. Hannah has agreed to organize the party so she said that the rest of us ______ do anything.

a. mustn’t                    b. don’t have to           c. needn’t


10. Now that the smallpox has been eradicated, doctors ______ vaccinate against it.

a. don’t have to           b. needn’t                     c. mustn’t


11. You ______ go to the supermarket. I went shopping yesterday.

a. may not                    b. needn’t                     c. mustn’t


12. ______ you shout so? I’m right next to you.

a. need                          b. must                         c. can


13. I believe people ______ vote at elections.

a. have to                     b. need                          c. must


14. ______ pay to visit museums in Britain?

a. do you have to        b. must you                  c. do you need


15. I ______ an interview. They gladly accepted me without one.

 a. didn’t have to have         b. needn’t have had    c. mustn’t have


16. Judith felt much better by the weekend, so we ______ her shopping for her.

a. didn’t have to do     b. needn’t have done           c. mustn’t do


17. Service was included in the bill, so you ______ the waiter. It was a waste of money.

a. needn’t have tipped                   b. didn’t have to tip

c. mustn’t have tipped


18. You ______ a coat. Look what a lovely day it is!

a. needn’t have brought                b. didn’t have to bring

c. couldn’t have brought


19. Laura ______ . After driving at top speed she arrived half an hour early.

a. needn’t have hurried                 b. needn’t hurry

c. didn’t have to hurry


20. You ______ tell Schumacher what happened to his car. He would never forgive us.

a. needn’t to                                   b. mustn’t                     c. needn’t



Exercise 122.

Choose the correct variant.


1. We ______ go home at twelve because my mother wants the car back.

a. have to                              b. should                      c. can


2. I think you ______ tell your parents you are going to be late. They’ll be worried.

a. can                                     b. should                      c. have to


3. You ______ never do it again! It is very dangerous.

a. must                                  b. should                      c. have to


4. The manager suggested that we ______ try to find another hotel.

a. may                                   b. must                         c. should


5. Do you think I ______ tell my parents what happened? My father will be furious.

a. have to                              b. need                          c. should


6. They have just rung the school-bell, so the children ______ out of their classrooms in a minute.

a. can                                     b. should be                 c. will have to be


7. I’ve got a stomach-ache this morning. Seemingly I ______ too much of Indian food last night.

a. might have eaten                       b. should have eaten  

c. didn’t have to eat


8. Everything is going to be all right. If I were you I ______ stop worrying about it.

a. must                                   b. should                      c. would have to


9. I don’t think you ______ offer him your help.

a. will need                           b. have to                     c. should


10. Hurry up, Jennifer! You ______ be having a bath now. The taxi is coming in 20 minutes.

a. can’t                                  b. mustn’t                    c. shouldn’t


11. We found the house very quickly. We ______ very hard.

a. didn’t have to look           b. shouldn’t have looked

c. needn’t have looked


12. While I was in the shop, the police took my car away and I ______ over USD 1000 to get it back.

a. had to pay                         b. should   pay            c. must pay


13. You _____ your sister before you took her car. Now she is annoyed.

a. must have asked               b. should have asked           c. had to ask


14. Children ______ respect their parents and elderly people.

a. ought to                            b. have to                     c. can


15. Why are you drinking coffee in the lounge? You ______ be working now!

a. ought to                            b. need to                     c. have to


16. Larry ______ his mother’s permission before he invited his friends to the villa. She felt hurt.

a. must have asked               b. should have asked 

c. needn’t have asked


17. They ______ to stay at a hotel. Why didn’t they stay with us? We have plenty of room in the house.

a. didn’t have to pay            b. shouldn’t have paid

c. needn’t have paid


18. It’s your own fault that you are so tired, you ______ to bed so late.

a. shouldn’t have gone         b. needn’t have gone  c. mustn’t go


19. You ______ allow David to walk home from school every day on his own. He’s far too young.

a. shouldn’t                          b. needn’t                    c. don’t have to


20. Bartholomew _______ his girlfriend in such a ruthless way. Now she feels hurt and is unlikely to come back to him.

a. needn’t have treated                  b. shouldn’t have treated

c. didn’t have to treat



Exercise 123.

Choose the correct variant.


1. ______ I borrow you pen, please? –Yes, of course, why not?

a. may                                   b. must                         c. shall


2. Do you think I ______ leave my bag here? –Yes, certainly, it’s safe enough.

a. need to                     b. will                           c. could

3. ______ you kindly open the door for me, please.

a. may                           b. shall                          c. could


4. ______ we go out for a meal tonight? –Yes, dining out someplace would be great.

a. must                          b. shall                          c. are


5. I’m very busy at the moment. ______ you answer the phone for me, please?

a. will                           b. must                         c. need


6. I don’t feel like cooking tonight. ______ we buy a take-away meal or order a pizza?

a. must                          b. shall                          c. need


7. The door ______ open. It has got stuck.

a. needn’t                     b. mustn’t           c. won’t


8. My bag is too heavy. ______ you help me to carry it?

a. must                          b. may                 c. will


9. – Alice, why were you so late yesterday?

– Darling, my car______ start and I had to go home by bus.

a. won’t                        b. wouldn’t                  c. mustn’t


10. – ______ we invite the Greggs to the party?

– Why not? They will keep us good company.

a. shall                         b. will                           c. must



Review Test 124.

Choose the most appropriate modal verb or its equivalent from the list below.



By the time you get this letter I expect you will have been in Calcutta for a week or so. You ______ (1) settle in a bit and get used to the place. It ______ (2) have been an exhausting journey. It ______ (3) have been much fun flying non-stop for nearly twenty four hours. I ______ (4) say I admire your decision to go and work in Calcutta. I know the poverty is depressing but the job at least ______ (5) be quite worthwhile. I suppose your boss ______ (6) have sent you somewhere where there was war and famine so it ______ (7) have been worse. And it really ______ (8) be a fascinating culture to explore – it ______ (9) be more different from living in Manchester, I bet. I wonder if you ______ (10) do me a favour?  I’ve always wanted a genuine Indian sari - and it ______ (11) be really easy to get hold of a good one there. I ______ (12) you the money before you left, but I’ll put it in your bank account if you like. I ______ (13) send you a cheque if you prefer but ______ (14) cash it there?

That’s all for now.



1. a. will be able to              b. will have been able to     c. can

2. a. must                              b. can                           c. should

3. a. mustn’t                          b. don’t have to           c. can’t

4. a. must                              b. am able to               c. am to

5. a. need                              b. should                      c. could

6. a. might                             b. must                         c. had to

7. a. should                           b. could                        c. needn’t

8. a. must                              b. can’t                         c. shouldn’t

9. a. couldn’t                        b. needn’t                    c. shouldn’t

10. a. must                            b. have to                     c. could

11. a. has to                          b. must                         c. needn’t

12. a. needn’t have given    b. should have given

c. didn’t have to give

13. a. could                           b. must                         c. am to

14. a. will you be able to     b. must you                 c. do you have to






Review Test 125.

Fill in the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets.



Back in the 1940s scientist told us we would soon be able ______ (1 – see) the person we were talking to on the phone. People could hardly ______ (2 – believe) it then.

Now, fifty years later, the AT&T company in New York has demonstrated its VideoPhone which will revolutionise communication around the world.

You will be able ______ (3 – buy) one this spring for £ 800, but the price ought ______ (4 – drop) if they become popular.

But if you feel you have ______ (5 – rush out) and buy one – just wait! There are one or two things I must ______ (6 – warn) you about. Firstly, you should ______ (7 – think) very carefully before answering a VideoPhone.



Review Test 126.

Decide which modals make sense and are suitable in each context (the answer may be one or both).


“______ (1 – may/can) you help us? We ______ (2 – will/would) like a house with a large garden. It ______ (3 – mustn’t/needn’t) be in the village, but it (4 – has to/must) be on a bus route. It ______ (5 – may/must) have separate sitting and dining rooms, and it ______ (6 – mustn’t/shouldn’t) cost more than £ 100,000.”


“Let’s see. We have three that ______ (7 – can/might) be suitable. ______ (8 – would/should) you like to go and see them now?”


They didn’t like the first one they looked at:


“It’s too far from the village. You ______ (9 – couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to) walk to the station in less than half an hour. You ______ (10 – must/would have to) drive there and pay for the car park every day.”

“The house isn’t in very good condition. It ______ (11 – must/would have to) be redecorated. It ______ (12 – can’t/must) have been neglected.”


The second, however, was much better:


“The agent said it’s a hundred years old, but it ______ (13 – must/can’t) have been modernised recently. The people who lived here ______ (14 – must/can’t) have been very keen on gardening, though – the garden is a mess!”

“Yes, we ______ (15 – would have to/ought to) work hard to make the garden look nice, but on the other hand we ______ (16 – could/would be able to) move into the house without redecorating.”


They also liked the third one:


“I like it, but they ______ (17 – mustn’t/shouldn’t) have painted the walls pink. They ______ (18 – must/might) have liked pink very much!”

“It’s a nice house, but I agree we ______ (19 – shall/would have to) change the colour of the walls. I ______ (20 – couldn’t/can’t) decide which house I like more. We ______ (21 – will have to/must) ask the children what they think.”



Review Test 127.

Have a look at these mistakes by foreign students, and explain to them what is wrong (using the modals in brackets).


A. “When I must to come?” (must/should/can’t)

You ______ (1) use to after must, and in questions the modal ______ (2) go before the subject. You ______ (3) have said: “______ (4 )?”


B. “Yesterday I must go to the dentist.” (can/can’t/had to/should)

Must ______ (1) be used with a past time adverbial. It ______ (2) only refer to the present or future. What you ______ (3) have said was: “______” (4).


C. “Now I am on holiday. I am happy because I mustn’t go to school!” (needn’t/shouldn’t/should/would)

You ______ (1) have used mustn’t here. People ______ (2) think that you meant “I’m not allowed to go to school.” If you mean “It’s not necessary”, you ______ (3) say: “I ______ (4) go to school.”


D. “It’s getting cloudy. It can rain later, perhaps.” (can/can’t/ought to/may)

What you ______ (1) have said, instead of can, is ______ (2). If you are talking of the possibility that a specific event will happen in the future, you ______ (3) use can. You ______ (4) only use can for general events that happen from time to time.


E. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Parker, I do it for you!” (can/can’t/’ll/should)

When you offer or promise to do something, you ______ (1) use the Present Simple, although you ______ (2) in some other languages. “I do it for you” ______ (3) only mean “I always do it for you.” You ______ (4) have said:” Don’t worry, Mrs. Parker, I ______ (5).”



Tense Revision


Exercise 128.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.



For almost two thousand years the symbols and inscriptions which ______ (1) onto the great monuments of ancient Egypt ______ (2) a complete mystery. They were obviously a kind of writing, but nobody ______ (3) what ______ (4). Then, in 1799, a strange stone ______ (5) in the small Egyptian town of Rosetta. It ______ (6) three types of writing cut into its surface. One of the languages ______ (7) Greek, but the other two were unknown. A year later the stone ______ (8) and ______ (9) to the British Museum in London.

For twenty years the stone ______ (10) gathering dust in the museum. Then in 1822 a French scientist named Jean Francois Champollion ______ (11) to look at the stone. He immediately ______ (12) that some of the symbols ______ (13) those he ______ (14) on monuments in Egypt. By comparing the Greek words with the Egyptian symbols he ______ (15) to work out their meaning. The Egyptian symbols were hieroglyphs, in which sounds and meanings ______ (16) by a type of writing. Once the puzzle of their written language ______ (17) it became possible for the inscriptions on all the great monuments to ______ (18). Thus the mysteries of Egypt’s fabulous history and culture ______ (19).


1. a. carved                  b. had been carved               c. had carved

2. a. had been              b. were being                        c. were

3. a. knew                    b. had known                        c. didn’t know

4. a. did they mean      b. they had meant                 c. they meant

5. a. discovered           b. was discovered       c. had been discovered

6. a. had                       b. has had                              c. was having

7. a. had been              b. was                                     c. were

8. a. captured               b. had been captured            c. was captured

9. a. moved                  b. had been moved               c. was moved

10. a. lay                      b. laid                                     c. lied

11. a. asked                  b. was asked                          c. was asking

12. a. recognized         b. had recognized                 c. was recognizing

13. a. were matching  b. matched                             c. were matched

14. a. saw                     b. was seen                            c. had seen

15. a. was able             b. could                                 c. had been able

16. a. are represented  b. were represented     c. had been represented

17. a. was solved        b. had been solved               c. had solved

18. a. be deciphered    b. have been deciphered      c. was deciphered

19. a. finally were unlocked         b. were finally unlocked

c. will be finally unlocked



Exercise 129.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.


Farmers, as we all ______ (1), ______ (2) a hard time of it in Britain lately, and ______ (3) to new ways of earning income from their land. This ______ (4) not only planting new kinds of crops, but some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you ______ (5) me correctly! A farmer in the West of England now ______ (6) sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100 000 people ______ (7) to watch the holiday. “I ______ (8) the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,” one punter told me, “and I ______ (9) I would have a look. I ______(10) it was serious, to tell you the truth.” According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. “At proper horse races everyone ______ (11) the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favourites. But nobody ______ (12) anything about these sheep! Most people ______(13) it difficult to tell one from another in any case.” I ______ (14) to watch the races, and I must admit that I ______ (15) it quite exciting. In a typical race, half a dozen sheep ______ (16) downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food ______ (17) for them at the other end of the track, I ought to add! The sheep ______ (18) surprisingly fast, although presumably they ______ (19) for a while just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around me ______ (20) their day out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.


1.a. have known                   b. know                        c. knew

2.a. have been having          b. had                           c. have      

3.a. have been turning         b. turned                       c. turn

4.a. has involved                  b. is involving             c. involves

5.a. are hearing                     b. heard               c. have been hearing

6.a. holds                              b. helds                         c. is holding

7.a. has turned up                 b. have turned up        c. are turning up

8.a. had been passing           b. passed                      c. was passing

9.a. thought                           b. was thinking           c. had thought

10.a. wasn’t believing          b. didn’t believe          c. hadn’t believed

11.a. has already studied     b. have already studied  c. already studied

12.a. had heard                     b. have heard               c. has heard

13.a. find                              b. are finding               c. founded

14.a. would stay                   b. stayed                       c. was staying

15.a. was finding                  b. found                       c. would find

16.a. race                               b. are going to race     c. races

17.a. are waiting                   b. has waited                c. is waiting

18.a. run                                b. have run                   c. has run

19.a. haven’t eaten               b. didn’t eat                 c. were not eating

20.a. were obviously enjoying              b. obviously were enjoying

c. have been obviously enjoying



Exercise 130.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.



Are you one of those people who ______ (1) exactly what they ______ (2) every day next week? When the different days ______ (3), will you get out your diary, or are you the kind of person who ______(4)? Some people ______ (5) the appointments in a diary, but others just hope that they ______(6). For example, tonight I ______ (7) to the cinema, but perhaps I ______ (8) all about it. You see, I ______ (9) a diary. I try not to forget my appointments, but I ______ (10) that I usually do. I just don’t like planning my future. I know that one day I ______ (11) a serious mistake. I ______ (12) an important examination, or by the time I ______ (13) it and ______ (14) there, it ______ (15). Perhaps that will be when I ______ (16) a diary.

1. a. know                    b. knows                      c. has known

2. a. do                         b. have done                c. will be doing

3. a. arrive                   b. will arrive                c. will be arriving

4. a. is just guessing    b. will just guess         c. have just guessed

5. a. are writing           b. write                         c. will be writing

6. a. will remember     b. are remembering     c. remembered

7. a. went                     b. am going                  c. go

8. a. will forget            b. am forgetting           c. am going to forget

9. a. never keep           b. am never keeping   c. never kept

10. a. am knowing      b. knew                        c. know

11. a. will be making  b. am going to make   c. have made

12. a. will miss            b. will have missed     c. am missing

13. a. will remember b. will have remembered     c. remember

14. a. will get               b. will have got           c. get

15. a. has finished       b. will be finished       c. will have finished

16. a. finally buy         b. will finally buy       c. am finally buying



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 131.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Many schools don’t ______ the Internet.

a. make advantage of           b. take advantage of  

c. possess advantage in


2. The publicity has ______ Jim Morrison’s reputation.

a. raised                                  b. increased                  c. enhanced


3. A line of US tanks slowly ______ .

a. ran                                     b. moved out               c. advanced


4. Bertha eventually ______ her goal of becoming a professor of mathematics.

a. reached                             b. obtained                   c. achieved


5. Quite a number of countries refuse ______ Kosovo’s independence.

a. to know                             b. to accept                   c. to recognize


6. There is some ______ that the economy in Nicaragua is improving.

a. recognition                       b. evidence                   c. facts


7. Climate change could have disastrous _____ for the humanity.

a. consequences                    b. conditions                c. results


8. Many people expressed ______ over moves to restore the death penalty.

a. attention                            b. attitude                    c. concern


9. As far as spelling ______ Ronald has never been a strong student.

a. is concerned                     b. concerns                   c. is taken


10. Jerry sent the application form too late and missed the opportunity _____ to Great Britain to study in Sandhurst summer language school.

a. to go                                  b. of going                   c. for going


11. Good writing still has a place in contemporary ______ .

a. circle                                  b. crowd                       c. society


12. Mr. Parker ______ a monthly budget of over £ 7 million for covert operations.

a. is responsible about         b. is responsible for    c. is reliable on


13. The pagan tribes were easily _____ by the Persian armies.

a. conquered                         b. won                          c. gained


14. Thomas Hardy wrote poetry as well as ______ .

a. literature                           b. fiction                      c. books


15. Many teenagers are fond of ______ because it often describes space travel and life on other planets.

a. scientific fiction               b. science literature     c. science fiction


16. Jules Verne’s novels are exciting and full of ______ .

a. science fiction                  b. adventures               c. experience


17. The exact origin of the universe remains ______ .

a. a mystery                          b. a joke                       c. fiction


18. In the USA there are a lot of illegal ______ from Mexico entering the country.

a. people                               b. aliens                        c. alien beings


19. You should take into consideration the potential ______ of the deal with Microsoft Computers Inc. for our company.

a. gains                                  b. proceeds                   c. benefits


20. The relationship between the companies was ______ .

a. mutually benefited           b. mutually beneficial         

c. both beneficial



Exercise 132.

Choose the correct variant.


1. If we ______ inflation ______ , we actually spend less now.

a. make… an account b. take… for account

c. take… into account


2. Home visits by staff are an _____ of the service.

a. integral part             b. integral share           c. integration part


3. There is nothing ______ this dress, but if you don’t like the way it fits you, take it back to the shop.

a. wrongly with           b. wrong with              c. wrong about


4. Some aliens in Ireland have been ______ for months.

a. out of the work        b. away from work     c. out of work


5. The results of this work were ______ excellent but still better than last year.

a. by no means             b. by all means            c. at no means


6. We were ______ when the telephone rang.

a. on the point of leaving              b. at the point of leaving

c. on the point to leave


7. Samantha Kelly kept walking ______ the hallway all night long thinking over the situation.

a. about and down      b. along and up           c. up and down


8. Our dependence ______ oil as a source of energy is absolutely enormous.

a. of                              b. on                             c. from


9. The relationship in our family is ______ mutual respect.

a. formed on                b. founded from          c. based on


10. Travellers to Africa are being ______ the danger of various exotic infections.

a. threatened of           b. warned from            c. warned about


11. Protesters in Kathmandu threw stones at the police, who ______ rubber bullets.

a. answered to             b. reacted to                 c. responded with


12. The Army officers expect their troops to ______ without questions.

a. listen them               b. obey them                c. obey to them


13. A tartan is ______ of colourful lines and squares on cloth that is typical of Scotland.

a. a picture                   b. a pattern                   c. a drawing


14. The exam system at this University ______ on the one used in Great Britain.

a. is patterned              b. is designed               c. is found


15. Eleanor felt her fellow workers had ______ unfairly, and she complained to her boss.

a. behaved with her    b. treated to her           c. treated her


16. The injured were taken to Cape Cod hospital for ______ for burns and smoke inhalation.

a. treatment                  b. care                           c. healing


17. Very often close people end their informal letters with the words: Yours ______ .

a. faithfully                 b. sincerely                  c. affectionately


18. It never ______ my mind that Liza might be lying.

a. came across             b. crossed over            c. crossed


19. Do you ______ my bringing the children to the  party?

a. mind                         b. object                       c. care


20. By now Dr. Barnard’s fame had spread far ______ South Africa.

a. over                          b. beside                       c. beyond



Exercise 133.

Choose the correct variant.


1. When the old woman ______ the top of the stairs her heart was pounding.

a. achieved                  b. reached                     c. reached to


2. The Rubens Hotel in Amsterdam is ______ of the town centre.

a. within easy reach    b. about close reach            

c. within a short distance


3. Medicine must be kept ______ of children.

a. out of reach             b. away from reach     c. out of the distance


4. You don’t have to go to his office, you can ______ Mr. Niranjan by telephone.

a. achieve                     b. obtain                       c. reach


5. Such achievements are ______ now.

a. beyond reach  b. beyond the reach    c. above the reach


6. The Republic of Tunisia ______ independence from France in 1957.

a. achieved                   b. reached                     c. approached


7. It is not so easy for actors to ______ fame and fortune in Hollywood.

a. reach                         b. succeed in                c. achieve


8. A spokesman ______ that the company had acted irresponsibly.

a. refused                     b. denied                      c. gave up


9. Arnold’s wife finally persuaded him to ______ cigars.

a. give up smoking     b. give up to smoke    c. refuse smoking


10. Though Rayon was always busy he didn’t ______ the pleasure of going to the theatre from time to time.

a. refuse                        b. give up                     c. deny


11. Grimes absolutely ______ to take part in anything illegal.

a. denied                      b. refused                     c. gave up


12. Mother refused ______ back to hospital.

a. to go                         b. from going               c. going


13. Having spent 17 days in the open sea after the shipwreck, the crew of the “Medusa” still didn’t ______ hope of being saved.

a. refuse                        b. give up                     c. reject


14. After crossing the field in the rain the travellers were covered in mud ______ .

a. from the head to the foot          b. from head to foot

c. from head to feet


15. During the game it is important to keep your ______ the ball at all times.

a. eyes on                    b. eye on                      c. wits on


16. The parents noticed that their son had ______ for music.

a. a good eye               b. a good head             c. an ear


17. The family enjoyed spending their holidays in a small picturesque pueblo ______ of the Manzanares river.

a. on the top                b. at the foot                c. in the mouth


18. Many women ______ a dilemma how to combine a career and children.

a. face with                  b. face                           c. eye


19. A group of people who have the power to create new laws is called a ______ .

a. legislation body      b. legislative body      c. legislative corps


20. Priscilla decided that Tom would marry her only when he stood on his ______ .

a. own legs                   b. own feet                   c. legs



Unit 9


The Infinitive


Exercise 134.

Choose the correct word.


1. ______ the top of the Jungfrau Mountain was the climbers’ aim.

a. to reach                    b. reach


2. It is difficult ______  friendship.

a. to keep up               b. keeping up


3. All you have to do is ______ us about the results of the experiment in time.

a. to inform                          b. informing


4. The first thing the students must do at the beginning of the academic year is ______ all the necessary books and manuals from the library.

a. to take                               b. taking


5. Dave took a year out ______ the world and ______ his experience in life.

a. to see… broaden              b. for seeing… broadening


6. Gregory decided to get the second higher education ______ his professional skills in economics.

a. to improve                         b. for improving


7. It isn’t necessary ______ rich to be happy.

a. to being                             b. to be


8. One should eat ______ , not live ______ .

(Moliere/Jean-Batiste Poquelin)

a. to live… to eat                  b. living… eating


9. The best thing is ______ natural but it takes make-up to look natural.

(Calvin Klein)

a. to look                               b. looking


10. You aren’t fit enough ______ the Army.

a. to join                               b. for joining


11. This girl is too clever ______ .

a. to take in                           b. to be taken in


12. I was surprised ______ that Amanda was going to marry Bob.

a. to learn                              b. about learning


13. They didn’t publish the news ______ frighten the public.

a. so as not to                       b. that not to


14. Eugene was not disappointed, he had never really expected ______ the test.

a. to pass                               b. passing


15. Please don’t hesitate ______ us if you have any problems.

a. to call                                b. in calling


16. He was anxious ______ late.

a. not to arrive                      b. of not arriving


17. I’m not permitted ______ you an answer right now, at this stage of investigation.

a. to give                               b. to be given


18. In order ______ the criminals the government closed the borders. 

a. to catch                             b. of catching


19. The sales team aims ______ its target by at least five per cent this year.             

a. to exceed                           b. for exceeding


20. Ned is not pleased ______ such simple work every time. He knows he can do more.

a. to be given                       b. to give



Exercise 135.

Choose the correct word.


1. He claims ______ her brother but I think he is lying.

a. to be                                  b. being


2. The doctor advised me ______ in bed, but it is just so boring.

a. to stay                               b. to be staying


3. The teacher threatened ______ their behaviour to the principal.

a. to report                            b. them to report


4. We waited ______ before saying goodbye to Jennifer.

a. for the train to leave         b. the train to leave


5. They arranged for Jane ______ in London at the International Summer School.

a. to stay                                b. stayed


6. Tom longed for his plan ______ by the Executive Board, which might result in his promotion.

a. to accept                            b. to be accepted


7. You can watch the film if you promise ______ straight afterwards.

a. to go to bed                      b. going to bed


8. The youngest person ______ the programme was just fourteen.

a. to enter                              b. entered


9. The window seat on the train is usually the first ______ taken.

a. to be                                   b. is


10. Linda was the only one ______ for the whole performance.

a. to stay                                b. stayed


11. That was the very first programme ______ on the new channel.

a. to be shown                      b. to show


12. We didn’t want to be the last ones ______ the reading room.

a. to leave                              b. to be left


13. It’s a shame ______ to the exhibition of the works by Toulouse-Lautrec.

a. not to go                            b. not go


14. This is the report ______ in tomorrow.

a. to be handed                     b. to hand


15. We have nothing ______ on the subject. Let’s call it a day.

a. to discuss                           b. to be discussed


16. Don’t disturb me, I’ve got a report ______ this evening.

a. to write                              b. to be written


17. After seeing the disgusting behaviour of his friend, Robert  had little desire ______ him again.

a. to meet                              b. of meeting


18. When we came to Wembley Stadium there was no vacant place ______ .

a. to sit                                  b. to be sat


19. I can’t go to the reception. I have nothing ______ appropriate for the occasion.

a. to wear                              b. for wearing


20. Tomas Wolf is hard ______ in the original. Instead of “Look Homeward, Angel” you should start with some adapted short stories.

a. to read                                b. to be read



The Infinitive with and without to


Exercise 136.

Choose the correct word.

1. It would be wonderful ______ around the world with friends.

a. to travel                            b. travel


2. The City Council have invited the Prime Minister ______ the new building of the Trade Centre.

a. to open                              b. open


3. It’s really cold today, the children had better ______ at home.

a. stay                                    b. to stay


4. That programme was funny. It really made me ______ a lot.

a. laugh                                  b. to laugh


5. Bartholomew was made ______ his suitcase at the Customs, then they searched him thoroughly.

a. to open                              b. open


6. I’m starving! I must have something ______ .

a. to eat                                  b. eat


7. The child’s hands are dirty. He really must ______ them before he gets his candy.

a. wash                                   b. to wash


8. As soon as I have got all the information I need, I’ll let you ______ .

a. know                                  b. to know


9. I would rather ______ to the ballet than to a baseball game.

a. go                                       b. to go


10. Please, hurry up! It would be silly ______ our train.

a. to miss                               b. miss


11. Poor Benjamin has caught a cold. It’s better for him ______ in bed.

a. to stay                               b. stay


12. My back is hurting again. I think I’d better ______ a doctor or a chiropractor.

a. see                                      b. to see



13. People miles away heard the bomb ______ .

a. to explode                         b. explode


14. The witnesses claimed that they had seen the car ______ into the wall.

a. crash                                 b. to crash


15. Very often children are not allowed ______ chocolate.

a. eat                                      b. to eat


16. Why not ______ for a stroll after hard work?

a. go                                       b. to go


17. Why ______ people when we can do it ourselves?

a. disturb                               b. to disturb


18. My parents refused ______ me ______ out until I had finished doing my homework.

a. to let… go                         b. let… to go


19. I’m not sure I can afford ______ to the party tonight.

a. to go                                   b. go


20. We expect Tommy ______ on us on Sunday.

a. to call                                 b. call



Review Test 137.

Put in the infinitive of the verbs. Decide whether or not you need to.


A: Are you sure you’ll (1 – be) all right on your own?


B: Yes, of course. I can manage (2 – look) after myself.

I’m pleased Kate invited you (3 – stay).


A: We’re going (4 – have) some fun, I just know it.


B: It’s a long journey. Let me (5 – buy) you a magazine (6 – read).

A: Not when I’m travelling. You know it makes me (7 – feel) sick, even in a train. I’d rather just (8 – look) out of the window.


B: OK. Well, you’d better (9 – get) in. I think it’s about (10 – leave). Oh, did I remind you (11 – change) at Birmingham?


A: Yes, you did. I won’t (12 – forget).



Review Test 138.

Write a reply to the letter from an old school friend using the words in brackets.


Dear Lisa,


(1 – I/very pleased/receive) your letter which arrived yesterday. (2 – it/marvellous/hear) from you after such a long time. (3 – how silly/you/think) that I had forgotten you! (4 – it/very generous/you/invite me) to come and stay with you. I’d really like to do that next time I’m in Scotland. (5 – I/sorry/read) that you had not been invited to Cora and Steve’s wedding. (6 – how selfish/them/not/invite you) especially after all you’ve done for them!



Review Test 139.

Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive.



When Mr. Sam Quirky installed a huge plastic flying elk, about 8 meters tall, on the roof of his house, he said he was free ______ (1 – do) what he liked on his own property.

However, the local council have other ideas. “Although we are always eager ______ (2 – support) genuine modern art, local laws forbid this kind of installation,” said a spokesperson.

The first person______ (3 – notice) the elk was a neighbour, Mrs. Menendez, who told me: “I was quite surprised at first, but now I’m quite happy ______ (4 – see) it there. It makes the view from my window more interesting.”

The last thing Mr. Quirky told me was: “Whatever the local council says, I’m determined ______ (5 – keep) the elk on my roof.”

And a spokesperson for the Campaign for Civil Liberties said: “We are very anxious for Mr. Quirky ______ (6 – allow) to keep the elk.”

And with so many views on the subject, this reporter is reluctant ______ (7 – express) an opinion!



Review Test 140.

Complete the passage using enough or too on their own or together with the verbs in brackets.


Two young sailors are recovering in hospital today, after their boat overturned. Jason Potter, aged nine, told their story:

“We tried to turn the boat the right way, but we just weren’t strong ______ (1 – do) it. Then we tried to get to the beach, but it was ______ (2) far ______ (3 – swim). The wind blew us back and we couldn’t swim hard ______ (4). We saw another boat, and shouted for help, but they were ______ (5) far away ______ (6 – hear) us.

The children swam to the foot of the cliffs, where they were noticed by a Mr. Frank Payne. “The cliffs were much ______ (7 ) high for the kids ______ (8 – climb), so I called the lifeboat.” The lifeboat captain commented: “Children that age aren’t experienced ______ (9 – sail) in high winds. The weather conditions were much ______ (10) dangerous ______ (11 – go) outside the harbour.”



Review Test 141.

Open the brackets using an active or passive to-infinitive.


EDITOR: Peter, have you got much ______ (1 – do) today?


PETER: Yes, quite a lot. Why?


EDITOR: Well, it looks as if I’ve got a pretty full day. There are some Spanish visitors ______ (2 – show around) at 3.30. That’ll take an hour. And at eleven this morning I’ve got a new reporter ______ (3 – interview). And I’ve got two phone calls ______ (4 – make). I must speak to Luigi and Charles. And I had a pile of messages ______ (5 – deal with) even before you came in.


PETER: Well, I could show the visitors round. That would help a bit. And I see there’s the annual circulation report ______ (6 – write). I can do that, can’t I?


EDITOR: Of course you can. And then there’s the leading article ______ (7 – draft) early this afternoon. I’d better do that myself.



Review Test 142.

Open the brackets using an active or passive to-infinitive.


Why did I ever come here? It looked great in the holiday brochure, so I’ve got nobody ______ (1 – blame) but myself. But let me tell you, I’ve been here two days and I’m bored! There’s nothing ______ (2 – do), nowhere ______ (3 – go) and nobody ______ (4 – talk to). True, there are a few sights ______ (5 – see), but you can do that in your first day. One good thing I did was to bring some books with me. I’ve got two more novels ______ (6 – read). I’ll finish both tomorrow! And then there are all those postcards ______ (7 – write) to friends. It’ll give me something ______ (8 – do)!



Review Test 143.

Read the letter below. Open the brackets. Decide whether or not you need to.


Just a quick note and a few words of advice before you leave for England.

I think you should try ____ (1 – get) a nice family (2 – stay) with. Some families let their guests (3 – do) more or less what they want. But others make them (4 – do) all sorts of unpleasant things, such as housework and the washing-up. I have even heard of one family that forced a student (5 – take) the dog for a walk and (6 – look after) the children.

This is why I would advise you (7 – stay) with the Jacksons, in Wimbledon. Mrs. Jackson is a wonderful person. If you can get a room there, you needn’t (8 – worry) about anything! She’ll allow you (9 – do) almost anything you like – and she really knows how (10 – cook), as well!



Tense Revision


Exercise 144.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.



The Gulliver Sports Centre which ______ (1), was reopened yesterday by the Minister for Sport. The building ______ (2) as a market, but ______ (3) to Fairdene Council in 1981, and then (4) ______ into a sports hall. Local schools ______ (5) football and basketball indoors, and keep fit classes ______ (6) there. In 1990 the hall ______ (7) by a fire which ______ (8) in the heating system. The hall could not be used and ______ (9) empty while discussions ______ (10) about its future. It ______ (11) that the hall ______ (12), and an appeal for money ______ (13). Two years ago a local businessman offered ______ (14) for the building work, and plans ______ (15). The new hall ______ (16) a swimming pool, running track and other sports facilities which can ______ (17) by anyone in the Fairdene area. The Minister ______ (18) a speech in which she ______ (19) everyone involved.


1. a. has been completely rebuilt           b. was completely rebuilt

c. completely rebuilt

2. a. has been originally used                b. originally used

c. was originally used

3. a. sold                               b. is sold                      c. was sold

4. a. was converted              b. is converted   c. has been converted

5. a. were playing                b. played                      c. were played

6. a. were held                      b, held                          c. were holding

7. a. had been damaged        b. was damaged          c. damaged

8. a. was broke                     b. was broken             c. broke

9. a. remained                        b. was remained          c. was remaining

10. a. were continued          b. continued                c. were continuing

11. a. was then decided       b. then was decided    c. then decided

12. a. would rebuilt             b. would be rebuilt      c. rebuilt

13. a. launched                     b. had been launched  c. was launched

14. a. to pay                          b. paying                      c. pay

15. a. drew up             b. were drawn up        c. were being drawn up

16. a. is included                  b. is including             c. includes

17. a. be used                       b. used                          c. be using

18. a. made                           b. has made                  c. was made

19. a. was congratulated      b. has congratulated    c. congratulated




Exercise 145.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.


Have you ever wondered what exactly ______ (1) in ten years’ time? Well, according to computer expert Tom Vincent, computers ______ (2) to make accurate predictions about the future. Professor Vincent from Cambridge University ______ (3) a press conference next week to describe the computer which he calls “Computafuture”. “This computer can tell us what life ______ (4) like, based on data describing past events,” explains Professor Vincent. For example, Computafuture can predict how many people ______ (5) in a particular area, or whether there ______ (6) a lot of rain during a particular period. Professor Vincent also believes that by the year 2050, computers ______ (7) teachers, and ______ (8) most of the jobs now being done by the police. “Computers are becoming more intelligent all the time,” says Professor Vincent. “Soon they ______ (9) traffic and ______ (10) our children. And telling us about the future.”


1. a. will you be doing         b. you will be doing   c. you have done

2. a. soon will be able          b. soon are able  c. will soon be able

3. a. holds                             b. is holding                c. is helding

4. a. will be                           b. would be                  c. to be

5. a. live                                b. will be living           c. are living

6. a. are                                  b. was                           c. will be

7. a. will be replaced            b. will have replaced   c. will replace

8. a. also do                          b. will also be doing

c. will also have been doing

9. a. will be directing           b. will have directed   c. direct

10. a. will be teaching          b. will have taught      c. teach



Exercise 146.

Choose the most appropriate tense form.


It ______ (1) exactly when gunpowder was invented. It ______ (2) for a fact that rockets and fireworks ______ (3) by the Chinese long before gunpowder ______ (4) in Europe, which ______ (5) at about the beginning of the thirteenth century. It ______ (6) that the “Age of Chivalry” _____ (7) to an end by gunpowder, since a mounted knight ______ (8) down by anyone with a firearm. In fact, efficient firearms ______ (9) until the sixteenth century. When it ______ (10), gunpowder ______ (11) mainly in the siege cannon. Later it ______ (12) in engineering work and mining, but it ______ (13) to be extremely dangerous. Gunpowder ______ (14) by modern explosives, but it ______ (15) for making fireworks, just as it ______ (16) by the Chinese.


1. a. is not known                 b. not known               c. doesn’t know

2. a. is being known             b. is known                  c. knows

3. a. are made                        b. have been made      c. were made

4. a. would be used              b. was used                  c. used to

5. a. occurred                        b. had occurred            c. was occurred

6. a. is generally being believed  b. is generally believed

c. generally believes

7. a.  brought                        b. was brought   c. had been brought

8. a.  could be brought         b. can be brought        c. could bring

9. a. were not being developed    b. didn’t develop

c. were not developed

10. a. was first introduced            b. first introduced

c. would be first introduced

11. a. used                             b. had been used         c. was used

12. a. used to                        b. was used                  c. was used to

13. a. was found                  b. had been found       c. found

14. a. was now replaced                b. now replaced 

c. has now been replaced

15. a. still is used                  b. is still used              c. is still using

16. a. had been                      b. was been                  c. was



Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 147.

Choose the correct variant.


1. Mr. Sutcliff is known to be a respected ______ critic and art connoisseur.

a. literature                   b. literal                        c. literary


2. The Pushkin Museum of ______ in Moscow attracts thousands of visitors.

a. Fine Arts                  b. Fine Art                    c. Art


3. The Faculty of ______ graduates a lot of skilled specialists.

a. the Arts                    b. Arts                          c. Art


4. You don’t need to be very ______ to produce great designs.

a. artistical                   b. artful                        c. artistic


5. London is still very much the ______ capital of Great Britain.

a. cultural                    b. culture                      c. cultured


6. My friend Miguel is a ______ man who knows a lot about music, literature and other arts.

a. cultural                     b. culture                      c. cultured


7. This small curiosity shop selling ______ is very popular with the tourists.

a. crafts                         b. handicrafts               c. a handicraft


8. Vanessa Redgrave now ______ herself to children’s charity work.

a. gives                         b. attracts                      c. dedicates


9. My mother was a ______ and thoughtful teacher.

a. dedicated                  b. practical                   c. working


10. Anna has always shown intense ______ to her husband and children.

a. dedication                b. devotion                  c. attraction


11. We have a huge ______ of quality Persian carpets on sale.

a. stock                        b. supply                      c. resource


12. I’m sorry, Mrs. Parker, this isoprene scuba-diving swim-suite is completely ______ in your size.

a. out of stock             b. away from stock     c. out of supply


13. Leaving home was a major ______ in Eugene Gunt’s life.

a. occasion                   b. event                        c. happening


14. The trade unions’ ______ local politics in this miners’ town is immense.

a. power on                 b. effect on                  c. influence on


15. Dr. Strangelove was extremely ______ in raising people’s awareness of the disease.

a. influenced               b. influential                c. main


16. Parliament of Kerala unanimously ______ the Committee’s proposals on social programmes.

a. adapted                    b. agreed                       c. adopted


17. The Sendero Luminoso rebels have agreed to ______ the peace talks.

a. penetrate                  b. participate at           c. participate in


18. All the ______ the televised debate are well-known politicians.

a. participants in                  b. participants of         c. members of


19. After graduation from Berkeley Henry was ______ a scholarship to do research in biology.

a. awarded with          b. awarded                   c. presented with


20. The Russian Embassy in Antananarivo held a reception ______ Independence Day.

a. in honour of            b. after                          c. for



Exercise 148.

Choose the correct variant.


1. For a while, we were ______ the idea.

a. enthusiastic about   b. enthusiastical about

c. enthusiastic of


2. The increase in the inflation level ______ that the wages are rising too fast.

a. stresses                     b. expresses                  c implies


3. The company currently enjoys a high ______ with its new line of mobile phones.

a. fame                                   b. success                     c. profile


4. In this embarrassing situation Mr. Smiley was advised to keep a ______ in court.

a. down profile                     b. lower profile           c. low profile


5. Volunteers of the Peace Corps worked ______ professional builders in a massive reconstruction programme after the earthquake in Chile.

a. along                                 b. along with               c. alongside with


6. The famous musical “The Phantom of the Opera” by Lloyd Webber has enjoyed a successful ______ on Broadway for many years now.

a. period                               b. continuation            c. run


7. Jessica really wanted to ______ a good impression at the start of the interview at Wilbour Computers Inc. office in Dallas.

a. improve                             b. create                        c. do


8. The Gorgon sisters Medusa, Stheno and Euryale were mythical ______ .

a. creations                           b. creators                    c. creatures


9. The question of expelling five students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ______ now.

a. in consideration      b. under consideration         c. in considering


10. Mayor Dixon ______ the efforts of those involved in the rescue.

a. praised                               b. approved                  c. worshipped


11. His parents live in ______ house in suburban Melbourne.

a. a common                         b. a general                  c. an ordinary


12. All the neighbours in this South London area ______ their gardens.

a. take care for                     b. take care of             c. keep care on


13. This shop is not popular as the staff don’t care ______ the customers at all.

a. of                              b. in                              c. about


14. Can’t we deal with this matter now ______ until tomorrow?

a. instead of waiting   b. instead to wait

c. instead from waiting


15. My mother never ______ me when I look bad.

a. hesitates telling       b. hesitates to tell        c. expects to tell


16. The ______ rose is a familiar sight in woods and hedges of rural England.

a. domestic                   b. stray                         c. wild


17. The town of Greenbelt is located in pleasant ______ not far from Washington, D.C.

a. surround                  b. surroundings           c. outskirts


18. A party of tourists set out ______ a journey at dawn.

a. on                             b. for                             c. to


19. I almost burst out ______ when I saw the tie Larry was wearing.

a. of laughing              b. from laughing         c. laughing


20. Can you ______ Mike and tell him the meeting is postponed?

a. get hold of               b. keep hold of            c. take hold on



Unit 1


Exercise 1.

1. b, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. b, 20. a.


Exercise 2.

1. a, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. a, 11. b, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. b, 19. b, 20. b.


Exercise 3.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. b, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. b, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. b, 18. b, 19. b, 20. a.


Exercise 4.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. b.


Review test 5.

1. a, 2. the, 3. -, 4. – 5. a, 6. - / any, 7. the, 8. -, 9. -, 10. - / some, 11. -, 12. a, 13. -, 14. -, 15. -.


Exercise 6.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. b, 10. b, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. c, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 7.

1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. c, 8. a, 9. b, 10. c, 11. c, 12. c, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. c, 18. c, 19. c, 20. b.


Review Test 8.

1. much, 2. little, 3. much, 4. many, 5. few, 6. little.


Review Test 9.

1. a lot of, 2. many / a lot of, 3. many, 4. a lot of, 5. much / a lot of, 6. many / a lot of, 7. much.


Review Test 10.

1. information, 2. chocolate, 3. advise is, 4. wine, 5. an equivalent quality, 6. chocolate, 7. a better, 8. the amount of, 9. less sugar, 10. content, 11. less than, 12. per cent, 13. ingredients, 14. coffee, 15. strong, 16. a cake, 17. flour, 18. scales, 19. these.


Exercise 11.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. b, 10. c, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. b, 20. c.


Exercise 12.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a / b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. b, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 13.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. b, 10. b, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. c, 15. c, 16. a, 17. c, 18. c, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 14.

1. c, 2. a, 3. c, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. c, 8. c, 9. c, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. c, 14. b, 15. b, 16. c, 17. c, 18. b, 19. a, 20. c.


Review Test 15.

1. some, 2. any, 3. any, 4. some, 5. some, 6. some, 7. any.


Exercise 16.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. b, 10. a.


Exercise 17.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. b, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a, 21. a, 22. a, 23. a, 24. a, 25. b.


Review Test 18.

1. It, 2. it, 3. There, 4. there, 5. There, 6. It, 7. there, 8. there, 9. It, 10. it, 11. It, 12. It, 13. There, 14. it, 15. it.


Exercise 19.

1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. c, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. c, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. b, 15. c, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 20.

1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. c, 15. b, 16. c, 17. c, 18. c, 19. a, 20. a.


Unit 2


Exercise 21.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 22.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. b.


Review Test 23.

1. gets, 2. comes, 3. will remind, 4. will make, 5. knows, 6. post, 7. will receive.


Exercise 24.

1. leaves, 2. arrive, 3. get, 4. will be shown, 5. be given, 6. is served, 7. don’t get, 8. finishes, 9. will be, 10. are provided, 11. is, 12. will stay, 13. will go back, 14. are expected, 15. find, 16. will look, 17. get back, 18. will help, 19. don’t recognize, 20. is served, 21. is, 22.plans, 23. stay, 24. won’t be, 25. get lost, 26. will all have


Exercise 25.

1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c, 9. c, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. b, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. c, 20. c.


Exercise 26.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. b, 16. a, 17. b, 18. a, 19. b, 20. a.


Review Test 27.

1. oldest, 2. bigger, 3. more modern, 4. more comfortable, 5. most expensive, 6. more popular, 7. more boring, 8. smaller, 9. more pleasant, 10. more helpful, 11. nicer, 12. noisiest, 13. busiest.


Review Test 28.

1. more convenient, 2. driest, 3. nicest, 4. most beautiful, 5. more sensible, 6. cheaper, 7. better, 8. worse.


Exercise 29.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. b, 20. b.


Exercise 30.

1. b, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. b, 16. b, 17. b, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Review Test 31.

1. dark, 2. terribly, 3. badly, 4. suddenly, 5. unhappy, 6. sadly, 7. anxious, 8. friendly, 9. hard, 10. foolishly.


Review Test 32.

1. comfortable, 2. windy, 3. expensive, 4. well, 5. greasy, 6. hungry, 7. suitable, 8. true, 9. fully, 10. sleepy, 11. thankful, 12. badly, 13. terribly, 14. probably, 15. bad, 16. immediately.


Review Test 33.

1. lately, 2. widely, 3. mostly, 4. slow, 5. little, 6. wrongly, 7. quickly, 8. highly, 9. far, 10. further, 11. long, 12. late.


Exercise 34.

1. a, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a, 11. c, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. c, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 35.

1. a, 2. c, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. c, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. c, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 36.

1. a, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a, 11. a, 12. b, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. a, 17. c, 18. a, 19. b, 20. a.


Unit 3


Exercise 37.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b.


Exercise 38.

1. a, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 39.

1. seems, 2. are feeling, 3. are staying, 4. is, 5. stands, 6. looks, 7. costs, 8. make, 9. tastes, 10. is shining.


Exercise 40.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 41.

1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. b. 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. b.


Review Test 42.

1. stopped, 2. was happening, 3. looked, 4. were standing, 5. was passing, 6. was giving/gave, 7. were working/worked, 8. was getting/got, 9. could not, 10. was emptying, 11. were behaving/behaved, 12. coughed, 13. said, 14. dropped.


Exercise 43.

1. b, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. b, 11. b, 12. b, 13. b, 14. b, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. b.



Exercise 44.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20.a.


Review Test 45.

1. are going to build, 2. will be/is going to be, 3. will like/are going to like, 4. will be/are going to be, 5. are going to have, 6. will be/is going to be, 7. are going to stop


Review Test 46.

1. will be speaking, 2. am going, 3. am leaving, 4. am visiting/am going to visit, 5. will be, 6. starts, 7. will see, 8. will tell, 9. get.


Review Test 47.

1. get of, 2. will help, 3. will be, 4. is going to be, 5. is coming, 6. is going to be, 7. will need, 8. will test, 9. make, 10. will probably regret, 11. will bring, 12. will be


Exercise 48

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b,5. b, 6. b, 7. b, 8. b, 9. b, 10. b, 11. a, 12. b, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 49

1. to leave, 2. to unpack and get, 3. to get, 4. to stay, 5. not to go off, 6. to make.


Exercise 50.

1. a, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. c, 9. b, 10. b, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. b, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 51.

1. a, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. c, 7. a, 8. c, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. a, 17. c, 18. c, 19. c, 20. a.


Exercise 52.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. b, 11. c, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. b, 17. c, 18. a, 19. c, 20. c.


Unit 4


Exercise 53.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 54.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. b.


Review Test 55.

1. has stood, 2. was, 3. stayed, 4. have lived, 5. have known, 6. was,


Review Test 56.

1. has been, 2. has become, 3. has now started, 4. was born, 5. moved, 6. completed, 7. began, 8. appeared, 9. got, 10. has since made, 11. went on, 12. moved, 13. has made, 14. have been, 15. has never been, 16. marked, 17. has been directing, 18. has directed, 19. has lived/has been living, 20. married.


Review Test 57.

1. has happened, 2. has had, 3. fell, 4. broke, 5. did this happen, 6. told, 7. knew, 8. didn’t tell, 9. didn’t see, 10. haven’t seen, 11. has had, 12. did.


Exercise 58.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. a, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 59.

1. sat, 2. felt, 3. didn’t know, 4. had gone in, 5. had been, 6. had looked, 7. went in, 8. felt, 9. had already got, 10. was, 11. wanted, 12. meant, 13. had thought, 14. had imagined, 15. was, 16. couldn’t remember, 17. had planned, 18. almost decided, 19. had to do, 20. had spent, 21. couldn’t give up, 22. were, 23. felt, 24. opened, 25. had gone in, 26. came out, 27. smiled, 28. hated, 29. appeared, 30. suddenly wished, 31. got up, 32. wondered, 33. looked, 34. felt.


Review Test 60.

1. has become, 2. began, 3. was studying, 4. stood, 5. didn’t win, 6. had ever been, 7. elected/has elected/had been elected, 8. just laughed, 9. got up, 10. has shown, 11. has never been, 12. has fought/has been fighting, 13. were continually writing, 14. treated/were treating/had treated, 15. had thrown them out/threw them out, 16. always took/has always taken, 17. interviewed, 18. was planning, 19. has already persuaded/had already persuaded, 20. told.


Exercise 61.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. b, 11. b, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. b, 20. a.


Review Test 62.

1. will be working, 2. will be, 3. will be working, 4. will have completed, 5. will be, 6. will have finished, 7. will have been working on/will have worked, 8. will jump, 9. will you be going/are you going, 10. will have arrived, 11. are going, 12. will see.


Review Test 63.

1. does their plane arrive, 2. am meeting, 3. won’t be/am not going to be, 4. finishes, 5. will be working/am going to work, 6. will they be, 7. will have finished, 8. will be, 9. am having/will be having, 10. am picking up/will be picking up, 11. will have to, 12. are meeting/will meet.


Exercise 64.

1. b, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Review Test 65.


1. had been seen, 2. had been, 3. doesn’t own, 4. had gone, 5. is, 6. hadn’t telephoned, 7. had been found, 8. had been storing/was storing.




1. was entitled, 2. knows, 3. had been, 4. was visiting/had been visiting, 5. was walking/had been walking, 6. is.


Exercise 66.

1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. b.


Exercise 67.

1. it will take/it is going to take, 2. will you lend, 3. I will pay, 4. you won’t have to, 5. we will share, 6. will be/is going to be, 7. will wish/will be wishing/is going to wish, 8. we will have recovered, 9. you won’t get/you are not going to get, 10. he won’t be able, 11. he is selling/he will sell/he is going to sell, 12. I am meeting/I’m going to meet, 13. we sign/we are going to sign/we will sign, 14. I pay/I’m going to pay, 15. he will send/he is going to send/he will be sending.


Exercise 68.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4.b, 5.a, 6.a, 7.b, 8.a, 9.b, 10.c, 11.a, 12. b, 13.c, 14.b, 15.c, 16. a, 17. b, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 69.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. a, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. c, 16. b, 17. c, 18. b, 19. c, 20. b.


Exercise 70.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. c, 8. c, 9. c, 10. b, 11. b, 12. b, 13. c, 14. b, 15. c, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. c, 20. a.


Exercise 71.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. c, 8. a, 9. c, 10. c, 11. a, 12. b, 13. c, 14. c, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. c, 19. b, 20. b.


Exercise 72.

1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. c, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. c, 12. c, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. b, 17. b, 18. c, 19. c, 20. a.



Unit 5


Exercise 73.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 74.


1. have been thinking, 2. has been acting, 3. has been crying, 4. has been making, 5. have you talked, 6. has said.


7. have you been, 8. have been talking, 9. has been trying, 10. have been, 11. haven’t heard, 12. has had, 13. has been, 14. has she broken, 15. has been hurt.


Review Test 75.

1. it has been, 2. we have been hoping, 3. haven’t you written, 4. have always meant, 5. I have sent, 6. has been saving, 7. we have put, 8. has gone on, 9. hasn’t been enjoying/hasn’t enjoyed, 10. has had to, 11. he has had, 12. has been coming, 13. we have managed, 14. have you seen, 15. he has left, 16. we have been getting, 17. he hasn’t said, 18. you have done.


Exercise 76.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. b, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 77.

1. was sailing, 2. was heading, 3. had worked, 4. had been conducting, 5. had been, 6. was coming, 7. had been writing, 8. had said, 9. went, 10. was, 11. were crashing, 12. heard, 13. had run.


Exercise 78.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b.


Exercise 79.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. b, 10. a.


Exercise 80.

1. b, 2. b,3. b, 4. b, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. b, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. b.


Review Test 81.

1. had been doing, 2. had had, 3. had taken, 4. had been snowing, 5. was, 6. was born, 7. had lived, 8. was married, 9. had, 10. was separated, 11. had, 12. had worked, 13. was earning, 14. liked, 15. had told, 16. expected, 17. went.


Review Test 82.

1. c, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. c, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a.


Exercise 83.

1. b, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b.


Exercise 84.

1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. b, 6. b, 7. c, 8. c, 9. a, 10. b, 11. c, 12. b, 13. b, 14. b, 15. a, 16. c, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. c.


Exercise 85.

1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. b, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. a, 9. b, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. c, 16. a, 17. b, 18. c.


Exercise 86.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. c, 7. c, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. b, 12. a, 13. c, 14. b, 15. b, 16. c, 17. b, 18. c, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 87.

1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. c, 14. a, 15. c, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. b, 20. a.


Unit 6


Exercise 88.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. a, 17. b, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 89.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4.a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Review Test 90.

1. is regarded, 2. have been made, 3. has not been changed, 4. is owned, 5. has been used, 6. is being built.


Exercise 91.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. b, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 92.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a,b, 7. b, 8. a,b, 9. b, 10. a, 11. a,b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a,b, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19.a, 20.a.


 Exercise 93.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. b, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 94.

1. is/was based, 2. were interviewed, 3. were visited, 4. have/had been built, 5. have been/had been/were designed, 6. was/had been considered, 7. was closed, 8. have been renovated, 9. is shown, 10. are equipped, 11. are provided, 12. were/are considered, 13. were interviewed, 14. have been/were awarded



Review Test 95.

1. is caused, 2. is burned, 3. are carried, 4. transported, 5. have been carried, 6. has been taken, 7. have been taken, 8. is dumped, 9. has been launched, 10. to be considered, 11. was not being treated, 12. has been reported, 13. are being forced, 14. be solved, 15. will be faced, 16. is expected.




Review Test 96.

1. are being driven, 2. are being killed, 3. cross, 4. are taken, 5. are killed, 6. make, 7. often be seen, 8. are hit, 9. move around, 10. be hypnotized, 11. do not move, 12. are sometimes hit, 13. fly, 14. Can anything be done, 15. was built, 16. have been constructed, 17. lives, 18. have been built, 19. has been put up, 20. look out, 21. are often seen, 22. be hoped, 23. become.


Exercise 97.

1. c, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. a, 8. c, 9. b, 10. c, 11. b, 12. c, 13. a, 14. c, 15. b, 16. c, 17. b, 18. b, 19. b, 20. b.


Exercise 98.

1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. c, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. b, 12. c, 13. c, 14. c, 15. a, 16. b, 17. b, 18. c, 19. b, 20. a, 21. a, 22. b, 23. a, 24. b, 25. b.


Exercise 99.

1. a, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. c, 10. b.


Exercise 100.

1. c, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. c, 10. c, 11. a, 12. b, 13. c, 14. a, 15. b, 16. c, 17. c, 18. a.


Exercise 101.

1. b, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. c, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. b, 10. b, 11. c, 12. b, 13. a, 14. c, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 102.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. c, 9. c, 10. b, 11. b, 12. c, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. b, 20. c.



Exercise 103.

1. c, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a, 7. c, 8. c, 9. c, 10. c.



Unit 7


Exercise 104.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. b, 14. b, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. b, 19. b, 20. a.


Exercise 105.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 106.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a.


Review Test 107.

1. playing, 2. sitting, 3. call, 4. paying, 5. go, 6. leave, 7. collect, 8. approaching, 9. walk.


Review Test 108.

1. not to speak, 2. to go, 3. go out, 4. see, 5. to go out, 6. go out, 7. to stay out, 8. to do.


Review Test 109.

1. to think, 2. to explain, 3. to go back, 4. to write, 5. to produce, 6. to include, 7. to feature, 8. to think.


Review Test 110.

1. to give, 2. to do, 3. to do, 4. to help, 5. to welcome, 6. to tell, 7. to have, 8. to meet, 9. to be back.


Exercise 111.

1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. a, 9. b, 10. c, 11. a, 12. b, 13. b, 14. c, 15. b, 16. b, 17. b, 18. a, 19. b, 20. a.


Exercise 112.

1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. c, 11. a, 12. a, 13. c, 14. a, 15. c.


Exercise 113.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. b, 9. c, 10. c.


Exercise 114.

1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. c, 9. c, 10. b, 11. c, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. a, 16. c, 17. a, 18. a, 19. c, 20. b.


Exercise 115.

1. c, 2. c, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. b, 7. c, 8. b, 9. c, 10. a, 11. c, 12. b, 13. c, 14. b, 15. a, 16. b, 17. c, 18. a, 19. c, 20. c.


Exercise 116.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. c, 12. b, 13. c, 14. c, 15. a, 16. c, 17. a, 18. c, 19. a, 20. c.


Exercise 117.

1.a, 2.c, 3.b, 4.b, 5.c, 6.b, 7.b, 8.c, 9.a, 10.c, 11.c, 12.a, 13.b, 14.c, 15.c, 16.b, 17.a, 18.b, 19.c, 20.a.



Unit 8


Exercise 118.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a, 11. c, 12. a, 13. a, 14. c, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. a, 19. a, 20. c.


Exercise 119.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a.


Exercise 120.

1. a, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a, 11. c, 12. c, 13. c, 14. c, 15. a, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. c, 20. b.


Exercise 121.

1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. c, 7. a, 8 .a, 9. c, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. c, 14.a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 122.

1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. c, 10. c, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. a, 16. b, 17. c, 18. a, 19. a, 20. b.


Exercise 123.

1. a, 2. c, 3. c, 4 .b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. c, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a.


Review Test 124.

1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. c, 11. b, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a.


Review Test 125.

1. to see, 2. believe, 3. to buy, 4. to drop, 5. to rush out, 6. warn, 7. think.


Review Test 126.

1. can, 2. would, 3. needn’t, 4. must/has to, 5. must, 6. shouldn’t/mustn’t, 7. might, 8. would, 9. couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to, 10. would have to, 11. would have to, 12. must, 13. must, 14. can’t, 15. would have to, 16. could/would be able to, 17. shouldn’t, 18. must, 19. would have to, 20. can’t, 21. will have to/must.


Review Test 127.

A. 1.can’t, 2.must, 3.should, 4.When must I come?

B. 1.can’t, 2.can, 3.should, 4.Yesterday I had to go to the dentist.

C. 1.shouldn’t, 2.would, 3.should, 4.needn’t.

D. 1.ought to, 2.may, 3.can’t, 4.can.

E. 1. can’t, 2.can, 3.can, 4.should, 5.will do it for you.


Exercise 128.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c, 9. c, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. b, 14. c, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. a, 19. b.


Exercise 129.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. c, 13. a, 14. b, 15. b, 16. a, 17. c, 18. a, 19. a, 20.a.



Exercise 130.

1. a, 2. c, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. c, 11. b, 12. a, 13. c, 14. c, 15. c, 16. a.


Exercise 131.

1. b, 2. c, 3. c, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. c, 9. a, 10. a, 11. c, 12. b, 13. a, 14. b, 15. c, 16. b, 17. a, 18. b, 19. c, 20. b.


Exercise 132.

1. c, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. b, 9. c, 10. c, 11. c, 12. b, 13. b, 14. a, 15. c, 16. a, 17. c, 18. c, 19. a, 20. c.


Exercise 133.

1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a, 7. c, 8. b, 9. a, 10. c, 11. b, 12. a, 13. b, 14. b, 15. b, 16. c, 17. c, 18. b, 19. b, 20. a.


Unit 9


Exercise 134.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 135.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. a, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Exercise 136.

1. a, 2. a, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. a, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b 16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 20. a.


Review Test 137.

1. be, 2. to look, 3. to stay, 4. to have, 5. buy, 6. to read, 7. feel, 8. look, 9. get, 10. to leave, 11. to change, 12. forget.


Review Test 138.

1. am very pleased to receive, 2. It was marvellous to hear, 3. How silly of you to think, 4. It was very generous of you to invite me, 5. I was sorry to read, 6. How selfish of them not to invite you.


Review Test 139

1. to do, 2. to support, 3. to notice, 4. to see, 5. to keep, 6. to be allowed, 7. to express.


Review Test 140.

1. enough to do, 2. too, 3. to swim, 4. enough, 5. too, 6. to hear, 7. too, 8. to climb, 9. enough to sail, 10. too, 11. to go.


Review Test 141.

1. to do, 2. to be shown around, 3. to interview, 4. to make, 5. to deal with, 6. to write/to be written, 7. to draft/to be drafted.


Review Test 142.

1. to blame, 2. to do, 3. to go, 4. to talk to, 5. to see, 6. to read, 7. to write/to be written, 8. to do.


Review Test 143.

1. to get, 2. to stay, 3. do, 4. do, 5. to take, 6. to look after, 7. to stay, 8. worry, 9. to do, 10. to cook.


Exercise 144.

1. a, 2. c, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. b, 13. c, 14. a, 15. b, 16. c, 17. a, 18. a, 19. c.


Exercise 145.

1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. a.


Exercise 146.

1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a, 11. c, 12. b, 13. a, 14. c, 15. b, 16. c.


Exercise 147.

1. c, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. a, 13. b, 14. c, 15. b, 16. c, 17. c, 18. a, 19. b, 20. a.


Exercise 148.

1. a, 2. c, 3. c, 4. c, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. b, 10. a, 11. c, 12. b, 13. c, 14. a, 15. b, 16. c, 17. b, 18. a, 19. c, 20. a.



1. Betty Schrampfer Azar. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Longman, 1990.

2. Donald Adamson. Practise Your Tenses. Longman, 1996.

3. John Eastwood. Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1997.

4. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman, 2005.

5. Luke Prodromou. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Longman, 2000.

6. L. Walker & S. Elsworth. Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. Longman, 1996.

7. L. Walker & S. Elsworth. Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Student. Longman, 1996.

8. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Macmillan Education, 2006.

9. Mark Foley & Dianne Hall. Advanced Learner’s Grammar. A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book with Answers. Longman, 2003.

10. Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in Use. A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

11. Michael Vince. Intermediate Language Practice. Macmillan Heinemann, 2003.

12. Michael Vince. First Certificate Language Practice. Macmillan Heinemann, 2003.

13. Michael Vince. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan Heinemann, 2003.

14. Mike Watkins. Practise Your Modal Verbs. Longman, 1996.

15. Roy Kingsbury. Practise Your Gerunds and Infinitives. Longman, 1995.

16. Susan M. Reinhart. Testing Your Grammar. The University of Michigan Press, 2001.











Учебное издание




Виноградова Татьяна Владимировна


Английский язык


Тесты по проверке грамматических

и лексических навыков

(с ответами)


Test Your Grammar and Vocabulary

(with answers)


Учебное пособие

для студентов I курса

факультета МЭО


Уровень А2



Подписано в печать 1.09.09.

Формат 60х841/8.

Усл. печ. л. 27,09. Уч.-изд. л. 6,82.

Тираж 200 экз. Заказ № ________


Издательство «МГИМО-Университет»

119454, Москва, пр. Вернадского, 76


Отпечатано в отделе оперативной полиграфии

и множительной техники МГИМО(У) МИД России

119218, Москва, ул. Новочеремушкинская, 26

Английский язык Тесты по проверке грамматических и лексических навыков (с ответами)

Английский язык Тесты по проверке грамматических и лексических навыков (с ответами)

Тесты по проверке грамматических и лексических навыков (с ответами)

Тесты по проверке грамматических и лексических навыков (с ответами)

В49 Виноградова

В49 Виноградова

Indefinite Pronouns (Ex. 13-16)…………………………………

Indefinite Pronouns (Ex. 13-16)…………………………………

Unit 9 The Infinitive (Ex. 134-143)……………………………………196

Unit 9 The Infinitive (Ex. 134-143)……………………………………196

Предисловие Предлагаемое учебное пособие представляет собой сборник те­стов по грамматике и лексике для студентов

Предисловие Предлагаемое учебное пособие представляет собой сборник те­стов по грамматике и лексике для студентов

Unit 1 Singular or Plural,

Unit 1 Singular or Plural,

None of the passengers has insured their ______

None of the passengers has insured their ______

I like ______ onion soup. a. an b

I like ______ onion soup. a. an b

There is ______ very beautiful countryside near here

There is ______ very beautiful countryside near here

The information we were given ______ very useful

The information we were given ______ very useful

People ______ worried about the high rate of unemployment

People ______ worried about the high rate of unemployment

Statistics ______that approximately 40 percent of all marriages in the end in divorce

Statistics ______that approximately 40 percent of all marriages in the end in divorce

This football team ______ the best in the county this season

This football team ______ the best in the county this season

We didn’t take ______ food with us, we hoped to buy some on the way

We didn’t take ______ food with us, we hoped to buy some on the way

I have never seen so ______ money

I have never seen so ______ money

Yes, just ______ , please. a

Yes, just ______ , please. a

It’s only 10 o’clock. We have ______ time to walk to the station

It’s only 10 o’clock. We have ______ time to walk to the station

Review Test 9. Put in a lot of , many or much

Review Test 9. Put in a lot of , many or much

Good quality chocolate has more cocoa solids and ______ (9 – less sugar/fewer sugars)

Good quality chocolate has more cocoa solids and ______ (9 – less sugar/fewer sugars)

This mobile phone is not mine, it is ______ phone

This mobile phone is not mine, it is ______ phone

People left their homes because of ______

People left their homes because of ______

He’s taking ______ from his job at the university

He’s taking ______ from his job at the university

Galliano’s latest designs b

Galliano’s latest designs b

There weren’t ______ people in the street when the accident happened

There weren’t ______ people in the street when the accident happened

I’m too tired to write ______ letters tonight

I’m too tired to write ______ letters tonight

You look so upset. Has ______ happened? a

You look so upset. Has ______ happened? a

Review Test 15. Complete what the radio disc jockey is saying

Review Test 15. Complete what the radio disc jockey is saying

Peter decided that he needed to do ______ with his life

Peter decided that he needed to do ______ with his life

Look! The sky is cloudy. ______ going to rain

Look! The sky is cloudy. ______ going to rain

Professor Alexander Belov is attending the conference

Professor Alexander Belov is attending the conference

Review Test 18. Fill each space in the paragraph below with it or there

Review Test 18. Fill each space in the paragraph below with it or there

The students of the Faculty of

The students of the Faculty of

I’m so sorry, Uncle Albert, but

I’m so sorry, Uncle Albert, but

From her childhood has dreamt ______ to

From her childhood has dreamt ______ to

School of Economics students have lectures ______ economics five times a week

School of Economics students have lectures ______ economics five times a week

I ______ you a postcard when I get to

I ______ you a postcard when I get to

The train from ______ at 10 o’clock

The train from ______ at 10 o’clock

An acquaintance of mine ______ to drink a lot, but now he has given up this vicious habit

An acquaintance of mine ______ to drink a lot, but now he has given up this vicious habit

B: The manager writes the cheques

B: The manager writes the cheques

Adjectives and Adverbs Exercise 25

Adjectives and Adverbs Exercise 25

The northern part of generally receives ______ snow than the southern part

The northern part of generally receives ______ snow than the southern part

Exercise 26. Choose the correct word

Exercise 26. Choose the correct word

We can’t do crosswords ______ as you do

We can’t do crosswords ______ as you do

There are lots of hotels in the pretty town of

There are lots of hotels in the pretty town of

Exercise 29. Choose the correct word

Exercise 29. Choose the correct word

The story Kim told us sounded ______

The story Kim told us sounded ______

Do you know if there are any ______ trains to ? a

Do you know if there are any ______ trains to ? a

They sat very ______ to each other to keep warm

They sat very ______ to each other to keep warm

But I couldn’t. I just stood there ______ (11 – foolish/foolishly)

But I couldn’t. I just stood there ______ (11 – foolish/foolishly)
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