Данный материал содержит два теста на фразовые глаголы "to take". Учащимся предлагается вспомнить с какими частицами употребляется глагол " to take " и подставить их в предложения в соответствии с контекстом предложения. Тесты могут использоваться как на роке так и во внеурочной деятельности как дополнительный материалтесты с фразовым глаголом "to take" -английский язык
фразов глагол to take.docx
1. How many teams are taking
_____ in the competition? (to be
involved in an activity with other
2 . Jim's taken _____ _____ a
crowd of boys who have a bad
reputation with the police. (to
friendly with someone)
3. Can you take _____ the cooking
while I walk the dog?
4. I'm not sure how much of my
explanation she took _____. (to
understand and remember )
5. Could you take me _____ the
rules again, please? (to explain to
someone in detail )
6. Mr Dimech can be really rude to
people at times. Just take no _____
of him. (to ignore someone)
7. Playing tennis in this heat really
takes it _____ _____ you. (to need
a lot of effort and make you feel
8. Joe takes _____ his father. (to
look or behave like an older
9. I didn't mean what I said. I take
it _____.
10. Sales of the new computer took
_____ after
commercial. (to become successful
Life isn't always perfect.
Sometimes you have to take the
_____ with the smooth. (a spoken
which means that bad things
happen as well as good things, and
you have to accept them)
12 . She's said a few stupid things
today, but her latest comment
really takes the _____. (to be the
silly, stupid or annoying thing in a
series of things)
13 . I can't come out with you
tonight, but I'll take a _____ check.
(used for saying that you can't
accept an
offer now, but that you may accept
it later)
14. My new neighbour is very
strange. Oh well, it takes all _____,
I suppose. (a spoken expression
used for
saying that you find someone's
behaviour surprising or strange)
15. We're not taking _____ any
new staff at the moment. (to start
to employ someone)
16. Everybody said how nice she
was, but I never really took _____
her. (to start liking someone or
17. She decided to take _____
photography as a hobby. (to start
doing something regularly as a
habit, job or interest)
18. I'm taking the day _____ next 1. How many teams are taking
_____ in the competition? (to be
involved in an activity with other
2 . Jim's taken _____ _____ a
crowd of boys who have a bad
reputation with the police. (to
friendly with someone)
3. Can you take _____ the cooking
while I walk the dog?
4. I'm not sure how much of my
explanation she took _____. (to
understand and remember )
5. Could you take me _____ the
rules again, please? (to explain to
someone in detail )
6. Mr Dimech can be really rude to
people at times. Just take no _____
of him. (to ignore someone)
7. Playing tennis in this heat really
takes it _____ _____ you. (to need
a lot of effort and make you feel
8. Joe takes _____ his father. (to
look or behave like an older
9. I didn't mean what I said. I take
it _____.
10. Sales of the new computer took
_____ after
commercial. (to become successful
Monday. (to have a particular
amount of time away from work)
Life isn't always perfect.
Sometimes you have to take the
_____ with the smooth. (a spoken
which means that bad things
happen as well as good things, and
you have to accept them)
12 . She's said a few stupid things
today, but her latest comment
really takes the _____. (to be the
silly, stupid or annoying thing in a
series of things)
13 . I can't come out with you
tonight, but I'll take a _____ check.
(used for saying that you can't
accept an
offer now, but that you may accept
it later)
14. My new neighbour is very
strange. Oh well, it takes all _____,
I suppose. (a spoken expression
used for
saying that you find someone's
behaviour surprising or strange)
15. We're not taking _____ any
new staff at the moment. (to start
to employ someone)
16. Everybody said how nice she
was, but I never really took _____
her. (to start liking someone or
17. She decided to take _____
photography as a hobby. (to start
doing something regularly as a habit, job or interest)
18. I'm taking the day _____ next
Monday. (to have a particular
amount of time away from work)
Тесты с фразовым глаголом "to take"
Тесты с фразовым глаголом "to take"
Тесты с фразовым глаголом "to take"
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