“The ABC Party”
Вечер под названием “The ABC Party” задуман как внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 2-х классов, обучающихся по УМК «Английский с удовольствием» под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанёвой. Дети показывают гостям вечера (родителям, учителям) как они выучили английский алфавит, чему научились на уроках английского языка.
Цель данного мероприятия: - прививать интерес к изучению английского языка;
- развивать творческие способности учащихся.
Примерное содержание программы вечера:
I. Учащиеся на сцене приветствуют гостей: Good evening, good evening, good evening to you! Good evening, good evening, we are glad to see you!
Затем, один из учащихся предлагает поиграть:
Let’s play together!
Clap your hands!
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together!
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together!
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together!
Sing, sing, sing a song,
Sing a song together!
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together!
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together!
March, march, march to bed,
March to bed together!
Слова стихотворения сопровождаются движениями, жестами, действиями.
II. На сцену выбегают учащиеся, каждый из которых держит в руках одну из букв алфавита. Они выстраиваются в алфавитном порядке и читают стихи, в которые включены слова, начинающиеся на ту букву, которую учащийся представляет.
The letter A: Apples here, apples there,
Apples, apples everywhere
The letter B: Bounce! Bounce! It is my ball!
It doesn’t want to stop at all.
The letter C: I am the cat.
My name is Hat.
I am not fat.
I like to chat!
The letter D: I am the dog.
My mane is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.
The letter E: Little yellow bee, bee, bee!
How many flowers can you see?
The letter F: One, two, three, and four, and five!
I have got a fish alive!
The letter G: I am a girl.
I’ve got a doll.
Her name is May!
We like to like.
The letter H: Little mouse, little mouse!
Where is your house?
I am a poor mouse, I have no house.
The letter I: Spring is coming! Warm and nice!
Ice is melting! Poor ice!
The letter J: Merry Jimmy Jinn is jumping in his jeans.
The letter K: The king is strong.
The king is brave.
What is his name?
He is Nick Grey.
The letter L: Who lives in Africa?
He, she or me?
One lion, two lions, three…
The letter M: Little mice, little mice!
Would you like a piece of ice?
We would like a piece of cheese.
Yes, please!
The letter N: How much is one plus one?
Two big nuts for little son.
The letter O: “Tick-Tock! Tick-Tock!
Play and walk,” says the clock.
The letter P: I’ve got a pet.
My pet is a pig.
His name is Pick.
He is not big.
The letter Q: Mary the Queen can dance and sing.
The letter R: One, two, three!
One, two, three!
Nice red roses you can see!
The letter S: Oh, Mary! Come and see!
A big snake is in the tree.
The letter T: Where is Tricky?
Where is he?
He is under the table.
Oh, I see.
The letter U: I’ve got a flower above my head.
Blue and yellow, green and red. ( an umbrella )
The letter V: Can you dance?
Can you sing?
I can play the violin.
The letter W: Tim is slim. Tim is tall.
He can sit on the wall.
The letter X: I see two funny foxes
With two small boxes.
The letter Y: Fly! Fly! In the sky!
My nice and funny kite!
The letter Z: We go, we go, we go to the zoo!
We can see a tiger and a zebra, too.
III. Песня-игра “Alouette” (мальчики приглашают девочек выходить на середину круга по очереди и просят их выполнить следующие команды, закрепление лексики по теме «Части тела»)
Alouette, little Alouette,
Alouette, play the game with me:
Put your finger on your head,
Put your finger on your head,
On your head,
On your head,
Don’t forget,
Don’t forget!
Put your finger on your (mouth, teeth, chin, nose, eyes, ears, neck, chest, feet, legs).
IV. Игра “What can you do?” and “Boaster”(закрепление употребления глагола “can” и глаголов движения).
Can you?
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still, like a good child,
As still as you wish?
Pupil1: - I can run.
Pupil 2: - You can run. I can jump.
Pupil 3:- You can jump. I can swim.
Pupil 4: - You can swim. I can dance.
Pupil 5: - You can dance. I can sing.
Pupil 6: - You can sing. I can skip.
Pupil 7: - You can skip. I can read.
Pupil 8: - You can read. I can write.
(draw, ski, skate, ride a bike, play hockey, play football, play basketball, play tennis, play badminton, play volleyball)
V. Инсценировка “Three little squirrels”
Five little squirrels sat up in a tree.
This little squirrel said, “What do I see?”
This little squirrel said, “I smell a gun.”
This little squirrel said, “Let’s run! Let’s run!”
This little squirrel said, “Let’s hide in the shade.”
This little squirrel said, “I’m not afraid.”
Bang! Went the gun
And away they all ran, every one.
VI. Заключительная песня, исполняют все учащиеся.
“The more we are together”
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are.
For your friend is my friend,
And my friend is your friend,
The more we are together, the happier we are.
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С вами с 2009 года.