The Magic World of Fairy Tales
Оценка 4.6

The Magic World of Fairy Tales

Оценка 4.6
английский язык
5 кл—8 кл
The Magic World of Fairy Tales
сказка, публикация.doc


The Magic World of Fairy Tales


Волшебный мир сказок.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

для 6-8 классов


учитель английского языка: Долгорукова О.Ю.

















Дорогие дети!

Учиться жить вам не год, не два,

Возьмите из сказок сегодня

Мудрость, нежность, тепло,

Пусть в жизни у вас как в сказке,

Одержит победу лишь добро.



                                               The world of books is wonderful,

The world of books is rich,

It can take your thoughts away

To the places you can't reach,

It can make your dreams come true

Or make magic real for you.




 We invite you and our guests to travel into the magic world of fairy tales with their characters you learnt from your previous classes. I think you will enjoy it very much.


 Today a Fairy Queen has come to us to ask some questions and find out your knowledge about fairy tales and the most famous characters. Welcome to our party, dear Fairy Queen!


F.Q. Good afternoon, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to meet you here. And it would be unfair if I didn’t invite my friends to join us. But who are they? Let’s guess….


Guess the main character of the tales.

(Ученики одеты в костюмы героев)

·        I live in the jungle. I make good friends with animals. I am honest, brave, kind-hearted and thoughtful of others. I am curious about the world around me. Who am I? (Mowgly)




·        Hello!I am a very nice girl. I have a round face. My eyes are large and blue. My hair is blue and long. I have a blue ribbon in my hair. My dress is blue too. I am very kind and clever. I can read and write. I help my friends.

·        A pretty puppet girlie

With hair, blue and curly,

Her belt – a broad bow.

She said to puppets, ‘Go,

Wash hands before the dinner’.

We call this girl …(Malvina)


·        I am very naughty, but I am also brave and thought­ful of others. I am a lively boy and I am always full of ideas. I am never sad and lonely. (Tom Sawyer)

·        Once upon a time a beautiful girl was born to a king and a queen.

7 fairies gave their gifts to the baby princess. But the wicked old fairy wasn’t invited , so she was very angry and said that on the princess’s 16th birthday she would sleep forever by pricking her fingers. And only after a hundred years’ sleep a young prince came and awoke her taking her hand and kissing her eyelids. (Sleeping Beauty)


·        I have eaten all the honey

When I visited a bunny,

For a time I was a cloud

And I sang a song aloud.

In the blue I flew and flew

For the honey. I am ….(Pooh)



·        I am very smart and intelligent. I learn to become a wizard. I fight against evil and got victory. I am always careful and noticed everything that is happening around me. I get on well with all my friends. I am honest, curious, lively and cheerful. Who am I? (Harry Porter)


·        Hello! I’m a nice little girl. I love my mother and grandmother. I have a white shirt and a skirt on. I have a nice red hat on. I have a basket in my hand.


Her hat was nice, looked very good,

Was made of velvet, red.

She went to Granny through the wood-

Her Granny was in bed.

She was a Wolf, who was not good.

This girl was called … (Red Riding Hood)



                           ●       A poor puppet, all in white.

I wrote verses, often cried,

‘Malvina’s gone, Malvina’s fled’

And I was always very sad.

And now I am a hero –

I think my name is … (Pierrot)


·        Hello! I think you know me. I have seven good friends. They are dwarfs. They live in the forest.


As white as snow, as red as blood.

She saw a low and pretty hut.

Then every gnome came back at night

And saw at home?  Who … (Snow White)



·        A brave man dressed from top to toe in green, wearing a gold feather in his cap, a bow and a set of arrows in a band of Merry Men who live in Sherwood Forest and fight against sheriff … (Robin Hood)


·        I had a small propeller,

Was fat and rather sly.

I was a merry dweller

Of roofs. I liked to fly.

You know me, funny person,

Of course – my name is …(Karlson)


·        A pinewooden puppet boy was created by the writer Carlo Collodi in Italy. The puppet’s father Antonio makes me out of a log, buys me my first ABC book and sends me to school.

But Fox and Cat lead the lazy and naughty boy to the Land of Boobies, where school holidays begin on the 1st of January and are over on the last day of December. Here the boy becomes a donkey with long ears. (Pinocchio)


·        I am kind and modest. I am very hard-working. I spend days and nights doing things for my stepsisters and stepmother. I often feel unhappy. Who am I?



·        This girl was fine and very hearty.

She met a prince. The royal party

Was late at night. This lively dancer

Has lost her shoe, then … give your answer.

Well, who’s become a palace dweller,

A fine princess? She’s … (Cinderella).




F. Q.  Children, I see that you like fairy tales very much and you know a lot of characters. And now, let’s watch the play «Jack and his friends»





«Бременские музыканты»

Собрались кот, осел, собака,

Петух к ним также присоединился!

На хлеб решили зарабатывать

И каждый в мастерстве своем сразился)

Осел играл довольно мило,

И кот орал изо всех сил,

Пел и петух весьма красиво,

Пес барабанил и вопил!



Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack. One day Jack set out to seek his fortune. He hadn't gone very far when he met a cat.

"Good morning, Jack," said the cat. "Where are уou going?"


"I'm going to seek my fortune," said Jack.


"May I go with you?"


"Yes, if you like."


So Jack and the cat went on.

They hadn't gone very far when they met a dog.


"Oh, good morning, Jack," said the dog. "Where are you going?"


"I'm going to seek my fortune," said Jack.


"May I go too?"


"Yes, certainly."


So Jack and the cat and the dog went on.

They hadn't gone very much farther when they met a cow.


"Hello, Jack," said the cow. "Where are you going?"


"I'm going to seek my fortune."


"May I go with you?"

    «Certainly, you may."


So Jack and the cat and the dog and the cow went on.

They hadn't gone very far when they met a goat.


"Good morning, Jack," said the goat. "Where are you going?"


"I'm going to seek my fortune."


"May I go too?"


"Yes, if you like."


So Jack and the cat and the dog and the cow and the goat went on.

They hadn't gone much farther when they met a cock.


"Good morning, Jack," said the cock. "Where are you going?"


"I'm going to seek my fortune."


"May I go with you?"


"Certainly," said Jack.


So Jack and the cat and the dog and the cow and the
goat and the cock went on.


Little bird in a pen -

In its ‘home’ it is trapped.

I am just like it then:

In this ‘keep’ I am ‘kept’.

Sun makes bright things around

As for me, dark I stay.

Without princess I’m bound

To not live one more day.

Oh, pray tell, what is this?

What has happened to me?

Shot to ‘pieces’ my ‘peace’,

In these chambers, I see.


‘Baddie’ – is what people call us

Rumor goes that misery we bring

Give me cards and I’ll assess

What will happen to the king

Pang – bang – ding (2 times)

What will happen to the king

Pang – bang – ding (2 times)

Lengthy trip the cards foretold –

Morning comes he’ll up and go.

King, he has a lot of gold.

And this gold – I love it so!

Oh – say – oh (2 times)

And this gold – I love it so!

Oh – say – oh (2 times)

Yes! Royal card will soon be beat

Same will happen to his guards

Job is easy, spoils are sweet

I see truth in all these cards!

Pang – bang – ding (2 times)

Morning comes, we’ll rob the king!

Pang – bang – ding (2 times)

Morning comes, we’ll rob the king!


They walked and they walked until it got dark, but they couldn't find a place to spend the night. At last they came to a house. Jack told his friends not to talk or to make a noise while he peeped through the window. And do you know what he saw in that house? Some men round a table, and they were counting their money!


"Robbers," said Jack to his friends. "Now,when I say 'Go!' make as much noise as you can, and we'll frighten them away."

So in a minute Jack said, "Go!" And the cat mewed "Miaow, miaow and the dog barked "Woof! Woof!" And the cow mooed "Moooo, moooo," and the goat bleated "Me-e-e, me-e-e." And the cock crowed, "Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!" And they all together made such a dreadful noise that it frightened the robbers and they all ran away.


Then Jack and his friends went inside the house to have
a good sleep. The cat lay down on the rocking-chair, and
the dog lay under the table, and the goat lay down at the top of the stairs, and the cow went into the cellar where it was
nice and cool, and the cock
settled down on the roof, and
Jack blew out the lamp and went to bed.


Now the house was dark and in a little while everything was quiet. Then the robbers decided to return to their house. So they told one man to go back and see if everything was all-right.

He went on tiptoe to the house, as quietly as he could. But soon he came running back, all out of breath4 and very frightened.


"Don't send me there again!" he said. "It's a dreadful place! I tried to sit down in the rocking-chair, but an old woman stuck her knitting-needles into  me."

(That wasn’t an old woman. That was the cat!).


And  I went to the table and looked under it, and there was an old man under the table, and he stuck his pincers into me."


(That wasn’t an old man with pincers under the table. That was the dog!)


"And I went up the stairs and an old woman with а sweeping-brush knocked  me right down again.'


( Oh, the silly! That was the goat!)


Then I ran down to the cellar, but there was a man there chopping wood, and he hit me  on the head with his axe."


(That wasn't a man with his axe. That was the cow!)


"But the worst one of all," said the robber, "was on the roof. There was a dreadful little old  man up there who shouted,


Throw him up to me! Throw him up to me!'"


(The silly! That was the cock!)


"I didn’t want to be thrown up to him, so I ran right out of the house! And I'll never go there again!"


So the robbers never went there again. And Jack and  his friends stayed in the house as long as they liked.


Разбойников  прогнали,

Злодеи все сбежали,

Друзья обнявшись пировали

И песни напевали!


Fairy tales are more than true -

not because they tell us dragons exist,

but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.


Со сказкой не расставайтесь,

В далекое детство каждый раз возвращайтесь,

Вам сказка Волшебная подскажет совет,

В ней найдете всегда спасенье от бед!



Take all your friends to Fairyland,

Everyone’s happy there.

It’s more than a girl and a boy land,

Where dreams, just like tales, can be shared.

If you believe in Fairyland,

Believe in things that you cannot see;

All the world would become a Fairyland,

What a wonderful world this would be!!!



Lets sing a beuatiful song!


Years ago, when I was younger

I kinda liked a girl I knew

She was mine and we were sweethearts

That was then, but then it's true


I'm in love with a fairytale

Even though it hurts

'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind

I'm already cursed


Every day, we started fighting (tarara)

Every night, we fell in love (tarara, tara, tarara)

No one else could make me sadder (tarara)

But no one else could lift me high above


I don't know what I was doing

When suddenly, we fell apart

Nowadays, I cannot find her

But when I do, we'll get a brand-new start


I'm in love with a fairytale

Even though it hurts

'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind

I'm already cursed


She's a fairytale, yeah

Even though it hurts

'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind

I'm already cursed





F.Q. Our event has come to the end. I hope you have enjoyed it greatly. You are brilliant! Thanks a lot for your attention!



Скачано с

The Magic World of Fairy Tales

The Magic World of Fairy Tales

Дорогие дети! Учиться жить вам не год, не два,

Дорогие дети! Учиться жить вам не год, не два,

Hello!I am a very nice girl. I have a round face

Hello!I am a very nice girl. I have a round face

Once upon a time a beautiful girl was born to a king and a queen

Once upon a time a beautiful girl was born to a king and a queen

I am very smart and intelligent

I am very smart and intelligent

She was a Wolf, who was not good

She was a Wolf, who was not good

She saw a low and pretty hut.

She saw a low and pretty hut.

Of course – my name is …( Karlson ) ·

Of course – my name is …( Karlson ) ·

I often feel unhappy. Who am I? ·

I often feel unhappy. Who am I? ·

JACK AND HIS FRIENDS Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was

JACK AND HIS FRIENDS Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was

Good morning, Jack," said the cock

Good morning, Jack," said the cock

They walked and they walked until it got dark, but they couldn't find a place to spend the night

They walked and they walked until it got dark, but they couldn't find a place to spend the night

Throw him up to me! Throw him up to me!'" (The silly!

Throw him up to me! Throw him up to me!'" (The silly!

That was then, but then it's true

That was then, but then it's true
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