The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.
Оценка 4.7

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Оценка 4.7
МХК +1
The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.
Тосканская тема является наиболее распространенной в классической ордерной архитектуре. Это результат не только более простой деталировки по сравнению с дорическим, ионическим, коринфским и композитным ордерами. Главное – высокая адаптивность тосканских форм к различным пропорциональным решениям элементов. Для дорического, ионического, коринфского и композитного ордеров малейшая неточность в пропорционировании элементов создает визуальный диссонанс всей композиции. Тосканский ордер не консервативен. Различные соотношения высоты колонны и диаметра ствола, отсутствие энтазиса, неполный набор элементов антаблемента (отсутствие фриза, например), различные формы базы и пьедестала гармонично включаются в любую композицию. Это определило выбор Тосканского ордера для декоративной темы фасадов здания. Первоначальные эскизы различных авторов (аркады, пилоны с пилястрами и т.п.) не полностью удовлетворяли пожелания заказчика. Для решения проблемы К.И.Самойлов предложил применить Тосканскую ордерную тему. Сначала это был Малый ордер с парными колоннами, адаптированный к первоначальной теме пилястр. Но наиболее точно выразил ожидания заказчика Большой ордер. Высокие одиночные колонны с пьедесталами создали четкий композиционный ритм. В сочетании с ними крупная рустовка стен и цоколя придала гармоничную массивность первым этажам здания. Рустовка стен изящно композиционно дополнена редкими каннелюрами стволов колонн. Идея применения активной пластики для первых этажей многоэтажных домов в городской застройке была сформулирована И.В.Жолтовским. Он указывал на важность цоколя и карниза при реальном восприятии здания пешеходом с тротуара. В процессе строительства было принято решение о переносе внутрь колоннады купольного павильона в мансарде. Не реализована и идея часовой башни на куполе.The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p. The Tuscan’s Theme is the most common solution in the Classical Order's architecture. This result is not only more simple detailing in comparison with the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian and the Composite orders. The main thing – high adaptability of Tuscan forms to various proportional decisions of elements. For the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian and the Composite orders slightest inaccuracy in proportioning elements creates a visual dissonance of the composition. The Tuscan order is not conservative. Different ratios of a column height and a trunk diameter, absence of an entasis, incomplete set of elements of the entablature (no a frieze, for example), various forms of base and pedestal are harmoniously incorporated into any composition. This determined the choice of the Tuscan order for the Decorative theme of the Building facades. Initial sketches of various authors (arcades, pilasters with pylons, etc.) does not fully meet the Сustomer's wishes. To solve the problem K.I.Samoilov suggested to apply the Tuscan order theme. At first it was a Small Order with paired columns adapted to the original topic of pilasters. But only Large Order most accurately expressed the expectation of the Customer. High single columns with pedestals to create a clear compositional rhythm. In conjunction with these the large rustication of walls (a Boardwalk rust) and socles (a Quad core Rust) gave a harmonious massiveness for the First floor of the Building. Rustication of walls complemented by an elegant composition of rare fluted column shafts. The idea of using active forms for the ground and first floors of multi level buildings in city was formulated by Jan V.Żółtowski (1867-1959). He pointed to the importance of the Base, the Socle and the Cornice at the actual perception of the building from a sidewalk. In the process of construction of the Colonnade of the Dome pavilion in the Attic it was moved into the premises. Not implemented the idea of the Clock tower on the Dome. The Album includes of 67 illustrations: 37 photos and 30 drawings.

1.The «ALMATY RESIDENCE» Business Centre & Apart Hotel, Auezov str., Almaty, Kazakhstan

(2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – the Décor Concept description

The Tuscan’s Theme is the most common solution in the Classical Order's architecture. This result is not only more simple detailing in comparison with the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian and the Composite orders. The main thing – high adaptability of Tuscan forms to various proportional decisions of elements. For the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian and the Composite orders slightest inaccuracy in proportioning elements creates a visual dissonance of the composition. The Tuscan order is not conservative. Different ratios of a column height and a trunk diameter, absence of an entasis, incomplete set of elements of the entablature (no a frieze, for example), various forms of base and pedestal are harmoniously incorporated into any composition.

This determined the choice of the Tuscan order for the Decorative theme of the Building facades. Initial sketches of various authors (arcades, pilasters with pylons, etc.) does not fully meet the Сustomer's wishes. To solve the problem K.I.Samoilov suggested to apply the Tuscan order theme. At first it was a Small Order with paired columns adapted to the original topic of pilasters. But only Large Order most accurately expressed the expectation of the Customer. High single columns with pedestals to create a clear compositional rhythm. In conjunction with these the large rustication of walls (a Boardwalk rust) and socles (a Quad core Rust) gave a harmonious massiveness for the First floor of the Building. Rustication of walls complemented by an elegant composition of rare fluted column shafts. The idea of using active forms for the ground and first floors of multi level buildings in city was formulated by Jan V.Żółtowski (1867-1959). He pointed to the importance of the Base, the Socle and the Cornice at the actual perception of the building from a sidewalk. In the process of construction of the Colonnade of the Dome pavilion in the Attic it was moved into the premises. Not implemented the idea of the Clock tower on the Dome.

The Album includes of 67 illustrations: 37 photos and 30 drawings.

Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016


(2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Building main views 





Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016;


3.The «ALMATY RESIDENCE» Business Centre & Apart Hotel, Auezov str., Almaty, Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – the Building Aero-space photo






 , 2013 -

(2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Basic data  


Site Geographical position:

43°12′41.83″ N, 76°58′49.95″ E

Auezov street / Zhambyl street, Almaty city


Start of the Design – 2009

Opening – 2014


The functionality of floors:

the two-level underground Parking; the Restaurant (the Ground floor); two floors of retail and office premises (the First and the Second floors); two floors of apartments in the final finishing, offered for rent (the Third and

Fourth floors); seven floors of office space, including the Room with the Grand Dome on the top floor (the Mansard).


Architectural style:

The Tuscan manner of a Neo-Classicism style 


Chief Project Architect  – Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”

Chief construction design Engineer 

Max M.Weinstain, “EMK” 


Source: Self-photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – the initial façade Décor Concept


Source: Initial pre-project sketches

(2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Street’s façades (the Small Order solution)   





Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Yard’s façades (the Small Order solution)   




Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s details (the Small Order solution)  


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – the version with a Clock Tower 


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façades (the Big Order solution)



Source: project sketches

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façades (the Big Order solution)


Source: project sketches 

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Section view drawings


Source: project sketches 



Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Floor’s planes (the First and the Second)


Source: project sketches

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Floor’s planes (the Mansard and the Third)


Source: project sketches 

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s details (the Colonnade)


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s details (the Colonnade)


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s fragments


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s fragments


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s details 


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Façade’s details 


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Garden Plaza fragments


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Garden Plaza fragments


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Street’s views


Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Street’s views



Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – Panoramic views



44.The «ALMATY RESIDENCE» Business Centre & Apart Hotel, Auezov str., Almaty,

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – References

-      Бизнес Центр & Апарт Отель "Almaty Residence" - 

-      “Almaty Residence” Business Centre & Apart Hotel - ;

-      The Kazakhstan’s Architecture of the 21st century Beginning (Trends of Forms Evolution) - The Album of typical examples by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov, 2016. – 104 p. - ; ;


-      The Kazakhstan’s Architecture of the 21st century Beginning (Trends of Forms Evolution) / Typical examples by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. – Almaty, 2016. – ppt-Presentation. - 89 p. – ; ; ; ;

-      The Kazakhstan’s Architecture of the 21st century in the World Architectural context. - The Album of typical examples by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov, 2016. - ;  






Source: K.I.Samoilov’s  Analysis of published materials, 2016

The «ALMATY RESIDENCE» Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation

Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov, 2016


Briefly about the Author















Konstantin I.SAMOILOV

High Doctorate (Arch) – 2008

Doctor of Sciences (Arch) – 2004

Candidate of Sciences / eq. PhD(Arch) – 1990

Dipl.Arch. / eq. MArch – 1983

Dipl.Tech.Arch. / eq. BArch – 1977


Associate Professor of the Architectural Faculty

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Chief Architect of different projects





E: [email protected] , [email protected]


The Author expresses his gratitude to Internet resources –  ;  – which to provide the ability to collect an information.

This Album generated for information purposes of the Educational course "The Modern architecture (21st century)". 

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.



The Tuscan’s Theme is the most common solution in the

The Tuscan’s Theme is the most common solution in the

The Tuscan’s Theme is the most common solution in the

The Tuscan’s Theme is the most common solution in the

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) –

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) –

Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016; http://krn

Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016; http://krn



Source: GoogleEarth_Image

Source: GoogleEarth_Image

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) –

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) –

Site Geographical position: 43°12′41

Site Geographical position: 43°12′41

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – the initial façade

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) – the initial façade

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: Initial pre-project sketches

Source: Initial pre-project sketches

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) –

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “EMK”) –

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: project sketches Kazakhstan (2014, arch

Source: project sketches Kazakhstan (2014, arch

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: project sketches

Source: project sketches

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: project sketches

Source: project sketches

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: project sketches Kazakhstan (2014, arch

Source: project sketches Kazakhstan (2014, arch

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: project sketches Kazakhstan (2014, arch

Source: project sketches Kazakhstan (2014, arch

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

Kazakhstan (2014, arch. Konstantin

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “ALMATY RESIDENCE” Business Centre & Apart Hotel: a classical Tuscan manner adaptation / Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. - Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.
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