The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.
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The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

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The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.
Стилистическое решение художественных произведений европейской садово-парковой архитектуры традиционно основывается на двух направлениях: классицизма и барокко. Классицизм типичен для зданий, расположенных на открытых площадках, откуда открывается панорамный вид. Это соответствует строгой симметрии композиции и крупным формам и деталям. В качестве классицизма для сайтов без панорамных видов характерен романтизм. Эта тенденция в основном основана на «Эстетике руин». Имитация ветхих, заросших деревьями и кустарниками старинных зданий придает пространству собственность «Исторической глубины». Для зданий и сооружений, расположенных на территории среди густонаселенных деревьев, адекватным стилистическим решением является барокко. Отсутствие панорамных видов позволяет использовать асимметричную композицию. Малый пластик архитектурных и скульптурных деталей гармонирует с листвой и ветвями деревьев. Интерпретация этого стиля - нео-барокко - используется для архитектурно-художественного оформления Дворца триумфа «Амуре» в городе Алматы.The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p. The Stylistic decision to art-works of the European garden-park architecture is traditionally based on two trends: the Classicism and the Baroque. The Classicism is typical for buildings located in open areas that provide panoramic views. This corresponds to the strict symmetry of the composition and the large molds and details. As Classicism options for sites without panoramic views is characteristic the Romanticism. This trend is mainly based on the "Aesthetics of ruins". Imitation dilapidated, overgrown trees and shrubs of antique buildings gives to the space a property of the "Historical depth". For buildings and structures located on the grounds among the densely growing trees, adequate stylistic solution is the Baroque. Lack of panoramic views allows the use of asymmetrical composition. Small Plastic of architectural and sculptural details is in harmony with foliage and tree branches. The interpretation of this style – neo-Baroque – used for an architectural-artistic design of the "Amure" Triumph Palace in the Almaty city. 63 images show the Build Complex and themes of architectural-spatial and artistic solutions.

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                         (2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”)


     The Stylistic decision to art-works of the European garden-park architecture is traditionally based on two trends:  the Classicism and the Baroque.

     The Classicism is typical for buildings located in open areas that provide panoramic views. This corresponds to the strict symmetry of the composition and the large molds and details.

     As Classicism options for sites without panoramic views is characteristic the Romanticism. This trend is mainly based on the "Aesthetics of ruins". Imitation dilapidated, overgrown trees and shrubs of antique buildings gives to the space a property of the "Historical depth".

     For buildings and structures located on the grounds among the densely growing trees, adequate stylistic solution is the Baroque. Lack of panoramic views allows the use of asymmetrical composition. Small Plastic of architectural and sculptural details is in harmony with foliage and tree branches.

          The interpretation of this style – neo-Baroque – used for an architectural-artistic design of the "Amure" Triumph Palace in the Almaty city.


63 images show the Build Complex and themes of architectural-spatial and artistic solutions.


Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                        (2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”)



Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden  

Konstantin Samoilov ~ Almaty Uwe Schlichter ~ Munich


Site Geographical position –  43°15′26.48″ N, 76°57′09.93″ E

Start of the Design – 2007 

Opening – April 19, 2016 


Architectural style – 

Neo-Baroque (Central European version)

Concept of the Art solution and the Space planning – 

“Europolis” Top management 

Chief Architect – 

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis” Décor solutions – 

Uwe Schlichter, Steffen Meissner, “Architectural &

Design group Germany”

Chief construction design Engineer – 

Max M.Weinstain, “EMK”

Chief of the Architectural-Sculptural details Workshop – 

Talgat T.Mustafin, “Europolis”

Interior decorations – 

Konstantin I.Samoilov, Uwe Schlichter, 

Paul Chukmasov, Nurlan Khamitov and other …. Painter – 

Dmitry S.Gyrgenov


Source: Photo from the K.I.Samoilov’s archive, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, 2008.

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                         (2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”)

   The Complex is located on the south side of the Park named after 28 Panfilov's Guardsmen. The site is located in a vacant lot among the densely planted trees with large dense crowns. There used to be a man-made shallow pool for technological needs. By the end of the 20th century, the pool was half-destroyed. Beside him were several tents and summer barbecue pavilions. This situation is clearly not consistent with the status of the City center.

     Search for adequate reconstruction decisions led to the decision to form an Active complex, blending in with the Park area. The original version envisaged the creation of a Pavilion with a massive fountain in the center. Romantic Classicism stylistic solutions corresponded to large jets of water. But that decision formed the only single-level perception of the interesting space. The desire to reveal the full potential of the space has led to the idea of the main observation deck in the crown level. The source of this decision was a classic example of Central European Baroque - The Zwinger, Dresden, Germany (1719, arch Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann). 

     The Pavilion with cascades on the facades and interiors has supplements of an exploited roof - the Grand belvedere. This made it possible to provide breathtaking views of the panorama of the park with the Cathedral (1907, arch. K.Borisoglebsky, S.Troparevsky, A.Zenkov, N.Stepanov) in the foreground, and a view of the City with the Central Mosque (1997, arch. S.Baymagambetov, Zh.Sharapiev, K.Zharylgapov) in the perspective.

     The Architectural-artistic design shows a combination small details of Baroque façades (panoramic views combined with leaves and branches) and big details interior in a simplified classics style (attention of viewers focused on the celebration show).

Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016


9. The “AmurE” Triumph Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                     

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Theme of Façade decorations (Cascades)






The Zwinger, Dresden, Germany (1719, arch. Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann) –

Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2008; the Façade fragment – Photo by K.I.Samoilov,  2016


10. The “AmurE” Triumph Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                  (2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Theme of Façade decorations (the Balustrade)





The Zwinger, Dresden, Germany (1719, arch. Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann) –

Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2008; the Façade fragment – Photo by K.I.Samoilov,  2016


11. The “AmurE” Triumph Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                  (2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Landscaping of the Adjacent territory (the fragment)




Source: Sketch by



(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Grand Belvedere Level layout (+7.600)


A set of premises and sites:

-      Open areas

-      the Small Pavilion with the


-      the site of Best view (+12.000)

-      the Kitchen with the Bar

-      Toilets



(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Ground floor layout  / the Main level (0.000)


A set of premises and sites:

-      the Main Entrance plaza

-      Summer playgrounds

-      Terraces

-      the Vestibule 

-      the Antechamber with the Wardrobe

-      the Main Celebration Hall with the Fireplace,  the Main Bar and cascades

-      the Small hall - Serving rooms

-      the Cafe-Pavilion


(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Socle layout (-3.300 / -3.900)


A set of premises and sites:

-      the Grand balcony

-      Bars

-      Private rooms

-      Toilets

-      Lobbies 

-      the Kitchen

-      Technical chambers



(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Basement layout (-5.800 / -7.200)


A set of premises and sites:

-      the Hall with a Dance floor and the Stage

-      Bars

-      Private rooms

-      the Wardrobe

-      Staff rooms

-      the Kitchen

-      Technical chambers

-      Toilets




          21.       The “AmurE” Triumph Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                 

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – a Grand vase




Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2012; Sketch by


 with Detail design by K.I.Samoilov, 2008


          22.       The “AmurE” Triumph Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city, Kazakhstan                                 

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Cascade on the façade




Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016; Sketch by




(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov – “Europolis”) – a Wall pier, a Capstone  

Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – a Mounting of decorative elements on columns















Source: Project drawings by K.I.Samoilov, 2008

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Balustrade with Grand vases



Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Park view and the Lift tower


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – Cascades on façades


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Cascade on the façade; the Cascade in the interior  


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Vestibule


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Theme of an interior decoration (the Vestibule)


Source: Babylonian  map, 7th century BC  - ; Bas-relief by D.S.Gyrgenov, 2016 - Photo by K.I.Samoilov,  2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Theme of an interior decoration (the Main Hall)











Source: “The King of Kings Tigranes the Great with four vassal Kings surrounding him”  -


Painting by D.S.Gyrgenov, 2016 - Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016  


(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Theme of an interior decoration (the Small Hall)







Source: “The King of Kings Tigranes the Great  and Romans” - ; Painting by D.S.Gyrgenov, 2016 - Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – Main Celebration Hall fragments  


Source: Painting by D.S.Gyrgenov, 2016 - Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Fireplace in the Main Celebration Hall


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2008, 2016

(2016, arch. Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”) – the Chandelier and Sconces in the Main Celebration Hall


Source: Photos by K.I.Samoilov, 2016


“AmurE” Triumph Palace, Almaty: a modern interpretation of classical garden-park architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov, 2016


Briefly about the Author







Konstantin I.SAMOILOV

High Doctorate (Arch) - 2008, 

Doctor of Sciences (Arch) - 2004, 

Candidate of Sciences / PhD(Arch) - 1990,

Dipl.Arch.-1983, Dipl.Tech.Arch.-1977    



Associate Professor of the Architectural Faculty – 

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering – 


Head of the Project Department, Chief Architect of projects – 

“Europolis” LLP –





E: [email protected] , [email protected]


The Author expresses his gratitude to Internet resources –  ;  – which to provide the ability to collect an information. This Album generated for information purposes of the Educational course "The Modern architecture (21st century)". 


The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city,

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city,

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The Stylistic decision to art-works of the

The Stylistic decision to art-works of the

garden-park architecture is traditionally based on two trends:

garden-park architecture is traditionally based on two trends:

Classicism and the Baroque.

Classicism and the Baroque.

The Classicism is typical for buildings located in open

The Classicism is typical for buildings located in open

areas that provide panoramic views. This corresponds to the

areas that provide panoramic views. This corresponds to the

strict symmetry of the composition and the large molds and

strict symmetry of the composition and the large molds and



As Classicism options for sites without panoramic views

As Classicism options for sites without panoramic views

Romanticism. This trend is mainly based

Romanticism. This trend is mainly based

Aesthetics of ruins". Imitation dilapidated, overgrown

Aesthetics of ruins". Imitation dilapidated, overgrown

trees and shrubs of antique buildings gives to the space a

trees and shrubs of antique buildings gives to the space a

property of the "Historical depth".

property of the "Historical depth".

For buildings and structures located on the grounds

For buildings and structures located on the grounds

among the densely growing trees, adequate stylistic solution

among the densely growing trees, adequate stylistic solution

Baroque. Lack of panoramic views allows the use of

Baroque. Lack of panoramic views allows the use of

Small Plastic of architectural and

Small Plastic of architectural and

sculptural details is in harmony with foliage and tree

sculptural details is in harmony with foliage and tree



The interpretation of this style – neo-Baroque –

The interpretation of this style – neo-Baroque –

used for an architectural-artistic design of the "Amure"

used for an architectural-artistic design of the "Amure"

Triumph Palace in the Almaty city

Triumph Palace in the Almaty city

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Build Complex and themes of architectural-spatial and

Build Complex and themes of architectural-spatial and

artistic solutions.

artistic solutions.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

Source: Photo by K.I.Samoilov, 2016

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city,

Palace, Kazybek bi, Almaty city,

Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden

Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden

Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden

Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden

Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden

Steffen Meißner ~ Dresden

Konstantin Samoilov ~ Almaty

Konstantin Samoilov ~ Almaty

Uwe Schlichter ~ Munich

Uwe Schlichter ~ Munich

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov. Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

The “AmurE” Triumph Palace: a Modern interpretation of Classical garden-park Architecture themes Research paper by Dr. Konstantin I.Samoilov.  Almaty, 2016. – 46 p.

Architectural style –

Architectural style –

Neo-Baroque (Central European version)

Neo-Baroque (Central European version)

Concept of the Art solution and the

Concept of the Art solution and the

Europolis” Top management

Europolis” Top management

Chief Architect –

Chief Architect –

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”

Konstantin I.Samoilov, “Europolis”

solutions –

solutions –

Uwe Schlichter, Steffen Meissner, “Architectural &

Uwe Schlichter, Steffen Meissner, “Architectural &

Design group Germany”

Design group Germany”

Chief construction design Engineer –

Chief construction design Engineer –

Max M.Weinstain, “EMK”

Max M.Weinstain, “EMK”

Chief of the Architectural-Sculptural details

Chief of the Architectural-Sculptural details

Talgat T.Mustafin, “Europolis”

Talgat T.Mustafin, “Europolis”
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