The political system of Kazakhstan (text, comprehension tasks, final test)
Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
11 кл
Данный материал состоит из самого топика по теме "Политическая система Казахстана", заданий после текстового этапа и тематического теста по этой теме. Тематический тест включает в себя 40 тестовых заданий различного плана: лексического (политическая лексика), грамматического (предлоги Prepositions, страдательный залог Simple Passive Voice). К тесту прилагаются ключи.
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Political system and government of Kazakhstan
According to the Constitution, adopted at the national referendum on
August 30, 1995, the Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a
presidential form of government, which has three independent branches:
executive, legislative and judicial.
President. President is the head of the state, elected by a national
popular vote. Presidential term is seven years. Current President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbayev (since 1991).
Executive branch. Executive power is exercised by the Government
of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Composition of the Government is formed
by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the
Legislative branch. Legislative power is vested in the bicameral
parliament. Parliament has two chambers: the Senate and the Majilis. The
Senate consists of deputies: two persons from each province, city of
national importance and the capital. The Majilis consists of 107 members. A
member of the Parliament cannot be simultaneously a member of both
chambers. The term of office of the Senate members is six years; the term
of office of the Majilis members is five years.
Judicial branch. Judicial power is vested in the Constitutional
Court and a system of local courts. Courts of the Republic are the Supreme
Court of the Republic, local courts and other courts of the Republic,
established by the legislation.
The administrative divisions. Kazakhstan is divided into 14
provinces: Akmola province, Aktobe province, Almaty province, Atyrau
province, East Kazakhstan province, Zhambyl province, West Kazakhstan
province, Karagandy province, Kostanay province, Kyzylorda province,
Mangystau province, Pavlodar province, North Kazakhstan province, South
Kazakhstan province.
The capital city is Astana and Almaty has the status of the city of
the state importance. These cities do not relate to any province. Baikonur
city has a special status.
Local authority. An akimat is a regional executive body in
Kazakhstan. The akim is the head of the akimat and represents the President
and the Government of the Republic in the province.
Task 1. Complete the sentences:
1.The Constitution was adopted at … on August 30, 1995.
2.The Republic of Kazakhstan is a … state with a … form of
3. The government has three independent branches: …, … and ....
4. President is elected by a national popular ….
5. … President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is Nursultan
Nazarbayev (since 1990).
6. … power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of
7. Composition of the Government is formed by …in accordance
with the Constitution.
8. … power is vested in the bicameral parliament.
9. Parliament has two chambers: … and ….
10. The Senate consists of deputies: two persons from each
province, city of national importance and the capital.
11. … consists of 107 members.
12. A member of the Parliament cannot be simultaneously a … of
both chambers.
13. The … of the Senate members is six years; the … of the Majilis
members is five years.
14. … power is vested in the Constitutional Court and a system of
local courts.
15. Courts of the Republic are the … Court of the Republic, …
courts and other courts of the Republic, established by the ….
16. Kazakhstan … into 14 provinces.
1 17. … has the status of the city of the state importance.
18. … and … do not relate to any province.
19. … city has a special status.
20. … is a regional executive body in Kazakhstan.
21. …is the head of … and represents the President and the
Government of the Republic in the province.
Task 2. Answer the questions:
1. When was the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted?
2. What kind of state is the Republic of Kazakhstan?
3. What kind of Government does Kazakhstan have?
4. Who is the head of state on Kazakhstan?
5. How long is his term of office?
6. What year has Nazarbaev been the current head of state since?
7. What power does Government exercise?
8. Who forms the composition of the Government?
9. How many deputies does the higher chamber have?
10. How many deputies does the lower chamber have?
11. Can a member of the Parliament be simultaneously the member of
both chambers?
12. How long are the terms of office of a senator / a majilisman?
13. What is the judicial power vested in?
14. What are administrative division units in Kazakhstan?
15. What city has a special status?
16. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
17. What status does Almaty have?
18. What is the difference of Astana, Almaty and other cities of
19. What is an akimat?
20. What is the akim responsible for?
Task 3. Give the definition of the following terms:
the constitution
2. a referendum
3. a unitary state
4. a term of office
5. a bicameral parliament
6. a deputy
7. a province
8. a court
legislative power
10. executive power
11. judicial power
12. an akimat
13. the akim
Task 4. Translate into English:
1. День независимости (Independence Day) в Казахстане
отмечается (mark) 16 декабря.
2. Новый гимн (anthem) Казахстана был принят (adopt) в 2005
3. Первый президент Казахстана был избран (elect) в 1991году.
4. Казахстан разделен (divide) на 14 областей.
5. Казахстан управляется (govern) президентом.
6. Законы и законопроекты (bills) составляются (make)
7. Правительство Казахстана возглавляется (head) премьер –
8. Государственные символы (state symbols) Казахстана были
приняты (accept) в 1992 году.
9. Парламент Казахстана делится (divide) на Мажилис и Сенат.
10. Каждая область в Казахстане возглавляется (head) Акимом.
11. Страна в центре Азии называется (call) Казахстан.
12. Столица Казахстана была перенесена (transfer) из Алматы в
Астану в 1998 году. 13. Астана была основана (found) в 1830 году.
1. Put in necessary prepositions: According … the Constitution, adopted …
the national referendum … August 30, 1995, the Republic of Kazakhstan is
a unitary state … a presidential form … government, which has three
independent branches: executive, legislative and judicial.
2. Paraphrase the underlined words: Legislative power is put on the
bicameral parliament.
3. A unit of administrative division in our country.
4. Give the general word for: legislative, executive, judicial.
5. The head of the Government.
6. Power which interprets laws, decides if laws are constitutional or not.
7. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: The present constitution
(to adopt) on August, 30 in 1995.
8. Complete: The Parliament of Kazakhstan is divided into … and … .
9. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: The capital of Kazakhstan
… (to transfer) from Almaty into Astana in 1998.
10. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: Kazakhstan (to adopt) its
new anthem in 2005.
11. Put in a correct preposition: Kazakhstan consists … 14 provinces.
12. Put in the missing verb: Parliament … the laws and bills.
13. The head of the state.
14. The previous capital of Kazakhstan
15. Make up a question: did, into, government, Astana, when, move?
16. The highest representative body that reforms legislative functions.
17. The head of the regional executive body.
18. It establishes the country's political system and is the basis for its laws.
19. Complete the sentence: The people of Kazakhstan can change the
Constitution. Changes are called ….
20. Translate the word in brackets into English: He is the finest (политик)
of his generation.
21. Transform the noun “independence” into the adjective.
22. Whom is the film “Leader of our nation” devoted to?
23. A formal political way of choosing the best representatives where you
can vote for your candidate.
24. Form a verb from the noun “government”.
25. What is usually the party which has the majority of seats in the
government called?
26. The synonym of “the conservative party”.
27. Put in the correct preposition: In a democracy, people vote … the
political party that they want to form the government.
28. What is a program of action of the government to run the country
29. The local authority.
30. Paraphrase the underlined words: Astana and Almaty have nothing to
do with any province.
31. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: The akim (to represent)
the President and the Government of the Republic in the province.
32. What province includes Ekibastuz and Aksu?
33. The parliament consisting of two chambers.
34. Form an adjective from the noun “president”.
35. Paraphrase the underlined word: The present President of the Republic
of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbayev.
36. Paraphrase the underlined word: A member of the Parliament cannot be
at the same time a member of both chambers.
37. Put in necessary prepositions: Composition … the Government is
formed … the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan … accordance …
the Constitution.
38. What is a country divided into while holding elections?
39. This term stands for how long an elected person can serve his country.
3 40. The highest body in which judicial power is vested.
Keys to the test for concentrated lesson in English on the theme:
“The political system of Kazakhstan”
to, at, on, with, of
vested in
5. Prime –minister
7. was adopted
8. Senate, Majilis
9. was transferred
11. of
13. president
14. Almaty
15. When did government move into Astana?
16. government
17. Akim
18. constitution
19. amendments
20. politician
21. independent
22. N.Nazarbayev
23. elections
24. govern
25. in power
26. the rightwing party
27. for
28. a policy
29. akimat
30. do not relate to
32. Pavlodar
33. bicameral
34. presidential
36. simultaneously
37. of, by, in, with
38. constituencies
39. term of office
40. the Constitutional Court
The political system of Kazakhstan (text, comprehension tasks, final test)
The political system of Kazakhstan (text, comprehension tasks, final test)
The political system of Kazakhstan (text, comprehension tasks, final test)
The political system of Kazakhstan (text, comprehension tasks, final test)
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