«Traditional Christmas Food in Britain» урок - игра в 5 классе
Оценка 4.8

«Traditional Christmas Food in Britain» урок - игра в 5 классе

Оценка 4.8
«Traditional Christmas Food in Britain» урок - игра в 5 классе
открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе _традиционная рождественская еда Великобритании_.docx

Тема урока: «Traditional Christmas Food in Britain»


1.     Практическая – совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения по теме;

2.     Развивающая – развитие внимания, памяти, умения быстро реагировать на вопросы по теме;

3.     Образовательная – расширить знания учащихся о существующих традициях празднования рождества, его символах и о различиях между белорусским рождеством и английским;

4.     Воспитательная – способствовать воспитанию уважения к традициям других наций.

Тип урока: урок-игра

Оборудование урока: Английский язык / Англійская мова : учеб. пособие

для 5-го кл. гимназий с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения :

(с электрон. прил.). В 2 ч. Ч. 1 / Н. В. Демченко [и др.] ; пер.

с рус. Е. В. Бельской. — Минск : Адукацыя i выхаванне, 2017., рабочая тетрадь к пособию, компьютер, раздаточный материал(приложение), грамматические таблицы, картинки по теме «Christmas», аудио и видео записи.













Ход урока:

I.                  Оргмомент.

Hello, dear children! I’m very glad to see you! How are you doing? What’s the date today? Who’s absent? Children, do you know what holiday is coming soon?

II.               Речевая зарядка. Введение в языковую среду.

Today we are going to speak about Christmas, its traditions, food and symbols. Now let’s start our lesson with the song “Jingle Bells”

III.           Работа над темой урока.

Children, yesterday I got some letters from Santa Clause. He wrote that if we do all the tasks in his letters we will get a Christmas present. Do you want to get a present from Santy? Are you going to work hard? Now the first card and its tasks: fill in the gabs. Good of you! Well done!

You did the first task and now we get down to the second letter. It says to make up sentences with the following expressions:

- to celebrate on December, 25th

- to decorate a Christmas tree

- to hang ornaments

- to send cards

- to sing carols

- to pull crackers

-to hang stockings

- to put presents under a Christmas tree

- to have a traditional Christmas dinner. Now look at the pictures on the blackboard, using the expressions describe them.


You’re a bit tired. Let’s relax. Stand up, please. Let`s do some exercises.

Video “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”

Sit down, please!

Well done! Now let’s get down to the third letter and its tasks. This letter will tell you about the traditional Christmas dinner in Britain. Now open your books on page 112 ex.4a. Read the text and be ready to answer my questions.

Now look at the blackboard, here you see the pictures. Can you name the traditional Christmas food in Britain? What would you like to eat? Why? When is Christmas celebrated in the UK? What food do they usually eat?

Good of you! Now let’s get down to the next letter and its tasks.

IV.            Подведение итогов.

You worked very hard today. I liked your work very much today. Your marks are…

We did all the tasks.

V.               Рефлексия.

What did we do today at the lesson? Did you like the lesson? What did you like best? How do you feel at the end of the lesson? Are you happy or are you sad? Why? Choose the suitable smiler.

VI.            Домашнее задание.

So and finally your hometask. You should about Belarusian holiday Kalyady ex1. p. 85 Workbook. See you tomorrow! Goodbye and have a nice day!













Государственное учреждение образования «Гимназия г. Мстиславля»










«Traditional Christmas Food in Britain»

урок - игра в 5 классе







Подготовил: Ходак С.Ф.

учитель английского языка








Мстиславль, 2022


Тема урока : «Traditional Christmas

Тема урока : «Traditional Christmas

Ход урока : I.

Ход урока : I.

Well done! Now let’s get down to the third letter and its tasks

Well done! Now let’s get down to the third letter and its tasks

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