Традиции англо говорящих стран
Оценка 4.6

Традиции англо говорящих стран

Оценка 4.6
Традиции англо говорящих стран

Paper Customs & traditions of the

Paper Customs & traditions of the

Paper Customs & traditions of the English-speaking countries Carried out: Victor Gutsu, Class 11-B? the England Verified: Vorontsova V.A. Luhansk, 2021

Plan: Introduction; 1. The Outline of

Plan: Introduction; 1. The Outline of

Plan: Introduction; 1. The Outline of England; 2. Customs and traditions of the English; 3. Holidays in England; Conclusion; Literature;

Introduction The object of the study is the customs and traditions of

Introduction The object of the study is the customs and traditions of

Introduction The object of the study is the customs and traditions of England. The purpose of the article is to analyze the customs and traditions of the English, to show the most significant national holidays and to identify the distinctive features of the English culture. It is impossible to do without a brief summary of the general facts about England. There are many different customs and traditions in the world today. Most of them are connected with the history, religion and culture of the country. They play an important role in the lives of various nations and are one of the most important links between the past, the present and future of many nations. Customs and traditions help people to keep up their originality, bring up children, love and respect their motherland. The way people celebrate holidays and important events reveal their national character, their way of life, customs and traditions. Like any other nation in the world, Britain has its own customs and traditions that play an important role in the lives of people. Most of these customs and traditions are so old that they sometimes seem very strange, but Britons are very proud of them and carefully keep them up. Some of them are famous all over the world.

England England is a country that is the largest administrative and political part

England England is a country that is the largest administrative and political part

1. England England is a country that is the largest administrative and political part Of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The population of England is 84 % of the total population of the United Kingdom. The capital is London, the largest city in the United Kingdom. England became a union of seven once-warring kingdoms in 927 and is named after the ancient Germanic tribe of the Angles, who settled on the island of Great Britain in the V—VI centuries. England is the place of origin of the English language and the Anglican Church, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries around the world; in addition, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. England was the first industrialized country, as well as a country with a parliamentary democracy, whose constitutional, governmental and legal innovations were adopted by other nations and states. The Kingdom of England, including the Principality of Wales, was a separate state until 1 May 1707, when it merged with the Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The Kingdom of England, including the

The Kingdom of England, including the

The Kingdom of England, including the Principality of Wales, was a separate state until 1 May 1707, when it merged with the Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of sovereign States that includes Great Britain and almost all of its former dominions, colonies and protectorates. Agriculture, industrial production, the high-tech industry and the sports industry play an important role in the English economy. In 2010, sports accounted for 1.9 % of England's GDP, ranking among the 15 largest industries in the English economy, ahead of such industries as communications, legal services, accounting, publishing, advertising and utilities. In 2010, more than 400,000 jobs were associated with sports, or about 2.3 % of all employment in England. According to experts the health benefits of people who regularly exercise have brought the British economy £ 11.2 billion. Hosting mass sports events, such as marathons, increases the visibility of the venues and allows you to increase tourism revenues with minimal investment in infrastructure. The construction of new stadiums, such as the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff and the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, has boosted prices in local property markets.

Customs and traditions of the English

Customs and traditions of the English

2. Customs and traditions of the English England is a country of contradictions. On the one hand, it is a country with a modern highly developed industry, on the other hand, it is a collection of unique traditions of civilization that has come down to us from the depths of centuries. Even the territories that make up modern Great Britain (Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland) are very different from each other, both in terms of cultural heritage and the mentality of the people living in them. Language Great Britain is a country where the English language dominates, it has the status of the state language here. However, it is not the only one, there are many other languages in the country that peacefully coexist with the state language.

In addition, the English language itself in the

In addition, the English language itself in the

In addition, the English language itself in the UK is divided into several dialects, which can differ dramatically from each other lexically. Even the speed of speech in different regions of the United Kingdom is different, for example, in Northern Ireland and Scotland, the speed of speech is much higher than in the rest of the country. Welsh is the national language of Wales. Since 1967, it has had equal rights with the English language at the legislative level. In this part of the United Kingdom. Especially often it is used in the west and north of the kingdom. An interesting fact is that in Wales, all inscriptions, including road signs, are first written in Welsh, and then duplicated in English. In England, especially in the north and west, many dialects and dialects of English are spoken.English, with all its dialects, is spoken by about 55 million people across the UK. Welsh (Welsh or Cymrian) is used by 611 thousand people in everyday life - this is the inhabitants of Wales and part of England near the Welsh-English border.

A national cuisine The national cuisine of

A national cuisine The national cuisine of

A national cuisine The national cuisine of England has been formed for centuries.The conservatism and pedantry of the English is manifested not only in appearance and behavior, but also in the peculiarities of the national cuisine. Traditional English dishes are characterized by simplicity and availability of ingredients. Despite this, in the English national cuisine there is a list of dishes that should definitely be tried by any tourist who has visited the "foggy Albion".  Many people immediately think of oatmeal porridge when they mention English cuisine.

However, England can boast not only of this well-known recipe

However, England can boast not only of this well-known recipe

However, England can boast not only of this well-known recipe. Here are a few traditional dishes of English cuisine: -Roast beef-a whole piece of beef baked in the oven, which is served cut into pieces with a variety of side dishes (most often with green peas and mustard). -English pudding is a light dessert that is prepared in a water bath. It usually includes eggs, milk, water and sugar, as well as various additives: jam, chocolate, candied fruits or fruits. The pudding is usually served chilled at the end of the meal. -Worcestershire sauce is a traditional recipe for sweet and sour sauce, which includes sugar and fish, as well as vinegar, ginger and several other ingredients. This sauce is usually added during the preparation of the Caesar salad and the alcoholic cocktail "Bloody Mary". -Lemon cream is a sweet jam-like cream, similar to pudding in consistency, the main ingredient of which is lemon zest. In England, this cream is served with tea or laid as a filling for muffins.

English tea drinking For the locals is truly a ritual

English tea drinking For the locals is truly a ritual

-English tea drinking For the locals is truly a ritual. Special attention is paid to tea drinking. Each shop offers dozens of different types of tea. It is drunk with plums or milk, with lemon or sugar, or as an independent drink, enjoying the natural aroma and aftertaste. For tea, sandwiches with slices of cucumber or shortbread cakes, which are spread with butter or jam, are often used. In England, tea is drunk at 16.00. This is an unspoken law and a long-standing custom. The restaurants serve tea tables from 15.00 to 17.00. This tradition is followed in many ancient and elite institutions.

Holidays in England Most workers in

Holidays in England Most workers in

3. Holidays in England Most workers in England have around 10 national and public holidays throughout the year, in addition to their annual holidays. These include: -New Year,on 1 January,the festival is not as large-scale as at Christmas, but still quite popular in the country. At midnight, the British count down the chimes with the famous Big Ben, and then go to launch fireworks or continue the festive party. If Christmas is traditionally a family holiday, then you can spend the New Year with friends. -Valentine's Day,on 14 February 14,this holiday is popular all over the world, and it is especially loved in England. It used to be celebrated as a Catholic holiday, but now it is celebrated as a secular one. All lovers of the United Kingdom on February 14 spend the day together and give each other gifts. -Easter,on April,the English also celebrate Easter, which symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the UK, this holiday is the main religious event, so schools are closed for a two-week vacation. On Easter Day itself, the English always go to church, put on new clothes and decorate the house in spring.

Banner removal ceremony ,on June,Queen

Banner removal ceremony ,on June,Queen

-Banner removal ceremony ,on June,Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her birthday with her family on April 21, and for the whole country - in June. The tradition of officially celebrating the monarch's birthday began in 1748, and since then it has been held almost annually in June, excluding days of mourning or bad weather. Also on this day, the regiments of Great Britain and the United Kingdom organize a colorful ceremony (Trooping the Colors). Since 2018, an online broadcast of the Queen's birthday has been held, because on this day you can see the Horse Guards parade. -Notting Hill Carnival,on August,for the sake of this carnival in the UK, they give two additional days off, "bank Monday" and Sunday. The festival has been held since 1959, when refugees from the island of Tobago first took to the streets of Notting Hill. Now this festival (The Notting Hill Carnival) attracts more than 2 million people every year, and the London streets are turning into a branch of Rio de Janeiro.

Harvest Festival, on 22-23

Harvest Festival, on 22-23

-Harvest Festival, on 22-23 September,the Harvest festival is held in many countries and has its own name.In churches, there are traditionally baskets of vegetables and fruits, people sing hymns, thank you for a good harvest and decorate the houses in the autumn theme. -Halloween,on 31October,ow Halloween is celebrated all over the world, but it was born in the UK. Its traditions originate from the rites of the ancient Celts who lived in Ireland and Scotland. The Celts have long celebrated Samhain, a pagan festival when spirits descended to earth and roamed among the living. The pagans also celebrated at this time the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter. -Guy Fawkes Night ,on 5 November,he story of this day, or rather night (Guy Fawkes' Night), began in 1605, when a group of conspirators led by Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the English parliament. The plot was prevented, and now the British annually celebrate an unofficial holiday, which is also called the Night of Fireworks. Residents of the country call out firecrackers and fireworks, burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes and build bonfires.

Christmas ,on 25December,perhaps the most important religious holiday in the world -

Christmas ,on 25December,perhaps the most important religious holiday in the world -

-Christmas,on 25December,perhaps the most important religious holiday in the world - Christmas (Christmas). In the UK, it is celebrated according to the Catholic tradition, on December 25, according to the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the British spend time with their family, give gifts and arrange a family dinner. Four weeks before Christmas, Advent takes place in the country. -Boxing Day ,on 26 December, there are several versions of its origin, for example, that on the second day of Christmas, families packed the remains of festive food and small gifts, and then took them to the beggars.

Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to notice that

Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to notice that

Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to notice that Britain is full of customs and traditions. Most of them are very old. Some traditions are so old that they look rather strange to modern people. But the British do not want to part with them. They are rather conservative. But their old customs and traditions make Britain a very attractive country for other nations who have lost their heritage.

Literature: 1. Константин Васильев

Literature: 1. Константин Васильев

Literature:  1. Константин Васильев Pilot One Англия и англичане Издательство ТРИГОН 1998 Е.А. 2. Макарова Британский Транспорт Издательство ФЕНИКС 2012 год 3. http://ru.tsn.ua/foto/7-sentya 4. http://m.kalitva.ru/75761-jeti ... 5. http://900igr.net/fotografii/g 6. http://www.etoya.ru/ile-girl/t 7. http://ciwar.ru/srednie-veka/r ... 8. http://artpostergallery.ru/cat ... 9. http://wici.iteach.ru/index.ph 10. http://supermedportal.ru.com/

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